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He is going to be moderating that leg of the tour, fascinating. And then just a few days later, at the stop in atlanta, the moderator is going to be stacey abrams. I am very excited about them, about all of their really excellent moderators. So, anyway, if you want to get a seat before the tickets are all gone, you can go to msnbc. Com slash prequel. Slash prequel, pr eq you the l, and i hope to see you there. Okay, thats it, that does it for us tonight. Now its time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Good evening, lawrence. Good evening, rachel, just completing my update notes. It is phoenix, october, 20 what . 25th. 25th, phoenix, october, 25th. All right. And is it true that marty walsh is going to be the moderator at the boston event . There is no boston event. Although, every time i have met somebody from boston since you lambasted me over that on tv, every single time i have been getting a bulking over not doing a boston event. But you are doing a Western Massachusetts event, which is kind of rare. Most people do it the other way, because that is where the people are. But i have to say, in the history of the commonwealth of massachusetts, you are writing a lot of historic imbalances by doing the western part of the state instead of where the people are. And where the bookstores are in the eastern part there are plenty of people in Western Massachusetts, we just keep a little more social distance. We like a little more elbow room. Rachel, by the way, i want to commend you for your coverage of the Trump Campaign today, which took place, of course, in a manhattan courthouse. That is exactly the way i saw. It he wasnt there for the trial, it was all about how he was going to campaign in the hallway, and try to hijack the coverage of the trial. Which has mostly worked, if you surveyed a lot of tv news today,. What donald trump says outside of the courtroom he gets more attention than what is said inside the courtroom, which is not the way we are going to be doing it in this hour, and is not the way you did in your hour. I will say that it is interesting to me to see the way that this particular trial makes him proverbially yelp. Like, apparently the public exposure of the smallness of his business is the thing that spurs him into action. Much more than the threat of prison or any of the other potential consequences of any other charges against him. It is simply about being exposed, smaller than he would like to be seen in a financial stance. Thats the thing that gets him almost, you know, sort of uncontrollably emotional in the courtroom today. Is to be believed. Rachel, we are going to go inside the room to the extent that we can without who was in the room today. And at the very end of the hour, we are going to be joined by congressman andy kim, who you mentioned at the end of your hour. He announced candidate democrat running against Robert Menendez, if Robert Menendez runs in new jersey. And he came in the house representatives, he was the very first member of congress in the house or senate to call for president , golden, thank, you lawrence. Thanks, rachel, thank you. Donald trump went to court today and once again, New York City did not care. Now, he might recall that there was much miss placed public worry about what could happen the very first time defendant trump had to go to court in New York City facing his first criminal indictment. What seemed like years ago, but was actually a very Pleasant Spring day, only six months ago. Donald trump has been indicted six more times and much more serious cases, making that forced Court Appearance in new york as a Park Criminal Defendant just a memory now. Donald trump publicly begged his supporters then to show up and protest in manhattan on that day, when they refused to come. Even though there are millions and millions of trump voters living within an hours drive of manhattan. And thousands living in manhattan itself. A couple of dozen very peaceful Trump Supporters showed up that day, i went down there and i walked among them that they. Correctly having absolutely no fear at all of what they might do, especially because the violent Trump Supporters who were willing to roar right for him were already in prison, or out on bail awaiting trial for the attack on the capitol on january 6th. One of the effects intended effects of criminal prosecution is deterrence. And every potentially violent trump not in america now knows that there is nothing donald trump can do to save them from going to prison. If they want to go to an american courthouse and go to war for donald trump. So there hasnt been a whiff of violence, or any unruly protest at any of the trump Court Appearances. And today, in manhattan, donald trump became just another guy from queens whose life took enough wrong turns for him to end up as a defendant in the manhattan courthouse. He is a civil defendant in this case charged with fraud by new york states attorney general. Donald trump is obviously decided to attend the trial, not because of what happens in the courtroom, but so that he can dominate the Media Coverage