Develop. Rfk Is comIng to mIchIgan. DoIng the town hall. The Court Case Is playIng out. But as you know In polItIcs, a lot of tImes people push for somethIng, thIs Is our strategy we wIll wIn the electIon wIth thIs. And then It actually backfIres. Well see what happens. CraIg, great the see you. Thank you for your tIme tonIght. That Is our show from mIchIgan. Thank you to the mIdtown BrewIng Company for hostIng us here. Ill see you all agaIn tomorrow at my usual desk. The last word wIth Lawrence Odonnell Is ComIng Up next. Andrew weIssmann wIll be joInIng us wIth some Defendant Trump News but fIrst, Im goIng to tell you the most hopeful story I know. Its the story about the place where Joe BIden went today. The place where Joe BIden was applauded by grateful people from around the world. Before new York Voters elected hIm to four terms In the unIted States Senate where I went to work for hIm In the 1990s. The tItle, a dangerous place referred to the world and the place where the world began to gather after World War II to prevent another World War. Ambassador moynahan served at the heIght of the Cold War. The nuclear threat dId not appear to soften hIs language about the SovIet UnIons ImperIalIstIc dIctatorshIp. Many years later, he dIscovered the power of those harsh words. It was my fIrst tIme vIsItIng the News DIvIsIon In the buIldIng where I now work. I was StaffIng Senator Moynahan for an appearance on the Today Show. It was not long after the collapse of the SovIet UnIon. SomethIng No One In the cIa or the amerIcan government had predIcted. Except for the senator. In 1979, he saId the SovIet UnIon was economIcally and socIally unsustaInable. It could blow up, he saId. A dozen years later It dId. Across the large Green Room full of Breakfast Snacks and coffee at the Today Show was the new russIan delegatIon. To the UnIted NatIons. The post sovIet delegatIon. The russIan ambassador was scheduled to appear on the Today Show after Senator Moynahan. What happened In that room that mornIng changed my understandIng of the possIble. It changed my understandIng of the world. And It changed the way I lIstened. To presIdent bIdens fInal words to the UnIted NatIons today. In that corner of the room, the senator was whIsperIng to me about the russIans he recognIzed from almost 20 years ago. The ones he thought maybe were kbg agents then. The producer entered to lead the senator to the set as Senator Moynahan took hIs fIrst step out of the room wIth me traIlIng hIm In the doorway. A rough voIced russIan man who was one of the suspected former kgb agents. Came rushIng up behInd me sayIng somethIng that sounded lIke russIan over my shoulder to the senator. We turned. He saId It agaIn. It wasnt russIan, It was heavIly accented englIsh. We stIll dIdnt understand It. It was In the mIddle of the thIrd tIme he saId It that I notIced how bIg hIs smIle was. How admIrIngly he was lookIng up at Senator Moynahan who towered over both of us. Suddenly, the words made sense to both of us. The bIggest smIle I had ever seen on hIm. The russIan possIbly former Kgb Guy was sayIng we were lIstenIng. We both saId thank you to the russIan a couple of tImes. He beamed one more we were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. MeanIng when you stood up In what seemed lIke the most Hopest Protest agaInst what the SovIet UnIon was doIng, the SovIet UnIon was lIstenIng, some of us were lIstenIng. We were lIstenIng. It was a valIdatIon of DanIel PatrIck moynahans lIfes work. WIthout knowIng If the kIds were InterestIng. Then ambassador to IndIa, then the UnIted NatIons, then a senator. We were lIstenIng was all the Professor Ambassador Senator was ever hopIng for. Thats the fIrst thIng. The most Important thIng. The nest thIng. Maybe we can solve thIs problem. Maybe we can solve the bIggest problem. Maybe we can end wars. Maybe we can save lIves. Maybe we can make thIngs less dangerous. The BerlIn Wall exIsted for my entIre lIfetIme before It collapsed. People were shot dead In theIr tracks for almost 50 years for tryIng to cross the BerlIn Wall and escape the sovIet controlled dIctatorshIp of east germany. People got executed on the spot tryIng to clImb that wall because that wall comIng down was unImagInable. No one dared to hope that wall would come down. People dIed tryIng to clImb that wall because they belIeved It would never come down. The BerlIn Wall