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Gate was a crude and sloppy invention to undermine the outcome of a president ial election irrespective of how you feel about the current occupant of the white house it was an attempted coup tellingly the corporate liberal media side with the conspiratorial. To cross top obama gate im joined by my guest now the doll in washington and hes a g. O. P. Strategist and in new york we have lionel he is a legal and media analyst right gentlemen crossed up rules in effect that means you can jump in and you can reach it well well well why dont let me go to you 1st up i cant count the number of times youve been on this program weve talked about this hoax called rush again and now over the last few days well the hocus pocus has been revealed for what it is it was as i said in my introduction it was a sloppy. Attempt to subvert an election in 2016 election the evidence is overwhelming but quite curiously for 3 and a half years we were told that there was enormous evidence that there was a conspiracy but as evidence comes out to point the opposite the contrary the Mainstream Media liberal media were tens its not even there oh and on top of it bar must be in cahoots with russia to your thoughts my friend well 1st of all as a lawyer what the prosecution is doing regarding general flynn really has something to do with the absence or the presence of any kind of russian involvement what what is the most important is that when ever you have something in which to dread the f. B. I. Is called to account remember peter during the days of cointelpro Martin Luther king that the a pervasive. Involvement of the f. B. I. You would think the prototypically historic liberal media would be on the side of justice would say this is terrific finally a joke but dare not because if it is in any way connected with trump if this part of this t. D. s were trying to arrangement syndrome they lose whatever their their philosophy used to be and they just embrace anything to embarrass trump no matter how species the argument is they are media and and power are fused together this time around ok yeah at the hip here where we could meet in the me ask you i mean one of the things i found very curious and im not cherry picking here i think most people would agree then we had over the weekend obama coming out from his man cave under Marthas Vineyard and coffee with his cronies which of course it was intentionally meat and hes talking about the clinton case though over the last 3 and a half years how often you see top specifically about politics and policy like the. Its very very curious made whole on top of that the trumpet ministration was warned about 2 people as they started their 10 year him joan and Michael Flynn and now obama obamas talking about playing it seems to me in my humble opinion this whole big investigation because it there was no predicate of it for michael and was invented in the white house and run by the white house and its all coming back were all through time piecing it all together connecting all of the dots and now it seems perfectly clear to me the insurance policy was Michael Flynn and the lovebirds over at the f. B. I. Were keeping the white house in the loop its all coming together what say yeah you can you can and the dots see where this is going barack obama has done something what other president s in the past typically havent done once they left office hes always inserted himself into the National Discourse hes done this once again were talking about like lynch and its not just talking about it would be different if it were obama regarding about a political agenda hes talking about a case. Where we had an actual investigation hes asserting himself as a legal matters not surprising to me because i believe that type of arrogance is something that rock obama. For quite some time but does. Say yes we know there was there was no rush of collusion to throw the election in favor of dont try we knew that from the beginning story to have so many years later were back now where have the rebel revelation that well hey well it seems as if that insurance policy that youre talking about really what it is youre in the in what im told me from this is that the attorney general are really looks into it someone needs to be held account recant just have to retire or resign go to another agency someone has to account for this because this. Thats not the way our system of justice should be set up well the way the media is behaving youll never get accountability because youre constantly covering up lying when you want to jump in go ahead you know theres been an Interesting Development if you want to go into any kind of hash tag. Review which by the way sometimes just telling for the 1st time people are talking about obama gate and it just so happens that at that time that the president reintroduce himself because normally as you know historically president s look at george w. Bush he goes off to his dallas ranch new planes and that sort of thing but for the for president obama to leave his Marthas Vineyard mance to reintroduce himself at the same time that his left tenant susan rice they mediately at the moment before they turned the keys over to the white house said we want to make sure that we dont have any problems with the troubled ministration and russian collusion now what im trying to say perhaps or curiously is that many people are suggesting that for the 1st time because people always stop president s were off limits that they work in new and sometimes officially tacitly expression whatever but isnt it interesting that president obama is coming forward is it as a limited hangout to say im going to come out now and explain to you my position and then should there be any kind of criminal activity later on perhaps advance he has set up his retaliation im perhaps making just too labyrinthine but its not far fetched i dont think its far better at all it seems to me you know nothing about the simplest way of looking at this is the most logical way you know what i dont you know i you know i dont look at how the the media the way they spin it is that its always deflection i mean i just want to get to the straight the straight of it i mean i said in my introduction irrespective of how you feel about the occupant in the white house right now and i really mean that ok because what this is is it you you