Transcripts For RT Politicking 20240713 :

RT Politicking July 13, 2024

100000 of thing it broke and the transition for greatness has started ahead of schedule tom says this will be a year of ups and downs but next year will be one of the best ever what are your thoughts on that well obviously this year is a year for enormous downs 1st that horrific loss of life that continues pace the slope but its ongoing and the future of that standpoint is uncertain but the future economically at the moment is one that we all are very concerned that over 30000000 new people out of floyd Small Businesses going under bankruptcy is going up but you know larry im an optimist i believe in this country i believe in the strength of the American People and i think that next year we will see a strong economic recovery i hope it starts right now and i think it will begin to start now but over the longer run beginning hopefully this year were going to see america come back stronger than ever. You were governor during the tragedy of 911 how do you respond the way the handle of this still way you handle lets you know it larry its disappointing that we dont speak the cooperation at all levels of government we had an incident member 11th you mention my book beyond the great divide and i tell the story in that book of the afternoon as a temper 11th when Rudy Giuliani gave me a call and said that he had relocated his Emergency Center command center and all us commissioners with himself to a new place in Lower Manhattan i thought for a minute and then i said right there and i brought all my key commissioners and players spent that afternoon and temper lemon we were on the same room at the same table city state and federal and we were like that for months after september 11th so we didnt have the city saying one thing the state saying Something Else the federal government saying a 3rd thing we had a seamless recovery and you look now and you see the governor of new york and the mayor of new york dont even seem to be talking to each other one will say the schools are many closed and the other will say wait a 2nd that success i know paul and trump have met but it certainly doesnt seem like theyre communicating in a cooperative way so its just disappointing to me that the divide that we saw before the code virus doesnt seem to ever really close the way it should have in the face of this National Emergency frankly though isnt the pandemic and 911. 00 apples and oranges it in many ways they are the pandemic is goal its certainly a national. Spender 11th was it graphically narrowly confined although we head for a few weeks we had an Enormous Economic uncertainty across the whole country but the argument but larry why was there similar oneness the collapse of the economy we saw in new york state for 3 years if this of general level of a true. Collapse in the economy people wouldnt go to new york they were afraid to come to new york the theaters were empty the hotels were empty the restaurants had oh customers that it took an enormous effort to bring them back and what were going to need now is an enormous effort to bring our economy back also on september 11th you know we realize that its not that hollywood stars are the super athletes who are they hear us its ordinary americans doing their jobs well every single day september 11th the police the firefighters the mts today the Health Care Workers the orderly as the nurses the doctors people in the gross. So theres a lot of commonality but they are 2 different things. And you know beyond the great divide you look at how americans seem to come together do you expect them to do the same so far not you know larry we have to and its not so much a question of do expect it because im disappointed so far that we have not exactly what you said you know but there are signs of hope you know like the last stimulus bill the 4 trillion dollar bill im sure there are things in there the democrats didnt like there are things in there that republicans didnt lie but what they did a say this is too important we have to put aside our purity and get the get the job done and i wish that was the attitude they bring to government d every day i fear that is not the case but we have to keep pushing for that. Youve been a youve been critical of the Current Governor andrew cuomo but his handling of the nursing home what what are you criticizing him doing well you know. We all know larry the single greatest cohabit of the risk is age and we know that the premises of our seniors and the most vulnerable are in Nursing Homes so how could you demand that Nursing Homes take positive patients among this highly Vulnerable Group when they were protesting they didnt have the ability to isolate or d handle them or to care for them properly it just made no sense and as a consequence weve had i believe well over 5000 nursing home deaths just in the new york state fortunately Governor Cuomo reversed that policy i sadly it took about 47 days before he reversed that policy but it was critical at least now he has said hes acknowledged that the policy had to change and has changed how do you assess president handling of it so far you know i wish that i get ses doing a great job but i watched a number of the briefings. Yes the press was just trying to goad him and not get information out of up but every single time there was a question that upset him instead of rising above it the president should do he just engage and and i think as president what he should be doing is looking in inspire the American People bring us together you know there are going to be unfair criticism spent goes with the turf of being a pile of political leader you have to shrug it off because hes the president of all the americans and lets try to bring this together with the right inspired leaders he has asserted that he didnt override governors in