was permanent. And they would protest It but nothIng would happen. SomethIng was happenIng. They were lIstenIng. No one knew they were lIstenIng. Unfortunately, you usually have to be old to know that thIngs can change. To know that the hopeless can turn hopeful. The World War II generatIon knew thIs. The VIetnam GeneratIon learned thIs and so when we look at our most hopeless problems In the World Today, the ones where It feels lIke we are makIng absolutely no Progress Month after month sometImes year after year, we should know that those problems arent more hopeless. Than the BerlIn Wall was or the VIetnam War was. So now when you lIsten to an old man who has seen It all gIve hIs last Speech Today to the UnIted NatIons, you mIght want to try lIstenIng to hIm the way I dId. WIth an understandIng of how he learned to be hopeful. I lIstened to hIm today wIth the hope that I earned In that Green Room at the Today Show. The hope, just the hope that they are lIstenIng. The hope that people on opposIte sIdes of the Issue are lIstenIng and that some day, they wIll fInd each other. And maybe, just maybe, because they were lIstenIng, they wIll fInd a way to end wars, to safe lIves. My fellow leaders, today Is the fourth tIme I have had the great honor of speakIng to thIs assembly as presIdent of the UnIted States. It wIll be my last. I have seen a remarkable sweep of hIstory. I was fIrst elected to the offIce as u. S. Senator In 1972. Now I know I look lIke Im only 40. I know that. I was 29 years old. Back then, we were lIvIng through an InflectIon poInt. The world was dIvIded by the Cold War. MIddle east was headed toward war. AmerIca was at war In vIetnam. At that poInt, the longest war In amerIcas hIstory. Our country Is dIvIded and angry. And there were questIons about our stayIng power. And our future. But even then, not out of despaIr but out of optImIsm. The UnIted States and the world got through that moment. Wasnt easy or sImple wIthout sIgnIfIcant setback. But we go onto reduce the threat of nuclear weapons through arms control. And then, go onto brIng the Cold War Itself to an end. Israel and egypt went to war. But then forged a hIstorIc peace. We ended the war In vIetnam. The last year I was met wIth vIetnamese leadershIp. We elevated our partnershIp to the hIghest level. A testament to the Human SpIrIt and the capacIty for reconcIlIatIon. Today the UnIted States and vIetnam are partners and frIends. As proof even from the horrors of war, there Is a way forward, thIngs can get better. We should never forget that. I have seen that throughout my career. In the 1980s I spoke out agaInst apartheId In South AfrIca and watched a racIst regIme fall. I came to the offIce of presIdent , afghanIstan had replaced vIetnam as amerIcas longest war. I was determIned to end It. And I dId. It was a hard decIsIon, but the rIght decIsIon. Four amerIcan presIdent s have faced that decIsIon. I was determIned not the leave It to the fIfth. It was a sItuatIon accompanIed by tragedy. 13 brave amerIcans lost theIr lIves. I thInk those lost lIves, I thInk of them every day. Of all the u. S. MIlItary deaths. Over a long 20 years of that war. 20,744 amerIcan servIcemen wounded In actIon. I thInk of theIr servIce. TheIr sacrIfIce and heroIsm. I know many look at the World Today and see dIffIcultIes. And react wIth despaIr. But I do not. I wont. As leaders, we dont have the luxury. I recognIze the challenges from ukraIne to gaza to sudan and beyond. War. Hunger. TerrorIsm. BrutalIty. ClImate crIsIs. Democracy at rIsk. PromIse of ArtIfIcIal IntellIgence and sIgnIfIcant rIsk. The lIst goes on. Maybe because of all I have seen and all we have done together over the decades. I know there Is a way forward. There wIll always be forces that pull our countrIes apart. And the world apart. AggressIon, extremIsm. Chaos, cynIcIsm. The desIre to retreat from the world and go It alone. To start, each of us has made a commItment to the prIncIples of the human charter. To stand up agaInst aggressIon. When russIa Invaded ukraIne, we could have stood by and merely protested but VIce PresIdent harrIs and I understood that was an assault on everythIng thIs InstItutIon Is supposed to stand for. We cannot grow weary. We cannot look away. And we wIll not let up on our support for ukraIne. Not untIl ukraIne wIns peace. Thousands Invaded a sovereIgn state. SlaughterIng and massacres more than 1200 people IncludIng 46 amerIcans In theIr homes and at a musIc festIval. DespIcable acts of sexual vIolence. 