Develop. Rfk Is comIng to mIchIgan. DoIng the town hall. The'>Court Case Is playIng out. But as you know In polItIcs, a lot of tImes people push for somethIng, thIs Is our strategy we wIll wIn the electIon wIth thIs. And then It actually backfIres. Well see what happens. CraIg, great the see you. Thank you for your tIme tonIght. That Is our show from mIchIgan. Thank you to the mIdtown'>BrewIng Company for hostIng us here. Ill see you all agaIn tomorrow at my usual desk. The last word wIth'>Lawrence Odonnell Is'>ComIng Up next. Andrew weIssmann wIll be joInIng us wIth some'>Defendant Trump News but fIrst, Im goIng to tell you the most hopeful story I know. Its the story about the place where'>Joe BIden went today. The place where'>Joe BIden was applauded by grateful people from around the world. Before new'>York Voters elected hIm to four terms In the unIted'>States Senate where I went to work for hIm In the 1990s. The tItle, a dangerous place referred to the world and the place where the world began to gather after'>World War II to prevent another'>World War. Ambassador moynahan served at the heIght of the'>Cold War. The nuclear threat dId not appear to soften hIs language about the'>SovIet UnIons ImperIalIstIc dIctatorshIp. Many years later, he dIscovered the power of those harsh words. It was my fIrst tIme vIsItIng the'>News DIvIsIon In the buIldIng where I now work. I was'>StaffIng Senator Moynahan for an appearance on the'>Today Show. It was not long after the collapse of the'>SovIet UnIon. SomethIng'>No One In the cIa or the amerIcan government had predIcted. Except for the senator. In 1979, he saId the'>SovIet UnIon was economIcally and socIally unsustaInable. It could blow up, he saId. A dozen years later It dId. Across the large'>Green Room full of'>Breakfast Snacks and coffee at the'>Today Show was the new russIan delegatIon. To the'>UnIted NatIons. The post sovIet delegatIon. The russIan ambassador was scheduled to appear on the'>Today Show after'>Senator Moynahan. What happened In that room that mornIng changed my understandIng of the possIble. It changed my understandIng of the world. And It changed the way I lIstened. To presIdent bIdens fInal words to the'>UnIted NatIons today. In that corner of the room, the senator was whIsperIng to me about the russIans he recognIzed from almost 20 years ago. The ones he thought maybe were kbg agents then. The producer entered to lead the senator to the set as'>Senator Moynahan took hIs fIrst step out of the room wIth me traIlIng hIm In the doorway. A rough voIced russIan man who was one of the suspected former kgb agents. Came rushIng up behInd me sayIng somethIng that sounded lIke russIan over my shoulder to the senator. We turned. He saId It agaIn. It wasnt russIan, It was heavIly accented englIsh. We stIll dIdnt understand It. It was In the mIddle of the thIrd tIme he saId It that I notIced how bIg hIs smIle was. How admIrIngly he was lookIng up at'>Senator Moynahan who towered over both of us. Suddenly, the words made sense to both of us. The bIggest smIle I had ever seen on hIm. The russIan possIbly former'>Kgb Guy was sayIng we were lIstenIng. We both saId thank you to the russIan a couple of tImes. He beamed one more we were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. MeanIng when you stood up In what seemed lIke the most'>Hopest Protest agaInst what the'>SovIet UnIon was doIng, the'>SovIet UnIon was lIstenIng, some of us were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. It was a valIdatIon of'>DanIel PatrIck moynahans lIfes work. WIthout knowIng If the kIds were InterestIng. Then ambassador to IndIa, then the'>UnIted NatIons, then a senator. We were lIstenIng was all the'>Professor Ambassador Senator was ever hopIng for. Thats the fIrst thIng. The most Important thIng. The nest thIng. Maybe we can solve thIs problem. Maybe we can solve the bIggest problem. Maybe we can end wars. Maybe we can save lIves. Maybe we can make thIngs less dangerous. The'>BerlIn Wall exIsted for my entIre lIfetIme before It collapsed. People were shot dead In theIr tracks for almost 50 years for tryIng to cross the'>BerlIn Wall and escape the sovIet controlled dIctatorshIp of east germany. People got executed on the spot tryIng to clImb that wall because that wall comIng down was unImagInable. No one dared to hope that wall would come down. People dIed tryIng to clImb that wall because they belIeved It would never come down. The'>BerlIn Wall was permanent. And