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Transcripts For RT News 20240713 :
Transcripts For RT News 20240713 :
RT News July 13, 2024
Robberies its from but youll recall to that kind of a crime to the police you would get a 1st class response if you were a child being raped it wasnt being reflected. And c. N. N. Promises and eye opening documentary on fake news and its impact on citizens despite the channel itself being exposed as a misinformation mecca. Youre watching our 2 international bring you your live news update from our studio here and moscow welcome to the program. Friday marks 75 years since the liberation of warsaw from nazi germany by soviet forces operate the polish government does not celebrate the occasion limiting commemorations to 2 bands organize privately its estimated that more than 5000000 poles one in every 7 citizens died in the war. I. The cities today empty and deserted the bodies of poles tortured and executed could often be seen in ditches and sewer pipes there is not a single undamaged building remaining in warsaw objects of historical and
Cultural Heritage
been plundered and demolished. I feel i am feel i feel. It is with great joy as im reporting to you that today on january the 7945 joint forces of the soviet army is 1st belarusian front and the polish 1st army have successfully completed an offensive operation for turning movement and have liberated the city of warsaw from that syrian baiters once and for all i am our troops are greeted by local residents who politely into the streets just salutes how soldiers and officers with cheers and its 1st woman great city to liberate the city from nazi occupation. Just follow and he was a young boy when the nazis took warsaw heres how he described life under occupation. More not sure sure sure i didnt know were gay when i was 11 years old and it came unexpectedly it started with an aerial bombardment we didnt even know that this could all be real like a bolt from the blue bombs were falling out from the sky and your family and friends were dying blood and how were old around them which im sure theyd stayed became worse from the 10th of january and now its a plane stopped conducting but bargains but they started dropping incendiary shelves full of
White Phosphorus
there were 2 periods when the terror had reached its highest point during that time hanged in shock people were lying in the streets you were afraid to go outside because the cars could have come and taken anyone you were afraid to write a trend as no one knew where the germans might stop a person and take him somewhere terrible he said the members approached the rules were simple everything was prohibited and you had no rights except working for the nazis this was a time when the whole society understood particularly in warsaw that he should do everything to do as much harm a spa civil to the occupier. In august 1944 at the polls
Resistance Movement
rose up against their occupiers trying to seize the capital the warsaw uprising last in 63 days before being put down by the nazis at least 150000 people are believed to have died this is how just love lewandowski recalls that period. Time so i was sent to deliver some kind of packages i was always successful in getting through the entrance gates to the tram to moron of all the security guards usually fail to notice make sure you had to find a place between the carry action so you could quickly disappear into the crowd after getting off which i saw terrible things there are too many dead people in the streets many wheelbarrows full of dead people mostly jews so so many starving children on the streets on this mall ghetto square there were more than half a 1000000 jews in the ghetto people were not human beings german could walk by and punch chap shoot or shot a person sure and people were treated like dirt 1st i think we were liberated by the soviet soldiers outside the town of flubber. Then i spent 2 months in the soviet hospital there i found out that the warsaw had been free that people who survived were very happy and stander stude at the worst was over the border in recent years paul has portrayed the soviet union as equally responsible for the war as nazi germany. Recently declassified wartime documents points to a different conclusion its all quite a reports. The nazi occupation one of the darkest chapters in polands history nearly 6 long years of death and terror left its capital warsaw all but destroyed the occupiers and their collaborators divided the population by race millions of supposed undesirables shift off to perish in the ovens and gas chambers of the extermination camps women were raped in the streets men women and children mass occurred in pogroms only to be dumped into mass graves by the end of it all 90 percent of polish jews had been exterminated but 75 years ago on the 17th of january soviet forces liberated warsaw back then the people welcome to the soviet troops heres an account from newly declassified documents. The nazis committed a stone nation and terrifying atrocities in poland evidence of human death and suffering was everywhere posed residents met soviet soldiers with happiness and joy for i was they stood in the streets greece in
Red Army Troops
they saluted officers and soldiers expressing gratitude for liberation of the city from nazi occupation but for the citys government now the day the nazis were expelled is no longer an occasion to celebrate why while todays polish authorities dont look back with any fondness for those liberators or anything to do with moscow right now to them
Vladimir Putin
