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what if no one breaks out as a serious challenger to donald trump. woodbridge and your governor glenn young can take the gamble? they're asking now might be his time to shine. the washington post is among those reporting that media mogul rupert murdoch has encouraged him to jump in and why does that possibility make democrats in virginia nervous? i want to bring in nbc's ryan nobles and also back with us is rick tyler. ryan, why would democrats care if glenn youngkin decided to challenge trump ? they are not worried about glenn youngkin taking him on but worried about what he might do to get there and in particular they are focused on the upcoming state legislative races in virginia that are happening this fall

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Donald Trump , Governor , Young , Breaks , Woodbridge , Morgan Stanley , One , Reporting , Washington Post , Gamble , Media Mogul , Rupert Murdoch , On Trump , U S , Nbc , Virginia , Glenn Youngkin , Democrats , Rick Tyler , Care , Ryan Nobles , State , Races ,

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