People who he is, he pretty clearly and look, his running mate is doing this, too. You know, this is my diplomatic way of saying it. They're misogynistic pigs. Liz cheney, republican, with some brutal honesty about donald trump and yd vance as she announces she's not the only cheney endorsing kamala harris. Also tonight, donald trump finally admits he lost the last election. Like maybe we'll all forget about the heavy cost this country has paid for his election denying lie. Plus, republicans like trump and vance again deny that the problem is the guns. After the deadly school shooting in georgia. And even after trump himself was shot at by a gunman armed with an ar15. And we begin tonight with 60 days to go until the election. Just four days until the first presidential debate between donald trump and vice president kamala harris. And while the vp is currently in pittsburgh prepping for that showdown on tuesday, you know, a normal campaign thing to do, the other candidate hasn't held any formal campaign events this week. Instead, he's been delivering what can best be described as rambling and incoherent rants proving yet again there is something deeply, deeply wrong with him. We saw this on full display at this morning's event billed as a news conference though it didn't include a single question from the press. Instead, trump screamed into the ether for nearly an hour, complaining about how unfairly he's been treated. He disparaged his legal team who were lined up right behind him. He denied and mocked some of the sexual assault allegations against him. And in between, he just mumbled a bunch of nonsense. Here's a taste. This is being worked with the doj, department of justice, as are all of these cases. They all come out. Atlanta, fani, that is all department of justice. Nobody knew that. We were called, i was in the white house, and i said no, it never happened. I didn't even know what they were talking about. This was, i think i was in the oval office, sir, you know anything about this? and this had to do with the book. She had a few pages in a book. The late great bobby knight basketball coach, he would scream at those refs and everything, said, they would say bobby, you're not going to get the decision overturned, yeah, but the next one i will. And he was right. He was a great basketball coach. It's a hoax, it's a scam, it's a political witch hunt. And some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Thank you very much, everybody. Did you see the looks on his lawyers' faces as they were looking at him like watching their whole dreams go away and realizing they had thrown their lives away. That guy wants to be in control of the nuclear codes, but somehow, despite all his ranting and raving about judges and how unfair the system is, donald trump has rarely ever paid a price for anything in his whole life, something we got more proof of today. When judge juan merchan pushed his sensing for the 34 felony charges he was found guilty of until after the election. Writing, quote, this matter is one that stands alone in a unique place in this nation's history. And that this delay should dispel any suggestion that the court will have issued any decision or imposed sentence either to give an advantage to or create a disadvantage for any political party. Once again, donald trump dodges accountability. A privilege that you or i or anyone else in the country would never, ever be afforded. This is a man who just keeps getting passes. Not just in the legal system, from the media too. I think it's time we seriously talk about it. Trump is a man who incited an insurrection, who was impeached twice for abuse of office, and indicted four times. That is not an insult. Those are the facts. Add to that, he is visually, clearly impaired, mendacious, and vengeful. He has no agenda but retribution. Those who would set the agenda in his second term are the idealogical extremists who cooked up project 2025. There's a stack of resumes from maga sycophants waiting in the wings. It's stephen miller who wants to throw migrants into internment camps. It's roger severino who wants to ban abortion nationwide. It's jd vance who wants to turn post menopausal women into a national fleet of nannies but think the precious kids getting gunned down at school is just a fact of life. And that is why we in the media, we have to do better. Journalists have a front row seat to history. And we influence how america understands just what is at stake. We have got to dispense with this obsession with the horse race instead of the issues. We have to stop covering for trump by reframing his incoherent loopy, misogynistic rants as anything but what they are. Evident of his fundamental unfitness to ever have been this country's president in the first place, and ever to be again. This process of rehabilitation that journalist aaron rupar calls sane washing is happening nearly every time trump opens his mouth. Just take a look at how fox tried to clean up an answer that the woman who asked trump a simple clear question at the economics club of new york described as incomprehensible and outrageously offensive to the millions of families drowning in costs. If you win in november, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable. We're going to be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taking in. We're going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we'll worry about the rest of the world. He gave an impassioned defense of free market policies. I was impressed. For crap's sake. Guys, there is no cavalry coming to save us, period. There is no knight in shining armor. The generals like jim mattis and mark milley will not fight this battle. It is just you and your ballot. We have 60 days to insure our democracy remains intact and out of the hands of that mad man. Joining me is political strategist basil smikle. Tim o'brien, and molly jong fast, special correspondent for vanity fair. I throw it to all of you. This i'm going to start with you, molly. Because it is beyond clear that this man is impaired. This is the oldest person who has ever run for president. He cannot finish a sentence without rambling. He calls it the weave. Right. But we're taking it seriously. He's going to debate the vice president of the united states on thursday. When you're talking about this normally bias we see in the mainstream media where they feel they have to treat both candidates as the same functionally because otherwise they'll see partisan. And that's how we got here. They don't want to seem partisan, they don't want to make it seem like they're lefties, and so they're treating these two candidates as the same. But you and i both know, that answer and the other answers, trump's other answers from that were as incomprehensible as the first one. I do think, look, autocratic stuff where he's saying he has all these autocratic plans, you know, the convention where the people had the signs that said, mass deportation now, like, none of that is normal. And i think it's really important, it's not partisan to tell the truth. Right? it's not partisan to say, we have never had a president who is auditioning for autoocracy, who says the constitution just go down the list. The fact dick cheney is endorsing him is a good sign that none of this is normal. This is liz cheney talking about dick cheney doing what molly just said. You know, if you think about the moment that we're in and you think about how serious this moment is, you