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Bodies, all places. Every one of us knows somebody who has been killed, taken in captivity. He was saying mommy, we are trying to get out of here, but im bleeding, we were shot. Everyone who was shot. And she said mommy, im afraid i will die. This is the Worst Nightmare for every mother in the world. We are in hell right now. That is where we. Are we want to live without the fear of terrorist crossing our border. Every hour there is news of people being bombed in their homes and dying. People sat on top of us. There are lots of children, very young children, whose bodies were laid on the floor. We were expecting death at any moment. Were expecting that the whole gaza strip will be erased at any minute. So im like, show evacuate now . Or should i just wait for my death in my own house . Its a huge big cage that we are trapped inside and there is nowhere else to go. Good evening once again. Im stephanie ruhle. It has now been 14 days since the horrific act of terror by hamas, a war that has started all kinds of discussions about geopolitics and borders, but more than anything, this war is about people, civilians, human lives, and so many families are forever changed. So this our gonna focus on the human toll of all of this. The rescue efforts, the survivors, those who stories are at the center of this war. That includes a story of freedom. Freedom for two women who are captured during the Terror Attacks, two women we spoke to right here last night or, just hours ago and those women were the first hostages released. American israelis, Judith Raanan and her 17yearold daughter natalie, they were in israel visiting now leads grandmother for her 85th birthday when they were kidnapped by Hamas On October 7th. Natalies father, very emotionally reacted to the release earlier this evening. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. For two weeks. I havent been sleeping for two weeks. Tonight i am going to sleep good. I spoke with my daughter earlier today, and she sounds very good, she looks very good. She was very happy. And she is waiting to come home. Im going to hug her and kiss her and its going to be the best day of my life. Mother and daughter are now in the care of the israeli military. President biden spoke to them on the phone earlier tonight, and the u. S. Embassy in jerusalem posted this photo of judith and natalie on that call. The story hits home for all of us, especially here at nbc, because last night we found out there are also Family Members of longtime former nbc Foreign Correspondent martin fletcher. Hes heres what he told us 24 hours ago. I just found out today the two of my wifes family are among the hostages. I am so sorry. So this is a very personal. , a very personal thing. And by the way they are americans. Natalie, im sorry for bringing this on you, natalie and Judith Raanan, different evanston, illinois. Filled with relief, gratitude, and some joy, earlier tonight martin talked about their release with my colleague tom giannis. The family is celebrating obviously because they fear there would be physical damage. But ive got to say one thing, family celebrating. I know this sounds incredible. Theres another Family Member whos also in gaza, to. One Family Member was buried today, killed in the same attack, and another one is still a hostage. All the same family . All the same family. And this is the story of the families in that part of southern israel. Because it was a certain group, kind of people who went to live there in the first place. The story of natalie and judith is just one of so many were going to highlight tonight. That includes death of 28yearold natalie , unamerican who was at the Music Festival when terrorists took over and killed 260 people. She escaped with her life. Here is what she saw, when she heard, and what she went through two long weeks ago. Natalie, we are so grateful that you are sharing your story. It has been almost two weeks. How are you doing . Its honestly shocking to hear you say that. And same time it feels like its been a day and also feels like its been months. Time, honestly, blurs so much after youve been through Something Like this in each day steering situation seeing the situation get worse but also get better in some cases, there have been cases of people that they thought were dead the turns out they are still alive, which gives us some hope. How am i doing . Im happy to be alive. But im praying every day for all the hostages. You are the portrait of hope for so many families of hostages, praying that their daughters, their sisters, their nieces, could be freed like you. What happened to that day . I went to this festival with a few friends. I was actually resting in our campsite when the rockets first started coming. A lot of the kids that were dancing at that time, they thought that the boom was part of the music, or that it was fireworks or something to do with the festival. I was woken up by a friend who came to alert me of what was happening, the rockets were sent our way. The way she reacted to what was happening, as an israeli citizen, i was one of the only americans in my group it was there. She came up to me to tell, me a few rockets were sent our way, but its fine. This is something normal for the area that we are in. Not for a girl from long island. Definitely not for me. But for israeli kids it was really citizens, it was a reality for them. Its something they were used. Two theyve grown up hiding in bomb shelters. What happened . They said oh dont worry, and then what happened . We kind of just stood there. I stood there in shock and we waited to see if it would stop and as time went on one rocket after the other just sent our way. The Festival Security had shut off the music and asked everyone to please evacuate to their cars. We all went to our cameras and it is point we had no idea the terrorists where they are on foot with guns. I had asked my friends if i could go use the bathroom before we head to the car, before we leave. I figured will be a few hours until we get out. As you can imagine, its thousands of kids trying to get out of this festival on the same dirt road. There would be traffic. And when to use the bathroom before we left. And a few days ago i saw a Video Surface of the terrorists coming to those exact bathroom stalls, just shooting at all of, them trying to kill anyone who is inside. Since the festival happened, of all the videos that i have seen that surface, this was one of the ones that hit me the hardest. Knowing that i was there moments before, and that if i was there moments later, that i might not be here today. What happened next . We went to those restrooms, and then you didnt get to the car. We do get into the care. The Festival Security asked everyone to go down The Dirt Road. I like to point out that they did their best to get everyone out safely, and most of them die doing their job. We started driving, and eventually the security asked us to pull over to the side of The Dirt Road and get out of our cars and iran. We couldnt understand why they would ask us to do such a thing. You hadnt seen anyone on the ground. You hadnt seen any guns . Not yet. At this point we only heard the rockets. As soon as we pulled our car over to the side of the road, thats when we heard the first gunshots. And as soon as we heard the first gunshots, we just opened our doors and started running. Kids were running in every direction. Nobody knew what direction was the direction to safety. They really was no direction to safety. One of the most terrifying things was running in a specific direction, thinking that youre running to safety, and then seeing dozens of other kids running in your direction, and realizing that theyre running from terrorists, theyre running from gunshots. And having to make a Split Second Decision on where to go next, and every decision you made was a decision that either save your life or got you killed. Are you spending a lot of time thinking about that . If you turn right, not last . And future looked forward not backwards . There was one specific decision that we made. We passed by a ditch, filled with a number of other kids, and they told us to get in this ditch with them and hide from the terrorists. We almost did. Until one of my friends said, no, this is a bad idea. If we hide in this ditch and they come from above us, we have Nowhere To Run. We are done for. Because of him, we kept running, and we later found out that the kids who stayed and hit in the ditch were shot and killed. Its just so hard to think about the fact that every little decision we made it up saving our lives. But it couldve turned out so differently. Have you slapped since then . Its hard because you feel the certain mount of guilt as well. Even though you got out and you were, quote unquote, safe now. You feel a certain amount of guilt. Why me . Why not them . Indefinitely keeps you up at night. How long were you running for . We ran for about four hours. Straight . On and off. When we didnt hear gunshots for a few minutes we would catch our breath. Try to imagine, we are running in the sun. We have no water. Are you around . Or not at all. A lot of, some of the Festival Goers ended up staying in their cars, and a lot of them were picking up girls that were still running, and a you had offered me a ride, but i stayed with my group. I felt more safe being with people that i knew personally. I just kept running with them and trying to keep up with them. What were you wearing . Were you dressed, im just trying to picture this . Not at all, i was dressed for a festival. I was dress to dance. I was not dressed for this at all. And for four straight hours, youre running . And then what happened . Eventually along the way we ran into a police officer. He gave us directions. He told us run in the direction of the sun, because in that direction there was a town, the town of pettycash, that was the closest town to get to safety. We kept running in that direction, and in about four hours we passed by a small tree and we decided to sit down under the tree and catch our breath for a moment. What conversation did you have one another during that time . We were all just sitting and looking at each other at this point. We dont know if to give up hope or to keep going. While we were sitting under that tree, a big white Pick Up Truck started driving in our direction. Our automatic reaction was this is terrorists coming to kill us. And i just remember looking around of the kids sitting next to me, and we are kind of have got up for a second and thought to run for our lives, and then we all looked at each other and kind of realized, if this is a terrorist, thats it, we have Nowhere To Run to. Where are we gonna go . And we kind of just all sat down and accepted our faith, that this is a terrorist, then this is the end. Thankfully, lucky for us, it wasnt a terrorist. It was a man from the town who had left the safety of his town and driven towards all of this to save innocent lives. A white. Of a white governor white Pick Up Truck. I dont even know his name. I never even got to thank him. We all hopped in the back of