Transcripts For RT Worlds Apart 20240713 :

Transcripts For RT Worlds Apart 20240713

It when i heard the title of your talk of the rape of britain the Media Association that i got of was with the book the rape of nanking its a very famous book describing 6 weeks in 937 during which the Japanese Forces killed at least 200000 i mean billions and braved 20000 at least 20000 Chinese Women even with those races even to those cases that youre trying to highlight the statistics the rapes the distance and in britain is nowhere near that in fact if you look at the statistics britain is pretty much on par with out the developed countries 19000 children in 2018 move creamed by these gangs in one year so when you talk about the right program if i give it to the statistics we have a town that has a 1. 8 percent Muslim Population 1000 children were right by those gangs have been murdered. In that town alone when you take the 1. 8 percent and you take away under 16 and you take way over 60 fives theres only 156 muslim men in the town the police the police have identified 200 in operation chalice that means that 21 percent of the muslim men in that town have been involved in the rape and torture of all the robinsons when you represented them as muslims but you know im not a muslim myself but im married to a muslim and i know for a fact that islam imposes very strict limits on x. Your marital sex not to mention rape i mean those people that are convicted of raping anyone they would not be considered muslims by is why do you have to tie it to come and see if you get more presentational give to more troops all of this categorically proves it says 4 times in the quran that i dont side of your 4 wives you can take whatever the royal possesses sexual slaves and i have all my video i would have would have moms and experts confirming what that means sexual slaves but you also look at witness testimonies from the victims and also listen to what the perpetrators said in court so the men when they were sentenced and all of them. The comments they make were about you know if we were in the green skin to one that goes they murdered the day before he murdered his friend a message sent he said in that could fall to hell but could fall be in descending of islam but im sure you would agree that there are hundreds of thousands millions of muslims who would be just. Idea of a girl or a boy a child being raped as they are and by referring to them as muslims you know and also tainting those individuals because they subscribe to the muslim faith as well im not telling that more im saying is if i 4 percent of convictions of muslim males from 2. 3 percent why do you think hes well i wont why i must know where your god this that distance from because ive heard that from a quick thats from the Quilliam Foundation which is a muslim extremism think that i mean the last time i check. British Police Actually does not keep track of the or does not release the ethnicity or the religious affiliation of the prisoners i dont have the power of the 400 m. For sorry for all men who have been convicted for this type of right again if you keep referring to these type of yes but i mean its obvious cause and in west palm trees in most countries developed countries and the u. K. Is no exception here they rape the majority of rapes are perpetrated by the locals and the british case it would be why males are you saying that a british girl being raped by her british neighbor is somehow last offensive then a british girl being raped by her is not reasonable no its not what im saying is that you have type one and type 2 in the u. K. Thats how its been taught one is where gangs of men who know each other they usually relate to most of these cases in every town the brothers cousins work colleagues that has never happened in the u. K. Out of those convictions no point 5 percent have a british name no point 5 percent now when we talk about talk to paedophilia is long gone peta for sharing their sexual fantasies with of allowing paedophiles via the internet grooming process the literally exclusively that is white but thats because we live in an 87 percent white country that hasnt been covered up what we have seen for example in manchester the young goes injected heroin in 2003 she was 15 years old she was murdered by a 50 vote muslim male who had been who had been grooming her the police launched an investigation they identified the perpetrators that in 2005 calling crime porn shut down the investigation he closed it he was rewarded by the British State. The biggest award you can get for haunting this fact then we had to the investigation in telford where a local politicians blocked an investigation which c. N. N. Was trying to get home from we believe that the Government Agency or our local authorities could be covering that out of Political Correctness but this in every town and city if it was one town. But we. Ive seen green gangs operate in 44 cities and weve seen every one of them but that is an assassination that has been going on in all countries and in many countries russia for example prostitution rings are Human Trafficking rings i ran by athlete hum margin as groups in britain is no exception here i know for a fact that there are many ethnic russians involved in Human Trafficking in the west in europe perhaps even the in the u. K. But theyre doing that not because theyre russians theyre doing that because theyre criminals why you by training it as a religious issue rather than a criminal in my in my presentations or more you hear from the victims so the victims say its racial religious the perpetrator says racial religious religious the quran and the scripture supports and justifies these actions against the muslim plain not true is true and i dont fortunately when were talking about were not talking about sexual gratification here were talking about one young go 12 years old how to tie a tongue to a table another young go up annoying road with the leg and they scolded on the bomb a 11 years old because she was the property of mohammed they use goes of being tortured i cant take any book i dont mind