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Extremely well for thousands of years it is just simply its not good. Morning thanks for joining us this is r. T. And. The foreign minister is fully back to athens after talks on the escalating refugee crisis at its border with turkey clashes erupted the same day that large amounts of tear gas fired. Arrest continued throughout the night into greek police trying to stop new groups of Asylum Seekers from crossing into the 10s of thousands of refugees have been gathering along the border since turkey last week said that it would no longer on or a 2060 migration field shala do basically how small. The e. U. Chiefs have said they wont be pressurised Foreign Ministers were meeting on friday to discuss the situation here on the border between greece and turkey amid fresh tensions as you can see some of the Army Vehicles leading the border area now and this is both sides have been accusing the other of using tear gas weve had images from the greek side that they say shows turkish c. S. Gas being deployed into no mans land and into their territory and what they described as being a series of coordinated attacks theyve also provided us with images which show c. S. Gas canisters that they say they were able to lay to retrieve which have turkish markings on them now they have also been reports that the. Military and the police force are aiding the migrants to try and cross into greek territory in fact some are even accusing them of trying to julan means using violence to demand access to not just greece but the e. U. But those are of course unconfirmed reports now the e. U. Foreign Affairs Minister has been defiant about the situation and has said that the borders will remain closed. If you want to avoid. Critical situations. People have to. They dont have to tell the people. And people have already passed. Lead to. Well turkey has said it borders will remain open they have been open now for a round a week and we know that camps are forming on the other side on the turkish side as migrants come close to the border in the hope of getting into the e. U. Right now amid these skirmishes between the 2 sides we know that turkey is now reinforcing its Security Forces on the border. A 1000 special forces officers are being deployed to the merrick river on the border fully equipped 3 people being pushed back now i just want to give you a sense of how many people have tried to get through temps or have been of people trying to get through in the last week were talking 203040000 attempts in the 12 hours between thursday evening and friday morning they were just under 3000 attempts actually down from the night before when there was some 7000 attempts for people to get through the border now turkey has said this is syrians who are waiting to try and cross into the e. U. 3 says thats not true in fact theyve given the statistics that show all of the around 250 people that have been arrested in the last week the majority were from afghanistan some 64 percent they said in regard to syrians been arrested it so far only 4 percent but the feeling here in greece is one of defiance we know that theyre also trying to extend the fence the physical fence between turkey and greece extending it from around 12 and a half kilometers to 40 kilometers and in fact weve seen new barbed wire fencing passing us it stands defiant and it has the e. U. To back it the message to migrants is you shall not pass. Ski. Casting yes on the greek turkish border. We discuss the growing crisis with a political analyst from greece and the turkish ambassador. The greek government theres no other option here so theres borders as its to stand in so you have the guns now where 4000. Migrants are already in the zone between greece and turkey of greece accept them were going to be. 500000 more and this person will keep. Being applied i dont see what the government could do but we mustnt forget during the previous refugee crisis. That the system youre actually collapsed over this might be part of this were destroyed we have been taking care of the Asylum Seekers for the last 10 years and the it spent more than 40 billions. Worrying about them is that concept which can be described as a daily dollar short europeans should not have caused their ears to our warnings for the last 7 years to be told them numerous times and were still telling them the solution is to bring democracy to syria the solution is that for the user to use to go to europe or for them to stay in turkey and now fortunately the park there was ignoring us and now i think they are starting to take us seriously. The number of confirmed cases of corona virus will why it has now reached 100000 the World Health Organization wont say it is too early though to predict the decline of the outbreak. We do not know yet what the activity or the behavior of this wireless will be in different climatic conditions and its a full scope to say yes it will just disappear in the summertime like influenza virus we hope it goes i would die would be a godsend but we cant make that assumption. 