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I saw today, who . My petka, this is your favorite cadet, so skinny, hes the same , only hes not quite skinny now, his uncle is like that, hes grown a beard, earrings in his ears, tattoos, i didnt recognize it right away, god, what happened to him, thats it and i ask him, and he says that he left the service a long time ago, opened his own club, thats how he abandoned his military career, but at least your economics was useful to him, thats for sure, none of the cadets were left behind, they all achieved something, and i always said, you are a teacher and a kind, decent person, i had no doubt about it, i just do my job well, what the heck is he nervous, ill go ill check. It cant be, tolya, anatoly nikolaevich, yes, what is this, tolya . Tolya, tolya, just here you are, tolya, tolya, you know, i really dont like your jokes, now youll jump out at me, and i ll divorce you, i promise you that. Hello, hello, darling, hello, how are you there, ok, thats it, yeah, no, i havent slept for two days, well, of course it happened more, but, but im no longer 32, or even 45, in general, the only desire is to sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, until. My head cracks, and come on, come on, uhhuh, bye, come on, kiss , darling, kiss, okay, okay, bye. Oh, i finally got through to you, are you sleeping there, or what . No, what, what . I slept during the day on a mission. Yeah, well, great. So, so that the service doesnt seem like honey, get a new one. The former deputy chief of the Financial Department of the general staff was killed. Lately he lived in a dacha in golovno. Its near moscow. Tolya kozhukhov, but i crossed paths with him a couple of times, thats not the point. Another thing is important, he has been a pensioner for 5 years, you understand, who could he interfere with, could use his pension, colonel pastukhov, stop making jokes and get ready, max and vadik are already on their way, pay special attention to how kozhukhov was killed. Cm, but what exactly is the depth, a beta examination will say later, the pipes were discovered by my wife, we talked to her, she didnt see anything either, a psychologist is working with her now, she doesnt look like a burglar, but there are definitely no traces there is no fight, but nothing was stolen, Sergei Sergeevich, and you are good with a knife , knife fighting is a separate art, a lot of works have been written about it, read it sometime, but if you want to take down someone quickly, you really need a lot of preparation, well, my friends, it looks like a man with remarkable strength worked here, the depth of the iron canal is 12 cm, wow, its quite difficult to pierce the sternum with one blow, well, judging by the force of the accuracy of the blow, a master of his craft clearly worked here, and i only know one person, who also deftly wielded a knife, thank you, well, if you only listened. In general, like me, we had legends about him in the gru, in the late nineties he was kicked out of the army and he became a hired killer, they called him a ninja, he always killed only with a knife, basically, here is a video recording from a surveillance camera, a killer didnt notice her, look, he deftly jumped over, yes, there are even assumptions about who it could be, come on, vasily anatolyevich nizov, hes a ninja, he looks like hes working, he dressed in all dark, he also quietly cleaned his objects, by the way , how did it work in the city, yes, Sergei Sergeevich and i were just talking that Sergei Sergeevich, if two people say the same assumption, then most likely yes it is so, only there is a small problem, the fact is that officially ninja was killed 5 years ago, although the body was not found, he drowned, uhhuh. This means a miraculous resurrection. I know one person who can definitely tell us this. Well, who is it . The one who trained me and the ninja in greu. Sansanych, sansey. I ll tell you about him somehow. Oops, here comes the barrier. Well shall we continue on foot . Yes, you sit here, ill go alone and check if hes at home or not. Here you can cut through the forest. Theyre standing weapons on the ground, stand, dont shoot , vadim, this is your sensei or just some grandfather, gentlemen, meet, this is our legendary instructor san sanich kadin, so let you into the forest alone, colonel pastukhov, san sanovich , major nefichen, san sanovich, well, tell me what brought you to me, by the way. Help yourself to the fish, i salted it myself, yes, guys, i recommend it, sanovichs fish is notable, san sanich, please take a look, kozhokhov , they knew him, but no, they met him a couple of times, you know, but how should i know, i have to keep an eye on all my students, well, maybe i dont have to watch over all of them, but probably on my loved ones follow, listen, a different person has long been, understand, if the lower classes again take up the old ways, then people, including innocent ones, may die. Put your hand down, young people, why are you all right, captain, beautiful, you upset me, guys, so the question is for filling, where is the school, ah, 2 km from here, at the crossroads to the right, then straight ahead, let go, put the chocolates in their place, you know this wellwisher, Viktor Vladimirovich, there is such a guy, okay, its all pepper, whats normal . Put it this way, says the teacher, in general respect, well, everyone respects him, well, this and that, and why they respect him, one of our buddies rolled a cart at him, and someone hit him by the throat, someone in general, its already skewed, and although there is a strong karotist there, a sambo wrestler there, thats all, well, in general, after that no one gets in touch with dobrokhotov, of course, ill have a small water and mint chewing gum, and these two for young people, these two chocolates, oh, can a cola be compensated . Not greyhounds, how many . From you 250, and you dont misbehave, ill come , ill find out from the girl how they behaved, if they behaved badly , ill come, ill punish, i understand, yeah, here you go, thank you, no problem for taking you so long, yes, i had to carry out preventive conversation