his truck. He drove us to his town, and as soon as we got out, he turned right around and risked his life all over again to save more lives. How long before you are able to get home, to talk to your family . It was a few hours that we were in that town. While were in that town they had us go to the bomb shelter. There were people from that town reading off lists of names that they were receiving from parents who knew that their kids were at this festival, kids that werent answering, kids that might have been killed already or kidnapped. And they were just reading of lists of names in the hope that one of their kids was there in the bomb shelter. When you are coming home to the u. S. , im sure you could not wait to see your family. But did part of you want to stay . I mean, such a traumatic experience that probably also held you there in some way. Theres a big amount of guilt that comes along with leaving israel at a time like that. I remember someone told me they had a conversation with a travel agent, and they told her, you must be so busy, booking flights out of israel. And she said yeah, i am, but even more busy booking flights into israel. That just shows how resilient our country is and how much they come together when we need each other. I have friends who survived this festival who escaped death, who have no realistic in the army to protect their country. Being here, a lot of people asked me if i feel safer now that im here, now that im back in new york. I cant say that i necessarily feel safer. With all the protests i see happening, not just in the u. S. But in europe as well, i think most jews would say they dont feel very safe right now. Are you shocked by the protests . Yes. I am shocked by the misinformation. I am shocked at the fact that people think that this is an issue of israel versus palestine. This isnt an issue of israel versus palestine. This is an issue of israel versus hamas, a Terrorist Organization, who is just as complicit in the death of innocent palestinians as it is in the death of innocent israelis. Once people realize that we have the same enemy, that this is a Terrorist Organization and we come together, we have a higher chance of defeating them. Before you are here in new york, where you are in Washington Meadows government officials, you met with several gentlemen. What is your message to lawmakers . What do you want them to do . My message to lawmakers is that israel needs their backing right now. They need their support. They need americas help in defending themselves. The fact that we are fighting a Terrorist Organization right now, its on israels soil, but it can just as easily be on Americas Soil tomorrow. Thats what people need to understand. Thank you so much for sharing your story, for being here with us. We are blessed that youre alive. Thank you. For having me. Thank you. Natalie is blessed to be home safe. My next guest is still in the region every day trying to save lives. He is Chief Of Staff of the National Paramedic service in israel. You and i spoke just a few days after the first attacks. October 9th, when many people were looking at that Music Festival attacking comparing it to september 11th. You said it was nothing like 9 11 because it was like the attacks were happening and happening. Your own paramedics were being shot at. People were trying to steal their ambulances. What has it been like since then . It is two weeks now. Well, since then we are fully prepared for anything to come. We still, we keep learning about how our people behave like heroes that day and we just heard about Making Decisions and a split second people were decided to go and risk themselves in order to help others. And at the same time, we look at the northern border, and hezbollah, trying to drag israel to war, to more violence, risking of innocent civilians. And for those people to protect their lives. So its very tense in israel. And this uncertainty of the last couple of weeks is something that puts a lot of israelis under attention, both in terms of security, both in terms of emotionally, on clearance and this is what we have to deal with right now. What has it been like for you and the other rescue teams . We know, on the other side, we know in gaza city, even before the explosion in the hospital there were not enough hospital beds. Not enough doctors. What is it like in israel . How has your work been . What we are doing this time, we prepare our equipment. We understand that a full scale war will require a lot more medical equipment, many more ambulances. I spoke about the uncertainty of the list. This is the time to be prepared. To go over all the operational parts. To enhance the coordination. With the army, with the police, with the fire department. But at the end of the day, we all hope that this will end very soon. But if not, again, we have to make sure that we are prepared. We cannot go back to october 7th, we are so many people didnt know what is happening, didnt know what is happening with their relatives, we are besieged and not able to receive this so important medical help they need. And we are preparing. While hoping that everything will and very soon. Uri, thank you for everything youre doing, and thank you for being here tonight. Thank you so much. We really hope that things will go back to normal life. Nevertheless, were there for people, if needed we will be there for them. Thank you so much. The hamas attacks devastated so many close knit Thriving Communities along the israel gaza border. The families who survived and will now never forget the hours of unimaginable violence