Sursa foto: Inquam Photos / George Calin Prime Minister Florin Citu said today, after participating in the meeting of the Ciolpani-based National Intervention Management and Coordination Center, that the Health Ministry has no working group tasked with looking into the reporting of Covid deaths and announced that such an expert body will be now set up. Asked if he intends to send the Control Body to the Health Ministry, or to request an inquiry following ex-Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu's statements about inconsistencies between the two Covid deaths reporting platforms, Citu said that Secretary of State Andrei Baciu informed him that the Health Ministry does not have a working group tasked with looking at the reporting methodology. Consequently - the PM said - a working group will be created to investigate and follow the entire procedure, a body that will have to present its findings to the government, which will then draw the necessary conclusions.