Transcripts For NTV Shpion 20240703 :

NTV Shpion July 3, 2024

Fight in his name, the best of the best die for him, until collision, press the black button, i m proud of you, brother, cleaner, go, go, pull it out. If there is a direct immediate threat to the life and health of personnel, we open fire to kill, paying special attention to cars with georgian license plates and without license plates, in the market, bazaars, strip clubs, places of public trade, also bars, restaurants, golupov, i, comrade lieutenant, repeat what comrade major just said, that in these places in trade everything is life threatening because of the selfpropelled gun, so leave it, thats why i i propose to destroy them, who to destroy, the kolubs . Well, they, trade workers, boys, two years ago, i would have laughed so much with you, but today you can lose your head, not for a penny, i express myself clearly, clearly, comrade major, russian soldiers, police, corrupt jackals from the leadership, wars islam die in battle, but they still have brothers, sisters, widows. Isnt it a sacred thing to take revenge on the murderers . Ilya konstantinovich, what specific task will i have . We need your operative instincts, uhhuh, give it a spin, has there been anything suspicious lately, well how much he trusted the contact, well, this is just a conversation, you clarify. Its just that some details really bother me about this contact of his. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, so maybe ilya konstantinovich, he worked under the cover of the fbi, they didnt know about it, maybe, but the main thing is not to let him understand that we dont trust, uhhuh, no, were just generalizing the whole material from his long business trip, uhhuh, pay special attention to his communications channel, uhhuh, perhaps they set up a contact for us, with your experience, gedarevich, you quickly enough figure out how justified our suspicions are, okay, go ahead the information has greatly helped the country, but what exactly causes suspicion . Some discrepancies in the reports with the real state of affairs, for example, a suspicious communication channel, he himself recruited this person, understand, i dont want you to be biased from the beginning , you need an open eye. I stayed before your majors shoulder straps, but hes not mine, like sushabe, do you hear me, we met in the morning, we were assigned to his guys, and what time is it, 13, like 13, we they were already late, ringing, stand up, ringing, its clear, and this customs officer, what a customs officer, you said, hes some kind of leftist, yes, but they just wanted to show off, as if they had their own people everywhere, customs when selling confiscated goods role doesnt play, its important that the goods are there and you can take them for sale and pay me to the treasury in a month. beat, where am i selling such a batch, to whom . Again, warehouses, security, although the costume promised to fit the buyer, but it wasnt there. Lets live, its time for me, if this is a setup. Your tricks wont help you, ill bury you. Eddie, my eddie oh, yes, you are cut up, your honor, we have too much american, no, i drink more, youre lying, whats the problem, hold on, good misha, lets go and get some air, though, she says so too, shes got a fur coat, shes got leather jackets, get in the way, blame me, sorry, we have an eagle, well, spit, spit on this fool, really, right . Quiet, quiet, everything, everything, everything, everything is fine. Why did they need my prints . Most likely, the Lithuanian Police took all the prints in the room and handed them over to the americans. Yes, this is all clear. I dont understand why they ask snegura, these are my prints. Apparently, they have reason to believe that there are bolts in kutniks room. No one saw me at the hotel, no one at all. Who here knew that you were in vilnius . You, gaprintashvili, shalimov, well, maybe someone from the technical service, snegur, no, ustyugov, dzhelaev, lyudmila, you said, well, of course not, i just said that i was leaving on another business trip, thats all, what to do, maybe slip them other peoples prints. Dangerous, what if this is a test, they dont trust the snowman , they asked him to get your prints so that compare, compare, but this means, this means that someone has already handed over your fingerprints, it is necessary to intensify the cover operation in kiev. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada zheleznyak was an ideal candidate, a former party functionary, in 1992 he was an ardent fighter for independence, we decided to fill his apartment with records, from which it followed that he was actively interested in the subject of negotiations and the composition of the delegation in vilnius. zheleznyak had something to do with the formation of the delegation to vilnius, but the fact that kutnik will negotiate, he he didnt know, but theoretically he could have known, theoretically, theoretically, any cleaning lady working in the president ial administration of ukraine could have known, they talk so much about it, in short, it would be very difficult for him to prove that he did not know about kutniks appointment as head negotiations. That is, you decided to frame the iron ore in order to convince the americans that the leak came from kiev, and not from where it came from. In fact, dont you understand how a cover operation works . How were you going to convey information about what is needed should i take a closer look at the iron ore . We had such an opportunity. Lets continue, nikolai vasilyevich, yes, austins last business trip in 79, there were no problems with communication, no, there is a vegetarian cafe on bull creekroad, its owner jeff always held leftist views, his son died in vietnam, so all these years the connection worked , like clockwork, after all , theres no need to save on. Coffee, its impossible to drink, well take it into account, tell me, how did you build a communication channel, was it your agent . Yes, i recruited him in the eighties, he has a pharmacy on lotta, name is paul, eternal debts, unprincipled in cash, but at the same time knows how not to ask unnecessary questions and keep his mouth shut. Tell me, have there been such cases when information from the center was delayed, or some unforeseen circumstances did not allow it to be received on time . No, everything was always on time, ingrit is my contact, i recruited myself, she has a massage parlor on okmat boulevard. So, are there any problems . No, i just would like to understand the specifics of your work completely. The peoples court, the god of ruban, directly issued that the carriage would go further, well, goodbye, mother of light, they wont bring you the nobles soon, in the stolypin carriage at night i was dreamed of the horses, neither in duty, nor in the corral, just in the field by the river, let these horses be free, i ll set their faces, corral, corral, just let the red one go , come on, come on, bravo thank you, to be honest, im already unaccustomed to such places, katya and i didnt go out often, its you with us, no, after that story i swore off, im a decent girl with you, institute, library, institute, library, well for you, decent girl, for us, what are you afraid of, why are you avoid saying this word out loud, we. Im not afraid to say anything, just tell me who i am for you, friend, great, girl, friend, heard such a word, friend, no, well, no, my dear dear friends , an american folk song is heard especially for dmitry lets drink to this, to this , the kists, the georgian chechens, live here, which means this is the territory of allah, they are oppressed, not that they are oppressed, but they make it clear that they are not entirely georgians, sviad wanted to establish his own rules, but people said no, and he i listened, you cant use force with the chechens, theyll take up arms, go to the mountains and fight for 200 years. Soso, who is this . Traffic police, go ask him what he needs, if anything, ill cover it, understand . Uh, whats wrong here, do you speak georgian or russian, i dont understand what you want, dear, thats why youre laughing, wildly . He got us chaykins prints, suggested that we take a closer look at this iron ore, by the way, i would conduct a search in his apartment, we reject this information, relying on unsubstantiated suspicions, mr. Director, excuse me, these are not groundless suspicions. Let him finish and go to kiev, call his specialists there, we need to conduct a search in the apartment of this deputy, he will come to his senses now, sir. Well, come on, lets hurry, robert, where have you gone, dear mustafa . We lost our way before finding you, its not good to do this to old friends, i did everything you asked. So what, you decided that we are even . Who are you working with now . Hamas, harakatul jihad, palestine liberation front . Just a little bit. They reported to our general that that you are dissatisfied with the quality of local coffee, i had to maintain my point, saying that in the states we only drink bluemontain. You did everything as we agreed, is it easy to recognize the contacts from your description . I think, yes. How did they catch you on inconsistencies, did they behave . Quite professionally, they tried unobtrusively, perhaps, only gedar adilyevich slightly overpowered, i felt mistrust. Well, in general, everyone managed. My father sheisallah, he will do whatever you say, let me talk to my father. From what you scroll through this fake. The sheikhs are betting on the caucasus, it will soon be very hot here. Couldnt you find a more inappropriate place for yourself . And why is that . Yes, because the russians have been looking for you since beirut times. They have accumulated questions for you, dear mustafallah. They