Oil costs and a fair share - Kaieteur News : vimarsana.com

Oil costs and a fair share - Kaieteur News

I refer to Dr. Tara Singh’s KN letter dated 5-19-2023, and captioned ‘Once Capital Costs are recovered by Exxon, the flow of oil money will accelerate!’. While I do not agree with this expectation of higher profits for Guyana, I will nevertheless examine in more detail some of the data Dr. Singh presented, under the assumption that the financial information and oil extraction data are accurate. Dr. Singh wrote that at the end of March 31,2023, the total oil extracted from Liza 1 and Liza 2 was 205,759,098 barrels.Additionally, she noted that the total revenues earned by Guyana from the extracted oil from the 205,759,098 barrels of oil was US$2.238 Billion, consisting of royalties in the amount of US$277 Million and profit oil in the amount of US$1.961 Billion. Given that Guyana received 14.5 percent of the total revenue (2 percent as royalty (R) and 12.5 percent as Profit oil (PO)), this implies that the total revenue (TR) from the sale of the oil is US$15.4 Billion, with EEPGL share being US$13.2 Billion; and for every dollar that Guyana receives EEPGL receives $5.90 (Table 1).

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Guyana , Guyanese , , Routledge , Exxon , Owner Associates , Tara Singh , Once Capital Costs , Production Sharing Agreement , Liza Phase , President Routledge , Non Owner Associates , Please Stand Aside ,

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