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Give republicans minority control over Critical Issues like abortion. And the brawl on an alabama dock that launched a thousand memes. Why is this Fight Resonating so much and will the Folding Chair Wind up in a museum . We begin tonight with donald trump obliterating norms for his political and personal gain. Norms like rooting for your country on the international stage. Call it patriotism, fandom, however you want to characterize it, we generally root for the home team when american athletes compete abroad and we are sad with them when they lose. The defeats can be soul crushing, and a lot of stomachs churned on sunday when the u. S. Soccer team lost to sweden in the womens world cup. It was an agonizing moment for the topranked womens soccer team in the world especially when soccer star Megan Rapinoe missed a crucial penalty kick contributing to the loss and then Something Weird happened. Conservatives relished americas loss, expressing a maniacal glee over their and by their, i mean our countrys world cup exit. They sent a clear message that its only America First if republican trolls like you, so all of that horrible basheling of saving womens sport, we knew that was a sham, but man, did they make it clear with the way they kicked the womens team. President biden did what perfectly normal humans do and what president s have always done in these instances, he congratulated the Team Including with a post on extwitter. You made your country proud, his post read, i look forward to how you continue to Inspire Americans with your grit and determination on and off the field. Its what were supposed to expect, right . A totally normal, standard, encouraging response from a u. S. Leader not named donald trump. As for trump, well, trump going to trump especially when it comes to women so he trashed them, cheering the teams defeat claiming they lost because of wokeness, while somehow blaming biden for the whole entire thing. Trump and his Maga Coalition specifically piled on Megan Rapinoe, the star athlete who has come to represent for them everything thats wrong with america, making her the latest casualty in the culture wars, and the latest example of the ethos of trumpism. Trumps freakout isnt about winning or losing or even about soccer or football as everybody else in the world calls it. Its about blowing up norm, decency, as Well Assen Stugzs that dont serve him. Donald trump doesnt believe in anything, not least in fair elections. He unleashes the hounds on political opponents for not kissing his ring and just as he did when he was in the white house he is continuing to use his seemingly undiminished power over millions of americans to trash our system of justice. Allow me to explain. If youll recall during his arraignment in the january 6th case, the Magistrate Judge issued a warning saying to trump, quote, it is a crime to intimidate a witness or retaliate against anyone for providing information about your case to the prosecution or otherwise obstruct justice. Do you understand these warnings, sir . Trump nodded yes. And then he swore that he would comply. Roughly 24 hours after trump exited the courthouse he turned to his social media platform to issue his own warning, quote, if you go after me, im coming after you. Prosecutors are aware of trumps tactics by now and asked for a protective order ahead of the election trial. They argue that trump could otherwise improperly disclose confidential evidence. On monday trumps lawyers urged u. S. District judge Tanya Chutkan, the trial judge overseeing his case to reject it, saying it would violate his Free Speech Rights and the whole free speech bit, well, trump grumbled about it today. Crooked joe now wants the thug prosecutor, this deranged guy to file a court order, taking away my First Amendment rights so they cant speak. So now i have one of these lunatic reporters back there saying sir, wed like to talk to you about your case, im sorry, im not allowed to talk about it. Somehow thats not good for votes, do you agree . I will talk about it. I will. Theyre not taking away my First Amendment rights. [ cheers and applause ] everyone calls him sir, but just think about it. If trump can make menacing threats to the u. S. Womens soccer team what would he do to some regular schmuck fake elector who dares to testify at his trial or one of his maralago employees or codefendants if they testify or another employee testifies or to mike pence . Its all just another attempt to take control of his country. He wants the power to publicize peoples testimony so he can publicly threaten them. Its a sub version of the Justice System which is exactly what he is being charged with, and because trump is a cult boss, a gaslighter in chief including our traditions, our very foundation allowing him to convince a third of the country that an attack on him is an attack on them. According to a new cbs poll, cbs ugov poll, i should say, there are strong party splits over what all of these indictments mean. Democrats see it as upholding the rule of law or republicans see it as a political move. 56 of them see it as an attack on people like them. Thats exactly what trump wants them to think as the Trial Lurchers for part. Judge Tanya Chutkan