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Some changes in a positive direction are going to harm and out of our selfinterest as a species we can survive without changing. Amanda margaret found it impossible to touch the man she witnessed shooting her husband at point blank range was robin jackson. Jackson was a portadown loyalist who became one of the conflicts most prolific killers. He was also an r. U. C. Agent nicknamed the jackal. 5 days before pat campbells murder a man and whose home police had found 64 kilograms of explosives 2 grenades and over 5000 rounds of assorted ammunition had named jackson as his accomplice. However police failed to arrest jackson meanwhile he is at liberty to murder part campbell. Jackson had been a member of the Ulster Defense regiment then the largest regiment in the british army. He was later involved in the massacre of the Miami Showband in july 975 when 3 band members were killed by members of the clan and gang as they attempted to plant a bomb on the musicians boss. Loyalist paramilitaries horace boyle and Wesley Somerville were killed instantly as the bomb exploded prematurely. Well the Ulster Defense regiment was the largest regiment in the british army it was geographically recruit it here and the north of ireland and it only served here in the north of ireland it was essentially a counterinsurgency unit that was set up the big end of the troubles. That itself took over from the discredit the specials which was a special place charlotte thought it existed since the 1920 s. And it was clear from the outset that the u. D. R. Was set up to recruit from within the loyalist on the unionist community. They were almost entirely drawn from within not 20. Declassified documents from british sources from the Prime Ministers Office from the ministry of defense secretary of States Office make it quite shockingly clear that from the perspective of the British Government it was acceptable to recruit so into the regiment who was an octave loyalist paramilitary who was a member of a loyalist paramilitary group. Theres no doubt that the creation of the else the defense regiment was influence for the british show me boy the experience in the employ of these kinds of locally regimens what controls and commanded by british offices and as many intrinsic halls of the chain of command rich homie were common through all of the counterinsurgency campaigns there was a real and genuine hype at the instigation of the regiment that it would be truly crossed me to see would be known 6 hereon in character but it became apparent very quickly that that was not going to be the case and the british army was willing to live with the consequences which was that this would be in many ways a sectarian. Many people from little in this community joined the regiment to get weapons training and to stay the weapons and according to the official documents that we funded the u. D. R. It was the largest Single Source of modern weapons flowing to the loyalist paramilitary groups it was a recipe for disaster. And one of the things we noticed whenever we started to do the research was the large numbers of gongs that were disappearing from both our you see and u. D. R. Armory and places like. This is like the Territorial Army that was our volunteer force. Him her to name but a few. Now we have a pictorial of just the devastating effect that one of these going to get out of. This is a 9 millimeter starting submachine gong stolen from b. S. On the 20th 24th a man 1991 and subsequently used to kill a lot of people and seriously injure numerous other people and the attacks were these are the people that i. Was with the charge also shows as is who was used in these columns and here we can see that some of the people who were involved in using these columns were also members of the r. U. C. On the u. D. R. And we also see as i said who all was killed on one of those people who was killed and one of the force that acts with us was used was with my own father who was killed and on the farms over a bridge. Behind. We do not as a matter of homes as a matter of. Looking for process terrorists that is the demand of the i. O. C. The r. U. C. The police was created in the early 1920 s. At the same time as the state of Northern Ireland was created and it reflected the contested nature of the state it was almost 93 percent drawn community and as a both part time element on a full time element there was a militarized force from the outset it was framed on the colonial model of British Police and. Very fraught and fractious relationship with the. Nationalist community. As a Nonviolent Civil Rights Movement korean force in the late 1960 s. It was the reaction of the r. U. C. To the absolutely and the attacks on the 1st civil rights marches by the police that actually energies the movement. Of people and let the fuse for the conflict at the time. Then in the 1960 s. And 1969 in particular we had a situation where there was coordinated loyalist attacks protectee on the population of belfast 10. Forced to flee their homes the irish army set up refugee camps along the border which put up the refugees in the north was striking about these attacks was that the r. U. C. The Police Actually took part in the attacks. And belfast at the time. So instead of preventing them they were active participants in the burning of whole streets in belfast at the time. On the 5th of june 1906 the gang attacked a small rural pope called the rock bar near kiddie. Approaching the pope they shot a local man called make me grow as he left the building. They then detonated a nail bomb which failed to explode. What was striking about this particular attack was that all those involved were members of the local police force the are you see with some on duty as the attack took place. And summing up on and sentencing these place officers the lord chief justice went so far as to claim and i quote that they were trying to rid the land of pestilence but thats the kind of language that nazi shoes but use. A very important landmark for the campaign and 999 was the fact that we acquired they. Was a former sergeant and they are you say he had been convicted of the marge are off a man called william strathairn and he had served 7 years in prison. Became available to us in the spring of 9099. For the 1st time a way realized that the job of monaghan bombings was linked to so many other attacks north of the border. To the miami show abound. And the Castle Blaney as well and the murder of john francis korean all of which took place in the republic. In february on judge baron who was conducting a inquiries into the doppler monaghan bombings mash with john mayer and paris the 2 lawyers and myself. John we are in paris at the same time it was a separate nation and i know. We arranged for the pappano consented to mange with them at that time and. I think that the significance of the meeting with were we were able to test his offer to be able to test the evidence so to be put out there put detailed questions to him we spent several days with them to put the from parts of the jigsaw together and began to understand who were thanks to him and thanks to all the evidence that was becoming available of course he was central to the killing. Of. The special patrol special patrol. Section of the or you see. The. Terrorists. The death. Of this. Turbans. We did not deal with audrey police to teach us to distracted men. Who liked that type of auction so it would have attracted officers who would tended to to be more militant than the ordinary policeman tows approached the Army Armstrong here mitchell they explained to me god we should take the war to the are your ear instead of setting box because i think a lot of peoples belief that they are your it was being a law it to operate without much opposition much endurance the experience to me they ahd already started this by gone gone the bomb attack on the rock bar outside. The ostomy the fog would be interested in joining what they were doing. I told them i would need to know more about it yes of course i would be interested but they did explain to me that the were quite a number of people involved. After without her meeting was arranged. Laurence maturer was there. Lawrence explained to me it was on the right he should tell me about a lot of jobs had been gone up until that. Such as dublin monaghan bombings. Re fees. For bridge. Bar bombing and shooting. Nuclear power become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people are demanding the shut down of a local plant. Right now my focus because its a very dangerous. Power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country wheres it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or powerline with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways our struggle. International memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media of a global News Platform you can submit to your published works in either video or format go toward go to r. T. Dot com and it a no. Some of the are you see man where names were involved over many years and a number of fatal bombings and shootings alongside paramilitaries in the Ulster Volunteer force they include are you see man William Mcarthur a selfconfessed killer. Also r. U. C. Reserve constable Lawrence Mcclure police to be one of the gangs most experienced bomb makers who was convicted of causing an explosion and possession of firearms at the rock bar for which however the only received a suspended sentence are you see constable in mitchell was also convicted of causing an explosion at the rock bar and possession of firearms but similarly only received a suspended sentence Gary Armstrong who were also names escaped any conviction in the rock bar attack a lower the Historical Enquiries Team a police unit set up to investigate historical murders says he was clearly a principal of fandor in a later book penned by armstrong after his release from prison he clearly details his role in the rock bar attack in a chapter called on fulfilled potential. Between the middle of night in 72 when the guy really started its work until the end of 975 thats less than 3 years the gang had killed 89 people. In one month alone in april 9075 the 1st person they killed was dorothy trainer a protestant woman walking home with a catholic husband through portadown. Within 3 days theyd killed Martin Mcveigh who was murdered as he cycled home from work in the same town portadown a couple of weeks later they blew up a Little Cottage that was being renovated killing 2 brothers and a sister and the sisters unborn baby girl. And by the end of the month theyd also care. A man called when boyle who had been sitting at his Kitchen Table looking at photographs of his newborn baby girl so there in just one month in one small geographical area you had 4 separate attacks in which 7 people were killed in these attacks were remorseless and they ratcheted up the pressure until the end of 975 when a completely new development took place. As with previous attacks the modus operandi of the gang was to strike 3 targets almost simultaneously. In a white Cross Country the revie family sat down to watch a popular t. V. Show when gunmen entered the family home 24 year old john martin was hit as he sat in his chair while 22 year old brian was shot in the back trying to escape into a nearby bedroom. Anthony the youngest brother dived underneath the bed for cover before the gunmen sprayed the bed with bullets. A little while later on they heard them through the front door and get them to the car on. A bad hair day among the bad. Brian who is in the bible as a file these polls are they knew he was dead. And them all up into the guts and then john martin he was lyin in a pearl of blood on a field as pauls on it on a new year with all the dead. At around the same time gunmen burst into the home of the old guard family only 17 miles away and barely dog and country done. Again the intention was to wipe out an entire family. As they rushed their way into the house they opened fire and barney wood who was hit a number of times his brother joe who attempted to charge the gunman was killed instantly. While i was shot 1st and they are. Fun me or are. On day by the time when youre. A bar you wish to add. Because. He was in the ring at every were in. But i crawled out into the hallway. Back to body was laying there to you he was in intensive care of course i was there for a week. The doctor here marar not mourning it. Has years should be real hey if things are banned to cord and logic is safe you shouldnt be here. Because those are a ball of go one step for your heart. For no will perjury and the word they used. The word no theyre both grossly nor muscle to stop what but a thoroughbred 90 percent term. Took great kidney with it. As the smoke settled 3 members of the old guard family into revie brothers lay dead 17 year old anthony revie died later in hospital. The tally ition from the mens killings was swift brutal. The following evening a minibus of textile workers was stopped by members of the ira in kings mills not far from the review home where the killings had taken place the night before. These pictures tell the story of the horror that followed. Up to 20 gunman surrounded the minibus its catholic driver taken to