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And everybody, youre watching press tv news, this is a live broadcast from tehran, with meruz, israel pressing ahead with its Bombing Campaign against gaza, reducing homes to rubble and taking the lives of palestinians in almost every single area of the besege trip. Gazas Health Ministry saying that some 700 people were killed in israeli air rates in the past 24 hours, the first bombardment targeted the al shaati refugee. Becamp of northern gaza and areas in southern cities of rafa and khanunus. Israel war in gaza is now in its 18th day, some 5,700 palestinians have been killed, 18,00 injured, the more than 2,300 children among those killed. The strikes are coupled with a crippling siege. Palestinian Health Ministry saying that hospitals in gaza can no longer receive new patients. The Un Human Rights Office spokesman has also warned. The humanitarian situation in gaza is teetering on the brink of catastrophe. The humanitarian situation in gaza is now verging on catastrophe due to lack of water, power, sanitation, essential medicine, food and other basic necessities. Jeremy lawrences described israels move to cut off civilians from essential goods as a form of collective punishment and violation of International Law, meanwile, the un agency for palestine refugees says that only 54 trucks with relief supplies have cross into gaza, it says the base territory is not getting the relief supplies at urgent la needs. Ana has warned a fuel does not enter the strip, it will be forced to halt its operations on wednesday night. Meantime, un secretary general antonious decried violence. Of International Law in gaza urging immediate humanitarian ceasfire. I am deeply concerned about the clear violations of International Humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. Let me be clear, no party to an Armed Conflict is above International Humanitarian law. Addressing the Security Council session guteres added to un feel supplies in gaza would run out. A matter of days, causing a disaster, he said aid must be delivered to disturp without any restriction, the un chief also noted the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum, they were caused by 56 years of suffocating occupation. Catter said the palestinians have seen their land is still devowered by selements and plagued by violence while hopes for a political solution to their plate up and vanishing. The palestinan flow minister spoke afterwards slumming the un security. Councils failure to stop israels massacre in gaza. The ongoing massacres being deliberately and systematically and savagely perpetrated by israel, the occupaying power against the palestinian civilian population under its illegal occupation must be stopped. The Security Council added that nothing can justify israels killing of civilians and gaza, it says more than two million palestinians are a Survival Mission every night and every day. Since october 7th, israel has imposed total siege on the strip, cutting food, water, electricity and fuel to the densely populated area. All right, speaking of gaza, lets cross over to gaza. Live, ashref shanon, our correspondent is there, ashref, whats the latest . Well, of israel continues to come with more massacres, just few. Yards behind me uh the house was uh bombed by the israeli fighter chets and four buildings around it also collapsed causing the the death of at least 10 people so far were still waiting for the exact number and earlier 25 people were killed in a similar location not far from here uh well hundreds of injuries have have been has have happened. During these uh air strikes against the palestinians in gaza. It seems that the the Israeli Regime right now is concentrating on and indely Populated Areas in the gaza slip to to kill and may uh more of them and they keep doing this at night instead of the daytime to make sure to uh achieve as much killing as uh as possible uh and any improvement in the fuel supply, oh fuel supply is the same, theres no electricity, theres no water coming to the homes, hardly any destination plants working, and as i said electricity is is is lifeline, you cut the electricity, you will soon, see people dying. Okay, i sure, i know that youre too tired and youve been given us this life coverage for hours, but if you could also explain when you talk to the Palestinian People who are suffering all this, theyre losing their lives and theyre losing their dear ones, theyre losing their everything, their home, their ancestor a home, so how do they feel about this, are they ready to yield under all this pressure or they are they just standing strong . Say that they are not leaving, well most people you talk to in in gaza or anywhere in the ghaza strip, theyll tell you they are extremely proud of what has happened on october 7th when amas fighters attacked Israeli Soldiers, killed them and captured them along with other settlers and they keep saying that they will not leave the palestine, they will not leave their land. Especially that many of them have been Third Generation refugees uh from the historical land of palestine and they know that suffering is is happening to them and pain as well, but for them, most of them say its its its a its a cheap price to pay for humiliating the Israeli Regime who have made the life as as hell for many years. And the recent news we have again some people six people have been killed in this recent israeli air rate and khannes uh in area you are ashraf and unfortunately we see lot of action uh behind your ambulances coming in and unfortunately there is not much that hospitals can do under this condition can they . No exactly this is what i said earlier uh they come in from one gates