Representative image NOIDA: Two hospitals in GB Nagar have started to follow the state’s newly revised guidelines for convalescent plasma treatment (CPT). Government Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS) in Greater Noida and Super Specialty Paediatric Hospital and Post Graduate Teaching Institute (SSPHPGTI) or Child PGI in Noida’s Sector 30 are following the new norms that have been derived from the guidelines set by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The department of transfusion medicine at King George's Medical University (KGMU) issued the new guidelines on December 18. The other six centres that have participated in the process include SN Medical College (Agra), MLN Medical College (Allahabad), MLB Medical College (Jhansi), BRD Medical College (Gorakhpur) and GSVM Medical College (Kanpur).