is a liar for daring to say poland benefited from the munich agreement which carved up czechoslovakia in 1938 giving nazi germany and warsaw the spoils the polish authorities also dont like that putin called their prewar ambassador an anti semite despite the envoys enthusiastic approval of hitlers plan to deport germanys jews to africa but of course its all really just russias plan to destroy polands great reputation a lie that is repeated a 1000 times becomes the truth as google said today were talking about an attempt to undermine confidence in poland in the eyes of the
World Community
and the kremlins intentions to sow
Division Within
European Union
and nato putin seeks to portray poland as supposedly the not quite right part of the west while these very statements are part of propaganda preparations ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz and the anniversary of the end of world war 2 could that mean israels in cahoots with russias propaganda plot to after all tell of eve didnt invite the polish president to speak at its auschwitz liberation ceremony hes decided to boycott the whole event in protest especially since
Vladimir Putin
is on the list of honored speakers it turns out that the president s of russia. Germany and france whose countries collaborated with nazi germany will speak but the organizers did not agree to a speech by the president of poland the ability to speak in regards to this matter is against the interests of the polish republic ok so poland doesnt want to rub shoulders with those abroad who dont support its historical narrative but at home the law gets tough if youre not on the same page anyone who publicly and contrary to the facts denies crimes referred to in article one shall be subject to a fine or the penalty of imprisonment of up to 3 years the sentence shall be made public. Except the law only mentions the crimes of the nazis twice most of the text is reserved for describing the actions of the countrys liberators for poland its not so much a question about who the good or bad guys were now its a mission to blur the lines between the 2 opposing ideologies fascism and communism as the 2nd world war fades from living memory the victim card becomes that much easier to play the major offensive launched by the red army in january 1945 was enormously important it destroyed much of the german on those capability with praise in the conference in february by. Roosevelt and churchill so it was very very significant parts of the defeat of hitler unfortunately theres been a tendency in recent times to simply blame the soviet union and now russia for everything that goes wrong the soviet union lost 27000000 i think the crucial thing here is that we need to try and find a language and symbolism of reconciliation rather than pro food to believe recycling the pain from the a c. This is unfortunately this cold war thinking returning polands former president lech walesa believes that while poles have been brought up to see the soviet union as an occupier its important to remember that the red army was a liberating force. But if you have move it wasnt swims up if i were in power i would invite him i would look for positive solutions so that both countries benefit and so as to prevent other powers from capitalizing on our mistakes if i were in power i would allow myself to be invited or i would invite myself because we must remember the past respect the past remember that many people have died and deserve gratitude and recognition but again its another perspective on world war 2 when the soviet union. All of us throughout the day for our special coverage of the anniversary and clipping the documentary a big sonia about a holocaust survivor and her fiction notice which you can watch after this bulletin our team has also launched the hash tag victory pages documentary platform on social media heres a quick look. U. K. Police knew children were suffering the most profound sexual abuse and the
Northern City
of manchester but did not protect them as according to a new and dependent report officers in 2004 launched operation augusta to investigate the issue but the report requested by the crime commissioner adds the probe was prematurely closed down before complete its work. Efficient investigation was closed due to lack of resources but whistleblower maggie all over a former
Manchester Police
detective who worked on operation augusta says there were other reasons. The decision to close down operational krista was driven by the decision of
Senior Officers
to remove the resources from the investigation this was because it was a very complex investigation but there were other factors involved in the decision to close it down there was definitely an element of concern about the ethnicity of the offenders being pakistani men and the children being very vulnerable white children there was also the resources issue and because its very labor intensive it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of commitment from an organization to resource a job like this and also and there was a focus on what we call acquisitive crime so burglaries theft from
Motor Vehicle
robberies if somebody reported that kind of a crime to the police you would get a 1st class response if you were a child being raped it wasnt being reflected in
Performance Indicators
hence the police did not respond the initial investigation was triggered by the death of victoria a girl where she was in the care of
Manchester City
council after her mothers death the girl was subjected to
Sexual Assault