with young people, successfully, at least, well, in an amicable way, the guys should have joined the army, otherwise we managed to find out something. Well, what if a wolf always remains a wolf, even under the guise of a teacher. Vadim, look there, hello, young man, headdress, take it off room, sorry. Well, i dont know, hes some kind of intelligent guy , he made me take off his hat, he doesnt look like a ninja, come on, Viktor Vladimirovich dobrokhotov, lets say, with whom i have the honor, we have a few questions for you, please, ill ask yours word. Hello, reschek, we are running along the stairs. What a bastard, but you almost killed me, i dont even understand what youre talking about, my name is Viktor Vladimirovich dobrokhotov, im a teacher of russian language and literature, no vasya, as you said, i dont know a ninja, i dont want to know, i offended you, because i was scared and mistook you for bandits, your nerves are getting crazy, you know, maybe you now have the appearance of a School Teacher . Here are the fingerprints, most likely vasya is still a ninzi, checking this is as easy as shelling pears, so its better for you not to deny vasya, but sincere, for which, as you know, there is leniency, the sins on you, you know, are worth life imprisonment, and not if you want, dont tell me, well go now, well hand you over to the police, they wont stand on ceremony with you, why are we talking to him , well hand him over to the cops, theyll thank us for him , lets go, okay, if you promise ill help, ill talk, but. Ruin, ive been out of work for five years now, i swear, im clean , im not in business, ive changed my appearance , ive made new documents, ive left another city, i have a family, my son is growing up, my old life is only nightmares, your work, where were you the day before yesterday , wait, on an excursion to the local museum, we have an apartment here in the city museum, so its inconvenient, i took my class there, the grandmother of the world also went with us, but one of the students , so you can check at school, ill check. Look at the photo again carefully look, who do you think worked . I dont know, but its not the green guy, thats for sure, who . If you promise to grind a word for me at the trial , i can give you one lead, tell me, well sort it out there, as you say, this murdered mans name was Anatoly Ivanovich kozhukhov. A retired general, he was definitely a slippery guy, although he made a decent sign, talk, talk, 5 years ago i received one order for a certain igor nikrasov, a businessman, he was selling cars then, but thats how it is, seeds are a cover, the main one he had income from trade he sold weapons, kalash and other toys to african countries, he was protected by this kozhokov of yours, he then served in the general staff in the Financial Department, so this nonred himself. Kozhokov ordered, he threw him away, or what . How do you know this . What did he tell you . No, of course, i got caught with a talkative intermediary, then the intermediary hinted to me that if i refuse. I will have problems, but they are serious people, a general from the general staff is involved, i got him drunk and got everything out of him, and then i had already firmly decided to quit, my son had just been born, and this nekrasov, by the way, remained alive, he somehow sorted out his misunderstandings with this casing, vasya is not lying, there was an excursion, the director confirmed everything, if he didnt lie with nikrasov, well help, word to the officer. Well, in the database there is only this address of nekrasov, third entrance, ninth floor, ninetyfourth apartment, well, lets go visit our businessman. Well, call, not even an hour has passed, oops hes on the roof, go get him, max, the stairs, im the elevator. Yes, vadim, the shepherd, hes at the entrance, meet him at the first one, max, hes coming down. Ill check, stay ok car fast, what is it you have, but i didnt really see it, some kind of knife, it might bandage it, but oh well, its a scratch. Damn, max, how much sugar do you need . Two pieces. Its buzzing for someone, but its buzzing for me, but faster, faster, faster, yes, im listening. So great, on the roof, the locals say , its clear, immediately for examination, thats it, before contact, the knives were found, on the roof, at nekrasovs entrance, now they will be sent for examination , they will twirl them around, maybe fingers or something, yeah, i understand , yeah, theres also something, our it specialists found in the ministrys archives defense, it turns out, kozhukhov and nekrasov had Something Else in common that the ninja didnt mention, a small factory, well, judging by the photographs, not so small, well, by soviet standards its generally small, so what next . In soviet times, the plant was part of the structure of the ministry of defense, was engaged in the development of the latest weapons, according to the documents it was listed as object number 17, a watchdog, i hadnt even heard about many of them, no wonder, they were classified, some existed in the only one, but what does our dead, this is the lit nineties. Nikasov at that time was actively engaged in raiding, buying up enterprises, the plant came into the sphere of his interests, he decided to buy it, but not for innovative technologies, but because of what else, anikrasov wanted to build an elite cottage village, a green town, on the site of the plant, the plant was quickly recognized as unpromising, removed from the subordination of the ministry of defense, and the plant was put up for auction. How did you find out about everything . Its not me, its food. He found a letter from andrei bukin, designer, in the archives of the ministry of defense plant bukin fought with nikrasov, according to his letter, a commission arrived. But, despite numerous violations, she did not find anything illegal in nikrasovs actions. And the plant was sold, and he headed the commission. Then colonel anatoly kozhukhov. Just, yes, as was generally done at that time, uhhuh, Sergei Sergeevich, well, take it, take it, one, so what, they managed to build their green town, no, they didnt find investors, heres a ballistic