From staff reports STUDY ROOM OPEN — Among those participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Totus Tuus Maria Group Study Room at the Franciscan University of Steubenville were, from left, Clement Harrold, senior; the Rev. Dave Pivonka, TOR, university president; and Justine Smykowski, senior. -- Contributed STEUBENVILLE — After a semester studying in Austria, three Franciscan University of Steubenville students — seniors Justine Smykowski, Jacob Schmiesing and Clement Harrold — wanted to bring some European beauty back to the main Steubenville campus. With thought, research, and fundraising, they transformed a study room in the St. John Paul II Library. What was once a simple room with table and chairs is now the Totus Tuus Maria Group Study Room, located on the ground floor of the library. It boasts a Baroque-like coffered ceiling, wooden wainscoting, Renaissance and ancient depictions of Our Lady, and chandelier lighting.