most like they will leave from the other gate to the mork and thats because theres not enough Surgical Equipment uh special medications and also the xrays are most of them are broken here in nasar hospital but so far they still have electricity and thats a good thing for all of us okay well pray for you ashraf hopefully things uh will work out ash and our corresponds life and gaza. Now moving a senior hamas official is called in arab and islamic countries as well as the un to make more efforts to halt israels assault on gaza. Hamas Political Bureau member osama hamdan made the call in a press conference in beirout. He said that the arab and muslim world and the un must intensify efforts to open humanitarian quarters to gaza. The official also hailed mass popular rallies across the world in solidarity with palestine. Also in the conference hamas spokesman gazi hamad said that israel has more than 3500 uh hamas is more than israel uh more than 3500 soldiers in gaza were just waiting for the israeli army to step into the region at the algason brigades the arm wing of hamas is stage a massive rocket attack targeting tel aviv as palestinians keep up responding to bombardment to the basish gaza strip is. Media describing the attack as the biggest strike targeting since the beginning the war. Other is really cities including ashd and have also been targeted, number of casuality. Is reported. Hamas also rated Israeli Forces in several areas including mafkaim. Meanwile the alguts brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad also stage missile attacks on israel. Some 1,400 israels have been killed in attacks by the resistance front since october 7th. Thousands more have been wounded. Amentime israel has been threatening to. Stage of ground operation in gaza for several days, citing Different Reasons for the delay every time. Now press tv has obtained information from wellinformed sources that israel has in fact tried a Ground Invasion gaza twice, and it failed both times. We have more in this next report. The war in gaza is in its third week, and israel has been hinting a ground operation for several days. Israeli forces. Backed by heavy deployment of us warships in the region have taken positions close to the besieged strips frontiers while at the same time war planes continue to indiscriminately pound gaza. The regime however keeps delaying the Ground Invasion, citing the need to enhance the readiness of its forces and the issue of the captives. However, informed sources have told press that Israeli Forces have actually tried a ground offensive and that twice. The first try happened on sunday afternoon as an israeli brigade was ambushed by Palestinian Resistance forces when trying to enter gazas rafah border. Two bulldozers and a tank belonging to the regime were hit and some 10 tanks were left as the Israeli Soldiers fled for their lives. The second failed Ground Invasion, press tv source said happened hours later on sunday night. This time more than 20 israeli tanks. Were repelled on the way to khan yunis. The regimes military later reported that one soldier was killed and three were injured by an antitank missile shot by hamas during raid into the gaza strip. The gassaam brigades, the armed wing of hamas, announced later its telegram account that it had pushed Israeli Forces back into the occupied territories. The next day, telaviv announced that it had decided to delay the ground war in gaza, pending the arrival of additional. American forces in the region. Meanwhile, hamas and other Palestinian Resistance factions have expressed full readiness for any battle on the ground, warning that gaza will turn into a graveyard for invaders in the event of a ground offensive. I think this is part of their plan, they were, we are expecting this to happen, but what we hear from the people, i mean from the military wink that we we believe that if they try to enter gaza uh again, it will be the what we call it, the maqbara, i mean, they will be not only defeated, but they will be buried here in the gaz strip, following the october 7 surprise operation by hamas, the delusion of israels invincible military and intelligence power was shattered, okay, stoping this to go live to the un Security Council jordans on voice. Speaking there, ladies and gentlemen, the Security Council should adopt a resolution for ceasefire and to stop the war. The Security Council should adopt a resolution to condemn the killing of the palestinians of civilians on both sides to prevent starving palestinians, to prevent collective punishment. The Security Council must take a clear stance that reassure two billion arabs and. Muslims that this that International Law will be applied, lets Work Together to ensure that this is the last war on gaza, the last violence in palestine and israel, the last instance of demonizing palestinians, the last tears of mothers over the futile death of their children, lets Work Together to go back to a true Peace Process to serious negotiations based on International Law, based on security. Resolutions that remain ink on paper to end the pop the occupation to achieve comprehensive, durable, just peace on the basis of the two state resolution within a set time frame, with international guarantees, peace for the palestinians, peace for the israelis, peace for the whole region, otherwise well find ourselves in the same situation weve been in for years, year after year, we are talking without any action on the ground to achieve peace. Innocent civilians are being killed. Hope. Is being dissipated and the credibility of the United Nations is being eroded, the value of International Peace is reduced, this council must champion the law and justice and humanity, or it says