of the trial by making statements outside of the courtroom before and after the court session, and during the recess breaks, donald trump did that relentlessly today. We will show you nothing of what he had to say in those statements, because they are filled with lies. Lies about new yorks attorney general, and the judge in the case, and what we will show you, the occasional outright hallucination about joe biden. If i didnt, run i would be sitting right now in a beach, like biden does. Every thing donald trump said outside the courtroom was specifically designed to distract from the actual elements of the case inside the courtroom. He did say one thing that is relevant to his defense in the case. And that is the fraud overstating his actually harmed nobody. He is what donald trump said outside the courtroom about those loans. They were paid back on time, there was nodefault, there were no problems, the banks got back their money. Again, it was never a default. It was never a problem. Everything was perfect. There was no crime. And Andrew Weissmann will analyze the legal validity of that statement the moment. The hundreds and hundreds of other words donald trump said for the campers were entirely irrelevant and or outright lies and hallucinations. Including his vicious lying attacks on new york to 20 general, letitia james, and his even more intense attacks against the judge in the case, who donald trump lied about if you are really eager to hear donald trump lying about the judge, you can hear that on other programs, or online. But not here. Donald trumps plan and showing up at the courthouse today was to get tv coverage for his lies. The ongoing challenge in covering donald trump continues to be, as it always has been, how to cover donald trump without helping to amplify his lies and deliver them to even more people. Donald trump did speak in the courtroom today, but only in portions of a video recorded deposition for the case. In the deposition testimony, revealed in court today, we discover that of course Donald Trumps inhouse accountant Allen Weisselberg, who has pleaded guilty to committing criminal fraud while working for donald trump, is not a real accountant. Confidence has never been a reason for donald trump to hire people, and that is certainly the case with Allen Weisselberg who, it is under oath testimony, admitted that he doesnt know anything about generally accepted Accounting Principles. Which in accounting are identified by the initials g a a p, pronounced gap. If i said the praise phrase gap, g a ap, are you familiar with that acronym . Ive heard of, it yes. Tell me everything you know about gap, what is gap . Generally accepted academy principles, i dont know what is in, gap i have never took the exam. I never studied for it. So i dont know all the various components of what gap is. Are there any components you know about what gap is . Not really. Accountancy dont take the exam come cheap, and of, course Donald Trumps guy never took the cpa exam. Never studied for it. The fraud case is about gap, generally accepted Accounting Principles, Donald Trumps continued violation of generally accepted Accounting Principles, which he is under oath testimony, in his deposition, blamed on allen wrestle berg. To me, your obligation here of presenting the information in accordance with gap was alan russell responsible for that . I would say yes. So donald trump in his Underneath Deposition said that the person whose obligation it was to follow generally accepted Accounting Principles was allen westberg, who testified under oath that he doesnt know what they are. Leading off our discussion tonight, hes adam glass field. He is the senior Legal Correspondent for the messenger, it was in the courtroom for todays proceedings. They will, brad say youre good cube author of trump nation, the art of host of the bloomberg podcast crashing course. And an msnbc political analyst. Also with, us and youre weisman, former fbi General Counsel and former chief of the Criminal Division in the Eastern District of new york. He is a professor at Nyu Law School and coast of the Podcast Prosecuting donald trump. Andrew, let me begin with you. The one word of defense, line of defense that we heard from donald trump outside the courtroom, the only thing that actually it could change to the case in the way, thats him saying, look, none of these loans involved any problems for the banks. Although loans were paid back. So even if there was someone accuracy or disagreement obtaining the loans, what matters is the loans were all paid back. How does that work as a line of defense . Well, legally through relevant. That is not a defense to the six counts that are under trial. Remember, one counters has already been found guilty by the judge. The issue here, but to potential defenses are intent, in other words, was their intent on the part of each of the defendants, including donald trump, to mislead. And there seems to be based on what the judge has already said. There is going to be significant evidence of that. The other is did the banks or Insurance Companies rely on the false statements . Meaning, did they care about. It