have a f. B. I. In a Justice Department that is radically out of control i mean it when you look at the they the 3 how tos when you get the interview with Michael Flynn i mean you know get inspired get him to lie i mean dax not what the f. B. I. Supposed to do theyre supposed to investigate what they believe is a crime they went there with other predicate and thats why it was thrown out that im not a lawyer you know im not even that smart of the guy ok but this is very simple this is very simple stuff here if there was no predicate you cant do that i mean even i understand that go mike go ahead i think that you know the media wants to skew everything always a simple stuff. Really clears this donald trump began running for president since he 1st went down that elevator that the media was not going to be favorable to dont try and this is what barack obama is doing now and what ill say and ive said this to a few people barack obama is running for his 3rd reelection that he who is 2nd reelection but hes 31st in order for order for jill biden to have any chance and i think hes going to lose the order for you to have any chance barack obama essentially has to cast himself as well here i think once again because joe biden cant do it alone expect groc obama to come out with other comments not just criticizing the phrases the coronavirus the response to corona virus barack obama is going to be out there campaigning against donald trump so that he by default joe biden get into up in the white house thats whats happening again and theyre going to you know really interesting that hes taking the Michael Flynn case they need to reintroduce that hes not there i mean from my point of view that is our lose lose you know why does biden weighs in the room are always in the room so ok i mean hes admitted it and essentially so hes a bubbly so what did you guys talk about and why were you talking about the in coming next. Security advisor from the opposing and you know so he hates he doesnt understand whats going on how did you get this transcript why are we talking about him i mean theyre letting it out slowly right year and this unmasking leinil that i find really upsetting is this so much of this unmasking happened in the 1st during the transition the 1st few months be administration which is bellamy particularly if it is used for political purposes ok and still we critics are back here thats what im hoping that attorney general are finally time and explain to the clearly there is a list of names that have been that have been put together of people that were involved as im asking particularly in the case michael go ahead like one of the new d. N. I. Is going to be looking into this let me phrase especially to our international if you will audience you know we always talk about russia sort of russia and they did this heartless mindless soulless well let me tell you about our system the department of justice has as its mandate never to target prosecute if i want to go after peter is somebody has to come to me and say we have reason to believe that something is going on and then we have us again but i dont follow you unless and until i let me also bring you up to something in my my friends who are have been involved in the representation of lets say certain organized crime fellows when they got to be a little old there was an expression of the court house called the sicilian flu which all of a sudden these people became very very infirm and they needed doctors in wheelchairs and they couldnt testify that the grand jury you know give us a you know hes too now isnt it funny that the main person who is running for office normally would be disqualified dare i say as being a doctor in dotard but yet can use his a lapse of memory almost as a defense isnt it interesting when he says i dont really remember. Im not sure was i there and people are saying weve become acclimated to the fact im sorry if this is not meant as a a slam against those people who are truly meant to be in a firm but this is a guy who basically says i dont even know where he talked about corn crop and hes blond hair it i mean he talks about he waxes low away like a bust up we dont understand so we have this is almost a bad version of eat this is the weirdest situation comedy but its serious in the mean time i would just say this i dont know if the American People truly understands that the gravity and the and the evil nature of what this represents because i think were just plain crazy right now going to mean that i no i mean its no wonder its no wonder they dont understand the gravity of it if youre not told about it if you know if theres no reporting on it how can you be worried ok i mean there is there this is there utopia have your head in the sand ok you know and this is whats really terrifying that you know again i want to stay away from you know what they did. Before against trump thats not what this program is about here but if this isnt addressed and if there isnt a remedy its going to happen again all right and somebody needs to be held responsible to make sure that you know those ever do it because the consequences are great last 30 seconds but let it go here. This is something that were going to continue to experience under any Republican Administration so it really doesnt matter that its done trump the media is not the rebels who are up against and this is an extension of that so i expect us to see more of these certain stories whether its media covering up suggesting that dont trump said that this was a hoax or not this is what the medias going to continue to do under any republican clout and that good and that creates a lane for all 3 of us are going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on obama gate stay with our team. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Thinks. We dare to ask. About is the. Police. Or operation in their dying water some of the wealthier neighborhoods its been far more contained and the numbers are much lower than some of the more a neighborhood to start to see if anything were working with can source outside of the state is there just so its here so i think that it was. Welcome back to crossfire where all Things Considered im here to look after my crew were discussing obama game. It was go back to live here you know little one of the other things lately other dots you know seem to be connecting here we have adam ships. Witnesses. Transcripts here and i really dont want to waste a lot of time on it because its always the same answer but if you go from one luminary to the next so let me set it up here so you know theyre on c. N. N. And m s n b c and you know its damaging its overwhelming its this its that its treason but then under oh oh. They all said well i didnt see anything i dont know anything i mean this is whats really amazing is that you have these people almost uniformly have a public voice jay i mean the president inserting themselves into a political investigative process lugos were during the mother days here but when it when push comes to show when they put their hand on the bible and make taken oh they Say Something very different almost no one in the mainstream wants to talk about that disparity and on top of it i want to finish the program and go further and maybe you 2 should start deleting all of those videos because it makes no sense a headline oh well a couple of things you know i wish that we could be instrument rated in terms of media and analysis for example an instrument rated pilot in somebody who says i dont need to even see where im going i can look down and say if given this situation plus this we go in this particular course if you were to ask somebody in the Mainstream Media today the Fake News Media to borrow a term what do you think about a president who had someone a successor come tell that president they would say whos the president it doesnt matter. To me argue why they couldnt answer the question ok it was obama oh. Ok well that excuse me i like it was trump. If you cannot see the glaring in collection will disingenuous pap this bunkum and im trying to contain myself but heres my problem i think people have become so habituate so used to so conditioned to these lies they dont recognize any watch it dont react to what its like ok id nother story another lie and if somebody said i love this be said theres no such thing theres no rule where you cant lie on t. V. Which is true but i actually heard somebody say well that was in court where you can lie on him as d. N. C. Aromas l. S. D. Or whatever you want you and i thought to myself do we have to have a case that huge that prescribe. Perjury cant we just tell the truth on this leak no thats where weve got you know its very interesting to me is that you hear this constant mantras you know about norms and the rule of law well what norm is that when youre trying to commit a coup against a duly elected president what is normal about that what norms are they referring to that and then the will of the rule of law well i suppose you know barack obama if he did get a degree in constitutional law. I mean doesnt it does that if he doesnt understand what his administration and maybe he personally did general flynn i think then he has to turn in his diploma ok because the way things are going this is going to be the most disgraceful presidency of all presidency when you go after the man and the person that was elected behind you that is is that is unconscionable you know and i try to keep my face ok but i mean this is unconscionable behavior and the media is covering up is equally unconscious will go ahead absolutely less like i said this is not that is under any under really any Republican Administration and in fact if we had. If we really go back and look at how bill clinton behaved when george bush was in office he may have every now only inserted himself with the criticism but its rare that you saw bill clinton coming out publicly interjecting himself into a National Discussion the same thing happened once obama got into office didnt see george w. Bush consequences you know inserting himself into the National Discourse this is happening because we have a media apparatus that refuses to hold itself to count the things that the media the things that the democrats it seems that they used to agree with 1st is whether its Something Like order what they no longer agree with those states where you should respect the office even if you dont respect the person respect the office because thats what weve heard oh youre so corrupt obama that was thrown out of the window as soon as the truck went down the stairs and won the election so this is the bunker see those no balance when it comes to the leader so it really is up to me its up to us up so i think its up to all of us to really do what we can to counter to their narrative because its such a huge huge huge gap in how they treat republicans versus democrats and i think thats the issue not necessarily true it is republican versus democrat liberal versus conservative why i think its no liberals treat the truth because truth is only necessary or good or useful when he hears it weighed in pursuit of their power ok that i mean look at the need to move we went from believe all women to believe joe what happened there what happened there ok i mean i and my position on that has always been the same you have to listen to anyone that makes a complaint of that magnitude it doesnt matter who the person is it doesnt matter who the station they happen like it doesnt matter who its directed against ok my position is very simple ok theirs is very convoluted depending on the surface i just you know why not tell time ill grant n. B. C. He a i or yeah. I mean. I think you see the lowest of lows but i get that theyre next and then what they did is attacking an attorney general car i mean that thats what this all ends up actually did this by saying that cuddy and the twizy ok i mean i say what you want to go up and ive been using apparatchik though not is pronounced as artfully as you but imagine if i took what you said there is a cut you have a quote i then cake that quote i think spice it remove the answer and then go on t. V. And say why didnt he say this now in law in our 1st amendment we have New York Times again sullivan which deals with things like libel slander defamation. We dont have anything called 9 fees and where you dont do your job its not negligence its a deliberate and intentional refusal to do our job there is no cause of action for theres no statute you can hold people accountable so if i were to have give you an incomplete Police Report an incomplete doctor job or radiology report anything where youre reading this and i said i didnt lie i just didnt give you the complete picture the american public. Had