carried out in places that they called home. My colleague kelly spoke to families in the beeri kibbutz about what they witnessed. Anthony family hit four hours in their safe room, reading about the horrors on their phones. Leaving the father of three considering the unthinkable. And one point i thought i was gonna have to kill my kids. She and her teenage daughters came face to face with the terrorists. And we just said to them, please dont kill us. Please, we didnt do nothing. Dont kill us. They spared her and her daughters, but took her husband and daughters boyfriend. So much sadness. Too much, but nobodys crying. Its no contact between my heart and my mind. Kelly joins us now. Kelly, first, i want to start by thanking you. I think about how hard it is sitting here in the safety of new york covering this tragedy and it is hard on us. You are there, and you have seen firsthand these faces of war, the children, the families, people whose lives have been torn apart and turned around for the last 13 days. Tell us what it has been like . It has been hard. You have to have a very cold heart to not feel for these people that you meet every single day. I just remember the very first family or one of the first families that we met, the parents of two sisters both in their twenties, and when we met them, their daughters were missing. They didnt know if they had been kidnapped or killed. We walked into their home, into their apartment. They didnt know us. They trusted us with their family story. And as soon as we walked and they just hugged us. These are people that i had never met before. We just hugged and held tightly. The girls father just sobbing, and its that kind of raw emotion, that deep deep grief that has really stuck with us throughout our reporting here. Not just with that family, it is happened with lots of families we have met. Just that the aid for comfort, for them to get some comfort from anyone, from a stranger, who they are sharing their story with. That is one of the real moments that has really stuck with, with our team. We havent gone into a house where we havent brought note the tissues. They have been a lot of tears. You try to stay neutral and keep control your emotions, but its an incredibly tragic, difficult story. Emotions are just so raw. It is, quite frankly, hard to maintain that neutrality, that mask that we try to put on, just so that we can report the stories as accurately as possible. It has been a tough one. And i just want to say, not just for the families of those kidnapped missing and killed, but also for people across the society, and we talked with funeral director. He finally knows what ptsd is because he has performed so many funerals. He has dealt with so many victims bodies, that he cant get this mail off of his hands. He said he talks to people, they tell him, they cant smell anything, but he says he knows its in his head, and he just cant get rid of it. Its a very very deep wound and its across society here. You covered, unfortunately, many different war zones and conflicts. But has the last two weeks been very different . Because there are so many people and they dont even know if their Family Members are dead or alive because of all the uncertainty around the hostage situation. Yeah, it has been different. Its sort of, like, its an ongoing nightmare. And some of the people we have spoken to describe it like that, they wait up in the morning and they think that it didnt happen, that its not real, and then they realized, oh yeah, my Family Members are missing and maybe they are held captive, but maybe their bodies just havent been identified yet. We were at a funeral yesterday for a 23 year old man, and it took authorities 12 days to identify his body and return him to his family for a burial. And its just because of the vastness, because there are so many victims. Of course ive covered other disasters. Ive covered earthquakes, where it takes a very long time to pull victims from the rubble, where you have grieving families. But in a lot of those cases, first of, all they are natural disasters. In some way its easier to grasp. This one has been very difficult for the victims to really grasp, but to get in touch with. We interviewed one woman from barry, kibbutz beeri, her husband was kidnapped along with her daughters boyfriend, and she told us, and i think you saw it in that piece, she said, i feel like my head is disconnected from my heart. And its like, again, these people are living this nightmare every single day, and its almost a protection mechanism. They cant allow themselves to believe what is has actually happened. Steph, its an ongoing nightmare for a lot of people here. I can tell you, we are grateful for you, that you are they, are telling these stories, because it is essential for people on my side of the world to know what is going on and to care about it. Kelly, thank you so much. Coming up, a sliver of hope for the hamas hostages after two americans are freed. And the red cross is helping to get them home safe amid a across the entire and later we hear from from journalists who The 11th Hour Special Report very important. Ry important my dad was a hard worker. He used to do side jobs installing windows, charging Something Like A Hundred Bucks a window when other guys were charging four to fivehundred bucks. He just didnt wanna do that. He was proud of the price he was charging. My dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. Be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. I think hed be extremely proud of me, yeah. Can we get real clear about life with psoriasis . Yeah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. 