or did they make their own determinations they stormed their own analyses. Again, i think on that it is important to remember that it is necessary that the judges said that, that you have to find it. But if you ask the bank officer, would it make a difference to you if the person asking for a loan is a veteran and has committed fraud in the course of their business. It is hard to imagine that an executive from a Major Financial Institution is going to say no, it does not matter. Thats sort of subjective, a view of the person who is asking for militant, militant dollars, its going to be something that is important to the group. Its also remember what the person says is going to be relevant to not only the size of the loan that you might make. But also the rate that you charge the person. So whether you ultimately pay it back, that is not your call. The issue was whether the bank would be willing to give you and its what rate. It just is not a defense. And its also one where, remember, this is tied to the judge, not to a jury. So the judge is not any way shape or form going to be buying off on a legal defense. Tim obrien, i am waiting for the testimony from the Bank Official who says, well, i read tim obriens book about donald trump lying about his wealth and his assets, where would like to know from these Bank Officials if they didnt read your book, why didnt they . Because in some cases, they were just willing to go along for the ride during trumps fleshliest media. It was simpler to give him the loan and then look the other way. Or in other cases, i think they believed the hype. You know . The thing that you raised about a gap, it is both donald trump and Allen Weisselberg, certainly they know what gap is. It may not be that they know what every component of a Financial Statement is that allows you to say it comports with generally accepted Accounting Principles. But they know essentially it is a Good Housekeeping seal of approval. And in fact, one of the documents trump routinely trotted out to the media and gave his bankers a statement of Financial Condition was this semi ridiculous document that trump and Allen Weisselberg conducted at the Trump Organization put it out into the world as a statement of what is worth was. And in every single one of those documents, it said that this does not comport with gap. The people that people put them in their workers on accountants. Trump routinely tried to strongarm as accountants to see that the documents from bordered with gap. And they wouldnt do it. And he knew i. And he knew that they wouldnt do it because they didnt believe him. And he was sitting there with a bicycle pump essentially, pumping it up and down every day around every assateague island. I think the banks either looked away, the banks took him out his word, the banks. In any case, however that played out, they were willing to go along with what he was telling them. Adam class failed, because you are in the courtroom, i want to give you the last word privilege as guests who were in the courtroom always get, tell us anything you think we need to know about what happened in the courtroom that we dont yet know. And dont even know how to ask about. And whatever you think is the evidentiary high points or important points of the day . One thing that wont come across with the pond going into the courtroom and seeing trump entering the courtroom was something that we basically started the show with. Which was the fact that trump was deeply unhappy. Now, i attended trumps arraignment in the hush money case in new york. His arraignment on the Election Obstruction Case in washington d. C. This was the sourest i have seen trump enter a courtroom. And it seems that legal journalists covering these cases might have to find new synonyms for lowry. He entered the courtroom very hunched over, taking very deliberate steps until he sat at the Defense Table for the day to begin. And it goes to the point that was made just at the start of this show, that this case, those civil cases, though not one of his four indictment has cut to the heart of things, has made the former president deeply unhappy. Adam, in the last few minutes of the day, apparently the judge indicated that there is a statute of limitations restraint that could come to bear on a certain amount of the evidence in this case. How do you expect that to effect the case Going Forward . Now that was very interesting moment, because it was just a split screen about how the day started, and that Glowering Posture that i mentioned. And what trumps reaction was at that moment is that he put both of his hands up and gave two thumbs up when the judge made an issue of the statute of limitations. Basically said it in the context of, we have had the first Witness Testimony of the day, and the testimony related to conduct that was around 2011. And in order, the judge said, hey, if you dont connect this to conduct from later on in 2014, this stuff isnt really relevant. Now, trump had a different take on that, a little bit more expensive take on that after the day was over. But the judge was very clear in his ruling, and i encourage folks to read the