wont take me alive. Seriously . A few hours ago we took you alive and did not harm you. What s stopping the russians from doing the same . So, now you will shove your eastern ambition up your ass and do everything i tell you. I make myself clear. Igor timofeevich, to you thank you very much, excuse us , go back to your business, thank you very much again, but youre welcome, i was glad to shake off the old days, dmitry sergeevich, you re looking for a mole, excuse me for asking so directly, but its not like were looking. Were just checking, yeah, and youll see which of the socalled connections the fbi will come to. You know what i think, if i may, yes, of course, no one will come, it seems to me that this trap will not work, but if i were you, of these three, i would take a closer look at one. To whom, even if they roast you alive, you never seen it . Lets go, who are they, old friends, dont look back, were going, were going, put the Radio Station on our channel, we found our nephew, he says hello. He still loves his uncle, so, dear, how are we going to decide . The amount is quite large, it looks like you decided to cheat us, bro . Kostet, im not made with a finger either, right . You foisted this product on me, then slipped it to the left office when she was lazy, all. So they hung it on me, you can prove it, people will ask, for the market, you will answer, well, what kind of people, why are you driving, and you with yours sixes so youre talking, you dont need to talk to me, i understand, who did you call a six, bastard, what are you doing, moron, what are you doing without law, idiot, sit down, what did you do, sit down, sit down, you have until monday, if you dont repay the debt, and interest of course, people may not understand, why are you sitting there, sculpting, lets call the world, call sergei sergeevich, who, yes, who, the doctor, now. Now find me some tea, okay, ill arrange for this bitch, yes the rich nature of karelia impresses with its majestic and harsh beauty; this taiga region is called the land of a thousand lakes, an important trade route from voryak to. The greeks attracted different peoples here in ancient times. Due to its geographical location, the region has often been the subject of territorial disputes between neighboring powers. In the 10th112th centuries, karelia fell into the sphere of influence of the ancient russian state. The republic of karelia is located in northwestern russia on the border with finland. From moscow to its capital, petrozavodsk, the distance by rail is more than 900 km. Traveling by train will take 12 hours, traveling by plane will take one and a half hours. The population of petrozavodsk is almost 3000 people. There has always been a struggle between the west and russia for the karelians, and not the finnougrians, naturally, their language is very close to finnish, especially in the north of karelia, it is practically indistinguishable, but in terms of religion they were converted to orthodoxy at the beginning of the 14th century. Thats why they have finnougric names, and often orthodox surnames matti yakovlev, pekka petrov. Karelian swamps and rivers have always been rich in iron ore, so blacksmithing and weaponry became the main occupation of local residents. At the beginning of the 16th century , the reformer tsar peter i drew attention to the region rich in natural resources. By his order, the first stateowned artillery factories appeared on the shores of lake anega, thus the city received the name petrozavodsk. There is a path, a waterway to the baltic, and local cannons were supposed to arm, first of all, the russian fleet that was being created. These are mostly naval guns, easy to carry from one side above. These are the guns that, well, practically made our fleet military. In the National Republican museum samples of ancient cannons from the times of the northern war with sweden are kept. Well , the rudoznav people, mostly foreigners, arrived here in the summer of 1702. Ivan patrushev commanded them on the day of the nest in petrov. Here they discovered fimegus sausage near the river. A large reserve of ore was founded here in 1703. It was not possible to establish the production of weapons in petrozavodsk right away at first , about a quarter of the guns were defective, and in the courtyard of the museum you can see guns that were not test fired. All of them were damaged during testing. Only with the appearance in petrozavodsk of one of the best metallurgists in europe. Scotsman charles gascoignes marriage rate has dropped. Gascoin brought about, at the factory, so to speak, a revolution, an industrial revolution. He brought the first steam engines here. He brought a wheel pipeline here, a railway between the workshops. He began to drill out the trunks. He organized a school for metallurgists, a button factory, well. A lot of things. Historical weapons