North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) has been made aware of 16 new COVID-19 cases in the district since last reporting period on 2/22/2021: 2-Antelope, 1-Boyd, 1- Brown, 2-Cherry, 3-Holt, 0-Keya Paha, 5-Knox, 2-Pierce, 0-Rock. NCDHD still encourages district residents to continue to wear your mask in public places or where social distancing is difficult as well as practice social distancing while out in public. NCDHD is pleased to report 158 recoveries from the last reporting period on 2/18/2021; 1-Antelope, 3-Boyd, 20-Brown, 17-Cherry, 21-Holt, 4-Keya Paha, 38-Knox, 23- Pierce, 5-Rock. NCDHD’s TestNe COVID-19 testing times and locations starting the week of 2/8/2021 have changed to the following schedule: