Reflections on a year of change and challenges ahead : vimar

Reflections on a year of change and challenges ahead

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IIED's 2020 annual review captures the changes and challenges the pandemic brought. We presented stories of how we worked with partners to deliver positive change in a series of eight videos, this is a written summary of those stories.
From changing the narrative on international investment treaties; to making the business case for sustainable fisheries in Myanmar to protect livelihoods and ecosystems; to working with young people and women in Tanzania and Zanzibar on climate-resilience planning – the stories in this brief review of 2020 show how we collaborate with our partners around the world
and how we delivered impact in a time of crisis, working to tackle the five global challenges that we identified in our Make Change Happen strategy.

Related Keywords

Tanzania , Andrew Norton , , Make Change Happen , தான்சானியா , ஆண்ட்ரூ நார்டன் , செய்ய மாற்றம் நடக்கும் ,

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