Napolcom nod on mass promotion to boost cops' morale: PNP :

Napolcom nod on mass promotion to boost cops' morale: PNP

(File photo) MANILA - The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Wednesday welcomed the National Police Commission's (Napolcom) approval of the promotion of some 27,000 police officers to the rank of Police Corporal up to Police Lieutenant Colonel under the organization's promotion program. "The PNP is truly grateful to the Napolcom for its approval of the promotion of some 27,000 of our police personnel, who I am sure are elated by this opportunity and prospect for career advancement. This will serve as an inspiration for our police personnel to perform at their best," said PNP chief, Gen. Guillermo Eleazar, in a statement. Eleazar said he has already tasked different PNP offices to start the process with the observance of the appropriate guidelines on promotion. "As chief of the police force, I guarantee that the PNP Promotion Board, together with the PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records Management and other concerned units, will ensure transparency and fairness and will strictly observe the guidelines in the promotion process. This promotion is very important for the career development of every police officer in the organization. This will also develop the efficiency of the entire team PNP in performing its mandate and not just in their individual capacity as PNP personnel," he said. On Tuesday, the Napolcom announced that its en banc approved Resolution No. 2021-1218, which grants the PNP chief the authority to fill up a total of 27,460 promotional vacancies in the second level ranks to facilitate the ascending career movement of police personnel. The move also aims to prevent further congestion in the patrolman and patrolwoman ranks. The Napolcom has allowed the PNP to fill 1,000 promotional slots for Police Lieutenant Colonel (PLTCOL); 720 for Police Major (PMAJ); 980 for Police Captain (PCPT); 320 for Police Lieutenant (PLT); 2,780 for Police Executive Master Sergeant (PEMS); 4,140 for Police Chief Master Sergeant (PCMS); 5,980 for Police Senior Master Sergeant (PSMS); 5,570 for Police Master Sergeant (PMSg); 2,640 for Police Staff Sergeant (PSSg); and 3,330 for Police Corporal (PCpl). (PNA) }

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Manila , Philippines , Philippine , Benguet , , Police Executive Master Sergeant , Police Corporal , Police Staff Sergeant Pssg , Police Major , Police Senior Master Sergeant , Police Lieutenant , Philippine National Police , Police Corporal Pcpl , Police Captain , Police Master Sergeant Pmsg , National Police Commission Napolcom , National Police Commission , Police Lieutenant Colonel , Guillermo Eleazar , Records Management , Police Chief Master Sergeant , Police Master Sergeant , Police Staff Sergeant , Ile Photo Manila The Philippine National Police Pnp On Wednesday Welcomed Commission 39s Napolcom Approval Of Promotion Some 27 , 000 Police Officers To The Rank Of Corporal Up Lieutenant Colonel Under Organization 39s Promotion Program Quot Pnp Is Truly Grateful Napolcom For Its Approval Some 27 , 000 Of Our Police Personnel , Hoi Am Sure Are Elated By This Opportunity And Prospect For Career Advancement Will Serve As An Inspiration Our Police Personnel To Perform At Their Best , Uot Said Pnp Chief , Gen Guillermo Eleazar , Na Statement Eleazar Said He Has Already Tasked Different Pnp Offices To Start The Process With Observance Of Appropriate Guidelines On Promotion Quot As Chief Police Force , I Guarantee That The Pnp Promotion Board , Ogether With The Pnp Directorate For Personnel And Records Management Other Concerned Units , Ill Ensure Transparency And Fairness Will Strictly Observe The Guidelines In Promotion Process This Is Very Important For Career Development Of Every Police Officer Organization Also Develop Efficiency Entire Team Pnp Performing Its Mandate Not Just Their Individual Capacity As Personnel , Uot He Said On Tuesday , He Napolcom Announced That Its En Banc Approved Resolution No 2021 1218 , Hich Grants The Pnp Chief Authority To Fill Upa Total Of 27 , 460 Promotional Vacancies In The Second Level Ranks To Facilitate Ascending Career Movement Of Police Personnel Move Also Aims Prevent Further Congestion Patrolman And Patrolwoman Napolcom Has Allowed Pnp Fill 1 , 000 Promotional Slots For Police Lieutenant Colonel Pltcol 720 Major Pmaj 980 Captain Pcpt 320 Plt 2 , 780 For Police Executive Master Sergeant Pems 4 , 140 For Police Chief Master Sergeant Pcms 5 , 980 For Police Senior Master Sergeant Psms 5 , 570 For Police Master Sergeant Pmsg 2 , 640 For Police Staff Sergeant Pssg And 3 , 330 For Police Corporal Pcpl Pna ,

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