set a meet meeting, and joining us is manny hassan, and host of the Manny Hassan Show and former Senior Investigative counsel to the january 6th select committee. Manny, my friend, i do want to start with you because there is something about the culture donald trump has created at least for a third of the country that says nothing matters. The rules, the law, elections, rooting for your own country when a team is competing abroad. All that matters is trump and what he wants. That is a bizarre kind of cult, but at this point its clearly basically a religious cult. It is a cult, joy. Theres no debate about that. You just look at the irrationality and the hypocrisy. You and i and others would say hold on, hold on, donald trump said today that a preceding president cant ask an ag, but wait, donald trump did that in october 2020 when he told bill barr, but it doesnt matter. Thats not the world we live in. Its not that they dont know or dont believe you. They dont care. One thing that shocked me is not that they have cults and a lot of communities have kulls and its that the right decided to build a cult around that guy. Yeah. Thats the guy they chose for their cult of personality. This guy who is more mob boss than political leader. Were talking about intimidating witnesses. I mean, trump has spent years basically blowing stuff up, to use your phrase, politically, judicially, financially and every aspect of his public and personal life. We know how he treats witnesses and we know from the mueller report, Robert Mueller said in his report that donald trump tried to obstruct, intimidate or influence paul manafort, Michael Cohen and general michael flynn, roger stone, she said i was intimidated by all of the tweets the sitting president put out thargetting smee. You said what we used to do in the in the old days, hes going to billy witnesses, youiers, do you come in the country, my advice is you is saw a nonmouts forever. . I wanted in back to the poll. We put up the larger, poll, when cbs news asked if the indictments against trump are trying to stop the trump campaign, 86 of republicans said its trying to stop the trump campaign. An attack on people like you, 56 upholding the rule of law only 28 said its upholding the rule of law and only 26 of republicans said that it is defending democracy. At this point, mehdi, hes poisoned the jury pool. All he needs is one of them on the jury in either of his two trials. Thats the goal that his lawyers have set out. They seem to have at least achieved it among a majority of republicans . They are very good at messaging, we have to admit. His gaslighting has worked with a third of the population. The idea that its an attack on people like you. Hes nothing like any of his supporters. He looks down on them. We know that he looks down on them in private. The guy splits his time between a Wedding Venue in florida and a golden apartment in new york, and hes unlike any other human being you or i have ever met and the idea hes standing among them. The only way hes unlike is he has a Golden Shower curtain in maralago, which i still dont understand. Moot let, the defendants proposed order would lead to the public dissemination of recovery material and if the defense use the material mediate the case or media. Mr. Di oliveira still works there and they are completely dependent on trump financially. If either of them were to turn over everyday he would make mince meat out of them on social media. Anyone who testifies and the Secret Service and mike peps, what do you make of their insistence that they need to make peoples Testimony Public . I think President Trumps prior actions taking on individuals that cant protect themselves is informative here. I think about ruby freeman and shay moss who were poll workers in the atlanta area and how he used his bully pulpit to go against them and they couldnt protect themselves. I think of the Cassidy Hutchinson who while being asked to tell the truth was being pressured by President Trumps political circle to do the opposite of that. So i think he has a long history of putting pressure those two dont have the ability to protect themselves and i think the special counsels highlighting what truly is a real concern here. If they dont get their way in terms of the judges order, what can the prosecutors do to protect these witnesses who wont, i presume, have Police Protection or anything else. What can they do if they dont get their way with this judge . What i suspect is this will be an issue that will be revisited probably several times over with the judge, wherever she comes down initially, i think President Biden has sewn he has an inability fol loing court orders and this will be the beginning of the conversation with the judge and not the end. What do you make of the florida judge. Her ruling which she didnt seem to quite understand why there was a second grand jury. I feel like i could why there was. Does it make you suspicious that she questioned that and has demanded that prosecutors justify it . I did find it odd at this stage of the case that she would issue what can only be dribbed as a pretty aggressive order, and i think its surprising that she would be shocked that multiple grand juries could be investigating President Trumps whose conduct