surely a 11 more thing you want i keep using phrases from our past left right never a good servant of this is i didnt do well liberals this is this is a for a dark force that i cant even understand what their goal is it is cant trump thats it not even get contributive or reagan or any everyone you know but you know i think thats a its a its a such a fascinating point and weve talked about this on number of occasions in different venues about the poverty of our political language i agree with you 100 percent and we need to start getting away from it the thing is i dont know what the next paradigm is and were out but were back youre right its really about what i think in the in its in broadest sense its about the preservation of their privilege its ok thats what its all about i mean look at that you know nancy pelosi is. Insane. To me was package you know has nothing to do with the with the pandemic its a way to get all their goodies if you know things that we shouldnt i be doing bait and kind of elections thats how the process no no this is done behind closed doors they granted all this funny money for all their funny weird projects that no one asked me about because i would say no i dont want to do that or want to waste money on that i want to help working families i want to help Small Businesses thats what we should be doing but i know this is exactly what the media does it just echo chambers all the time because the media. They want the preservation of their privilege and their access and of course their 6 figure jobs and their parent purred lifestyle because reporting the news its not reporting is that celebrity is a form of so lebron has nothing to do with informing people because you know what will they be when my audience here if you did inform people theyd pull out of page fork thats what would happen oh yeah thats what they would do and they will do it because nobody believes these fools anymore ok could you get off the fence and was going to defend us. Im scaring my dogs. You know well let me go back to you i mean for me i get get my men and i dont expect much from politicians ever i dont care what stripe they are but in my profession i do i have to call people well ok and i will never stop doing that because i have to look at myself in the mirror every day and just say this calls balls and strikes ok theyre not even playing the game theyre doing Something Else completely in a different dimension i think this is the real problem and these people these conspirators actually what they are they get the cover of the media and they think theyre going to get away with it you know what it just might. They have been getting away with it if we look at it with the what that media does how they influence polls whether its a situation where they make a big make a big stink about doing the truth saying to a reporter who happens to be a true american go less china something that hes talked about keep playing china since i think probably early february so it doesnt matter that he said this is really different for even the reporter herself and this is what this is what the media does day what they want to become a trading steward and so you saw that that report on that she asked the president well why arent you saying that to me well because he said it to everyone else but what she wanted to do was put out there in the media he needed. We followed up with during the trial of the american reporter to go last time. There was you know what it is you know what it is has nothing to do with the womans ethnicity at all you know you know it has everything to do with this shes a snowflake ok thats the group shes in a snow place and you know being a snowflake is colorblind that you can see there is a place everywhere all right and you know talking about trump being a racist its never got me traction with me in any person in a modern life of the last 40 years has dealt with every single racial group its a donald trump hes been in hes been in the entertainment hes been in business i mean you dont get are being having a closed mind and you know i have my criticisms of the president and they can be there are numerous numerous ok but that one doesnt go anywhere because im sorry i dont believe and be triggered ok weve got bigger problems to worry about lionel finish it up 25 seconds you know im here ive got to think somebody in new york and im pointing to where the comfort was this was a ship which you left in the middle of the night we dont know why down the street is a job of center where they had 3000 beds that were going to handle the death the death of people at hospitals a couple of blocks away we had restrict your rated trailers the cords of wood of body stacked you know that none of this happened not one person from the Mainstream Media said i what about. A c. B. C. When they dont because you know what that does that help the agenda of hurting president tried to take thats right ok because it doesnt get the story out they want to protect their privileges as all the time we have gentleman when he makes them i guess and in new york and in washington and place where we were watching us here are you see you next time remember. We go to work some straight home. Ts khaled International Memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global News Platform to participate send us your published works in video or written for much go to a war dont often dont comb and into now. This is r. T. U. K. Welcome to our viewers from around the world where live from Central London we currently waiting for the u. K. Governments daily Coronavirus Press briefing given today by Health Secretary matt hancock meanwhile our other headlines this hour. The Coronavirus Infection rates are showing to differ drastically around the u. K. As one study claims around 17000000 people could have already contracted the virus. Police across england prepare to disperse county lock down protest federal for this weekend thats out the Crown Prosecution Service rules that all charges under the coronavirus act are lawful. And n. H. S. Breakdown reveals over a quarter of virus patients deaths in england also suffer from diabetes as the Prime Minister calls for more proactive campaigning to tackle obesity ill be talking to a cardiologist. In the u. K. Spending watchdog says the n. H. S. Has failed d to update its ageing Computer Systems even today is going to Cyber Attacks ill be talking to a Technology Expert. Welcome to r. T. U. K. The corona virus infection rate is revealed to be markedly different across the country as the government admits the lockdown could be eased thats as police prepared to break up planned anti lock down protests across the country over the weekend. And we can now go to the press conference its Health Secretary much hancock. Good afternoon and welcome to downing street for the daily Coronavirus Briefing im joined by the deputy chief medical officer jenny harrys by and just englands medical director for primary care dr nick economic 1st i want to take this chance to update you on the latest coronavirus data. 2353078 tests for corona virus have now been carried out in the u. K. Including 133784 tests yesterday 236007 111 people have tested positive for the virus an increase of 3560 since yesterday. 