6 cases were confirmed in russia on friday bringing the total number in the country to 10 all 6 new victims that come from italy people on the same flight have been asked to call an ambulance and not leave their homes many more around russia who have visited virus hotspots or been put in quarantine r. T. Russia has this report on the countrys handling of the situation. The man who was russias 1st patient came off a flight from milan we now know that the virus is in russia and an epidemic may have started the effects of which are difficult to predict at the communal 13 here is a very interesting work its i dont want to force the cells into thinking i retain something beneficial celt somebody has to travel from earth so if you feel unwell and its difficult to bring go to a hospital you know you need to go in 3 or one of the 3 medics will come and assess the situation if they find out that the patient has a serious risk be richer infection and has been in risk areas then the bishop will be taken into quarantine. I went to competition in italy where there was no app to make at the time a few days after i arrived back home to russia i started to feel im well now in a new mini School Hospital in moscow while i should have started from the initial infection. From. The moment is that moment when i understood the situation was serious it took one or 2 days in the 22nd of december i was there with friends the next day i wanted to go to the city center my friend told me limiter had been closed but those easier i tried entering the metro but it was sure everything was clear. To me and the start of the 144 people were evacuated to 2 men from well on their arrival they rule examined by specialists. How is it that so many people who spend so much time at the center of an epidemic have not been infected with 144 people were evacuated and. Not one of them is infected why. The probability of infection from this new coronavirus was high but restrictive measures have been taken firstly limited movement around the city secondly Wearing Masks can frequently be washing hands. The main recommendations for avoiding infection 1st of all good care of the nose and throat this means rinsing and dont be lazy rinse until you feel your airways are clear. Thousands of spanish students have rallied in central madrid against Sex Education plans by the right wing vox party demonstrators chanted feminist slogans and carried banners denouncing the socalled parental on the box this proposal parents would have to give permission for children to join School Workshops perceived as ideological that would include classes on Sex Education gender and other issues like Climate Change so far only the region of murtha has introduced the plans has been condemned by the National Government but local authorities are refusing to repeal the bill. We will not do it because it says the government does not believe in what we believe in namely the freedom of fathers and mothers. A homophobic family does not have the right to make their children harmful because well Parental Authority cannot be confused with property. In the u. K. To education and sparked a furious backlash from september classes covering an issue will become compulsory that to get protests among parents particularly from religious communities the issue of sex ed in skills up for debate with Christian Concern member Mark Phillips and Human Rights Campaign appeaser. I think exactly right that parents do have a right to teach their own children according to their beliefs but the Education System has a responsibility to give children a comprehensive education and to give them information to safeguard their health and welfare to say that the state must come in and muscle in into an area which parents be doing extremely well for thousands of years is just simply its not good for the primary responsibility in fact rest for the parents and parents do have the right to opt out of of Sex Education a majority of parents think it is the responsibility of the schools to do that theyre happy and content for that and if you look around the world in every country where there are repressive anti sex wars and low cost sex and leisure bridge occasion the levels of teenage pregnancies and abortions are much much higher michel as long as these classes are thoughtfully and theyre not indoctrinating children what whats the problem here are the programs which encourage more knowledge and more explicit knowledge were completely and utterly counterproductive whereas those which encourage abstinence people waiting so that they you know they gauge and Sexual Activity when theyre ready and mature those were the ones those were the programs which were seen to be the best for teenagers uganda a long time ago abandoned Sex Education and went for abstinence only to discourage young people having sex the end result. Increase teenage pregnancies and rocketing levels of hiv pairing what happens in this country uganda is comparing apples and pears completely inappropriate comparison i would suggest ever since we have seen the introduction of Sex Education in this country as something which is compulsory since 1983 unfortunately there has been an unmitigated disaster which has happened in this country we have seen s. T. D. Teenagers and young people go up to see abortion go up weve seen all social indicators of things that happen to young people have risen in relation to sexual matters it is proven throughout the world that early good quality age appropriate relationships that indication does actually work what the educator the people who know what theyre talking about and theyve studied this going back for decades that really the abstinence and waiting and respecting yourself these are these are the programs which work best out of the most healthy which lead to the best and most Prosperous Society and what ultimately whats the best interest of every child. Is billionaires Michael Bloomberg and tom style the u. S. President ial race critics know the fact that they seem to focus more on spending money than their policies may have something to do with it is down of expert. Russians are at it again and of plotting to purchase another 4 years of presidency for trump or at least this is the reality tom steyer is living in donald everyone knows that in 2060 russia bought the election for you were not going to let the happen again im all in to defeat you in 2020 if you dont know who tom steyer is or whats so great about him dont worry Many Americans dont know either hes a failed run for the democratic nomination and outrageous spend on his own Campaign Stay is bid to topple donald trump is backed by his fellow loser Mike Bloomberg who spent even more trying to buy his way into the hearts of voters the sum is so offensively large in fact it even had emerson b. C. Confused you see it as a possibility if you want to spend a 1000000000 bucks beating this guy he could do it absolutely somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money hes spending on every american dollar well its a lot less disturbing if you get the math right quick arithmetic lesson guys 500000000. 