israel has the right to do what any other country has not the right to do, and the Palestinian People do not enjoy the same rights as any other people, the war would become even more ferocious, it is up to you, the whole world will benefit if the Security Council champion justice and peace, or the council with bare responsibility of this war, of depriving a whole people of the right to live, like all other peoples of the world, live in security, liberty, independence on their land, on the land palestine on the land of the ancestors. I thank you for your attention, may the blessings of god be upon you. I thank his excellency mr. Safari for his statement. I now give the floor to his excellency mr. Sames shukri, minister for Foreign Affairs of egypt. Thank you, mr. President. Palestinian territories are going through horrific developments. The number of victims of israel. Military action on gaza exceeded 5,000 innocent palestinian civilians, among them more than 2000 children in a matter of three weeks. The war machine continues indiscriminately, indiscriminately to claim lives without any distinction. Despite this humanitarian shock and the loss of lives around the clock, it is regrettable. It is shameful that some continue to justify what is happening, citing the right to selfdefense and resisting terrorism. I wonder today, what right justifies not distinguishing between an enemy to be targeted, and unarmed civilians destined to live for centuries in this particular part of their homeland and to be subjected to a block. Two and a half million civilians are being killed, starved and forcibly displaced. The scenes of this crisis since its beginning have been heartrenching, the children that lost their lives or lost their mothers or their siblings or their fathers do not deserve whats happening to them, theyre not responsible for what is happening to them, our conscience cannot bear their suffering, silence, in this case is tant amount to giving blessings, not naming things by their names and merely calling for respecting International Humanitarian law without describing what is happening as an actual violation of International Humanitarian law and human rights that lip services is paid to, all this is tantom out to participating in the crimes. Reducing the suffering of the Palestinian People that has been going on for seven decades, to the circumstances of the last chapter of this suffering, is attempt to justify flagrant violations of International Law and International Humanitarian law, they are tanto amount to giving the green light to perpetuating unprecedented suffering inflicted on the people of gaza. Mr. President , egypt has condem. The targeting of civilians any civilians i repeat and reaffirm once again that egypt does not accept any targeting of unarmed civilians by any party or capturing them for them to become a bargaining chip. We do not accept any justification in this regard. We call for releasing the captured. Humanity is indivisible and is not selective. Some are busy with playing the blame game while destruction and death continue unabated, those need to recognize that todays situation did not come from nothing, it is a result of accumulated practices and policies with the soul goal of entrenching illegal occupation, usurping the land from its rightful owners and imposing new democratic reality. Egypt has warned time and again of merely timidly calling for reviving the peace. Process of inaction of the international community, not using the tools its disposal to enforce International Consensus on the settlement of the palestinian questions based a twostate solution. And Security Council resolutions, weve also warned at several occasions of the continued and intensified israeli practices lately, especially persisting in weakening the Palestinian Authority saying that peace is no longer feasible, the the policies of separating the west bank and the gaza strip, the blockade on this strip, the storming by the Israeli Military of the towns of the west bank, desecrating holy places, israel renegging any understandings to deescalate the situation on the ground, all of the above led us to this desperate moment, mr. President , Security Council and General Assembly resolutions over the history of the crisis reflected in unequivocal and clear unanimity that the palestinian question needs to be settled, not liquid liquidated by military action or settlements. Or by what were seeing today, namely forced displacement. I reiterate what egypt has stated during the cairo peace summit, that the solution to the palestinian question is not force displacement, not moving the Palestinian People to other places. The only solution is just by granting the palestinians their legitimate rights in selfdetermination, in living in dignity and peace and safety in their independent state, on their territories, just like any other people in the world. The. Palestinian people will not leave its land, its holding to this land, egypt will not accept for the Palestinian People to be forceably displaced and we will not accept any liquidation of the palestinian question at egypts expense. A look at history, clearly reveals that the Palestinian People despite the challenges, remained resistant its territory, and the palestinian questions, throughout the history also did not die. It too remained resistant given the legitimate. Demands of the Palestinian People and their rights that are beyond disputes. What has the world gained as a result of deferring this the solution, more tension, more pain in occupied palestine, in israel and in the whole region. Mr. President , we followed with regret the inability of this august council twice to adopt a resolution or even to call for sease fire