ruling. That the statute of limitations issue was an argument from trumps attorneys that he rejected. Its an important issue, its an issue that will come up on appeal. And the judge is definitely going to hold the a. G. s feet to the fire in terms of the visibility to make it clear that the testimony she brings in, and that the evidence that she elicits go to the heart of when the timeframe of this cases. Adam glass, felt nothing like being in the courtroom, always invaluable, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Tim obrien, thank you, Andrew Weissmann, thank you for starting our fall discussions. And when we come back with the first speedy trial speeding toward, us in georgia, at the end of the month, they District Ernie has already flipped one codefendant into a cooperating witness for the prosecution. While another subpoenaed prosecution witness is demanding immunity in exchange for his prosecution testimony. Thats next. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. he hits his mark center stage and is crushed by a baby grand piano. Youre replacing me . Customize and save with liberty bibberty. He doesnt even have a mustache. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Have Heart Failure with unresolved symptoms . It may be time to see the bigger picture. Heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome. Shortness of breath. And Irregular Heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attrcm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. Sound like you . Call your cardiologist and ask about attrcm. Are you still struggling with your bra . 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And most if not all of the trump codefendants, including former u. S. Attorney rudy giuliani, who used the u. S. Attorneys office as primarily a Launching Pad for his pursuit of Elective Office in new york. Scott hall is a georgia bail bondsman, every day of his job is spend taking money from people to help them escape the hails of jail while awaiting trial. Scott hall is one of the criminal Justice Systems profiteers. He is in a position to understand what the odds are for criminal defendants in georgia like himself. And he is betting on Fulton County District Attorney fani willis instead of his own Criminal Defense Lawyers by pleading guilty and accepting a sentence of five years probation. And agreeing, quote, to testify truthfully at any further Court Proceedings to include trials of any codefendants. Sydney powell is one of the codefendants who is scheduled for a speedy trial beginning at the end of this month. The indictment says that scott hall and codefendant sydney powell, quote, unlawfully conspired to use the computer with knowledge that such use was without authority. And with the intention of taking an appropriate information, data and software. The property of dominion voting systems corporation. We can now expect that scott hall will be testifying at sydney powells trial, accusing her of doing exactly what the indictment accuses her of doing. And testifying that he did it with her. The case to cans sydney powell just went from strong to overwhelming. Another witness now subpoenaed to testify at that upcoming speedy trial of Codefendants Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro is bernard kerik, who has already been convicted of crimes committed while he was New York Citys police commissioner. Which he was promoted to by then mayor giuliani after serving as the mayors shoulder. Bernie keriks criminal defense attorney Tim Parlatore said in a letter to the detainees office, quote, mr. Kerik intends to his Fifth Amendment rights and, refuses to answer any questions, today mr. Parlatore said this. Would he potentially be helpful in a case against sydney powell . I think we would. And i think that that is kind of a wrinkle to this case. Its difficult on a whole bunch of different levels. So i could see why they would want him to testify relevant to sydney powell. But if you are not willing to give him the basic protections that any normal prosecutor in any other prosecuting office in the country would do, then you are just not going to be able to force them to testify. Back with us is Andrew Weissmann, and joining our discussion now is amy lee copeman, a criminal defense attorney and former georgia federal prosecutor. Amy lee, it looks like the speedy trial prosecution case was significantly strengthened with this plead eel . It does, lawrence, good evening. You know, last week sydney powell filed a 213page motion that was about 23 pages of writing at about 180 pages of exhibits. Laying forward what seemed to be a trial strategy. Just telling the d. A. That the evidence that she had put together showed that she really didnt have anything to do with. It now, at about page 210, her attachments had Ceos Deposition that said that sydney powell was her customer. But sometimes in life it works and lock in the nails that stands up gets hammered. And having laid out what looks like to be her defense, and what she thinks the weaknesses are in the case, we All Of A Sudden see mr. Hall getting a plea deal, and then we see mr. Carey becoming more