has been wide ranging over numerous jurisdictions. Im with you on this, im surprised at her surprise, to be honest. Yeah. Let me come back to you, mehdi. There was a piece today in the Washington Post that i found alarming and it was by a guy from the Hoover Institute who made themselves lower come it almost to be tried for any of these things, and bidens Justice Department putting him on trial, but it seems to me i would love to make that argument. You rob a bank and you say its too close to a bank holiday, you know . What do you make of these attempts by people trying to rationalize the idea that putting trump on trial is bad for the country . Ive been saying this for a while. According to the gop if youre a criminal in America Today best way to run is to run for president. You get an, munity ca upon you are running for prd, if they do not want a president ial candidate to be on trial, theres a simple solution, dont nominate that person as your candidate. If mitt romney had one trial against him in 2012 the gop of 2012 would not have nominated him. Trump has six, maybe seven next year and they dont want to be tried going into an Election Campaign dont do the alleged crimes. One thing i would give to trump, and i hate to say this. Ill have to take thai shower after this, joy, when he says why did they wait two and a half years to do this. I kind of agree with him and think, merrick garland, this is partly on you. We dont have to wait to have trials in 2024. We could have continue this earlier. Its not sunday, but you can get an amen because this has been my problem all looj. The the Calendar Creatives closer to the Justice Department. It took them a year to prosecute the people who barged into the capitol. Why did that taker so long . They slow walked it and now we have to live with the consequences, its bizarre. But at least its happening. Thank you both. Up next on the reidout, turning our attention to ohio where polls will be closing in just a few minutes on a referendum aimed at Derailing Apportion rights by attacking the idea of major orit well rule. We will bring you the latest when the reidout continues. Whs because it could be peyronies disease, or pd. Its a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. And an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. But pd can be treated even without surgery. Say goodbye to searching online. Find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a Treatment Plan with you. Visit makeapdplan. Com today. Detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. 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In just a few minutes polls are set to close in ohio where republicans were looking to convince voters that they should willingly limit their own power, a proposal on todays ballot called state issue one would make it harder for citizenbacked initiatives to amend the State Constitution. In basic terms, the issue would raise the threshold for passing future changes from a simple majority to 60 . It would also change the formula for collecting signatures for a ballot initiative. Currently initiatives need signatures from half of ohios 88 counties and issue one would require signatures from all counties. If passed it would reverse 111 years of direct democracy that has the potential to effect any future citizenled ballot efforts. Just let that sink in for a second. Reverse 111 years of direct democracy. David dewitt of the ohio capital journal points out Ohio Republicans have given up trying to persuade voters and they would rather just attempt to rig the game, but they might not get away with it. Nearly 700,000 ballots were cast in the early period and that is more than double the early vote during primary lechs in 2018 and 2022. I just dont think that this should be on the ballot in the first place. I think its a little bit sneaky. Im not very happy with how they are portraying it to try to wash it over something specific when really its just taking rights away from, you know, ohioans. I think people are pretty engaged. I think this is an important issue, and i think this is something we need to follow through with and more than just the behind the scenes issues. I think the important part is what we believe is the majority. So far, women make up 56 of that massive turnout. Cleveland. Com is reporting that republicans fell like they could eke out a close win by boosting sameday voting. Mind you, if republican his tried this a long time ago, only white men would be able to enlist in the Ohio National guard. Ohios governor wouldnt have term limits and ohioance would only have the option of straight Ticket Voting at the polls. All of those things were changed in the State Constitution by votes of 50 percent. Joining us is Melissa Murray Nyu Law Professor and msnbc legal analyst and david dewitt of the ohio capital journal. Mr. Dewitt, i am in possession here of your excellent and very passionate op ed about all of this. I want to let you say more. I quoted a little of it earlier, but please say more about why you think this initiative and voting on it is so important in your state. Right. This is, as you mentioned an historic election in ohio. Weve never seen an attack on this ever in our history as far as con sturl power. Every other time weve changed it, its expanded the power and this is the first time weve seen them try to rip away ohio constitutional voter power. So the election is historic in that regard and also its a blatant power grab and they want to rig it against voters and they dont want to be held accountable. Weve seen rampant corruption of 1. 