libel and use it as a as a pretext for the most horrible crimes if we did it i actually believing that those of the people of faith im saying theyre following the teachings of Mohammed Mohammed had sexual slaves mohammed legitimised come on i mean that law firm you know its going to buy a bible to your library if donors im not using that in a literal sense i mean what was look at tomorrow is what the victims were taught so i give the statement we can have sex if you want to start your period ok then your question lets have a look with islamic for example in pakistan they tried to ban on the rights of marriage and it was found by the ideology of islam that it was an islamic why would marry in a child having sex a choice would be an islamic we have a 3rd children married in the bar of london in one hour of anonymous a very large religion and there are many strains within islam and some interpretations of islam are indeed correct that. As are some interpretations of the bible my problem with that is that again you would agree that there are many good people among muslims are. Clearly your allies they could be the ones who would be looking after those potential predators but you are allie in aiding them by said jesting that their faith is directly responsible for the crimes of those individuals give justification for a terrorist organization in nigeria they have justification for kidnapping goes on inside even them quoted by mohammed commands. Exactly the same choices are taken slaves book around the taken slaves and of course every town and country that taken slaves my worry is on if we worried about me a friend in some people with my speech a generation of mark a lot generally i dont have any rational thoughts of being kidnapped you are as solid described british patriots right yes im sure you know the British Legacy in some countries is pretty abhorrent i mean take the colonial crimes in africa in a media for for example just as recently as the 950 s. The British Forces used rape and castration to put down uprising in kenya they paid compensation to the victims a few years back wouldnt pass to find me to throw around labels like british killers or elderly can the rapist at anyone who has any relation to the british identity i dont live in the past im not throwing those accusations at every single muslim so for me it relevant point you are evading my question that would that would that justify me calling anyone who has any relation to the British State because it was the british army the British Forces who are perpetrating those crimes not just individuals but actually the state institution that authorized these kind of treatment of people would that justify me throwing that kind of labels to anyone who is connected to the British State no it would have been not for in those accusations or anyone. Youre referring to them as muslim rape. But i dont know how is it different from the british rapist because these men are muslims and they rapists and they rape in Young Children and they had those men who were also british and there were very few men because they have no problem with label in those people who commit a lot of times as british rapists. Oh you know i mean they really are talking about generalisations here about you know general im talking about islam people have to get the understanding that islam has no idea mohammed is found and we have a right to criticize and look at his life because when you look at his life and you see the pillaged he did he write his name his wife cynthia violence in most books if you understand. Them School Attack was what woke me up that was my moment the child i dont consider those people must not at all i mean. The beslan School Attack as with there was a jewish tribe and they surrendered to mohammed and this is in the scripture i saw heap of coffee this is in. But you have to understand the relevance of it this is what sort of relevant which ill show it to more because when the taliban took children in pakistan in peshawar when they put it down when the 2 surrendered he put their pants down the efforts had pubic heads was beheaded thats exactly the same as somebody who is reported from a lot of front lines especially from the muslim countries i know that thats what the tell me i mean you know the taliban give a statement and they i mean it was not worth killing muslims muslim so yes exactly im going to leave these that day to the good people that i had identify with for some reason the you are only identifying muslims to be the bad people are not warm identifying is that these attacks 400 years later they used the scripture to justify the attack now what im saying is when we say and no one can explain it and were not even allowed to ask the question well i want to do is prevent another generation of outdoors being raped and if we have to ask serious questions to investigate why these muslim i was feel that they can do that why brothers to one group of them were to celebrate they kidnapped a 15 year old go and gang raped and they as they said in court was to celebrate could you imagine a christian celebrating by kidnapping a muslim child and gang rape. I have a very long history of horrendous crimes and but not justifying it with their religion not making comments of their religion not making derogatory comments and the and you feeling me serious is a getting me i mean that we we dont have time to go into that but there are plenty of historic examples of that i want to ask you about this specific case of the grooming case that the youve got yourself and tangled with that it was indeed an example of an ethnic gang specializing in sexual predation the court record delivered the end or resulted in a very very harsh sentences that i think the defendants were collectively sentenced to over 220 years not prison not all of them one of them was in pakistan because. The day they put me in jail but they let the right beside the high by enlarge the court the recognize that it was indeed a campaign of rape against teenage girls do you think justice was served in that case. Justice will be served if there if many of them who hope to national deported when they get out of prison just eventually to highlight these sorts of issues it was a toe to cover up the british establishment the British Press were involved they the journalist who was given an award for exposing this in 2011 has admitted that he knew about it 7 years everyone in our british establishment and british really has facilitated and allowed all tools to be right for the fear of political create mr robinson we have to take a very short break now ok well be back in just a few moments stay tuned. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you. President ial candidates debate the future of the u. S. And the world. Every week. Student. Was money. Welcome back to worlds apart but the british activist on the robinson mr robinson just before the break you were talking about this culture of silencing and i think in many countries. Do you on to report those cases specifically. Out of fear of encouraging ethnic hatred and that they are religious hatred thats happened in russia as well and i know for a fact that the you havent been convicted of a hate crime but a lot of your followers have crossed that line and took out that anger or frustration on people who did nothing wrong does it bother you a lot of my followers some of your for some of my fathers would you say that somehow that would be my phone. I dont think its your fault but perhaps i would say if it should have been very good to be more specific you know you know. About the manifesto and in that manifesto i told them they can attack people then would it be my fault yeah but you can also tell them that you know there are people who are committing crimes and there are people who have nothing to do with that and you should not take your anger out on those people im not what im saying is all i have only ever called for peace i never call for violence but we do have a book that calls for violence and promotes violence and promotes murder and people are so quick to. Follow his may have done but then when it comes to islam and you have a muslim like you beheaded me leave it be and he hands over 55 verses in the koran that he says forced him to do it were still not allowed to talk about his mom and i as you said on down from every single social media ok thats not want to happen. Pay pal im banned from all of them we have laws in my country against inside in hatred ive never been arrested for a speech and never even been questioned about any hate speech or war crimes the truth i was removed from twitter for stating the fact that ive told you today muslim men make up 2 percent they represent you 4 percent of convictions its a fact thats not hate speech so what we see now is the british establishment have hit these crimes you said they were under reported not been on the report that been hidden and they hit them and then they realized because there was such fury on the streets for 2 years when English Defense League they realize theyve got to now deal with it so when then they start making arrests and in fact if you look at the graph of when these arrests started in the 1st the 1st 11 years before the English Defense League formed there were 11 arrests the next year off the English Defense League formed in that one year there was a 3rd there was 36. 00 arrests for us 72. 00 arrests theyve had to do something but the full cover up mode that theyre still in is now a loss for you know intros only for only 6 have been openly reported on your main problem is not with a random person on the street even if he or she happens to be a muslim you know i. Grew up in luton town some of the best people ive met a lot from your main beef with is with the british authorities who are turning a blind eye to this issue dont you think that by focusing on the one particular group. In this case muslims youre making it all too easy for the british authorities to dismiss or deflect from a very legitimate issue that you are raising that is how the immigration policies are being structured and the fact that many people feel that they have no say in how those football is being formulated im sure playing into their own hands will tell the truth they told the truth for condition but they are usually more interested in bluntly telling something are actually having an impact ive seen over and window shift ive seen it 10 years ago people called me an extremist they said all this law and they even while i proved more in my speech in 2010 told the Times Newspaper the muslims were taking children into paedophilia prostitution rings with heroin they called them extraordinary claims now all those journalists are catching up on their reporting on it just as they say reporting it just as you formulate it muslims are taking children into pitifully yes. Its now Common Knowledge in my country which it wasnt 10 years ago people said we were lawyers ok its now 3 men and women even though they are muslims i mean forgot see. The comments from the cool cases the somali gang they said it was part of their culture to do this ok another mean cultures look to see another muslim said he was teaching the women a lesson for being now and being uncovered you can take a verse in the koran theres a verse in the koran that clearly states a woman must cover as to not be separate as to not be molested but then many other verses that would tell you that humans and women have to be treated he in a good way ok now you cant leave while theres absolutely i mean my whole life is a proof of that but your very life is a proof as a man that you with no i dont think is an exception reach we tried the majority of them with the wrong side thats not proof that islam promotes i dont thats not proof that the quran promotes values i think you are extremely cherry picking as. The facts lets talk about this make gratian because i think there is actually a substantive issue. Here and i think that. The movement you are representing is actually contributing to. Change. Just the other day there was a Munich Security Conference a large conference from nato countries they produced the

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