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In many verses that human being should be respected, no matter their rice, no matter their color, human beings should be respected, thats why also said we should have respect for life, killing one innocent life, it tants as if you are killing the whole world, kill one innocent life, your sin will be considered as if you are killing the whole world, so we in siera leon here, my im my my particular in my mask and my jammat, and ive been teaching about the freedom of the palestinians and ive been telling people the suffering they are going through, you know, how many people are still in jail, you know, without being tried, how many people have been killed, the home have been destroyed, this is inhuman. I think the world needs to come together as uh, the pv speaker says, we need to get looks like we have lost contact with sheikh ibrahim, it says say, okay, until we get that fixed properly, let me just explain to our viewers. What youve been watching, these are rallies in of support of the palestinians and this one now in the us city of new york, uh, we had philadelphia a few moments ago, and then before that uh rallies were held uh elsewhere in europe, we had the rotterdam, we had the hague, we had copenhagen, and uh, then we shifted to the us. Okay, lets see if we have shake ibrahim back. Are you there . Yeah, salam alaikum, im here. Sorry, we got interrupted, please continue. Yes, i was trying to say that it was very, very dishening for me to hear from you that still boming is going on and palestine by the israel in, this is very inhuman, this is a. A gross violation of human rights and which the world is speaking and which the un is speaking that we should respect each and every human, and of course it is stated in the quran that we should respect each and every human, allah says the respect each and every human he created, and thats why allah also say in one of the verses in the quran, if you kill one innocent life, your scene is, okay, we have lost the connection again, so lets see what new yorkers are saying, if we could, this is the beginning of the enemy, this is the beginning of them. All right, rally uh being held in different parts of the world, in europe, of course in the oc first islamic countries, several european cities in south africa, now in the us, as we speak, it was in philadelphia, it was in new york now. And this is going on and we should expect maybe elsewhere in the us to see those rallies go on again and well definitely cover them for you live here on press tv for now lets take a little break and go back to normal programming the israeli lobby crackdown diplomacy, palestinian resistance. Make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv. یه وقت من تو بازار می رفتم ۲۰ سالم بود یه آقای بود رد می شدد تو بازار سوار مرکب بازاریا احترام براش قائل بودن یعنی. شکوم داشتن به این آقا سلام بکنن و اونم رو ضرب جواب میداد می گفتفت بندم اینو گرفتم و اومدم تو خونه و این آهنگ تو مغزم اومد. The iconic masters of classical persian music hasan kasais song, salam or greetings, the renowned ney player who found the hidden potentials of the traditional persian ney, in a way you can say that all the reed fluit players in iran, directly or indirectly are his puples. ۳ تصادفاً یک روز که به مدرسه می رفتم تو خیابون از رادیوی مغازه ها صدای استاد کسایی رو شنیدم من علاقه منند به این سال شدم بعد از یکی دو سال یه نامه ای نوشتم به استاد کسایی و تقاضای کمک کردم از ایشون ایشونم من دعوت کردن اصفهان و رفتم و و در نهایت محبت و لطف راهنایی کردنent has been favored for producing rhythmic sounds, made from a plant that can be found all across the world, the neigh or read. By studying the illustrations on the walls of the tombs in egypt and ancient greece, and according to the findings in peru, this end blown Musical Instrument can be dated back to at least 3,000 years ago. Considered as the forfather of the modern flute, the ney has always. Been known for its rich and sad sound. Naise can have different sounds depending on the location of the reed bed and the weather of the region in which the reeds grow, which in turn determine the length and thickness of the reed stems. In iron we have many Musical Instruments with different structures that are made using reads. All of these wind blown instruments have. Experienced many changes over the years both in structure and finger placement. The most important read flute in iran is neyea haft band or the seven segment name. چون چون در اون سال ها نوازنده نیود. چون با ارکسترای مختلف شروع به کار کردم. And has been depicted in many illustrations such as the wall paintings at the famous 40 color pavilion in isfahan. In persian poetry, renowned poets such as romney and hafis have mentioned the ney countless times in their poems. آن کیست که از روی کرم با من وفاداری کند بر جای بدکاری چو من یک دم نکوکاری کند اول به بانگ نای آارد به دل پیغام و آنگه به یک پیمان می با من وفاداری کند. A typical personan nas seven segments, six knots and six holes, one of which is on the back. The pitch of the neigh vari varies depending on the finger arrangement. A highly skilled flute player can reach more than three octaves, but its common to have several additional read fluits to cover different pitch ranges or for playing technically difficult passages. The upper edge of the new is placed inside the mouth between the two upper front teeth by making use of new finger placement shart which was created by master hasan nahid playing the reed flute became much easier. Master nahid has spent the better part of his life more than 50 years training young and enthusiastic pupils in the art of the name and has produced many outstanding players. پیش من کار کردن و هم از نظر تئوری خیلی قوی هستن هم از نظری سازنه برخلاف ساختمان که داره ساز بسیار سختیه مشکل اولش همون درآوردن صداشه که همون اول نمیشه صدای شما الان هر سازی و با یه زخم کوچیک بهش زده صداش در میاد چه ویالون باشه چه تار ولی اولین مشکلش صداشه. Is directed with the tongue over the entrance the neigh, while the upper lip surrounds the upper part of the knee. By moving the lip and tongue, you can change the pitch and the tone. Well, this wasnt supposed to go like this, i was supposed to hold it, blow and play a symphony. I couldnt even make a sound. This is rather difficult, now that ive tried it, i think its like learning new language, you have to know how to hold the neigh or. The correct forms of finger placements, you also have to train your diaphr so that you dont run out of breath. After all, the neigh is a wind instrument. And now we continue. Even though both timber and loudness have infinite variety, in a sense that na didnt used to have a part in orchestras because of the restrictions of its range. All that changed in 19. 50 when master casai fully revolutionized playing the name and

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