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The humanitarian crisis that we have seen unfold last day and israel is devastating. There are too many people killed, injured, taken away, now have been forced to leave their homes, and many of them had been forced to sleep in the open. There is few food and water. This year, its been dire and becoming worse every hour that goes by. The rhetoric around this war is so heated, what do you want the world to know about the everyday people who are literally caught in the cross fire . Indeed, there is a lot of rhetoric. We need to focus on the Human Suffering that the Armed Conflict generates for many civilians, children, mothers, daughters, that are impacted, deeply impacted by the devastation every day. They should not be the center of this conflict. They should be protected, their rights should be protected, and a call on all sides to respect their obligations under International Humanitarian law to protect any civilian from harm. I know your organization is also trying to gain access to hostages held by hamas. What are you trying to accomplish . Do you think that you can help with their release . What is interesting are three things in particular. All the hostages should be released. Barr into, were working to get access to them to check on their situation, insisting that they receive from what they need, either medication or other things. Also, that they are allowed to communicate with their families to send a message to their family, were in contact with the families, and we hear from them. Not knowing what will happen to their loved ones. Even if you do get humanitarian relief into gaza over the next few days, what do you think the long term effects could be like . People have lost everything, and israel as not even invaded yet. Its really hard to protect now the long term effects of what is happening these days. What is clear is that the Human Suffering already the Emergency Needs are huge right now. You need to get more help to people, who are suffering every day and our. At the same time, we also know that much of the essential infrastructure is deeply affected, it will take a lot of time, but beyond the essential services, beyond water and electricity, it is also the scars for many families who might have lost a loved one that will take years to hugh. More in, you and your team responded to crises around the world helping the most Vulnerable People in some of the worst situations. How do you stay hopeful, especially at a moment like this, when it feels like things are only going to get worse . If you work for the International Committee of the red cross, by definition, you need to focus on what you can do for people. Each time we are able to realize a child that lost their parents, each time were able to bring information who have been detained to their family, each time we can improve the access to water, to health, we also see that there is some there is not only despair but also hope that you can help, even in the most dire situations. Martin, thank you for everything that you are doing. We are sending you love and prayers and get stuck in the days ahead. Thank you so much. Coming up, more than just a job, our next guest s life on the line to rescue people at theisraeli missing festival, all Well Reporting live on the air. The 11th hour special on the people they wore returns after this. Eturns after this when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. 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Joining me now, a journalist and a hero, and israeli radio journalists, ramy, who drove his personal car to the Nova Festival and evacuated dirty Festival Goers while courting all of it on the air. I am so honored that you are here tonight. Your work, what you did as a professional and a person, extraordinary. Have you spoken to any at the people that you have had help since . First of all, thank you, stephanie, for your coverage. For many of us, being able to share our stories. If you know, i said at this exact time two weeks ago, i tracked who were living there. At this hour, we started hearing gunfire, so they began to shoot in israel. We also heard a lot from nearby the cyclists quickly come inside the tunnel beside the road. I move my car, because i understand that the tariffs are exactly nearby, and they can shoot the cyclists. After about 20 minutes, i go back to the place where we started. I started to do my job as a journalist, first with a lot of security. With the ambulance, so i go with them. After about five kilometers, i saw a small group of cars, a couple of people there wounded very hard. I helped them. This was the first time that they could not move a woman to my car, because she was wounded hard and the stomach. I tried to go to bring them help but i did not succeed because of the people, israeli red cross, could not go because it is under Drive Gunfire in the area. I tried to help the people who are wounded. I helped the im got to go to this place, the safety place. In the meantime, i saw a couple of young people behind the train. I go back there, remind you it was all under fire. Everybody was shooting, the police, the army there were helicopters that she also with the people to look for the terrace. And i go from the tree. There are a lot of people in front of us, 150 meters thick so, but a group of armed terrorists, we quickly lived this area but bring them to the safety place and hoping to bring some other people, stephanie. Since then, what has it been like for you. Every day, are you reliving that im or, in touch with any of those people . When they saw me interview, one of the young people called the journalists in israel. He arrived here and said that this nightmare take us to a safety place. Since then, it all started to move on. People said i have to show myself, so my daughter put in facebook. From there, everything start only sent their parents. They were going to the army. We are in touch. I hope we find all of them because my fiancee want to make a big meeting after the war. How beautiful, ramy, thank you for your work, thank you for your reporting, thank you for saving those lives. Thank you, stephanie, for having me. When we come back, well talk to more people like romney. 