know, my dad believes, and he said publicly that there's never been an individual in our country who is as grave a threat to our democracy as donald trump is. Tim, let me read you what dick cheney said. He said in our nation's 248year history there's never been an individual who is greater threat to our republic than donald trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again. As citizens we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our constitution. That's why i'll be casting my vote for kamala harris. Dick cheney is a far right conservative, as is his daughter. If he's saying that, you know donald trump, you have covered him a long time. Is he not impaired? is he not a threat? is dick cheney not, i can't believe i'm saying this, not correct? yes, he's impaired, not fit. I think we have watched this unfold on a public stage now for nearly a decade. I think the only difference with trump now is that his hearing has gone, his speech is going, he's become even more nonlineal than he used to be. But these efforts to sort of impute policy or impute strategy or impute coherence, or rationality on just to daily massive doses of word salad and nonsense is because i think the public dialogue won't just go to the place it needs to go, which is to say he's absolutely unfit. And if you put up socalled policy proposals next to one another, where kamala harris, for example, is talking about housing and tax subsidies for builders, low interest loans for buyers to deliver homes to the needy or to anybody who actually wants to home in a squeezed market, and trump's policy is mass deportation of immigrants. That's not a policy. And none of that is designed to deliver housing to the american people. It's just trump latching on an old hateful meme essentially onto any topic he wants to pretend there's a policy. I don't think the media should treat them as equivalent because they're not. In the economic club speech, he gave yesterday, the clip you gave on day care, you know, the thing underlying his rationale for how he'll pay everything is massive tariffs on china which would get picked up by consumers, not by companies and not by the chinese, if they were ever enacted. It will never generate enough money to pay for every single program trump has ticked off, including child care. And he and his team haven't thought through any of this stuff rationally. And he's not a messenger for rationality. He's a performance artist and he's dangerous. Yeah. And the bottom line is he wouldn't be running the country. It would be the people behind project 2025. It would be them, and yet what we get from our friends in the media is a vague vacus tv interview didn't help kamala harris? only four of the questions in this interview that they're claiming oh, this was vague and vacuous. Conservative moms charmed by trump who would rather avoid his misogyny. The new york times called them squadrons of helicopter moms buzzed off white wine. This is moms for liberty, the people who are attempting to ban, you know, normal school books from because they have a gay character in them or a black person in them. And they're being it's all being washed into this on the one hand, on the other hand. Yeah x i love what my colleagues have said. But where my mind goes is that as incomprehensible and as incoherent has trump has been over the last week, more so than we have ever seen him, there are still a lot of people in the room who are going to support him because he'll reduce their taxes. The reality is a lot of the very wealthy in this country that are supporting donald trump will do so at all cost for that exact reason. And they will on the other hand fund all of the propaganda that props him up and diminishes kamala harris. And so what is concerning to me, therefore, is that while we're seeing the enthusiasm and the interest around kamala harris and where believe that her support is becoming deeper within her base, so more turnout, the cheney endorsements help because what they can do is help defend kamala harris when a republican tries to go after her. That's not to say they're going to be out there on the trail with her, but what it does do is give a permission structure for some republicans who may have stayed home say i can go out and vote for her, but the ongoing concern is that as, again, as ridiculous as donald trump sounds on a daytoday basis, there are people who are still going to fund everything that he's that they want to promote through him. He's just a vehicle. Yeah, and i have said over and over again, i'll say it again, my team has heard it 147 times. I apologize, the reallythening you need to think about in this election is december 31st, 2025, when that tax cut expires. Because there are people who they don't care if this country burns to the ground. They will do whatever for the tax cut. Not everybody. I'm going to put a list on the screen. 88 corporate leaders because not all the rich folks are on the wrong side. The founder and ceo of ceo box, the ceo of yelp, the chairman of snap, the former ceo of 21st century fox, who is a murdoch, rupert murdoch's son james, the owner of the nba's washington wizards, the mystics, and the nhl capitals, jeffrey katzenberg, former chairman of walt disney studios, facebook cofounder, magic johnson, of course. There are some rich folks, you deal with rich folks. You know you cover bloomberg. You know, in kamala harris' new fundraising numbers for the month of august, i think she hit $315 million or something like that. Over $600 million since she got anointed. 20% of what she raised in august were from republicans and independents. According to the campaign. And i think it does show that money may always be a priority for all of us, but there are a lot of people now who are recognizing what a threat donald trump is, and they will vote against their own economic interest to prevent him. Go ahead. Donald trump is very bad for the markets. I mean, in the end, it's not even he's very bad for the economy, and what he wants is a kind of crony capitalism we see in hungary and russia. That is not you have a lot of poverty in those countries, and you have a lot of inequality and very few people sort of you know, it's a kleptocracy. That's what he's advertising and we have seen that with his family. There's one thing to want a tax cut, but really what you're doing when you're voting for trump, you're giving it over to this nondemocratic absolutely. By the way, we have these we have mini versions of this in this country. Louisiana, mississippi, alabama, trump will make the whole country that. That's where, you know, kamala harris has to talk about that. She has to hit that point many times in the debate and throughout the campaign to say that everything you're hearing from donald trump, just take the worst of that, nationalize it, that's what you're going to get when he becomes predof the united states. If you're a woman in this country, he and his running mate think you're a human incubator or a nanny and you have no other purpose in life. That's whether you're rich, poor, black, white, they don't care. We're going to hide them for a minute, and then we're going to bring them back. First, trump is now admitting he lost after he led to more than 1,000 arrests and multiple deaths after january 6th. And we're facing that very same threat of violence ahead of this upcoming election. That's next. Is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. Keeping you up and running with