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8 30 a. M. In irans capital, tehran. This is president news. Thanks for joining us. Over five months into israels genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regime continues pounding the blockad territory with indiscriminator strikes and artillery fire. The Health Ministry in gaza says at least 63 people have been killed and 112 others wounded. In the latest round of israeli attacks, at least 12 were killed in an israeli strike on a residential building in derrobala in central gaza. According to the ministry, israel prevents medical teams from reaching victims who are still under the rubble. Meanwhile israels continue bombing residential buildings across the coal strip, including gaza city. The suffering in gaza is not limited to just being targeted by bombs. According to unra, malnutrition and famon are striking northern gaza and is now moving to southern areas. Since the onset of the israel warn in early october, over 31,500 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. The head of the World Health Organization calls on israel not to launch a ground offensive on the Southern Gaza city of raffa where 1. 5 million of displaced palestinians have sought shelter. Said the escalation of violence and rafa would lead to many more deaths and suffering. He called on israel to refrain from the attack in the name of humanity. Thedros added that people in rufa are too fragile, hungry, and sick to be moved around. On friday, the israely Prime Minister approved plans to assault rufa despite increasing International Calls to halt the military operations. Israels genocidal war in gaza has casted a somber tone over this years holy month of ramadan and the beseest strip. Palestinians there are in dire need of food, grappling with the devastating impacts. Of relentless israeling bombardment and crippling siege. Report in gaza, musasaba has talked to some of the displaced gazins to describe their plight. He was displaced after the Israeli Forces attacked our neighborhood. As you can see, we live in these tents made of plastic and fabric. We have nothing eat but some canned food, which is the only thing that we have been eating for roughly six months. We dont even have gas to cook. I have six children and i dont know what, to feed them, i have been displaced from the noserat refugee camp, i have five children, i came from algeria to visit gaza and then the war erupted, i hadnt expected that the situation could be as bad as it is, the situation is beyond catastrophic here as people can barely find food, especially in this holy month of ramadan, this ramadan is completely different from previous years, my five kids and i have in this place from gaza city while my husband is still there, we have no source of food, the amount of food provided by charities is also scarce, were devastated and deprived of our basic needs, i live here with my eight children, our lives are tragic, the situation is getting worse day by day, were struggling to cop with this unbearable condition and with the relentless bombardment and blush it, in ramadan we are completely relying on the food provided by donors, sometimes the food is scarce and we get nothing to it. I think can food has also made us sick. We have been displaced from northern gaza. There are seven of us living here. We are suffering lot, the weather is too cold and there are no gas supplies. Because of that, i have to make fire to cook food. Most of the time we find no food or milk for the children. They always cry and get sick. The israeli war has destroyed everything in gaza. The palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Muhammad Mustafa as the new Prime Minister of the palestinian authority. Mustafa, a us educated economist and former Senior World Bank official. Replaced Muhammad Shataya who resigned three weeks ago, citing the emerging reality in the gaza strip. Our correspondent in ramalandil has interviewed some of the palestinians who have described their views about the newly appointed Prime Minister. Lets see what they had to say. We are all palestinians and we are the sons of this country. Anyone who will be in charge of the government is supposed to respond to the demands and hopes of the people, so the issue of bringing some politic. Almost 30 years weve been waiting to have an independent state, but instead we have only moved from a bad situation to a worse. If we get the chance to have an independent state then we may witness better circumstances. Otherwise we dont need any governments and lets return to the situation before 1987, before the first. Into fada because literally we are held in a big prison divided into cantons, were really frustrated, we dont expect that there will be any true change, what we are witnessing is a change of the there was dr. Hamdallah and then shatiya came, but nothing really has changed except for the politicians in charge. I dont think the coming cabinets will be able to rebuild gaza, its not easy, we have no trust in any arab official whether here or from the arab countries since what . Gaza, we have lost hope and confidence everyone, to be honest, the majority of people here dont know Muhammad Mustafa, but it said that he is a man with great capabilities, we hope hell be able to form new government and succeed in choosing his ministers. The most important thing for us is to change the Current Situation in every possible aspect. We are in a very tragic and very difficult situation and the task that. Are assigned to the new Prime Minister are not easy, so if he is not able to mobilize the countries all over the world to stand with us, then people are going to completely lose their trust in the government. Israels systematic torture and abusive treatment of palestinian prisoners have claimed the life of another inmate, according to palestinian officials, 26 year old juma abuma died in an israeli prison after suffering Serious Health condition. That required hospitalization. His death brings to 13, the number of prisoners who died in israel jails due to torture and medical negligence since october 7. In the statement, Palestinian Prisoners Society said israel has significantly increased torture and systematic medical negligence against palestinies in the past months. Israel keeps over 9 palestinians in jails, many of them under the socalled administrative detention. Controversial and internationally condemned policy allows the regime to keep palestinians. Behind bars for an indefinite period of time without trial. Thousands of israelies have once again rallied in tel aviv to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his