10024 people are currently in hospital with coronavirus this is a 13th across all settings 33998 people have now died thats an increase of 384 since yesterday and we mourn each one. The number of deaths is falling each day in all settings thankfully and we are past the peak of this virus and i just want to take a moment to remind everyone about our plans for this 2nd phase if we have slide one please weve set up the new covert alert level system thats the 5 levels of threat based on the r. Value and the number of new cases the alert level in turn guides the social distancing rules which are vital in our efforts to control the virus a higher alert level means strict rules throughout the lock down weve been at level 4 which means that covert 19 is in general circulation and transmission is high or rising exponentially but thanks to your shared sacrifice weve brought our down. Cautiously and carefully and responsibly were now in a position to start moving to level 3 if we get to the next slide please weve set out the 1st of the 3 steps that will take carefully to modify the social distancing rules and so. Start to restore freedom to this country all war well that was u. K. Health secretary matt hancock giving the u. K. s daily Coronavirus Press briefing last year casey serai is still with me the our rate for the virus across the country is markedly different isnt it. Yeah absolutely that are right which is the rate of infection of the virus there are different opinions and different sest a distinct both across the country but also in terms of whos carrying out the study new same say the Scientific Advisory group full emergencies saying that actually our rate is increasing its getting worse last week it was ranging between 0. 5 to 0. 9 which means 5 to 10 people who have the virus between 5 and 9 other people getting it but now they say that this weeks data suggests that they are ranges between 0. 7 and one and so for that reason they believe that the virus is continuing to spread and to get worse now that great that are greatly to be less than one in order for the government to ease lock down measures as weve seen theyve done this week but there are other studies that suggest that possibly those numbers are actually lower than Cambridge University and Public Health england have done a study to show that actually depending on where you are in the country the rates are very different so in london the our rate is point 4 in other words 10 people who have the virus they pass it on to a total of 4 other individuals but the epi sense of the virus is considered to be the northeast and youll show where its 0. 8 and the whole of england has an r 8 according to that study of 0. 75 depending on where you are in the country the government said that they will consider easing will lifting lockdown measures in different ways in different regions and also said a study by the university of west by the university of manchester suggesting that actually a significant number of people have already called the virus that it could be anywhere above 70000000 which is one in 3 people if the United Kingdom yeah i think credible scientists think its nice that but in the meantime lets look at the place that having a bit of a tough time of it on thank you. Absolutely weve seen with the coronavirus act being tossed quite quickly actually police being given vast new powers deal with the lock down but the Crown Prosecution Service analysing that a number of charges of people who were arrested under the act now being overturned only draw in 44. 00 to be exact they include a lady who was fined more than 600. 00 pounds for having a rod shreya in station in these kinds of cases what brought really to attention by Media Attention and Media Coverage and the c. P. S. That revisiting some of them and deciding to withdraw them but it police may be busy over the coming weekend in keeping that coronavirus act unless they still cant sue because there are some tro tests planned for the weekend the Group Calling themselves the u. K. Freedom movement has claimed or have put out a number of posters calling for protests in 60 parts of the country against the lockdown faith considered to be unlawful of course the legislation holds that public gatherings of the legal people caught gathering groups of more d than 2 and so for that reason the police say that they will break up and any protests that day to be held over the coming week had another son who suggested that these protests are limits to the far right somehow. The hope not hate scrooge have suggested that thats the case but they dont have any clear carol evidence to suggest that the far right are organizing d these protests and of course we saw that death figures being announced by the house secretary of 384 people have been sadly lost their lives over the most recent 24 hour period. And right in 70 vanished. Well meanwhile diabetes sufferers are more likely to die from the corona virus than those with other Underlying Health conditions thats according to the 1st breakdown by the n. H. S. Of patients with multiple illnesses over 22900 patients were recorded to have died in england and till mid may with over a quarter of them suffering either type one or type 2 diabetes thats a one in 4 figure means the 4000000 britons who have either condition are more at risk of dying if they contract the virus but if conditions leave the sufferer it with we can demean systems making them susceptible to infections an organ failure where this trend can be seen in the number of