00 divided by 327000000 is roughly 1. 00 well dollars not 1000000 this aside though stay and bloomberg combined spent more than 750000000. 00 on their campaigns before super tuesday thats more than all other Democratic Candidates combined and as much as the entire Hillary Clinton Campaign Officially cost back in 2016 including primaries and the had to head with trump yet all these good zillions failed to secure even one delegate for stare while bloomberg. Get 61. 00 and in case anyone from m. S. N. B. C. Is watching its math time again and thats more than 8000000. 00 delegates you clearly cant buy the election to be some rich guy but if youre completely out of touch with the American People if you are so arrogant to spend this amount of money its not going to get you very far the Democratic Party which is party of billionaires and corporatists and and large banks and what have you joe biden being that a credit card or banking candidate they like dont like their their followers their voters to notice because they try to present themselves as the party of the people obviously theyre not but so they would probably like to keep that under wraps. And while joe biden is excited to have these wallets now poor in money into his campaign its difficult to say why according to the model reports russia spent an unbelievable 100000. 00 on online ads remember in tom stay as world that was enough to buy Trump Presidency his hundreds of millions of dollars didnt even get him a single delegate not even a nomination so either thats some one hell of a Money Management skill or maybe just maybe someones policies just arent worth a penny some invisible mysterious russians who spent a 100000. 00 on facebook at the 26. 00 team which somehow got the president elected well now weve got Mike Bloomberg who spent half a 1000000000. 00 on ads that look at everybody going to spend that money and he could have paid donald trump to leave office not i think the president would he could have bought american samoa. So someday sneakers a popular character from his remake of morlan over me too concerned sting tells it to the bright. As the Great American buxom ahmed ali once said he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life risk averse is one thing that is not from being a key member of the mit Blackjack Team to investing in promising migrant into print. But what is a risk and how do you know if its worth taking. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Thinks. We dare to ask. The craze of revamping traditional cartoons continuing this things back in the spotlight for giving me too friendly rework. Takes a look at the truck. Did. Diary you know me im generally a patient understanding person but really there are only so many injustices one can suffer when the live action remake of everyones childhood favorite Sleeping Beauty dropped i thought yeah ill give her a chance imagine my shock when a war is awoken from her sleep not by Prince Philip no not you but by molestus and herself no come to this he. Apparently was problematic because it didnt consent and maybe the prince wasnt how one true love a knife in the back of my childhood and then the time classic cinderella came and while it makes me so anxious just thinking about it but naively i still thought that disney could possibly destroy it well it turns out i was wrong just how many injustices in 100 minutes fosli the mice dont get to speak only they do is hang around waiting for the fairy godmother to turn up and turn them into coachmen i know what such my suspect i mean youre basically a little slaves to later then prince charming got a very on regal dressing down and got renamed kit heaven forbid we have any magic romance of gallantry left in the world also youd think that with 65 years to come up with a new name theyd have done it a bit better as a side note not sure why prince charming gets a make over but its still ok for cinderella to be stitched into a course. In the blue dress it was particularly tight when i was trying to dance i didnt have the capacity to breathe to support the physicality and so i had to keep taking breaks and loosen in the corset then a latin materialized flying carpet and a genie in a cave yes please i was still clinging to the hope that the cinderella saga is just a teething problem no now princess jasmine it always been a favorite of mine and such a bad ass the princess turning down this handsome prince is left right and center but no that wasnt enough for disney they just have to make a sultan you want to be sold to the club. Has been preparing for this my whole life now i watched all that and i stayed silent but normal because now theyve come for the jewel in the disney crown theyve come from milan and her disney match. I mean no one could possibly take issue with the shining the serious army captain could day i think particularly in the time of the me too movement having a Commanding Officer that is also the sexual Love Interest was very uncomfortable and we didnt think it was appropriate and the shang who saw me not as an equal who respected her as a warrior whos not just one of these princes swarming around in his fancy costume but can actually fish with his bare hands. Sorry who built a friendship founded on respect with before ok realised hed quite like your telling