of an interesting witness to the prosecution. I just have to finish writing that, down the nail that stands up gets hammered, okay. I am going to need that in the future covering this thing. Andrew weissmann, two things here. You have the new very willing now prosecution witness clearly going to be a powerful witness in the case against sydney powell. And also, this issue with bernie kerik, how do you expect that to be resolved as the issue of his testimony approaches . Will he get an Immunity Deal to testify . So what you are seeing play out is the when you have a strategy like fani williss, which is that you indict big, you are putting more pressure on people like mr. Hall and mr. Kerik and others to cooperate. And you see people starting to point fingers. The same way in that little clip of donald trump pointing a finger at Allen Weisselberg. You have now Tim Parlatore, the lawyer for bernie kerik, saying, you know, you might want to give him immunity, because he can help you on the sydney powell deal. But thats, you know, thats a real prosecutorial decision. Those are the things where you are sort of paid the big bucks, which is to decide whether you really would give immunity to somebody like bernie kerik. And its unusual to me to see his lawyer essentially making that argument on television. To me it suggests that there may not be playing out so well, or he is having private conversations with the prosecutors. Because immunity is asking for quite a lot for somebody who is already a convicted felon. He was pardoned, by the way, by but donald trump. And i could see the prosecutors thinking, you know, i am not so sure it is worth the market. Remember, they just got a new witness for this with respect to sydney powell. And they indicted the case without having any of those people. Felt confident they would win the case. So i dont know if theyre willing to strike a deal, but that favorable unless he really has the Keys To The Kingdom with respect to sydney powell and others. Amy, lee released a letter that he wrote to the District Attorneys office, a very angry letter insulting the District Attorneys office and the way they have been operating. And saying that if he doesnt have a deal, he is just going to go to court and take the Fifth Amendment and every single question. How, first of all, how do you think the d. A. s office received that letter of his that he released publicly . And what would you expect to see happen in court now with witness kerik. Well, it was not a gentile letter lawrence, it was a scorcher. He not only vindicated his own rights or sought to vindicate his own rights by saying he would take the fifth, he really went out of his way to, say and by the way, all these codefendants who cant crossexamined me if i take the fifth, thats a Sixth Amendment Confrontation Cause Violation to. So he wasnt leaving any stone unturned in that letter. It will be interesting to see what plays out. To get immunity in georgia, the judge actually has to approve. It the d. A. Has to go to the judge to get an Immunity Deal. And so, mr. Keriks attorney says, you know, basically you have two options. Either gave me immunity or we will have a hearing before the judge and he will determine if this is incriminating or not. But mr. Keriks whole point, through his attorney, is that this creation of, yours d. A. Willis, that you named me as an unindicted coconspirator. And if you want to retract that and assure me in writing that i am not going to be prosecuted, i will be your witness. It is interesting, though he is on can chaz burrows list too. And there are some issues with trying to get on out of State Witness to testify in the state of georgia. It would be much more of a burden for mr. To testify. But with him being named as an unindicted coconspirator, i cannot imagine that mr. Kerik would do anything other than take the fifth if he were a defense witness. Amy lee copeland, thank you very much for your invaluable local knowledge of the way things work in georgia courts. Andrew weissmann, thank you for joining this discussion. And andrew, please stay with us for the next one, because coming up, its working. The pressure on Clarence Thomas is working to the point where he has recused himself for the first time, from a case involving the attempt to overturn the president ial election. Which is wife was praying would happen. Thats next. It helps keep me undetectable. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. Its really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. 