3 billion Bribery Scandal that led to a 20year Prison Conviction for the former house speaker. Five years for the former head of the republican party. Last year they gerrymandered ohio and ignored seven bipartisan Ohio Supreme Court rulings to force ohioans on vote in rigged congressional districts and now they see polls showing that 58, 59 of ohioans are putting Abortion Rights in the constitution and they want to rig that in, too. So we see rampant corruption. We see rampant arrogance and we see them wanting to rig the game and strip voters of the power that weve had for 111 years. Melissa murray, david dewitt described it as an attempt to impose Minority Rule and thats the case all over the country. Each in kansas, the majority of republicans favor not having doctors go to prison or women go to prison for a medical procedure thats their own private business. This isnt even close. Theres new cnn polling and push for more restrictions on abortion nationwide and leave the decisions to states 66 . The overturn of Roe Versus Wade has had a negative effect. Its negatively affected women in their own states. The polling is very clear. Twothirds of americans regardless of party who do not want this. What do you make of the legal shenanigans that republicans are trying in ohio and in other states to try to force Abortion Bans on women . Joy, i think it is really important to understand here and david made the point, i think, really well that this isnt just about Abortion Rights. Abortion rights are symptomatic of this. This is an allout assault on democracy. We saw last year in the Dobbs Decision as the leader said that he was returning the issue of the states and it took real cheek for him to write that since the Supreme Court of the United States has done more than any institution in this country to completely distort the landscape of democracy in our country, but blessing Partisan Gerrymandering And Allowing The Rights Act could be hobbled so they could be passed throughout this country. The Supreme Court has actively made this a less democratic country and now theyve returned abortion to the states that have less representative governments, and so were seeing now that ohio and other red states want to channel Abortion Rights into their State Legislatures because they know that those institutions are so gerrymandered that the peoples will cannot truly be expressed there and the people are responding by seeking representative or direct democracy where they can directly reflect their own preferences and now were seeing that being stopped or thwarted and its want just ohio. Mississippi just reinstated its Voter Initiative process with one important caveat. They will not allow Voter Initiatives to be used for the purpose of securing reproductive rights. Thats the proposal thats on the table right now in mississippi. So this is throughout the country and its an assault on democracy. It definitely feels like gilead vibes. Lets play one of the State Representatives and there have been republicans expressing a bit of anxiety about all of this. This is State Representative jamie calendar, republican. Im afraid, this was rushed a little bit and we had to make a certain deadline in order to be able to get it done, and i think it could have borne a little more debate, and im not sure if i would have voted to put it on the ballot if it wasnt in that rushed format, if it wasnt a special election, if it didnt seem pretty hypocritical based on what weve done just a few months ago by eliminating august special elections. David, have you seen any or experienced any second thoughts among some republicans in the state . I well, we did have five republicans vote against bringing this proposal to the august ballot, but thats five out of 67 ohio house representatives or 62 supported it, five voted against it the and then the entire ohio senate voted against it. I think representative calendar, he is one who voted against bringing this to the voters in august, and i think ive seen some hesitation from some republicans, but theyre not speaking out very much. Theyre just kind of letting this happen. Probably concerned about getting primaried. I wish i had time to play it, but i dont. It was really wrenching testimony, melissa, from the women in texas who sued talking about nearly dying and being left infertile. Why do you think that those arguments have no effect on people like samuel alito and on republicans and states like ohio and mississippi. Samuel alito is going to samuel alito, joy. Those kinds of cases are going to have important effects in places like texas. Now in texas after the litigation, doctors know that they can prescribe abortion and can instruct an abortion in circumstances that are truly exigent without having to deal with the law and trying to figure out what that actually means and thats really important for women in texas. It really, again, needs to be underscored here. This idea that individuals cant