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Welcome back, i want to hi, im eileen. I live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. Dogs have been such an important part of my life. I have flinn and a new puppy. As i was writing, i found that i just wasnt as sharp and i new i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. I realized that i was much more clear and i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. Prevagen keeps my brain working right. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. Bring in dr. Sheer dinner, shes working on the ground and is your with one heart, a nationwide network of volunteers during national emergencies. Thank you for your work. I want to start with the conditions on the ground right now. What are you seeing . Hello, we are activating right now over 25,000 volunteers all over israel, if you are. We see everything. They are helping populations that were evacuated from their homes. For babysitting kids that their parents want to fight. They are even organizing weddings for soldiers and people who have been evacuated from their homes. We see Hundreds Of Thousands of people that were displaced from their home, need to cope with the new reality of displacement, so we see mass places with whole communities who have had to start their lives from the beginning. We see difficult medical conditions in the hospital, soldiers sorry, i could not hear you for a moment. I know youre in israel. We have been trying to speak to doctors and volunteers in gaza for the last two weeks, but they had bad internet connection. I want to ask you about efforts inside gaza city. We know what happened with the horrific Hospital Explosion but before then, there were not enough beds to help all the people who needed them. What do you know about the situation there . We are focusing on helping the community and National Resilience in israel. We are not dealing with the military aid and support, so we know what is happening here. We know that humanitarian aid was sent from israel before the war and even now, a few days ago. We are focusing our efforts on the National Resilience development and site of zero, our initial and people of israel on the home front. We saw videos of groups of children with Special Needs who have been displaced that you are helping. Are you now trying to build or create new facilities because entire communities have been displaced . Exactly, that is what we are trying to do. Right now, were providing educational system, temporal system and centers for the kids that have been displaced from their homes, right now living in remote places that have no structure of education after everything they have been through. We are providing them a solution for mental health, for Education System and even for logistics and the humanitarian and welfare help with equipment and living and everything that they need every word that they are. What do you need most right now . We know that there are humanitarian aid efforts underway, but there are still so many areas, so many people that need support. Right now, theyre in need for medical supplies, search, need help in medical aid, medical supply, constant dedicated to this purpose. We need our hospitals to be ready for everything, we are preparing ourselves for a big hit. We are trying to protect by developing the resilience and sense of security that was damaged in a way that we probably will have to try to fix for years from now. We need funds to enable kids to go back to life, to enable people to go back to homes and feel safe and provide their medical needs, provide our teams on the ground the ability to treat everything that they see, either in the military or in the civil hospitals. Any support will help. We just order from around the world. I want to thank you for the opportunity to tell our story and show the world what we are going to. Doctor, thank you so much for being here, as you await, as you said, a big hit. It could be any day now, the invasion of gaza could happen, and people are bracing for what comes next. Thank you for being here. For you awesome, thank you for watching. The stories of human lives are the stories that matter most, so many people, their communities changed forever. And this war, sadly, has just begun. We will keep telling their stories and be thinking about all the innocent victims and their families across israel and gaza. Well be thinking about them tonight and throughout the weekend. Please be safe. On that note, i wish you all a good night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late, ill see you at the end of monday. End of monday j. P. Morgan Wealth Management knows its easy to get lost in investment research. Get help with j. P morgan personal advisors. Hey, david ready to get started . 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