covert 19 deaths along with other conditions such as dementia breathing conditions as well as heart and lung disease. Well type one diabetes is an autoimmune condition 20 was closely linked to me and ive always which itself and its further risk to infection it comes as the Prime Minister is preparing a more intellectualist approach towards talking up the city as part of efforts against the virus the state at u. Turn is attributed to johnsons recent stay in intensive care which he is understood to attribute to being overweight well more on this im not joined by cardiologist and im to sure the campaign and of testing turn out to thank you for joining us again weve talked before about obesity and diabetes seems to be a big factor here you wrote the paper on this how bad is it yes absolutely im going to highlight it so i think really the big issue which has been ignored for a very long time is of course obesity is a problem its a major problem in this country you know one in 4 people are obese 60 percent of adults are overweight or obese but really whats going on from a medical perspective from a biological perspective is that people who have conditions associate to the excess body fat are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes high Blood Pressure Heart Disease and its even now linked to things like cancer and dementia and d the term that we use in medical speak to described by something called insulin resistance now why does important case and why that needs to be addressed more you know in a more kind of robust way by the Prime Minister is that even people who have a normal weight will suffer from conditions like related to excess body fat so for example one in the only one in 3 people with a normal body mass index according to dates in america or not its probably quite similar metabolically healthy and type 2 diabetes in people from bain backgrounds does seem to affect them a much lower levels of what we call body weight more related to abdominal obesity or excess body fat there so what am i saying im saying actually the real problem the big sort of bigger elephant in the room if you like beyond obesity. Its a fact its estimated that 80 percent of brits 80 percent of u. K. Adults have excess body fat so cold over fat and thats what we should be focusing on so everybody is really vulnerable to this now what do we do about it well you know weve discussed this before and what the Prime Minister should be focusing on is really targeting the Food Industry in our consumption of culture process food which is now more than half of the british diet an unfortunate couple of issues ive been researching and been involved in looking out for a number of years one is the fact that our dietary guidelines which come through n. H. S. England Public Health in particular have been influenced unfortunately by the Food Industry the very industries that are kind of selling us and promoting the foods that are causing the problem in the 1st place so there needs to be a complete dissonant dissociation from companies indorse and promoter process suits from Public Health england and the current disagree a very basic example the current eat well guide which is supposed to represent a healthy balanced diet has unfortunately has junk food on that and you know that has been exposed in the british shows Sports Medicine by Obesity Research is only hearkened who highlighted that most of the members or significant number of the members who made up that plate were members of companies are basically you know promote fast food and junk food so theres one big issue there but actually the more important issue i think is the fact that our Food Environment has become saturated with these sorts of foods that make you know the junk food the default option even hospitals for example have become a branding opportunity for the junk Food Industry 75 percent of food purchase in hospitals is not healthy so this effects of staff effects the fact you know it basically influences the you know the weight and health of staff and then effects that performance as well so were all really vulnerable to this and i think the Prime Minister needs to really focus on making sure that we fix a food and if we fix the food will Fix Health Care that much no one has got to say after all of that youve summed up everything i was going to ask people with one thing people what on. Spence have to live a healthy life is that they say gym memberships are expensive junk food compared to healthy food has changed how does the government and how do individuals address that case very good point so i think the 1st thing to say is we can learn from history we very effectively in this country tackled Tobacco Consumption and over the last 3 to 4 decades we have reduced our smoking prevalence from more than 50 percent of adult smoking you know in the sixtys and up to 978. 00 to now less than 20 percent and the way that was done wasnt from educational person responsibility specifically it was tackling the availability of affordability in the acceptability of cigarettes taxing cigarettes and made the more expensive public smoking bans dissociation or banning sick or advertising we probably apply the same principles to junk food so youre absolutely right we need to make those sorts of foods more expensive by taxes sugar treating sex as one example but we should apply that old processed food and make healthy food more affordable but yes it is doable certainly you can follow a healthy diet in an affordable way even now but its harder because of all the marketing and all the you know. All the saturation the food around with all these sorts of foods it does make it more difficult for people so they need to be helped the most vulnerable members sightsee from core backgrounds are also the people that are more vulnerable to conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity so it needs a sort of regulation legislation type of approach from the government if were really going to curb this problem but the good news is you know studies on individual patients and groups of people show that you can reverse these sort of markers of metabolic syndrome you can even reverse type 2 diabetes many of my patients are able to do that within a few weeks of just changing diet so if you scale that up on a population level then you could see dramatic reductions in type 2 diabetes Heart Disease it basically within just a few years of regulatory changes which need to be implemented by the government hopefully Boris Johnson. Really this has been a wake up call for him im really pleased to learn that hes also you know previously he was suggesting that he was going to overturn the sugar addict starts its not that thats not going to happen so i think hes coming to terms of the fact that really if were going to combat this problem if theyre going to protect our n. H. S. From another viral time demick possibly in the future we need to really curb the consumption of these foods with regulate 3 interventions a day and at that point we have to maybe im afraid to say my locked up many thanks for joining us thank you thank you go. To come this hour. The n. H. S. Has failed to update its aging Computer Systems leaving it vulnerable to americas on the talking to a Technology Expert. You cannot be both with the yeah you want. To. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those prejudices or. Dares thinks. Weak dear to ask. Join me every thursday on the all excitement show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you there. Welcome back a quarter of all care home deaths over the past 2 months have been coated 19 related according to the statistics watchdog the data relates to care homes in england and wales and shows that have been over 45000 deaths in care homes from the beginning of march until may the 1st all those deaths over 27 percent were registered asked coronavirus related and the number of excess deaths has increased substantially since the end of december last year there have been over 70000 care home deaths which is over 20000 more than the year before. Well it comes amid more allegations the u. K. Government failed to prepare for the crisis in care homes the association of directors of Adult Social Services has claimed it warned all thought is about the potential risks of a pandemic 2 years ago in a series of reports they called on number 10 to provide additional p. P. A. To care homes the executive chair of the National Carers o. C. A. Sion r. Dartmouth thinks there are lessons to be learned for the government. Its. Certainly a challenge that they are going to have to understand where they missed the opportunities to. Mitigate some of the race that theyve now seen unfolding before their very armies did at the same time though no one could have actually prepared for whats really hit us this time could there. Now and i think thats thats the thing before we start to apportion blame start thinking about what we could have done we really need to learn from what has happened and look towards what we need to do to. Make sure that it doesnt happen again looking back is always easy but i think people have tried their very best in their own way to do what they can and therefore we have to be very clear that term lessons have to be learnt and its been all over europe its all across the world weve got the same sort of issues. And so we need to be mindful. Of advices given to us which looks like its unlikely in the short term but we must be prepared for it in the medium and long term why do you think that the u. K. Care home death toll is so high i mean other countries are experiencing care home deaths as well but not to the u. K. Level are they. Well i think possibly because we were trying to mitigate the risks around the n. H. S. And the focus was me put on to our Health Service which are also has for years. Been underfunded and so therefore i think there was a there was an almighty pressure to make sure that we could support the n. H. S. And social care at that point was being told actually wouldnt be as. Charities warned that the elderly are struggling for food in the u. K. Long down under risking malnutrition aid u. K. Claim they deliver nearly 19000 food packages to older people every week and theres a rise in numbers who dont have food all the necessary support to cook by themselves there has also been an unprecedented rise in calls to its advice line seeking help with stress and anxiety well in addition to those suffering from food poverty theres also appears to be a stark divide between the harvest and have nots when it comes to those returning to work are to u. K. Shadi has this report this is what unlocking the lockdown looks like as thousands of brits head back to work and a bit to get britain moving again while the virus is still out there Boris Johnson the Prime Minister seems to believe its safe enough to try and get the economy back on track we said that you should work from home if you can only go to work if you must. We now need to stress that anyone who cant work from home for instance those in construction manufacturing should be actively encouraged to go to work from home when you can its still the masses because the risk remains some can say how often those in higher paid managerial roles in. The lower paid jobs that cant be done remotely and thats next to some to conclude its one rule for the haves and another for the have not biologically speaking were all in this together we know know best immunity but when you look at day to day. You know effects of the disease how much were exposed theres a greater risk so there is really no sense in which were equal in the face of disease there is a choice in fearing it workers are afraid to go when they can stay at home but the company doesnt actually have to continue to follow them if the fan tells them to come in they either have to go into work of i dont get paid. Its not an option its not i need you know i dont. Think you know what the other option you know do you take the risk you know not what im. Trying. Because you have to be a equal but its not an option its not even something they could think they need because they got lung also ran their. Children that needs the government advises avoiding public transport but for lower without cost there was no other choice on day one of the return London Underground numbers up almost 10 percent on the very same time last week businesses have been given advice on how to be covert secured with social distancing its greens there simply no guarantees and to some working has continued throughout the crisis long before such measures were even considered Scientists Say the virus itself doesnt. Discriminate everyone is at risk but the statistics tell a very different story working class men in low paid jobs