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Woo hoo ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. the pressure on Clarence Thomas is working. Today in a Supreme Court ruling rejecting an appeal of an earlier case by Donald Trumps codefendants in the georgia case, John Eastmans Supreme Court revealed that Clarence Thomas recused himself from that case. John eastman is a former u. S. Law clerk of Clarence Thomas, but the Supreme Court justices are constantly hearing cases in which their former law clerks appear as lawyers representing one side or the other. And they dont recuse in those cases. John eastmans failed appeal to the Supreme Court was an attempt to reverse a Lower Court Ruling that forced him to try and turn over emails to the january Six Committee that john eastman said should have been protected by Attorney Client privilege. Federal judge david carter forced john eastman to hand over his emails because of the crime, fraud exception to the Attorney Client privilege. The judge wrote, the illegality of the plan was obvious. That was not something that bothered Clarence Thomass wife about any of the plans to overturn the last president ial election. Thanks to the january 6th committees subpoena for former white house Chief Of Staff mark meadows, Text Messages, we know that two months before the january 6th attack on the capitol, Clarence Thomass wife texted mark meadows, do not concede, it takes time for the army who is gathering for his back. It took exactly two months for the army to gather, attacked the capitol, a week later, Clarence Thomass wife texted mark meadows, just forwarded to your gmail an email i sent jared the same, sydney powell, improve coordination now will help the Capitol Cavalry come and fraught exposed in america saved. Sydney powell is, of course, now a criminal codefendant with donald trump in georgia. As judge carter said, the illegality of the plan was obvious. Clarence thomas did not recuse himself from a Supreme Court decision involving mark meadows Text Messages, which means Clarence Thomas ruled in a case that involved the Text Messages of someone who was Text Messaging with Clarence Thomass wife about matters that are now considered criminal by prosecutors. But because he is finally feeling the pressure, Clarence Thomas has now finally recused himself from a case involving criminal plots that Clarence Thomass wife was relentlessly cheering on. While watching Rudolph Giuliani participate in what is now an accused criminal conspiracy, lying about the election on television, with hair at die down the sides of his face, Clarence Thomass wife saw that and texted mark meadows, saying tears are flowing at what rudy is doing right now, four exclamation points. After this from the capital, Clarence Thomass wi, o attended the rally before the attack on the capitol, texted mark meadows. We are living through what feels like the end of america. Most of us are disgusted with the vp. Clarence thomass wife was disgusted with the Vice President who followed the law and cheered on donald trump and his criminal codefendants every step of the way. So while this is Andrew Weissmann, andrew, this recusal by justice thomas, like all Supreme Court recuse, as well, not all of them, but many. It did not include a reason. It is not exactly clear what that reasoning is . It isnt clear. But i think you hit the nail on the head just to use the same expression. It would be very surprising if it was just john eastman was his law clerks. Its quite common for locker, Supreme Court justices to appear in front of the court. Thats actually one of their prime jobs after leaving their clerkships. Taking on that role. So you have to assume that he has rethought, to put it terribly, whether he should be presiding in these kinds of cases. And you think that it is beneficial, even though it is far too late, and it will be interesting to see if you will continue to, and interesting to see whether Justice Alito coming up with this current term where there are a number of financial entanglements that suggest just as much of a reason, if not more so, to be recusing. And the conduct of certain of these justices has really caused the court to be held in increased disrepute. And i think if you ask probably most of all, by other members of the federal judiciary who are bound by rules of ethics and who do not do anything remotely close to what has been reported by propublica about two of the justices. Andrew weissmann, thank you very much for essentially cohosting the first three quarters of this program with me this evening. I really appreciate, it thank you, andrew. Youre welcome. Coming up, californias democratic governor will appoint a new democratic senator for the biggest state in the union tomorrow. Showing new jersey just how quickly new jerseys democratic governor could appoint a new senator to replace the indicted Robert Menendez. Thats next. Life, diabetes. Each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. Glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. 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It starts with our free online hearing test. You can fine tune your settings with your remote audiology team. With jabra enhance select you can get the same advanced Hearing Aid Technology and professional care you expect from a clinic at a fraction of the cost. Try it risk free for 100 days. Visit jabraenhance. Com. Most governors never get the chance to appoint to the United States senate, the California Governor Gavin Newsom will do it a second time tomorrow. When laphonza butler, is sworn in by Vice President Kamala Harris to take the place of senator Diane Feinstein who died on friday. Governor newsom appointed alex medea to the senate to take the place of Kamala Harris when she became a Vice President. And as soon as she takes the oath of office, Alfonso Butler will represent more people than 98 other senators. And she will do that in the end of next year, california voters will have the chance to choose their next woefully smooth the that is senator Robert Menendez. New jersey democratic Governor Phil Murphy assess that Senator Menendez should resign so that he could, the governor could immediately appoint another democratic senator to replace menendez. 