and injected with heroin i have 50 year old man the report says that carers knew about abuse was going on but did not act while police failed to bring the perpetrators to justice 15 year old victoria died after being administered a heroin overdose retore as grandmother says that since her death she has been battling to find out the truth. She was such a lovely girl she didnt deserve to die ive been fighting all my life for this she told me herself with these men. The authorities knew that many victims were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect him from the perpetrators and as a result very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted this is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country authorities have now launched a criminal investigation following that reports findings the chief constable of
Manchester Police
has offered his condolences to the victims adding that officers will do everything to bring those responsible to justice with the blower maggie all over again what
Senior Police
and other officials themselves to be investigated. This coverup thats the only word there is for it was absolutely deliberate this report this review its an independent 3 view makes it
Crystal Clear
that this was a deliberate cover up there was a reluctance to not only that it was pakistani men predominantly who were abusing vulnerable young white children and their
Young Children
that became a political hot potato it was often said that these kids of 11 and 12 were making a lifestyle choice that they were working as prostitutes that they were kids that is never the case they were vulnerable kids who we have a duty to protect and they all saw it is failed time and time again to do that this is criminal neglect in my opinion it is misconduct in a
Public Office
at the highest level and i want to see accountability criminal charges brought against
Senior Police
officers senior social workers and potentially going right up to the government if culpability can be shown there for the neglect of people in
Public Office
. See a man on a t. V. Channel repeatedly exposed as reporting fake news has announced a documentary promising to expose that very subject appears in march and looks at the impact that disapprobation conspiracy theories im false news stories have on the average citizen examines why the documentary may not be quite as i opening as it promises protecting innocent minds from the harm of fake news has become one of the biggest battles of the day its what seed
Facebook Twitter
and co get tough on patrolling content and its apparently what inspired this announcement. H. B. O. Just announced something ive been working on for a couple of years a documentary titled after truth this information in the cost of fake news heading up this new project
Brian Stelter
host of the c. N. N. Show reliable sources now back in august was to space silent as one of his reliable guests on his reliable show said trump killed more people than
Hitler Stalin
and mao combined than after he was ripped apart on twitter he blamed tech problems that he didnt hear the gas comments apparently the only thing he can rely on now is the fact that his show is not a smash hit losing over 10 percent of its if you or ship in a year but perhaps thats not surprising given that he previously been described on his own show a somewhat less than reliable i mean this was truly no disrespect but i think you could border on being sort of quite a ridiculous figure but anyway lets take a quick look at just some of the story style to conclude in his new documentary how about that one on everyones favorite topic of russia but it was so were told with mistakes it was not only retracted but then the 3 journalists who have been working on it resigned oh no that was c. N. N. Or apparently how all the details of the infamous steel anti trump dossier had been corroborated one hoops turned out that actually most of it hadnt been still c. N. N. Well weve always got that bombshell report about how trump knew in advance about the trump tower meeting but then it turns out the source actually didnt exist probably not c. N. N. Again how trump was the 1st president since bush not to take questions at a press conference and then it turned out actually obama hadnt either also c. N. N. Never mind im sure theyll try to something up in light of all these mishaps it was inevitable then the people wasted no time in weighing in. Wouldnt it be easier to just name it c. N. N. Were very aware youve been working on it probably starring a major role free to include this information conspiracy theories and false new stories surrounding the claim that dont know jay trump was a russian asset conspirator blackmail and get your film crew to interview you and colleagues as among its purveyors. Booking in the world but what really makes this a jewel of an announcement and announcement of announcements the timing because c. N. N. Has literally just settled a multimillion dollar lawsuit over its fake
News Coverage
of the coding to kids you know the ones who are smeared of bigots and racists mainly because theyre wearing my hats on the topic of bad timing finance card trending on twitter not in a cool way its featured in the hash tag c. N. N. Is trash its political correspondents found herself in a unique position of being hated on both by the left and right wing media because of this moment at the latest democratic debate senator sanders c. N. N. Reported yesterday that and senator sanders senator warren confirmed in a statement that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman could win the election why did you say that wells a matter of fact i didnt say thank you very much you want to thank you for saying that you never told senator warren that a woman could not win the election that is correct. Senator warren what did you think when senator
