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All the. Any comfort does she see em and for one. Another in addition was the one administering the plot doesnt it all because of the law and also the but i. Do not and i was there in and out of the in the hope that not all the. Those who offer vonna could be a. While back a law. Does do this last. In the mob days last night a lot of us went on. And i thought oh now why did the. I might have the guns out oceanus the one outfit i hate when my adelaide. Annie. And her. Have it also yeah halloween she had always known i think the now that im one of the one that if went. On out there. On the field. Or as mo creek. If you. Feel. Well as if it were the im. Not about it a little bit she didnt go too far in the show to some conformable that will. Blossom anonymized than any a. Bit about what they have made the will of a good watch. And who were not going to be any like that at a any show not data. And i dont blame them for what actually. Is that i would rather have been at the minute there were 9 local one that had the. And i dont want to go have the last in there for at the. End of the upon monteiths some of us have met and also know that that is at all the norm. So. Much as sauce the feathers are just alluding to. Just marking the bit more not. 2 years are. You sharing moment pavel. Because. I finally. Had to tell you zoe and you know. Who are. Often. And has the north. Got it he would say out of there. Or not i so if she. Is a hope that we took that were going to. Go on with that that it will. Get a. Hack you know. Pan annette in the. Way i will do the. Never even to visit later. Hala gorani. I dont want to get more done with. Senate. Leaders or small. Stores. Just middle of very. Little no i. Dont for turn. For francis. Fair on the lunar. Camp. Pendleton case a lot of. Well hygiene no money at. The back of the mat in a can like a chemist. And a lot of intel money i tried in on my last one and you said you know last night and in the. Bank. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you yes yes. Yes yes. I guess the yes no no. Emergent guy sure what of course ill flood that youre one of the move call mom lets look another person the money more limited to be a friend yet know nothing of love for you or someone i want to share i dont. Question but thats the norm for lol but you know what that was a much better hand on the phone just what i asked them. To do with the care that no one had my boy that for that she. My but im here she had at jo was no youre not im hard to get are so one how or when but that im not her cloak. Im done up for the chicken i am. Chancellor michelle when in terms. Of our angle what. Will i get along. Jammer instructed to. Call for an old friend or the one who. When guest. Alotta. Shit school more will go. There i see john young. And also what made him indian. Chan wrasslin award. Show how to. Run with the law should. I go to let him pay. My dues and ok lets have a certain. Ok im going to let that ill be up and if i. Or was it watch. The show the judge he said. To phil and im a hell of a shot i. Never thought of until im not sort of model harness. I you know had the elements in the rapper how the only changes the federal trade had washed out how the county now in the county or no man had to mechanics out of some of it. And worth what i lost a job or follow. A simple value of the man in command unit ok then i share. Some of them who come out. Of that war hope a small. If youre on. One rocket with a noble lead to the whole. Dont know yet about a lot of diana for us in the us and. Wasnt quite all headed to washington. Measurement of her own thoughts. Passed to her ways yet usually one had the heart of the heart of a sharia law. I hustle that kind of i was sleep. With almost everyone was you were led to throw a little plot of that but it up with my luck you might let that young man with your hosmer for the lead off with a weather move on us last night at our school and then eagles why i was out of college with a youngish which is going to split in about how i dont have to be able to switch cannot. Just have my own country so one of the but after about 2 years i was surfin to say a lot more of the focus of the imagination i had to cover how the dollar now might not have made him. Sound all bossy if he did just a little older to the whole phenomenon of. The right. Chana descend on the santa chair at the nervous when i dont i want to be in. That one. Nation over in banana tree and. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Nuclear become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people are demanding the shut down of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no clare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country wheres it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy as are power lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways our struggle on r. T. Holding the meeting to automate the me. Oh my god im going to. Do not want to just in this still sunny dont want to feel. Im a she in. The she my the moon on. The no tonight are you. Not in the ocean only be and how the out of the study 100. 00 the. What the how do nothing. Stops the show you know i know those are you need. One of those before. The wagon now but i will not. So and i think she is not just a lot of the same. As the other how good how do you want. Well a man a notice alleges a lot of me suing also known as you on. Our. Assassin. Going on a commercial gun show phone is a. J. And i am not. A millionaire. Show my actual phone and take an. Analogy. In. The going to monster of when i didnt play loon about. When a governor will want to have a sunny. Morning. And i dont have a saloon a wise one and i can say sure decision one can. Defer that bullet now mass in. Chauffeured as even genesee and falun gong want tony yaya to you they want to use in the war i want he would never toss out. How to do major. Evil not of. The us yes michael was my fave comment. For dollars i want us all do you want to show an animal many. Of the culture here comes to shore. I dont know why a commander so while there would have us law as a passing good must now swore weatherboard enough. To lead the matter at all but i havent. Earned by him and also almost. All the time theres not. More suspect and now theres a man and yet you dont get. You free. The room and. The money down off. The earth and. The new. Key for us because the. People in the last 4 years this was a good. Little girls who got. Into the compound seeking to demand. Our grandmother as one of the millions more than. It was condemned by lois he. Should. Live right here in harlem. Obviously because. He was with them didnt. Have a. Good song. In the shed my initials are. You mr law will take it or do i need to. Be about 2 americas a little bit of americas and if you. Think im. Really comes that moment actually. Im going to cope with. The. Post from this again. But this is a little more. Marketable from sydney but should i got to go back much as a 100 years did i feel if you. Could miss the news and. Need some so. Theres something to be a. Member beholden. To that you. Know how does a massive. Attack you would you be american but theres a term you can see called him a good im going to have them im a little. Bizarre because i can smoke but im hearing the dog. Just call. Me mr mundus on the luminescence throw a bonus and say that im. The narrative is you know youre not talking to be executive or know what. Mechanical fixing. Have done. With it from central to the core of im. Not a mythical not that i know i had the little. Group. She wanted to. At number one here and how we should not think. How the. Mother she thought with the. Stuff written by the designer by the time he was on a. Just. Before the with yourself. What happened well you know i didnt see anyone caught. My fancy. In the wrong one. And i will im so glad i know who i am so i would hold them. Analysts are going to. The land idea say that is that i. Shall lie and. Mathematical hey i was told at once theres a lot i mean. One. Of them a 3rd of another. That ive not thought of all. Well i mean one that ill be in and im the bad month when im with a woman tells about a month of what im talking about at the moment. No one will be in. The us of course. Of the. Burdens. This public took. On. He had. Known what. Was going to. Be the. But it wasnt when i was left asking. I mean day im not planning on this is this i dont. Have to be a staff it out. Rubbish libya how long theyve all. Gotten some of the most of it. And money than anyone nonetheless from what i had any t. V. On and only oldfield it ourselves and a. Live live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Live. So. Clear. And very well welcome to you watching us and see us. Greek police clash with migrants at the border with turkey after and growing gives the green light to Asylum Seekers hoping to reach the e. U. In an apparent bit of pressure nato and to supporting its offensive in syria. Plus its been a long week for Julian Assange and his supporters with the 1st phase of his u. S. Extradition case now complete during the hearings assad was kept in a glass cage and denied the opportunity to interact with his lawyers we heard from one of them. Couldnt take part in the core process this is inconceivable how can a person be in Court Without being able to interact or communicate with his lawyers who are representing his interests. And paying to die germanys Constitutional Court of appeals a 5 year old

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