31 democrats in the senate are urging the indicted senator to resign. Well every republican in the senate is hoping menendez continues to refuse to resign so that republicans continue you to minimize what it means for a politician like donald trump to be under federal indictment. The first member of congress to call on Senator Menendez to resign was our next guest. New jersey congressman andy kim. Joining us now is democratic representative andy kim of new jersey and he recently announced his plans to run for the United States senate thank you very much. Thank you for joining us tonight, we have reason to believe as of now that Senator Menendez will not only refused to resign but will be running against you in a democratic primary for the democratic nomination for senate in new jersey next year. Thats, right from all indications after myself and the governor and others called for his resignation, the last weekend he said these lands just stuck in my head. He said i am not going anywhere. And those lines kept me up all night, friday into saturday last weekend. Where i just decided that, look, if he is not going to step down that we need to give the people of new jersey a choice. So that is exactly why i stepped up to run against him for the primary. If he doesnt step down enough that somehow doesnt happen. This is someone who was indicted before and did not resign then he got a hung jury, he got a hung jury which means that in his trial, some jurors voted guilty, some voted not guilty. And that hung jury was good enough for him to just returned to the senate as if nothing had happened. But if he were to resign, do you think new jerseys governor should do this the way californias governor did it . And appoint someone who will not run to hold office in the seat . Right now it doesnt seem like the senator is going to resign. But one way or another i think we need to make sure that the people of new jersey have a choice in this. After everything that we have seen with Senator Menendez one thing that i hear from people over the state is that, you know we can have Backroom Deals and we can have the situation where it just seems like the decisions being made about our democracy and our politics are so far away from the people and being done by just political leads. So i want to make sure that we move forward and the governor certainly can appoint. But i also would hope that we can have a very strong and rigorous process where the people can decide in the primary as well as in the general election next year. One reason for someone like Senator Menendez to resign is that he desperately needs the paycheck. He actually needs that senate paycheck, he specially as a criminal defendant he needs a percentage paycheck so on the assumption that he just stays in there collecting this paycheck until the end. How should Democrats Campaign around him. And not get the stain of the menendez corruption on other democrats. I think this is a moment for the party, which is why i was glad to see that the governor and others stood up and called for his resignation. This is a moment where we say that integrity, matters character matters. You, know i am somebody who, honestly, i never thought that i would be in a elected office. Any result i would run for congress. I did this because i felt like now is the time for change. I used to work in diplomacy, my first boss had this line that he would say. He said you dont have Good Government unless you have good people working in government. But i think about that all the time. We have to make sure that we step up. And i hope to be part of that new generation of leadership. If elected, i would be the fourth largest senator in the country. Id be the first Asian American elected to the United States senate from the entire east coast of the United States. That is why i think we have so much energy, we have people donating, you raised about 1 Million Dollars just in our first week since i announced and i hope people are excited about that. That they want to learn more and they can go to any can. Com. Representative kim i would like you to come back to discuss your candidacy in a positive way in terms of issues, but this man and its a she was the one that dominates us on this subject tonight. Congressman andy kim, thank you very much for joining, us really appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Well be right back. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. Life, diabetes. 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The 11th hour with Stephanie Ruhle starts now. Hle starts now tonight, defend trump in court for his civil

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