Sanders Sanders
told you a woman could not win the election. But according to a c. N. N. Commentator the question of why that were not saunders said a woman would never make it to the white house is not actually up for debate because c. N. N. Reported on it back in 20000 so must be true so youve really got to hand it to c. N. N. For stealing a monster class and how to lack selfawareness even if it didnt mean to it chant up people at the start of what so far can only be called a bumpy year. France has once again been brought to a standstill trade unions and
Public Sector
workers are piling the pressure on the french president over his proposed
Pension Reforms
transport strikes hit paris and other cities on thursday and some of the rallies turned violent. Thousands more demonstrated across the country blocking ports and cutting up put out
Electricity Generation
sites unions called on train metro and hospital workers along with teachers to march on the french couple demanding the concrete move one of my posts poses as despite the governments decision to compromise agreeing to drop some of the
Cultural Heritage<\/a> been plundered and demolished. I feel i am feel i feel. It is with great joy as im reporting to you that today on january the 7945 joint forces of the soviet army is 1st belarusian front and the polish 1st army have successfully completed an offensive operation for turning movement and have liberated the city of warsaw from that syrian baiters once and for all i am our troops are greeted by local residents who politely into the streets just salutes how soldiers and officers with cheers and its 1st woman great city to liberate the city from nazi occupation. Just follow and he was a young boy when the nazis took warsaw heres how he described life under occupation. More not sure sure sure i didnt know were gay when i was 11 years old and it came unexpectedly it started with an aerial bombardment we didnt even know that this could all be real like a bolt from the blue bombs were falling out from the sky and your family and friends were dying blood and how were old around them which im sure theyd stayed became worse from the 10th of january and now its a plane stopped conducting but bargains but they started dropping incendiary shelves full of
White Phosphorus<\/a> there were 2 periods when the terror had reached its highest point during that time hanged in shock people were lying in the streets you were afraid to go outside because the cars could have come and taken anyone you were afraid to write a trend as no one knew where the germans might stop a person and take him somewhere terrible he said the members approached the rules were simple everything was prohibited and you had no rights except working for the nazis this was a time when the whole society understood particularly in warsaw that he should do everything to do as much harm a spa civil to the occupier. In august 1944 at the polls
Resistance Movement<\/a> rose up against their occupiers trying to seize the capital the warsaw uprising last in 63 days before being put down by the nazis at least 150000 people are believed to have died this is how just love lewandowski recalls that period. Time so i was sent to deliver some kind of packages i was always successful in getting through the entrance gates to the tram to moron of all the security guards usually fail to notice make sure you had to find a place between the carry action so you could quickly disappear into the crowd after getting off which i saw terrible things there are too many dead people in the streets many wheelbarrows full of dead people mostly jews so so many starving children on the streets on this mall ghetto square there were more than half a 1000000 jews in the ghetto people were not human beings german could walk by and punch chap shoot or shot a person sure and people were treated like dirt 1st i think we were liberated by the soviet soldiers outside the town of flubber. Then i spent 2 months in the soviet hospital there i found out that the warsaw had been free that people who survived were very happy and stander stude at the worst was over the border in recent years paul has portrayed the soviet union as equally responsible for the war as nazi germany. Recently declassified wartime documents points to a different conclusion its all quite a reports. The nazi occupation one of the darkest chapters in polands history nearly 6 long years of death and terror left its capital warsaw all but destroyed the occupiers and their collaborators divided the population by race millions of supposed undesirables shift off to perish in the ovens and gas chambers of the extermination camps women were raped in the streets men women and children mass occurred in pogroms only to be dumped into mass graves by the end of it all 90 percent of polish jews had been exterminated but 75 years ago on the 17th of january soviet forces liberated warsaw back then the people welcome to the soviet troops heres an account from newly declassified documents. The nazis committed a stone nation and terrifying atrocities in poland evidence of human death and suffering was everywhere posed residents met soviet soldiers with happiness and joy for i was they stood in the streets greece in
Red Army Troops<\/a> they saluted officers and soldiers expressing gratitude for liberation of the city from nazi occupation but for the citys government now the day the nazis were expelled is no longer an occasion to celebrate why while todays polish authorities dont look back with any fondness for those liberators or anything to do with moscow right now to them