failure to secure the release of captives in gaza. The protesters urged netanyahu to resign, calling for Holding Early elections. They about to continue their protests until all capters are released. Netanhou has been in hot water over his handling of the gaza war. Israel has so. Failed to release any of the captives by military means, it is also failed to achieve any of its estated goals of the war. Israel has been the scene of antinetanhou rallies for months. The israel premier is embroiled in series of scandals. His charges among others include fraud and the breach of trust in three cases filed in 2019. This b of Resistance Movement has launched attacks on several israeli positions. Near southern lebanon, a correspondent in beirot mariam saleh says the group seeks to totally destroy Israeli Military posts near lebanon. At the first post that was targeted was the albaghdadi post. We also had very significant operation against the ramim baracks where hazballah launched a burkan rocket. Hizballah seems to be also attempting to completely destroy many of the israeli posts that have been of course. Put forth since the year 2000 after the israeli withdraw from South Lebanon and that has been has caused significant damage and destruction to their posts and also of course very high cost. We also had uh and targeting of almalikia post using morters. Weve heard from the israeli expert uh strategy expert and military analyst alon bendavid who is talking uh through the daily madiif he stressed uh in one of his uh articles that what we are looking at right now in the north, of course theyre calling at the Northern Front that hisbollah with not much effort uh with a little bit of effort with acceptable cost on their part. From for example hazbillah, what they have done is actually emptied out the northern parts and with the fact that theres no decisions being taken uh by the israelis, it seems that the possibility that many of the settlers who left that area will not actually live in that area anytime in the future, and this will end any possibility of any settlers living uh in those towns and were talking about the northern occupied palestinian territory, that is of course one of the signs. That we are looking at secretary general spoke about some of those signs uh that there is lot of disintegration within the Israeli Society and it is being emptied out, many of them actually threatening and warning that they will be leaving uh the occupied territories uh that in itself is considered huge achievement for the resistance in lebanon and even for the resistance of course in palestine. Iran has come a long way to gain independence in the Defense Industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. Its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal. Have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of irans capabilities that have been unveil the spot. Watch for the details in this documentary. Welcome back to the news here on press tv. Israely warplanes have carried out fresh air strikes on syria targeting damascus countryside. Pointing to the syrian military, the missiles were launched from the direction the occupied Golden Heights added that the countrys air defenses intercepted and shot down some of the missiles. The offensive resulted in one soldier being injured and some material losses. This really was. Infrequently targets the war ravaged our country, particularly areas in and around damascus. The Syrian Government has on numerous occasions called on the un to force the Israeli Regime to stop its acts of aggression. Damascus says the assaults are in violation of International Law aimed at propping up terrorists. A New Palestine valley has been organized in rome, this as the italian defense minister has confirmed romes arms exports to israel have. Continued despite a block announced last year. Has more from rome on saturday thousands of people joined a new rally in the italian capital organized among the others by the movement of the palestinian students and the association of the palestinians in italy. The initiative dubbed stopped the genocide also saw the participation of High School Students and families. People at the rally strongly condemned italys unwavering support to im teaching my kids to never give up the fight and to never accept being submitted. The italian defense minister guido croseto has recently said that rome has continued to export arms to israel despite assure. Says last year that the government was blocking such sales following tel avivs invasion of the gaza strip. Some italian media reports recently revealed that despite the italian governments denials the value of arms sales to israel more than tripled in december 2023 compared with the same month in 2022 and december last year was the pick of israeli bombardments on the gaza strip. Western. Government have been systematically supporting zonism and israels criminal regime, not withstanding the protest against israels crimes that have been taking place across the globe. Italys support to tel aviv must stop once and for all. La soluzione sarebbe solution to the on slaught in gaza could be found if the International Community stopped militarily supporting israel. Italy its side has been arming israel through companies, such leonard and others. If we dont make sure that the palestinians right to selfdetermination is protected and nothing will ever change. Earlier this week, more protests and initiatives in solidarity with the besieged palestinians were held in several italian cities, including milan and naples, max chevili, press tv, rome. Hundreds of austrians have taken to the streets of the capital vienna to once again condemn the usisraeli genocide in gaza. Waving palestinian flags, the demonstrators gathered at vietta city center, the demonstration was part of the israeli apartide we called by the bds movement which promotes boycots against israeli products and Multinational Companies linked to the regime protesters said taking part in the rally was their contribution to solidarity with gaza. They said the European Countries are complicit in israeli crimes. They also call for immediate ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. Our correspondent attended the rally and interviewed some of the demonstrators. Lets see what they have to say. We are demonstrating here because today is the 100. 