have preferences. Were a democracy and were supposed to have a voice and they frustrate popular will and to be clear its shortsighted on the part of conservatives. They have advanced conservative causes like proposition 8 in california a few years ago. It is only now that theyre falling under fire and ohio is a perfect example of a brazen attempt to thwart the will of the people. We will find out very soon how the people of ohio decided to go forward in terms of their own power and their own rights. Melissa murray and david dewitt, thank you both. If theres any news on tonights Referendum Result being well bring it to you, but still ahead, the brawl that made folding chairs legendary and inspired more folks to learn how to swim. How a docside altercation in alabama became a viral sensation and whats being done in pursuit of justice. Montgomery mayor stephen reid joins me next. Stephen reid joins me next. 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As we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Jessie theyre called Community Schools. David where parents and families, students and educators are Making Decisions as one. Damien its a real sense of community. Leslie we saw doubledigit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. David its an innovation thats transforming our public schools. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. If youve been on the interwebs at all in the last couple of days there is a good chance that youve seen what has become the most viral video of the week, if not the whole year. And that is the alabama dock brawl, but in case you missed it, heres how it all went down. It started on saturday on the montgomery River Front Dock where they have restaurants and leisurist its and where boats large and smile, private and city owned can pull up. A Black River Boat Captain asked them to move the pontoon so the riverboat could dock. Before this was all one big leisure spot, the Montgomery Port was one massive slave port which will feel ironic in a second. The pontoon boat refused and one of the pontooners charged and swung at the Plaque Employee who from seeded to throw his hat in the air and fight back. He was quickly outnumbered and the group of white shirtless voters all started piling on him. Well, it wasnt long before black onlookers came rushing to the cocaptains defense, like he threw up a bat signal to the Sanest Issors and Harriet Tubman, and one swam to the dock to join in earning him endless nickname including him aqua b. Phelps and aquaman. Video shows men and women punching, shoving and kicking and one uncle threw a chair until the police came to break it up. Today we learned that three of those white men who attacked the river boat cocaptain are facing misdemeanor Assault Charges and the story has taken on a life of its own. Memes surrounding the montgomery mayhem have taken over social media, folding lawn chairs have been dubbed freedom chairs, hat to brittany cunningham. Folks are singing odes to alabama bullies try it in a small town. Some are recreating dramatic reenactments at the local pool and trending call lift every chair and swing. Joining me now is the mayor of montgomery, alabama, stephen reid and columnist of the grillo daily podcast. Thank you both for being here. Mr. Mayor, i do want to start with you. Give us an update, please on the arrests and whether all of those who are going to be charged have turned themselves in. First, joy, thanks for having me. I really appreciate the work you and your staff do every day. Thank you. Big fan. I follow both you and michael. So far in this, we have one person that is in custody of Law Enforcement. Two others who are not at this time. Theyve not been cooperative and so we will have to take some extra measures to deal with them, but thats where we are right now. The investigation is still ongoing as we try to sort out fact from fiction and try to go through the process thats led us to bring about thirddegree Assault Charges on these purpose perpetrators and what may be more to come. Lets be clear. Lets talk about the atmosphere in montgomery in the 24 hours before. Donald trump did a trump rally, he did a rally in montgomery about 24 hours before this. What was kind of the atmosphere in the city after he was gone . Because we know statistically hate crimes, violence tend to go up when trump comes to town. Yeah. You know, i dont think that having the former president here helped anything as it relates to his rhetoric, and the actions that he has taken. I dont think that helps discourse. I dont think it helps the environment overall when you consider whats happening in alabama this time with our State Legislature rejecting Supreme Courts order to draw the second congressional district. Theres a lot of tension in the air right now politically and i dont think having former President Trump here helped anything and some people can get a little bit too caught up in what they see online. I think some can get caught up in terms of what they read and what theyre hearing from, you know, their friends and their immediate circle and may take things a different way than maybe others would. And one more question, is these are misdemeanor Assault Charges that these men are facing. What about Hate Crimes Charges . These were, what . A multiple, six, seven, white men who jumped one black man who was just doing his job. Based on the information that we have as of now from the fbi, it does not meet their criteria, but were working very closely with the fbi. Weve asked witnesses to provide us with more information and testimony, as well, so this is fluid and things can change, but as of now we dont have enough evidence to move forward in our conversations with the fbi and again, we will continue to work very closely with Law Enforcement and we will be very intense in our approach to this and we realize the magnitude of what took place and i saw what you all saw and millions of other people saw and thats disturbing. Michael harriet, why do you think this has resonated the way it has . Well, you know, we saw this on the same internet that we saw, you know, the trend. We saw white people, you know, call the police on Bird Watchers and fishers and so i think the joy comes from, it was a rare example and an explicit example of justice, right . Like people, you know, getting what they were looking for. Finding out after they messed around, and so i think that was part of it, and i think, you know were in a country where we consume news about history being erased and you know, all of the people in alabama will be represented in congress and all of that creates that kind of trump was there the day before, right . And so when you think about all of that and what we consume on a platform, you know, this went viral on twitter and a platform that we know that hate speech has gone up since the purchaser purchased it, right . All of that contributes to the joy that in America Black people seeing a real example of justice is real. Its like jesus turning water into crown royal. So we celebrated those rare instances and i think there was a little bit of joy in that. You did a great piece interviewing the ancestors including Harriet Tubman who i know jumped out of the water with the 16yearold heroic boy who came to the rescue. I feel like the other piece of this has been the other expression of creativity. Black twitter was in its finest hour and on the platform whether tiktok or instagram. The memes, michael. These are historic and so is the folding chair. Yeah. I really think we dont have an august holiday, so how abouting they, and the brawl in alabama and this should be black peoples labor day and we should gather and have a freak nick on the shore in montgomery and like i lived most of my adult life near montgomery or, you know, i went to college in auburn and lived in birmingham, so i think this should be our new june teepth. We should have augustteenth in montgomery. You spell your name different from mine, but we might be cousins since youre a reid. Can we do it . Ill put it in the legislature and see if we can get that done. Come on, cousin reid, lets do that. Well work on the last names spelling, but were cousins by were family. Montgomery alabama mayor stephen reid reed and Michael Harriet of the grillo, thank you both. Much appreciate it. Coming up, justin jones expelled from a legislature for protesting gun violence has won back his seat and hes seeking full reinstate including his assignment. He joins me next. Well be right back. Oins me next well be right back. And a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. E trade from morgan stanley. With a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne Sensitivity Gum enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. Im a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. Summer. Its the hungriest time of year for kids across america. Kids whose hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. 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I did it my way they called the race. The people have won today. My colleagues, my colleague is on the portion and they messed around and theyre going to find out. Todays election is a reminder that their attacks on democracy will not happen unchallenged and the people sent an overwhelming message, a mandate to my republican colleagues that were going to stand up and fight back. That was state Tennessee State representative justin jones who along about his colleague justin j. Pearson won his seat back on thursday. Jason and pearson were expelled after leading the gun reform, days after a shooter murdered six people including children in a nashville area school. Their white colleague leading the chants with them, Gloria Johnson was not expelleded. Johnson and jones were both stripped of their committees. Pearson didnt have any at the time, but unlike jones, Gloria Johnson got hers back a few days later. Now that he won back his seat, jones is asking for his Committee Assignments back. Ahead of a Special Session that will address gun control. Eric holder is representing jones and wrote this to tennessees Republican House speaker, quote, it is critical that the representative that Representative Jones whose voice and leadership on issues of School Safety and gun control have been recognized throughout tennessee and the nation, participate in his Justin Joining Jones joins me now. Representative jones, lets update ourselves as of tonight. The letter that eric holder wrote on your behalf of a deadline of friday