Vladimir Putin<\/a> is a liar for daring to say poland benefited from the munich agreement which carved up czechoslovakia in 1938 giving nazi germany and warsaw the spoils the polish authorities also dont like that putin called their prewar ambassador an anti semite despite the envoys enthusiastic approval of hitlers plan to deport germanys jews to africa but of course its all really just russias plan to destroy polands great reputation a lie that is repeated a 1000 times becomes the truth as google said today were talking about an attempt to undermine confidence in poland in the eyes of the
World Community<\/a> and the kremlins intentions to sow
Division Within<\/a> the
European Union<\/a> and nato putin seeks to portray poland as supposedly the not quite right part of the west while these very statements are part of propaganda preparations ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz and the anniversary of the end of world war 2 could that mean israels in cahoots with russias propaganda plot to after all tell of eve didnt invite the polish president to speak at its auschwitz liberation ceremony hes decided to boycott the whole event in protest especially since
Vladimir Putin<\/a> is on the list of honored speakers it turns out that the president s of russia. Germany and france whose countries collaborated with nazi germany will speak but the organizers did not agree to a speech by the president of poland the ability to speak in regards to this matter is against the interests of the polish republic ok so poland doesnt want to rub shoulders with those abroad who dont support its historical narrative but at home the law gets tough if youre not on the same page anyone who publicly and contrary to the facts denies crimes referred to in article one shall be subject to a fine or the penalty of imprisonment of up to 3 years the sentence shall be made public. Except the law only mentions the crimes of the nazis twice most of the text is reserved for describing the actions of the countrys liberators for poland its not so much a question about who the good or bad guys were now its a mission to blur the lines between the 2 opposing ideologies fascism and communism as the 2nd world war fades from living memory the victim card becomes that much easier to play the major offensive launched by the red army in january 1945 was enormously important it destroyed much of the german on those capability with praise in the conference in february by. Roosevelt and churchill so it was very very significant parts of the defeat of hitler unfortunately theres been a tendency in recent times to simply blame the soviet union and now russia for everything that goes wrong the soviet union lost 27000000 i think the crucial thing here is that we need to try and find a language and symbolism of reconciliation rather than pro food to believe recycling the pain from the a c. This is unfortunately this cold war thinking returning polands former president lech walesa believes that while poles have been brought up to see the soviet union as an occupier its important to remember that the red army was a liberating force. But if you have move it wasnt swims up if i were in power i would invite him i would look for positive solutions so that both countries benefit and so as to prevent other powers from capitalizing on our mistakes if i were in power i would allow myself to be invited or i would invite myself because we must remember the past respect the past remember that many people have died and deserve gratitude and recognition but again its another perspective on world war 2 when the soviet union. All of us throughout the day for our special coverage of the anniversary and clipping the documentary a big sonia about a holocaust survivor and her fiction notice which you can watch after this bulletin our team has also launched the hash tag victory pages documentary platform on social media heres a quick look. U. K. Police knew children were suffering the most profound sexual abuse and the
Northern City<\/a> of manchester but did not protect them as according to a new and dependent report officers in 2004 launched operation augusta to investigate the issue but the report requested by the crime commissioner adds the probe was prematurely closed down before complete its work. Efficient investigation was closed due to lack of resources but whistleblower maggie all over a former
Manchester Police<\/a> detective who worked on operation augusta says there were other reasons. The decision to close down operational krista was driven by the decision of
Senior Officers<\/a> to remove the resources from the investigation this was because it was a very complex investigation but there were other factors involved in the decision to close it down there was definitely an element of concern about the ethnicity of the offenders being pakistani men and the children being very vulnerable white children there was also the resources issue and because its very labor intensive it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of commitment from an organization to resource a job like this and also and there was a focus on what we call acquisitive crime so burglaries theft from
Motor Vehicle<\/a> robberies if somebody reported that kind of a crime to the police you would get a 1st class response if you were a child being raped it wasnt being reflected in
Performance Indicators<\/a> hence the police did not respond the initial investigation was triggered by the death of victoria a girl where she was in the care of
Manchester City<\/a> council after her mothers death the girl was subjected to