me of that his being ditched i know your out but kit gets to stay home but no that wasnt enough for those brutes it disney you know the iconic scene where milan chops off her locks. To me poof gone baba i know i mean i really i just dont know how much more i can take. I would have told you youre also counseled. Oops spoiler alert dont worry though thats still the little man made out of rapunzel im sure disneys got some great plans to ruin those for children all around the world. Local government in england has been accused of spreading transphobia over International Womens day celebrations. The reports. International womens day is coming up its a day to mark the struggle for the right to vote and the fight for equal rights but this year the run up to march the 8th has been inadvertently embroiled in a trance rao Sefton Council in liverpool has been pressurised into removing flags being flown outside its town hall is simply red woman noun adult female and while that might be the definition in the Oxford English dictionary its been deemed trans phobic the flag you flying at the moment is a hostile trans phobic dog whistle recognizes a symbol and brand of one of britains most outspoken and visible trans antagonists and leader of the trans phobic hate group moments later the flags were removed but the council saying it didnt realize the controversial messaging they were being asked to display we have been made aware of a potential issue regarding the messaging on the flag and southport town halls and have taken them down we have a proud history of supporting l g b t q plus riots across the borough we continue to support all members of all communities and want to look like International Womens day had been cancelled later they decided to reinstate the celebration replacing the old flag with a different one we went to find out if people really find the statement on the flag offensive why would it be offensive if you like. Just because you have a flag that represents women and doesnt insult anyone else. Empowers women i think its a woman decision. Definition of. I know it probably needs to. Take a lot of political things to talk about a woman i dont think there should be a label and i dont think there should be a definition genders all religions or anything but the problem i have is with the word transfer. The word for. Something i dont think thats the case and i dont think the word is being brandished around it is issued. You know 2. Possible sets of other agendas well one the time to build on it seems like you can see on the bridge anything without offending people or at least having opinions poles apart this is a very subjective a very relative issue its an opinion based where you call it flag offensive on a tweet because it use the dictionary definition of the problem when you give in because of anonymous or angry tweets when you give in you give that platform power nobody should be giving power to any voice that is meant to silence for wrongful reasons and so we dont want to give those voices any more justification just because they dont like something because then its going to cause everybody who wants to shut down a company shut down a cause or shut down any kind of truth or opinion that they dont agree with its going to give them more power to continue to lambast in these defamatory slanderous remarks on twitter and social media which has been very very harmful to people we have now been entrenched in this culture of fear were everybody wants us to be afraid where we cannot say anything and what that does when there is such a pervasive culture of fear were going to be labeled transpo record zina phobic or racist or homophobic or whatever it is. You know what you know its International Thanks so much for your company join me for updates on the top story said 30 minutes. The question is i was there and what do you do with Global Economy that relies on just in time to live area parts and Services Mostly from. Wages china is interrupted by a Global Pandemic and cant be overcome with more money print. Thats the big question. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important. Transitions to sustainable transport sustainability. A more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. The big. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something ill do just as he wants any minute i need money. In this new deal and any minute and then he understood superman and. In the United States president ial candidates debate the future of the us and the world. Max kaiser and Stacy Herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle. Every week. X. Student debt trade wars corporate money universal basic. And more catch up with whats front running this sunday exclusively on r. T. Markets in the week with another down day of almost another 1000 points this is the one business show you cant afford to miss. And im christiane washington coming up in the number of calls and i think back to world wide profit a new milestone well tell you what is happening around the world. Look at where markets have been this week worldwide and where theyre headed. And biohacking your body what does that mean to use fast nootropics to trick your body into Better Health we have a guest is going to break it all down its fascinating stuff so much to get to on this very busy day so lets get started and we begin with the numbers on the coronavirus in fact those cases worldwide have now crossed the 100000 mark the latest data also indicates that more than one 5th of those infection cases are outside of china in all about 90 countries now have at least one case of the corona virus and in china the work is being done to create treatments on the virus and any possible mutations. But. At present we have the unified deployment of the

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