Nurses give Majoro seven-day ultimatum MASERU-NURSES at government hospitals this week gave Prime Minister Moeketsi Majoro a seven-day ultimatum to address their grievances or they will “take drastic measures” against the government. They did not specify what measures they will take if their concerns are not heeded. The Lesotho Nurses Association (LNA) handed the letter to the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Kemiso Mosenene, in Maseru on Tuesday. They also demanded that striking nurses and nursing assistants at Queen ’Mamohato Memorial Hospital who are now facing disciplinary action should also not be victimised. “Because of the urgency of the grievances aforementioned, Lesotho Nurses Association recommends government of Lesotho to address these issues as a matter of urgency (within seven days),” their letter reads in part.