Sexual Assault<\/a> and injected with heroin i have 50 year old man the report says that carers knew about abuse was going on but did not act while police failed to bring the perpetrators to justice 15 year old victoria died after being administered a heroin overdose retore as grandmother says that since her death she has been battling to find out the truth. She was such a lovely girl she didnt deserve to die ive been fighting all my life for this she told me herself with these men. The authorities knew that many victims were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect him from the perpetrators and as a result very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted this is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country authorities have now launched a criminal investigation following that reports findings the chief constable of
Manchester Police<\/a> has offered his condolences to the victims adding that officers will do everything to bring those responsible to justice with the blower maggie all over again what
Senior Police<\/a> and other officials themselves to be investigated. This coverup thats the only word there is for it was absolutely deliberate this report this review its an independent 3 view makes it
Crystal Clear<\/a> that this was a deliberate cover up there was a reluctance to not only that it was pakistani men predominantly who were abusing vulnerable young white children and their
Young Children<\/a> that became a political hot potato it was often said that these kids of 11 and 12 were making a lifestyle choice that they were working as prostitutes that they were kids that is never the case they were vulnerable kids who we have a duty to protect and they all saw it is failed time and time again to do that this is criminal neglect in my opinion it is misconduct in a
Public Office<\/a> at the highest level and i want to see accountability criminal charges brought against
Senior Police<\/a> officers senior social workers and potentially going right up to the government if culpability can be shown there for the neglect of people in
Public Office<\/a>. See a man on a t. V. Channel repeatedly exposed as reporting fake news has announced a documentary promising to expose that very subject appears in march and looks at the impact that disapprobation conspiracy theories im false news stories have on the average citizen examines why the documentary may not be quite as i opening as it promises protecting innocent minds from the harm of fake news has become one of the biggest battles of the day its what seed
Facebook Twitter<\/a> and co get tough on patrolling content and its apparently what inspired this announcement. H. B. O. Just announced something ive been working on for a couple of years a documentary titled after truth this information in the cost of fake news heading up this new project
Brian Stelter<\/a> host of the c. N. N. Show reliable sources now back in august was to space silent as one of his reliable guests on his reliable show said trump killed more people than
Hitler Stalin<\/a> and mao combined than after he was ripped apart on twitter he blamed tech problems that he didnt hear the gas comments apparently the only thing he can rely on now is the fact that his show is not a smash hit losing over 10 percent of its if you or ship in a year but perhaps thats not surprising given that he previously been described on his own show a somewhat less than reliable i mean this was truly no disrespect but i think you could border on being sort of quite a ridiculous figure but anyway lets take a quick look at just some of the story style to conclude in his new documentary how about that one on everyones favorite topic of russia but it was so were told with mistakes it was not only retracted but then the 3 journalists who have been working on it resigned oh no that was c. N. N. Or apparently how all the details of the infamous steel anti trump dossier had been corroborated one hoops turned out that actually most of it hadnt been still c. N. N. Well weve always got that bombshell report about how trump knew in advance about the trump tower meeting but then it turns out the source actually didnt exist probably not c. N. N. Again how trump was the 1st president since bush not to take questions at a press conference and then it turned out actually obama hadnt either also c. N. N. Never mind im sure theyll try to something up in light of all these mishaps it was inevitable then the people wasted no time in weighing in. Wouldnt it be easier to just name it c. N. N. Were very aware youve been working on it probably starring a major role free to include this information conspiracy theories and false new stories surrounding the claim that dont know jay trump was a russian asset conspirator blackmail and get your film crew to interview you and colleagues as among its purveyors. Booking in the world but what really makes this a jewel of an announcement and announcement of announcements the timing because c. N. N. Has literally just settled a multimillion dollar lawsuit over its fake
News Coverage<\/a> of the coding to kids you know the ones who are smeared of bigots and racists mainly because theyre wearing my hats on the topic of bad timing finance card trending on twitter not in a cool way its featured in the hash tag c. N. N. Is trash its political correspondents found herself in a unique position of being hated on both by the left and right wing media because of this moment at the latest democratic debate senator sanders c. N. N. Reported yesterday that and senator sanders senator warren confirmed in a statement that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman could win the election why did you say that wells a matter of fact i didnt say thank you very much you want to thank you for saying that you never told senator warren that a woman could not win the election that is correct. Senator warren what did you think when senator
