pVerify® Launches Medicare MBI Lookup Solution for Healthcare Providers that Accelerates Revenue Cycle News provided by Share this article Share this article IRVINE, Calif., March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- pVerify, the leader in All-Payer Patient Insurance Eligibility and Verification Software, launches Real-time and Batch MBI Lookup Solution for healthcare providers to accelerate insurance billing for Medicare patients. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) replaced the SSN-based HICN for Medicare enrollees with a new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier called MBI ID; since then, claims or other transactions submitted without valid MBI have been simply rejected. Although all Medicare patients were mailed the new Medicare cards ahead of this transition, they forget to bring their cards to their appointments, especially for urgent visits to Hospitals and ER. Administrative staff ends up wasting a lot of time using the tedious MAC Portal MBI tool to find the answers.