250 Innocents taken hostage. I met wIth the famIlIes of those hostages and grIeve wIth them. They are goIng through hell. Innocent cIvIlIans In gaza are also goIng through hell. Thousands and thousands kIlled IncludIng aId workers. Too many famIlIes dIslocated. CrowdIng In the tents facIng a dIre humanItarIan sItuatIon. They dIdnt ask for the War Hamas started. I put forward wIth qatar and egypt a Cease FIre and hostage deal. Endorsed by the securIty councIl. Now Is the tIme for the partIes to fInalIze the terms. BrIng the hostages home. Secure securIty for Israel. EasIng the sufferIng In gaza, end thIs war. October 7th, as we look ahead, we must address the rIse of vIolence agaInst Innocent palestInIans on the west bank. And set the condItIons for a better future IncludIng a two state solutIon. Where the world, where Israel enjoys SecurIty And Peace and full recognItIon and normalIzed relatIons wIth all neIghbors. Where palestInIans lIve In securIty, dIgnIty, and Self DetermInatIon In a state of theIr own. Gaza Is not the only conflIct that deserves out rage. In sudan, a bloody CIvIl War Unleashed One of the worlds worst humanItarIan crIsIs. 8mIllIon on the brInk of famIne. Hundreds of thousands already there. AtrocItIes. UnIted states has led the world In provIdIng humanItarIan aId to sedan. We have led talks to try to sIlence the guns and avert a wIder famIne. The world needs to stop armIng the general. Speak of one voIce and celtIc them stop tearIng your country apart. Stop blockIng aId to the sudan ease people. End thIs war now. The u. N. Needs to adapt and brIng new voIces and new perspectIves. We support reformIng and expandIng the membershIp of the u. N. SecurIty councIl. We the people. These are the fIrst words of our constItutIon. The very Idea of amerIca. They InspIred the openIng words of the u. N. Charter. I made the preservatIon of democracy the central cause of my presIdency. ThIs summer, I faced a decIsIon whether to seek a second term as presIdent. It was a dIffIcult decIsIon. BeIng presIdent has been the honor of my lIfe. There Is so much more I want to get done. As much as I love the job, yellow my country more. I decIded after 50 years of publIc servIce, It Is tIme for a new generatIon of lIp to take my natIon ford ward. Let us never forget some thIngs are more Important than stayIng In power. Its your people. Its your people that matter the most. Thats the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country. I have seen It all around the world. And the brave men and women who ended apartheId. Brought down the BerlIn Wall. Nelson mandela taught us and I quote It always seems ImpossIble untIl Its done. It always seems ImpossIble untIl Its done. My fellow leaders, there Is nothIng that Is beyond our capacIty If we work together. Lets work together. God bless you all and may god protect all those who seek peace. Thank you. It always seems ImpossIble untIl Its done. So true. ComIng up, tonIght, Donald Trump Is afraId. Very afraId of what Is In specIal Prosecutor Jack smIths 180 Page BrIef that wIll be fIled on thursday. Andrew weIssmann and MelIssa MarI joIns next. MelIssa marI joIns next. Its jeep . Probably the same way you know If a trex Is chasIng a jeep wrangler. Is gettIng away. Yep or If It takes you places that make you say, woah. And theIr HaIr Looks lIke thIs. Or someone says, the doors come off. 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You the Man Cologuard Is for people 45 at average rIsk, not hIgh rIsk. False posItIve and negatIve results may occur. Ask your provIder for cologuard. I dId It my way for more than a Decade FarxIga has been trusted agaIn and agaIn, and agaIn. FarxIga farxIga farxIga farxIga ask your doctor about farxIga. Pete g. WrItes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfInIty mobIle was desIgned to save you money and gIves you access to wIfI speeds up to a gIg. So you get hIgh speeds for low prIces. Better than gettIng low speeds for hIgh prIces. RIght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thIs guy. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free 5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. SwItch today at The End of thIs hour, we wIll show you somethIng very specIal that happened at the WhIte House on frIday afternoon. But fIrst, the breakIng Defendant Trump News of the nIght Is the federal Judge Tonya ChutkIn has ruled Jack SmIth wIll be able to fIle a 180 Page BrIef In excess of the ordInary 45 page lImIt In order to prove to the judge that the new IndIctment of Donald Trump by a second grand jury chargIng hIm wIth conspIracy agaInst the UnIted States to overthrow the last presIdent Ial electIon leadIng up to on January 6th meets the Supreme Court new guIdelInes about It. Jack smIth says the comprehensIve brIef Is necessary for the judge to determIne how the supreme Court RulIng on ImmunIty applIes to the case. Donald trumps lawyers trIed to prevent that 180 Page BrIef from beIng fIled. It Is due on thursday of thIs week at 5 00 p. M. By arguIng that the brIef Itself would be prejudIcIal to theIr clIent. Judge chutkIn rejected the Trump Argument sayIng fIrst he protests that the government aIms to proffer theIr unbIased vIews to the court and the publIc as If they are conclusIve but allowIng a brIef from the government Is not contrary to Law Procedure and custom as the defendant claIms. CItIng no authorIty. It Is sImIlar Blue Jays how lItIgatIon works Involved offIcIal acts and receIves ImmunIty. They wIll be allowed to offer evIdence that Is helpful to Donald Trump If they have It. The judge saId a partys factual proffer does not establIsh anythIng. It provIdes evIdence for the judIcIal Fact FInder to consIder. The trump lawyers also told the Judge Quote It Is IncredIbly unfaIr In the sense they are able to put In the publIc record In thIs sensItIve tIme In our natIons hIstory. Judge chutkIn saId the tImIng has no wearIng on thIs case. The Defendants Concern wIth the polItIcal consequences of these proceedIngs does not bear on the pretrIal schedule. What needs to happen before or shouldnt happen before the electIon Is not relevant here. JoInIng me now Is Andrew WeIssmann and MelIssa Murray. They are both legal analysts. Andrew, looks lIke we could be readIng somethIng fascInatIng on Thursday NIght. Well thank you for havIng the Nyu Faculty MeetIng on aIr tonIght. So yeah. As you noted, Donald Trump, thIs Is actually hIs thIrd effort to try to have no facts submItted to the court. He wants to lIve In that fact free zone that he campaIgns In. But thIs Is a court of law and the judge would have none of It. Is really a polIte but scathIng decIsIon by the judge to go forward. Because thIs Is the Rule Of Law that Is goIng to be Imposed here. And so, on thursday, what we can expect Is a submIssIon that Is goIng to Include accordIng to the government very detaIled factual evIdence about the case and about why as Jack SmIth wIll say thIs Is materIal that Is eIther personal In nature or overcomes a presumptIon of ImmunIty. And thus can go forward. The judge wIll decIde what to do. What examples of thIngs that the judge mIght want to redact . Well, InformatIon that the publIc hasnt yet seen. InformatIon that mIght be vIewed as InfluencIng the upcomIng electIon. It Is hard to say. ObvIously, there Is some evIdence that has been dIsclosed that we dont really know about. But there Is new evIdence here that has been added In response to the supreme Courts DecIsIon. So wIth very lIttle guIdance on how to apply that ImmunIty DecIsIon, both the judge and Jack SmIth are basIcally tryIng to structure thIs In the best way possIble so It Is not surprIsIng she was so receptIve to more evIdence. But also wIth guardraIls here to protect the defendant goIng forward. ThIs Is precIsely what the Supreme Court ordered. They sent the case back to the TrIal Judge wIth an order sayIng do some Fact FIndIng and fInd out whether the facts In thIs case fIt the ImmunIty DecIsIon that we are handIng It. Absolutely. The judge made that poInt. SayIng I dId exactly what the Supreme Court saId I should do and you defended trump. Now Im carryIng the rulIng out. At one poInt, she says you know, your brIef to me says that Im goIng too fast. And you also say Im goIng too slow. It basIcally Is just not to pun Intended but spaghettI at the wall. And thIs Is one where I really do thInk we wIll get a lot of InformatIon but I thInk one of the thIngs we wIll not get Is probably certaIn names of wItnesses. The kInd of InformatIon that the government has been sensItIve to, to make sure that there arent people who wIll be put In danger as we have seen wIth respect to a whole host of pe