Sanders Sanders<\/a> told you a woman could not win the election. But according to a c. N. N. Commentator the question of why that were not saunders said a woman would never make it to the white house is not actually up for debate because c. N. N. Reported on it back in 20000 so must be true so youve really got to hand it to c. N. N. For stealing a monster class and how to lack selfawareness even if it didnt mean to it chant up people at the start of what so far can only be called a bumpy year. France has once again been brought to a standstill trade unions and
Public Sector<\/a> workers are piling the pressure on the french president over his proposed
Pension Reforms<\/a> transport strikes hit paris and other cities on thursday and some of the rallies turned violent. Thousands more demonstrated across the country blocking ports and cutting up put out
Electricity Generation<\/a> sites unions called on train metro and hospital workers along with teachers to march on the french couple demanding the concrete move one of my posts poses as despite the governments decision to compromise agreeing to drop some of the
Pension Reforms<\/a> those controversial aspects the
French Parliament<\/a> is due to debate the bill next month but i think oceans drive on some have even found a water slide to be about. As the strike continues in fronts weve brought you the ngo weve brought you the discontentment weve even bought you the violets the other thing that is quite interesting about protests like this all the fun is that really brings the color if you just look behind me you can to get a sense of just some of those banners that are out today people spend tireless hours creating these banners to try and get them for a moment say on t. V. All social networks are trying to get their voices across were going to speak to the ballot hes going they sound very nice sorry ive been translating serious nice english basically saying not going loves to our professors particularly at the age of 64 i rather emailed reference to the fact he married a schoolteacher i use it. To be fair to the bank i. Know but still could. Normally teachers retire at 62 like everyone else but if this reform for the past will go up to 64 with a noise from this man as the we are told the president is a teacher. So its not just the placards that we see at these protests we also see other flags that are regular currencies like this one for che guevara and the flag of the palestinian territories over there all the color that adds to almost every protest that we come to in front of just spotted what looks like quite a nice cargo placard here in paris its a train lets have a chat to the person behind this. Expect watch. Have been on strike for 42 days with the
Railway Workers<\/a> striking against marcos. Michel i think were witnessing some sort of humorous show here weve got some of the huge looks like the son of
Margaret Thatcher<\/a> and mr mack cole that hairstyle is in dispute really that of
Margaret Thatcher<\/a> particularly with what looked like to be pearls on the is around her. For me you know protest in paris is complete intil we have met this gentleman this is baptist and every protest he is out with a new so i mean in this distinctive color in so many 1st ashore porlock im joining the fight for social justice the environment democracy democracy everything is going wrong this is a democratic emergency the politicians is not performing his duties and. Both on the simple message is to do more humorist messages it seems you can pretty much find anything on a placard at a protest in front and from everybody weve spoken to it seems that the reason why people are really keen to get their protest band is out here in sharing is to make sure that they seen in the crowds show that you can ski r. T. In paris. Thats a global news wrap up for this hour thanks for tuning in. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Must need to explain why its no good keep the slimes you force new the focus on the best if you still. Want what. You see in the film was not just for the most good movie you. Really believe. You come to my. Boy. Not that i would change the i dont. Know what is. Right the consternation the small. Words. So have a seat at these 2 like force the green and the blue and then well do a quick sound check with them so youll wear these headphones but theyre just small here the size. Its make sure that one is going to make sure that your hairs ok i dont bend too much. Its. All right can you hear in there. You know minute change of all you. Cant hear anything in there so she cant she cant yes. Do you hear me im. Well you had me laughing. Sonya washouts good lives in kansas city her granddaughter leah is a seattle based filmmaker and shes making a documentary about her grandmothers past and more recent past hello sonia you know oh are you and good im curious how do you think those experiences of your use those experiences that are so hard to imagine for most of us how how they shaped this woman that you are 7 decades later. Well. Never. And its really the story. To tell you how i made it said","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/35\/items\/RT_20200117_060000_News\/RT_20200117_060000_News.thumbs\/RT_20200117_060000_News_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}