Out of Time Brendan Ogle Of Unite submitted the following article to the Irish Times on 15 December 2020 Unite House
15 th December 2020 On 14 December 2020 Jerry Buttimer stood up in the Seanad and said that in terms of personal finances, Ireland was becoming a more equal place. ‘ The reality is that income growth and inequality is falling in our country at this time’ he said, ‘ and as Mr. Pat Leahy wrote recently in The Irish Times, people are getting richer and we are becoming more equal.’ Those seeking to help families and individuals suffering from shocking deprivation here this Christmas will be shocked at this news. And so they should be. Because it is false. It is not acceptable for Journalists to present as ‘facts’ things that are not facts and present them as seasonal gifts to ideologically driven Politicians practised in the policies of division, isolation, poverty and deprivation.