knife, a whirlwind, was designed as a silent weapon for gru fighters, i am exactly the same pulnul, yes we understand, we understand, bodykit, max, tell us more about the knife, well, it could be used as a regular knife, without taking the blade out of the handle, or as a throwing weapon for throwing, there you had to press a certain lever, the blade was released from at a speed of 60 km h, by that time i had already been working at the plant for 15 years, he comes, people say to. Leave the plant for 4 hours, i say, well, okay, but compensation, yes , they say, you will be compensated, lets leave you alive, it was not an empty threat, then on worldfamous specialists worked at the plant, they were all in the trash, and no one even said a word to them, why, they said, people were ready to die for this plant, many were built. We arrived in jeeps, in front of marusya, its scary to even remember, im sick, no, thank you, thank you, maruska, this is my daughter, Andrei Ivanovich. And so, before the eyes of the umaruz , they tied and quartered him. Decent, principled, he refused to sign some document, they didnt bother looking for why he was so cruel to him, well, im telling you, he was a man drips, these scum need to be shot, they are even an important document, he even wanted to go to. Moscow to look for the truth, well , he didnt have time to meet with the minister, and what happened to his family now, you dont know, no, there was no family there , his wife left him, him and the baby , maruska, maruska was so cheerful, nimble, but when Andrei Ivanovich was killed, well, maruska, of course. She hasnt come here since then, shes probably already grown up, but where they lived, not far from here, but now you will go out on the road, kilometers two on the right side of the house, well, thank you, nikolai viktorovich, thank you. Come on, max, wait here, wow, here. Apartment, yes, they live here, is it bukins spirit . Or, oops, here comes the knife. Oh, max, max, damn, max, youre like, okay. Max, max, shoot at the wheels. And youre like, okay, exactly, yes. And i said on the wheels, wow, the girl is alive, orderly, alive, i heard about. The knife , the men from the department that you tested said, praised, in general, the idea of ​​these knives was first born in the usa, i havent heard, indeed, our knives were better, but they did not receive weapons, firstly, the effective strike distance is short, secondly, low reliability, thirdly, most importantly, unsafe to use, its clear, but what . That our girls consciousness, the doctors say she will live, she has a severe concussion , well, its broken, of course, but the vital organs are not affected, tomorrow we can try to interrogate her, yeah, but they have established her identity, yes bukina marya andreevna, born in 1990, father bukin andrey ivanovich, chief designer of the ballistic knife, vihar and. Only bukinas mother inna valerievna she has been living abroad since 1991, has no other relatives, was raised in an orphanage until she was 18, what she did then is unknown, they found her, and who is this, dad, and what is the examination at 99. 9 . The knives, both on the roof and at the entrance, were released from this device. The factory copy, a whirlwind knife, is in the archives of the state regional office. The examination established that the second copy was made using a handicraft method. Most likely in the workshop that we found in marusyas fathers house, and she ordered more complex parts from different places. That is, she assembled this product according to fathers drawings, later. An offender to everyone, this is really daddys daughter, hello, comrade general, has anyone already talked to her, no , the doctors still dont allow it, in fact, good afternoon, general golubev, and good afternoon, but ill ask you very much, not for long, im sick in in a serious condition, so i understand everything, doctor, and i must warn you, the patient is silent all this time, somehow silent, well, she doesnt speak at all, she hears everything, understands, but remains silent for the last time. Not a single one can this be due to a concussion, it is excluded, all reflexes are normal, so i sound and doesnt even moan, but she s in a lot of pain, i beg you, please allow me, what should we do, maybe call a psychologist, agatsa, why immediately agata, a specialist who deals with such cases . Maria andreevna, good afternoon, can you hear me, i need to talk to you, do you agree, marya andreevna, it was you who killed kozhukhov and nikrasov, a purely heartfelt confession would help you a lot, dont you want it . Speaks to me, can you hear me, wait, i killed them, for my father, for his de. For what they did to him, i tried them and brought them the sentence has been carried out, you feel better, no, you repent of what you did, no, not a bit, do you. Realize what you are entitled to for this crime . Come on, tell me. I mean, what are you talking about . Well, whats going on with your agatha . What about agatha . Tagatas, thats it . She was such a sweet girl, did you offend her or what . Well , yes, because i work too much, and i love my job. I see, that means the story is over. Yes. Dont worry, the day will come there will be someone with whom you wont need all this psychoanalysis. Yes, if you want tell me everything in more detail, dont be shy, speak up, we, of course, are not the most verbose people in the world, but we are still partners. Thank you, sergey sergeevich. And why so sour , but nothing, oh well, max, this is our job, yes, yes, work, hey, what are you doing, she killed people, she is a criminal, you forgot, but you remember what kind of people they were, who cares, these were people, there is a law prohibiting killing people, why then didnt this law punish those who killed her father . I feel sorry for her, max, i feel sorry for her, but thats not the point, lynching is a path to nowhere, as soon as at least one small thought will appear in your brain that you are above the law, thats it, consider that at this moment you have become a criminal, well , well discuss Something Else, with you

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