safety the protestants on board moaned on most of us late. Policemen who arrived shortly afterwards told of bodies piled on top of one another. The gore and the personal effects give a hint of a conic. When we met chilled were in paris one of the burning questions we had is why he and the others in the gang and not retaliated for the kings well massacre. As for was chilling he told us there was a plan and the plan mostly attack a Primary School to kill all the children in the school to kill the teachers we asked him why it didnt go ahead and he told us because the u. V. s leadership in belfast believed that the plan came from Army Headquarters came from military intelligence a been planted the milage intelligence wanted the whole situation to spiral out of control and this was too much for the a. V. F. And they refused to go ahead even for them it was a step too far. The plot. Was decided on. Was to shoot top. Of school. In police. Just on the outskirts of leaks. So we say sure dont screw curing show the procedure of the screw children teachers yes. Yes. Youre into. d yes i do indeed yes i do indeed. Move. If thats hard hop and. I think there is nearly died. There would have been a shocking retaliation. From the republican side. Retaliation from the republican side. It would have eventually in a fairly short time i should say they told us quite the contrary into. Trouble. Our civil war situation i think the country was almost already in the cell for the war situation but if that happened. Even the moderates. On both sides were going to have to take sides and there was going to be. There was going to be a serious serious civil war. We had a meeting with the chief constable the most Senior Police officer and the p. S. L. E. Accompanied by an assistant chief constable at their headquarters. And we asked them. What they intended to but the fact that a former Police Sergeant William Mcarthur out of let it publicly that he was also part of the plan to kill 30 children. And their teachers. There was a pause they looked at each other and they told the. Tension for doing anything. To be real he wasnt to be arrested. To be reinvestigated nothing would happen. And i think at that moment after we left. We talked about it and we realized that where else in europe a former Police Officer to plan to kill a large number of children and a school this former employer would say that he had no plans to reinterview him as a result. Of dunning street in london the british Prime Minister Harold Wilson was faced with what he called himself an apocalyptic crisis. And was spinning out of control. War could not be ruled out. Amongst the options he considered were a dried withdraw and Self Government if the people of the north were on governable he could not go. In an atmosphere of near panic wilson called a council of war at his official country retreat checkers in the peaceful countryside. Also present was the secretary of state for defense. And the secretary of state for Northern Ireland race on the Security Side was headed by so david house the general officer commanding northern arent. Well wilson attempted to control the worsening situation the hawks within British Military intelligence hoped for a different outcome. One where all out war could be waged on the ira. In the meantime the glennon gang were slaughtering anyone but. Targets. So we asked ourselves why why these people and we drew up 2 lists one was of people who were unlucky enough to be caught up in indiscriminate car bombs and the other this was a people who were targeted or watched chased hunted. Or at their home and we discovered to our surprise that every single one of those. People were making something of their lives they were ordinary people and then we asked ourselves why why these people. And the ferry we came to was that frank kitson in his classic manual of counterinsurgency operations roads that if you cant catch the fish. Net then poison the water and author areas that these ordinary people were targeted to persuade other ordinary people to repudiate the ira to withdraw support from the ira course didnt work had the opposite effect violence begets violence if people cant trust the law they would take the law into their own hands it was completely counterproductive as well as illegal and immoral i think weve reached as. A legal cooperation. Cooperation between members of the Security Forces. Sometimes as. Turkey in the 1980 s. And ninetys. There was no crime of collusion. With criminal acts by Police Officers. And its been a phenomenon through the troubles. Collusion of many. Years deniable 3rd forces in order to insurgency. I think the rule of loyalist paramilitaries here. They did what the Security Forces felt that they couldnt do because and theory they were behind by the rule of law and so they could use deniable 3rd forces to do it for the. West need to. Know when youve been able to molest that solicit it. From the regular morgue or you know more your partner are going to move into iraq. Ah. Ah ah wash your psyche or get us lucifer mistletoe is just that im a guy that im just. It is not my achievement mr davies are 5 you have plans for conceive baby need and get it out by the people themselves if how they would produce or even florek it with the idea of making a film like this they probably be branded as crazy. Now is the sentiment during the war that the soviets were brave heroes resisting the nazis thats going to change of course after the war but once the cold war begins. Little people think that hollywood is a free place but really what is strictly defined by only one side of the business and the other side is ideology. How would i define ali is they call it the dream manufacture which had things true but i think equally its a problem in the fact. The simple things workshops and back up public spaces where adults with learning disabilities can engage on. With creative activities like graphics sewing ceramics. And joinery. Just giving you shit what you know what. You know what just what did you give one case you come up with. The underlying idea of the workshop is a calendar of which they feel thrilled to find joy little sayings of. Breaking news from r t a knife attack in a park which killed 3 in southern england is the terror incident bipolar also ahead on the program. One persons killed in an overnight shooting in seattle no polies protest zone campaigners resisted officers as the arrive preventing them from reaching the victims plus this hour among our look at the weeks main news. Supporters at rally day french nourished released from custody after a video

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