many different ways as a former governor you agree with that. Well you know this whole question of the state of emergency that whether its governors of the president. It was necessary when the virus 1st hit Health Care System was going to be overwhelmed but there comes a point where a state of emergency becomes a state of autocracy where one person is telling 20000000 people what they can or cannot do that and i think were close to that point i dont believe legally and constitutionally the president can tell a governor you cant suggest x. Or y. Into a state or direct demand x. Or y. O. State i dont think the president has that authority but then i question whether or not for an extended period of time the governor has that authority but more importantly larry if the president is telling the people of state x. You know ignore it and the governor saying ignore the president were going to have chaos and we have to do better than that we have to have this communication across partisan divides doing what is best for the American People period. Vice President Joe Biden who will be running against President Trump says that the president is politicizing the mask issue and stoking deaths what do you make of this mass question. You know its i dont fault any individual im like Vice President biden because for the longest time the see you know its i dont fault any individual. Vice President Biden because for the longest time the c. D. C. Was telling us mess masks dont have any impact dont worry about wearing a mask and then they didnt want any and said oh were masks right now if theres appropriate social distance and particularly outside the question of whether or not theyre necessary i dont know the answer to that i dont know that science is answer to that but personally i it just makes sense from a prudence standpoint and to protect others to wear a mask when im out in any public setting where up with people i wear a mask and its not for a political statement its simply to protect others lives so the way back in 2011 you launched a group called no american debt to focus on americas reading problem well this will fork over 19 how do you think would do and. Its like theyre saying the captain of the titanic before the euros. But you know these are exceptional times in our lifetimes weve never seen the National Economy shut down completely weve never seen 300 plus 1000000 people essentially in a better lot down except for essential workers so they require extraordinary effort so i dont fall the fed for its expansion of the monetary supply which i think has been critical and i think theyre done well with that man on thought the president congress for the 4 trillion 4. 2 trillion dollars stimulus we need that we need to help those who are unemployed we need to help the Small Businesses that have no revenue we need to help Industries Like the Aviation Industry where dont want to fly the point is to come back in the combat as quickly as possible and it requires extraordinary measures for the moment you just have to set aside the said fact that were spending trillions more than we have. Put on your reporters had for me and youve always been the objective guy whos going to win in november you know i think larry that depends on what happens with the virus of the economy and you dont have to be a brain surgeon to say what im going to say but if as the opening up continues of the country if there is a spike in the need for a 2nd lap down then i think the odds of President Trump winning go way way down below 50 percent if on the other hand the opening up. Is success what we dont have that spike in a 2nd shutdown and the economy starts showing signs that its really coming back that i think the odds are better than 5050 the President Trump when sucks you know larry you know this game as well as anyone in america who would have predicted 3 months ago that the issue would be the handling of a virus by the way the house and we have more than 3 months to go today tomorrow but next week or next month some a vent might happen that completely changes the landscape so i think anybody who says they knows got a win today essence in what you and i have seen over the years youre right what do you make of his attack on mail in ballots. You know. I think thats a state issue and i understand the potential for fraud you know ive seen those pictures of an apartment house with a stack of ballots you know of a dozen or more balance addressed to different people just sitting in the lobby that anybody could pick in pick up and fill out and i have no doubt that happens but some states have had mail and ballots for for some time i think the state of washington for example and it doesnt seem to have been. There doesnt seem to a bit massive fraud i personally think that people should vote you know unless theyre sick or disabled or out of the country or unable to vote i think voting is something that is a right that we should take seriously enough that will make the effort to go there so i strongly believe that states should say you if youre healthy if youre vailable you go to the polls to vote but i dont think the federal government should take action if a state in our republic of 50 different states decides to choose a different path. Governess so good seeing you again you know you look in great shape great to have you with us. Good to see you always great to be keep fighting you know your national trigger say well now hall thank you the book is beyond the great divide how a nation can become a neighborhood the guess was governor George Pataki will be back with more politicking after this. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see event. Every single culture on earth has prohibitions against care. At the same time virtually every culture on the earth morning enormously if you killed the right person one setting it is the most horrendous damaging thing match in the world and in the other setting is a little wondrous thing that they will give you a medal for the people who vote through you because of that the people will meet with you because youre good at doing that sort of say. We go to work see you straight home. Part of something is better than 100 percent of nothing and so losing money as is part of the Money Laundering model as a model of Business Model and we look at these unicorns the startups and Silicon Valley like the ones you mentioned we work that way fair goober. We were left there all losing money exponentially so many after the asters stuff well maybe the model is to lose money and so prove theres laundering the money who is laundering the money. Counting the cost and charging the future we depend on the computing to proceed it is time to assess the Economic Impact is the price and change the Global Economy and if theres going to be a recovery what kind. And are there lessons to be learned. Welcome back politicking Award Winning journalist libertarian pundit john stossel has thought provoking perspective on the coronavirus spend democrat including some of the gays seizes a potential Silver Lining hes the author of give me a break and the creator of stossel t. V. Where were you hibernating. Got to be so. Very pretty. Great place all right you recently wrote a column john headline shutdown Silver Lining it was about home schooling elaborate. Why do parents are discovering hey i like teaching my kids at home and they learn more and were not going to go back through those state run schools and. For many of those kids thats a Silver Lining i was surprised to find that homeschooling families on average are below average income but the kids do better than average they get higher s. A. T. Scores do better in college less drank or abuse drugs. So that can be a good thing and today there are all these internet assed internet teaching methods that are free. You opposed to state schools. No im opposed to their arrogance and cost and demand that kids be assigned by zip code and think its choice is good. All thats all was assigned by zip code that i left therefore you would have favored busing. Busing was racial integration which at the time we all thought was a good idea to force integration worker was brought out so much hatred that that wasnt a good thing in the state schools now constantly whining we dont have enough money thats why were struggling. They feature in the arithmetic theyre spending more than 10000. 00 per kid on average so thats 20300000 dollars per classroom i would think i could hire 4 Great Teachers for that and do a much better job than they do but the money just disappears because thats what happens with government monopoly and the competition thats going to come out from cove it and parents finding new alternatives on the internet that they can do at home will be good because it will give some parents another choice and think about learning math videogames would be so much better at teaching math than a teacher standing in front of 20 kids talking because its in the individual eyes to the kid and the games make it exciting they give you a funny noise when you get the answer right and this is all brand new and good but parents arent trained in teaching no thats what the education experts say and they arent experts in the curriculum and they wont know what to teach and the true but the experts havent done a very good job of. The big american nationwide nationwide test to ask kids who did we fight when we fought hitler and they say france and england. Theyre not aware that the soviet union was our enemy during the cold war so kids arent learning much in government run schools john youre concerned about the impact of the 600. 00 a week federal unemployment check for the in volume with the coronavirus all why are you against that. Well with the snake payments its often more than 800. 00 and in many cases that means that people make more money not going back to work and look people in help the government to close these places by force in many cases and i can see why politicians say we have an obligation to give these people money but when you give people more money than they were making working. Youre teaching them to be dependent on government and thats not a good thing people get purpose in work what do you know youre like the age of retirement but chosen or way past that. Larry kudlow our white house economic adviser an old use peer on our show a lot says the Trump Administration is considering a weekly back toward bonus for americans returning to employment what do you make of that. Beats me it doesnt sound like. You know what we know its governments job to keep us safe to protect us from foreign enemies epidemics they have some pollution control rules but why is it governments job to give bonuses to this group and this politically favored company and thats a recipe for disaster were already gone broke. But they will say mad for years they said when ruse will put the new deal in and he is certainly it doesnt government have to do something in times of crisis doesnt it have to do something. Yeah get out of peoples way so free people can create the opportunities that we always have i mean america was built by people who had nothing and. Other than their hands in their brains and it was only in roosevelts day it started to get much bigger for most of our history it was less than 5 percent of the economy now its 40 percent and he wanted to do still more its been said that the crisis reveals character what do you think the cole the 1000 crisis is real divide us a society. Code on. It revealed President Trump to be ridiculous on many fronts if its shown us to so overreact and have disproportionate ideas about. Life and death. Some good things

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