60th day of the genocide. They now propose the new idea of bringing relief supplies to gaza by ship, but i think the real plot is to drive out the people in gaza by ship again, like 1948. The second thing is that we are here to say that the genocide and the salvation must stop. Aid supplies must be brought in through the land crossings and not by air or ship. The us has the power to demand that from israel. We are also here to demand immediate end to the occupation. Im here to. The support a justice cause which is palestine especially during those time where justice is being hijacked by those who control the power and they misrepresenting what we what humans should do how they should support each other whether the East West North south doesnt matter at this particular time its not about question is about to be with just be with human and palestine is not for palestinian us for every human being is for everyone who suffers in this world who feels whats human to be. I am here because i am an antifascist and as an antifascist, i have to be an antizionist and to stand, i have to stand with the Palestinian Resistance for uh the colonization of palestine and we have uh we are unconditionally solid solidar with the palestine and palestinian solidarity and if you uh takes seriously the claim to decolonize the world and the global south, you have to stand with palestine. I come to these protests, because when i was 14 or 15, um, i had to introduce the topic of uh, the the gaza conflict to my class in school, so before we got any of the kind of propaganda that they do teach in schools here, i got to do my own research and i did and i think like anyone who does even a half hour of research on the subject, i very quickly kind of recognized the horrors and ever since then its been very dear to my heart and now with everything thats happening, im just glad that there are people that are coming every weekend, broken its military cooperation agreements with the us, calling the accord illegal. The us presence on the territory of the republic of niger is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the sovereign people, in particular through its elected representatives to be consulted on the installation of foreign army its territory. Abraham said the government revoked with immediate effect the military. That allows military personnel and civilian staff from the Us Department of defense its soil. The declaration came just day after a senior us delegation left niger following a threeday visit to renew contact between the two countries. The us relations with niger faces challenges after a military cooted the western back president in the african country last year. However, the us still stationed some 10 troops in niger a desert drone base. Niger has previously severed military ties with this former colonizer france. It forced french troops in the country to withdraw after nearly decade. Waters across russia are casting their ballots in the president ial election. That is all but certain to extend president Vladimir Putins rule by another six years. Voting took place at polling stations across russias 11 time zones, including online balloting in the regions that broke away from ukraine and rejoined the russian federation. Around 114 million russians are eligible to vote in this years threeday election that will continue until sunday. In the runup to the vote, putin boasted about battlefield successes in ukraine where the Russian Troops have recently made gains. He also cited economic growth. Saying the countrys economy has proven to be resilient despite western sanctions. Putins victory appears highly probable, as none of the three other candidates in the race is a prominent challenger. The current election marks the eighth president ial election in russia. This will be putins fifth term as president. Iran and azerbaijans joint hydroelectric projects will soon be inaugurated, giving yet another boost to their bilateral relations. Then was made during the Azerbaijani Energy ministers recent visit to tehran. Kisum ahmedi has more. A growing Strategic Partnership between azerbaijan and iran in the Energy Sector on full display. A collaboration that promises to Bolster Economic Development and Energy Security beyond the borders of the two countries and in the region as described by the iranian minister of energy and his visiting azerbaijani counterpart. Dams on the aras river are near completion, this means that the hydroelectric power plants will soon be operational. A highlight of this cooperation is the near completion of hydroelectric power plants on the adas river, vital waterway on the iranazerbaijan border, with construction progress reported at 96 . The hudafa farin dam is providing for the water reservoir, it is 1. 6 billion cubic meters of resource, the kiss galaxy is a little bit smaller, its only 50 thousand, but together it is, its also make already uh the big amount of Water Resources, at the same time we together for two countries have 280. Megawatts of Electricity Generation projection. The strategic importance of these hydroelectric projects extends beyond national benefits, signaling move towards Greater Energy independence and regional cooperation, including the creation of an energy bridge linking azerbaijan, iran and russia by connecting iran and russias power grids through the republic of azerbaijan. This follows decisions made two weeks ago during the 17th iran russia. Joint Economic Commission in tehran to boost economic relations in different fields. This joint project can not only allow us to expand cooperation in hydroelectric power, but it can also pave the way for more projects that we intend to collaborate on. Managing shared Water Resources for Energy Production lays the ground workork for more mutually beneficial cooperation, which is why the president s of both countries will be attending the inaugural ceremony. The project. Were in the final stages, promising a significant boost in iranazerbaijan bilateral relations, all in line with president Ibrahim Raisis policy to expand relations with neighboring countries. Gisum shah madi press tv, tehran. And that does it for this additional world news, this bye bye for now. از لحاظ جنایت و خباثت و وحشی گری و خونخواری در اوج صبر بی نظیر این ایستادگی مردم دنیای اسلام مکلف است موظف است. از تکلیف دینی داره هرکس هرجور می توانه کمک کنه و حرام قطعی و جنایت واقعیست کمک به دشمن این ها از سوی هر کسی باشه متاسفانه در دنیای اسلام هستن کسانی قدرت هایی دولت هایی که به دشمنان این مردم مظلوم کمک می کنن انشاالله یه روزی هم خودشون پشیمان میشن و سزای این خیانت رو خواهند دید هم خواهند دید که بی فایده بوده از آنچه که انجام دادن. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Kuwait was the main financier of saddams war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. Kuwait was not like iran for the United States and the west to remain silent in the face of an attack

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