in petrozavodsk can be seen not only in museum exhibitions. There is a club in the city polar odyssey, where shipbuilders create natural copies of historical ships, including those from the time of peter the great. Fans of sailing shipbuilding and navigation from all over the world come to study with koreli masters. Potssk is the only city in russia named after a military plant. Not a single war waged by russia was complete without guns manufactured in petrozavodsk. The 20th century was the most difficult and destructive for karelia. The winter war with finland, and then the great patriotic war, left many scars in history republics. The karelian front is. The complex military history of the 20th century is illuminated by the museum of the military glory center of petrozavodsk. Most of the exhibits were collected and provided to the museum by collector valery lazarev. Every subject he studied, he was searched for and quite. It was always hard to get, almost always all the items, and i approached the collection by collecting the image of a serviceman, so i had to use various orders of the peoples commissariat of defense in order to accurately, correctly, in accordance with these orders and create this image. One of the halls of the center of military glory presents finds made by search organizations in battlefields. They date back. Mostly to 1941, when finnish troops were rapidly advancing and hoped to quickly capture the main city of karelia. The soviet command organized four lines of defense that blocked the main approaches to petrozavodsk. Due to the rugged terrain, swamps and rivers, the finns could only attack along roads. For a long time it was not known where exactly these events took place. Lines of defense. And only in. The soldiers, at the cost of their own lives, delayed the advance of the finnish army and gave time for the evacuation of the population and enterprises of petrozavodsk. In october 1941, finnish troops entered the almost empty city. The people of nonfinnougric nationalities who remained in the city were placed behind the barbed wire. To concentration camps. The interior of one of the camp barracks can be seen in the center of military glory. Commemorative stones were installed on the site of former concentration camps in petrozavodsk. The photograph in one of them became known throughout the world. She was presented at the nuremberg trials as evidence of the cruelty of the occupiers. Author of the photo, war photojournalist. Galina sanko made it in petrozavodsk. Basically, the contingent of prisoners consisted of old men and women, because the strong population, men, they were all drafted into the army and went to defend our fatherland. The first 2 years of occupation, fortysecond year, out of the total number of prisoners, there were approximately 30,000 of them, these are residents of our city, 7,000 during these 2 years, unfortunately, died of hunger and various diseases. One one of the last frontiers in the offensive of the finnish army during the great patriotic war was the village of povenets, this is the starting point of an important transport artery of the white seabaltic canal, the Main Construction project of the ussr in the first fiveyear plan. During the retreat, the Red Army Soldiers had to destroy several canal dams. The village of povenets was washed away by water. He was here, he supervised this construction, moreover, he shared the experience of this construction with his allies. The finns intended to hold the bearish gorsk at all costs. Every meter of the city fired from the heights. In 1944, the red army liberated the city with heavy fighting. By august 9, during the svirpetrozavodsk operation , Red Army Troops approached the former sovietfinnish border and stopped the offensive. The war with finland was over. Capital. Republic, the city of petrozavodsk was liberated earlier, on june 28 , 1944. In 2015, petrozavodsk was awarded the honorary title of city of military glory. Thought. From the first millennium ad to the middle of the 20th century in the territory of the present volgograd region on the volgadon the isthmus was an ancient trade and military route. In the middle ages , settlements of the turkic and khazar khanates and the golden horde existed on these lands. After joining. Tatar astrakhan kingdom to russia, these lands began to be settled by the cossacks. For the cossacks who inhabited the volga and don steppes, military service was the Main Business of life. At the end of the 16th century, the russians built a line of strongholds here to protect the southern borders from raids by nomads, including the tsaritsin fortress, now the city of volgograd. The city forever entered World History under the name stalingrad. He bore this name in the middle of the 20th century. The city on the volga became the line where the

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