are more likely to die of coronavirus than anyone else between the ages of 20 and 64 most at risk are security guards taxi and bus drivers charism chefs all of whom are encouraged to go back to work if they havent already and theyre up to 4 times as likely to die as middle class graduates working as lawyers teachers accountants and engineers so whoever can afford to stay warm stay secluded you know who can control their interaction with others will be you know less risk is really something that depends all. Right some of us cannot they had told me to go to work and be still exposed to the wire so in that sense i think were not equal and when it comes to returning to work parents who cant afford a child can also struggling probably schools were open back classrooms for around another 3 weeks and the government at the moment only says businesses should take as allowances a real concern for many people least childcare i want to quote a mother of a young child i pull a joyce but its a little but it reflects the worst that will members of this house will have to get it she says this. Is boris certainly speech people are encouraged to go back to work meeting my partner as he works in construction my partner has explained to his boss this can happen because weve got no childcare you also run the nursery but then i put on my work as well but my boss is having none of it i hope i can get some advice made my partner has been so stressful. What advice would the promise to give her while the government plays college try to protect all black kids in the alley days of the virus when it comes to retire while the virus itself might not discriminate the financial cost and the possible risk certainly does drive a wedge between the haves and the have not tried to add a strategy r t u k 9 to. The u. K. Spending watchdog has claimed that efforts to modernize Computer Systems in the national Health Service are so far behind the taxpayer is unlikely to see any value for money back in 2016 the government sanctioned over 4000000000 pounds to digitally transform the Health Service however the cost soon rose to 8100000000 the National Audit office has warned the system is vulnerable to Cyber Attacks like the one seen in 2017 was discussed this are now joined by Technology Expert bill mears bill thank you for joining us why does it seem that its so hard for governments to get these kind of big i. T. Updates on time and on budget. The problem we have particularly in the n. H. S. Is as much as people perceive the energex to be a Single Organization the reality use that it is a fragmented collection of different trusts all of which have spending control of what they do individually and therefore theres an enormous amount to duplication or and fragmentation across the entire system. And as much as we try and put in the odd few 1000000000 here or there will always do its one in just a little bit too little and most of the trusts are under constant cost pressures and constant pressures to spend money on other priorities as were seeing at the moment with the current undamaged untel we actually put enough money forwards and have the right standards across the whole system and accountability in the governments to make sure that everythings in blue implemented then were going to remain vulnerable as we were a few years ago and want to cry well bill how vulnerable is the national Health Service to Cyber Attacks i mean like that is the 2017 want to cry attack how easy is it to hack into their computers well the want to cry attack should have been avoided basically there was a vulnerability identified and a patch came out for this vulnerability Something Like 6 weeks before the n. H. S. Was hit if the n. H. S. Had had the right skills and resources to implement that patch right of course all it systems it would have been touched by want to cry the problem is it is far too fragmented there are archaic out of date a Laptop Computers cases of mobile equipment everywhere and and tell we have ive more Seamless Integrated system that is brought up to date were going to remain vulnerable how likely is that to happen and given everything that is happening in terms of the Health Service in the me in the meantime well obviously i dont cesc has always relied on actually limited funding but actually the dedication of all it starts and again at this very moment in time and its that very dedication that were all relying on at some point that the government is going to have to put its hand in its pockets to properly fund and to provide the leadership and governance to follow through on the sort of Digital Transformation that it has talked about for years and time. And time again i mean it is as long ago as 2004 that we were meant to have a paperless n. H. S. 15 years later and we still dont have comprehensive standards we still dont have a single unified plan for making Digital Transformation happen well bill one final quick question if i may of course there are issues also with centralized data and privacy on a day a stumbling block to a centralized approach you can have security baked in from the outset it is a question of architecture and governance to make sure that youre doing the right things so the very fact that were going to be invested in the latest technology doesnt mean that we cant at the same time invest in the latest security to make sure that we have the adequate protection and provisions for our privacy because this is very important data but at the same time the n. H. S. Is almost unique in the fact that it has a largely centralized system albeit across a fragmented set of trusts and we have the potential to do the sort of analytics across all those trusts are all anonymised bases that would provide us with enormously valuable data if we can do it correctly if we can take correctly thats the key point is that bill me thank you for joining us and one used at the top of the hour. Thats right here. Is the Ticker Symbol for hair is closed and finally and you can buy all of the hair. That we feature here on this. Kind of market cap of about 3900000000. 00 but were expecting the fed to come in in front run the market and take us up to a much higher. Cost place 7. 00 or 9 trillion dollars. The dropping of the f. B. I. Case against michael reveals which so many of us have long believed russia gate was a true

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