to end this war. In light of this crisis situation, we are also surprised by new. Attempts to adopt resolution that dont include any call for ceasefire to prevent any further deterioration of the situation which might lead the region to a dangerous juncture with grave repercussions. What is being tabled, some of whats being tabled today in the council amounts to new attempt to justify the continuation of this war. This is not in line of in line with the charter of the United Nations that is established this council and determined its mandate. Egypt provided a platform for heads of states and government through the cair peace that was held on the 21 of this month to contain the situation and to provide a political framework to deal with this crisis rather than giving free rain to destruction, killing and violence. At this summit we pursued an approach that is not politicized that takes into account the urgent human. Dimension of this catastrophe. We aimed at reaching a consensus, even if just in principle on the escalation, to stop the war and to prevent more destruction to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid and revive the Peace Process. We will not rest until this war ends. However, to be very honest, we regret the double standards weve seen since the beginning of this crisis when dealing with international crisis, especially the humanitarian dimension, some rush and rush to show sympathy with civilian victims in certain places and condemn in the strongest terms possible those responsible for civilian casualties, at the same time they prefer to turn a blind eye and rush to justify the killing and the targeting of civilians and their civilian infrastructure in a different place, as if the lives of civilians of in palestine mattered less than the lives of others as if palestinian lives that not deserve the same efforts to protect them and to defend them. Mr. President , i came today representing egypt which opened the door for peace in the region to warn of the grave repercussions of International Failure to deal with the cothen crisis and its repercussions on peace in the region and the aspirations of the people of the region to peace, coexistence and stability, and i ask you today before its too late, given that the council is the highest political body entrusted with the maintenance of International Peace and security, ill call you to do the following one, sustainable and immediate ceasefire in gaza without any conditions, second, put an end to all the practices that aim to forcibly displace the Palestinian People in their land or outside their land, which is a great violation of International Law, humanitarian International Law and amounts to a war crime, three, provide International Protection immediately to the unarmed Palestinian People, fourth, ensure the safe, prompt and sustainable delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza, israel must bear its responsibilities as the occupying power. Five, we must reach binding formula to settle. The israelipalestinian conflict, according to the agreed upon parameters set out in Security Council resolutions which provide for the end of the occupation and established a Palestinian States along the lines of the 4th of june 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital. Six this council must bear its responsibility and work on launching an independent investigation of the flagrant violations of International Law and International Humanitarian law. Mr. President , the above is the. Least we would expect of this august council, the main body responsible for the maintenance of International Peace and security before the Current Crisis were since even further, before it spills over to other countries of the region. Before we have to go back to this council to discuss. Okay, Security Council meeting in palestine, jordan envoy to unc saying that a resolution must be adopted to stop the war, he condemned the killing of palestinians and what are called collective punish. He said that we should ensure that this war would be the last one on palestinians, he asked for durable solution with international guarantees and he said the Security Council must champion law and humanity or else it credibility would be questioned, then we have the egyptian envoy, just finished speaking, and he said that innocent civilians are getting killed, how could you not distinguish between the enemy and civilians referring to the is really military, and that silence means is ten amount to participate. Getting in crimes, civilians cannot be used as bargaining chips, separating west bank from gaza, incessant occupation, rights violations, desigration of the holy sites have led to this, this is what egyptian envoy said, it said grand palestin legitimate rights, let him live in peace and safety, like other people in the world, he has for truth, for aid to reach gaza, binding formula to settle the conflict forever, and end of occupation, establishment of the palestinian state with all east al goods. As its capital and thats it for rolling coverage of the events related to uh palestine i should say goodbye to you. Israel keeps pounding the blocade of gaz history for the 18 day in a row, total death town out topping 5,700, more than 2,000 kids among those killed since october 7th, israels complete black head is also compounded the humanitarian situation the Un Human Rights Office has warned the humanitarian situation the fully blockated gaza strip is teatering on the verge of catastrophe, the rights body described israels crippling sie of the coastal territory as a form of collective punishment and violation of International Law. The un secretary general and

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