for the speaker to respond. And you gotten any response from the Speakers Office so far . Hi, joy. Thank you so much for having me. We have not gotten a response from the speaker. The speaker continues to delay and deflect from obeying the will of 77 of my district, a clear mandate of a response to our expulsion. But we know that whether it is the montgomery waterfront or the legislature of tennessee, we are in the find out portion of our movement. We have sent this letter informing him that i intend to serve my committees, that i am to be full Representative Forum my district, who represented me to who chose me to represent them on august 21st. When you were expelled and your committees were taken, what was the criteria . We have the letter that was sent to you, continue off your committees. What was the criteria for you being restored to your committees at that time . No criteria. The speaker, cameron sexton, operates like he is a king. He took off my committees, he said you are removed from your committees, gave no reason, no type of process to redress this grievance, to prepare. So we dont know what the processes. We have people like cameron sexton, these want to be dictators who just believe that they dont have any type of system or accountability that they should operate by and so we dont know. This is very unprecedented. So we hope that he will respond by the deadly line given. Otherwise we will continue to press in other ways looking at the courts and other means of redress. We realize the three of you were involved in this protest, but it definitely feels like Speaker Sexton has a personal victory all toward you. Am i reading that correctly . There was a lot of money spent to not let you win your seat back. It does feel like a lot of this is you directed. Do you perceive it that way . In this race i was the only one with the republican opponent, so most of my republican colleagues gave contributions. They sent out an email calling your lawbreaker, with a picture of me protesting racial injustice. They wrote opeds. They targeted me, the Fraternal Order Of Police came out against me. But we know that people power. One what they are afraid of is that i come from organizing for over a decade. Ive been at the capitol as part of a multi Generational Movement to change our state and theyre afraid of that. They all notice now the republicans anytime they dont get their way they retaliate. Weve seen it with what, sexton is doing with what trump is doing, this fragility of white supremacy. What they dont know is that we also stand in a legacy of liberation. Were going to resist. And were going to speak truth to power. The I Audacity The Hope For audacity, the identity of. Hopeyearold and clear and pushing against these extremists, and standing clear like we saw the folks in montgomery. What do you want to see happen at this Special Session about gun reform in two weeks . This is Special Session, we have the voices of tennesseeans will be heard. Over 70 of tennesseeans, republicans, democrats, in, independents are calling for universal background checks, say storage, a ban on high capacity magazines and assault weapons. Were hoping the governor will have some courage. He released his proclamation today. It was very weak. But he needs to stand and keep his promise to covenant families. We have to protect kids, not guns. Were not gonna put our childrens lives for sale to the nra and the association. We hope that Speaker Sexton will not obstruct democracy once again, that he will listen to the people and allow the process of democracy to play out and not try to intimidate his members from voting on common sense governance. I hope my republican colleagues will act, because their cowardice is killing our children and making is live in a war zone. I hope they have courage to act, not just for this generation but for the generations that are looking to us to lead in this moment. Briefly, what will happen if you do not get a response by friday . There will be a next step. We will look at redress through other means, whether that is legal means, through the courts, through going to the committees and forcing a response as to why can i not speakers it equal member of this body . I was elected twice already, even though ive only served for less than a year. We hope that the speaker will do his job and restore my committees, because its not about me, its about the people of my district to send a clear message who said they want the voice of my district heard, and speaker doesnt speak for us. I hope to serve as an equal member. I would love to have you back, Representative Jones, i want to talk about more at some point as whats happening to nashville, which is part of the stories level. Will it stay that for another time. Tennessee representative justin jones, thank you for being here. And well be right back. Ht back. Meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big Blender Power onthego. So you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are recharge quickly with any usb port. Best of all, it even cleans itself just blend water with a drop of soap. What are you waiting for . Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again rsv is in for a surprise. 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