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Humankind. Well good night and that the crews we dont want to just birth through the lead now off the bat weve had generation x. And y. And sant but we didnt just want to go back to because they other 1st generation or in this your ability im being born in a whole new era and so were moving into this greek alphabet approach of the star but you know a return to the old with a to have to be true alfas in that sense though the pope takes precedence im not sure about that but that hopefully. They do serious in this new direction in this new millennium and at this important new time. So we have every reason to a spot that this huge air however uncertain well trained more disparity more technology more working solutions to our problems is it redundant to say that generation off in most advanced ever evolving ration bareheaded into progress together well that would be the most formally educated generation will be the most materially in doubt generation if it just because of the growth of wealth in the emerging world dont be the most technologically savvy generation about all i have at the youngest ages for all im the most globally connected generation has ever seen it with all of those amazing characteristics creates in them the biggest impacts of a generation ever all of the most enlightened generation about their thats yet to be seen but i do think that they are equipped to solve these new problems that were facing in our world from environmental ones 2 to 2 issues or global equality theyre approaching those new problems with fresh eyes and i think that gives us a great sense of how about talking about the problems that were facing gemzar these are the doers i have a column here in russia already pay a little attention to boundaries it raises gender nationality religion either any limits left for a generation often to push. Well thats true you know that i had no nothink popped up a city in that world and i think having such chronic tutti is so useful and for them from the youngest types you know they pick up the device just a few clicks away from any piece information on the planet. If friendship fate is global then use fade this stores they shop on a local but global yes i think that there are barry is that i will break down for example diane now in a world with i am more empowered as young people than any other generation of young people has been there used to be when you were young you you looked up to the older generation you want to be older because thats where that was the influence was there now we have a youth Obsessed Society where people want to be young and the early adopters of technology the brand influences the social media influences of course of the Younger Generations and so how will leverage more influence than any generation before them at their right and i think that that thats a great opportunity that i have and gives them a great responsibility to deal with some of the social challenges that were seeing image you know world. And also thinking about the generational markers and the mess important irony i can come up with this to conscious a generation that did not have a washing machine catalyzed that was tested a different from the one that had a generation without the internet the quite different from the internet generation y. Generation Office Ecological divide that makes it different from the previous generation although i mean for things that we take for granted now they werent haves you know and a lot watch is going to be a thing that most of them will ever know need to know in this Digital World. Because now its about smart case full cost if even they get a drivers license because its a new or a transport is a Service World because even that credit cards have moved to payment digital forms because theyre their id is in a digital form they were nato wallets or a purse because everything is on that device and so even the basics that we would carry around keys and wallets and credit card and of course cash i will not be something of their experience so they will growing this shrewd digital mindset to these dire the areas of life you know its not about the physical space but of course learning online any deep Remote Working or working. From home or other options as well and and that will flow through all areas in other words we had the toppling location for a home study or workplace or shopping or can make shift and social interaction and of course theres digital generations will just think that way from the youngest age. Yeah how parents nowadays they post photos of their newborn kids on social networks and thanks or creates digital digital accounts for them before this kids even can walk or talk or take a decision whether they want to be instantly here now or have for a family now what exactly is your presence from birth have been jan out. Well it doesnt come without challenges of course you know and the most. Theyll have the biggest digital footprint of any previous generation as you said probably by the time they wanted to use of their more photos of them they know they grandparents and right current right their parents put together for their entire lots and the amount of video and just a digital. Footprint a pretty big now because from the youngest age there are there on social channels that chatting and sharing and and so they just leave a long legacy a long history that can be crites in that i have if you like a digital diary i have it a digital history that i can look back on and and recall stages in life it has a downside be cruz well when youre a teenager you share things and say things that you probably dont want coming back to you 10 or 20 years lyta when youre a Senior Leader or an influence so there are some problems with this and we see very plainly one big problem that this Younger Generation faces through the digital and that is Cyber Bullying putting down each other sometimes that they will say things that will shape things that will threaten our own one among. Things that i would never cite priced advice theres a sense that because were connecting through that digital isnt anonymity we would interact in a way that we wouldnt do physically together and that that can be a problem as well as of course the darkest side of the internet the Security Side the postal site decided does come with this digital will take knowledge advance say to kids of inflation risk or anything was in those last health we humans actually just need simply far greater than our time not handwriting or mental are ethnic. Thats a great point and it is true and when weve surveyed teaches around the world we have found that one of the deficits i notice with Young Children and were talking about crime riyadhs you know children just starting to get close to their teenage years now is that their life skills are not as well developed as they would expect arrest i have seen in the past is sophistication in millards Technology Skills that right. Being able to. Choose the clothes or men each and keep theyve been dreams toddy or cook a meal or as we move into those teenage years will belong will be on even basic things like the kitchen the boss could do from now to apply. Coming up with some activity to fill some time even having this social skills are stepping out of the comfort zones and shaking a hand introducing them so being able to go camping lada a file a some of these thomas human skills im not as well developed with this generation that not only a technological and digital but many of them increasingly of being raised in an urban us environment in a vertical community its a beautiful sum of options rather than the horizontal lines of code and streets where there is as an American Research a cold a nature Deficit Disorder where the have fears are worries about the outer world because theyve only ever known a built environment an urban one side there are some challenges that we do need to address in law schools with this generation. This taste you know that young people they all have aspired to be the last theyre on they face and what they need to are in that their job instead of opting for a pretty fine career in some areas ation and thats what we used to go for when we were all generation a hobby they were all the myriad of independent started late businesses than a corporate dominated world. Well i certainly am more entrepreneurial and as you said and been inspired by those entrepreneurs by the digital Silicon Valley tech stocks you know and i have been some great role models for them but at the same time you know they going to need we in a society need and a right of skills and of course not everyone can be an entrepreneur now its a great set of skills to have to think entrepreneurially even if they are working within a Larger Organization because they can. Think in terms of better need line managers a hierarchy begin to work well in a in a flat structure in a collaborative environment which is the one that we now have now think through complex problems because they used to handling multiple challenges they can work collaboratively even if some of the same members are. On zoom over a shooting in another location so they do have a great set of skills in that regard a baguette a need those traditional ones of being able to work across people of different generations to be able to resolve conflict and indeed to to have the skills of public speaking to be able to step out of their comfort zones even to manage money you know Financial Literacy these are skills that they will need not purely technological they dont have an area. Market right now while were back will continue talking to Mark Mccrindle social research a demographer futurist talking about what will the generation coming. Khurana period be like stay with us. We go to work. Straight home to. Some rumors as soon as a. Search is going to be known chris mccomb do you mean. You. Hear from those you just confirmed for up with a ticket in your field that oh. Im talking is a very International Community it. Used to occur only truthfully. You just go get those who feel that is the slow slow slow use of you. Know the pollution of the world who used to look at the results from their new cars were going to go is everything the producers believed it would look were going to do with the above the. Sun. I have i would have acted all day but i decided not to take physics likes to live my grandpa to cuba thanks. Back with Mark Mccrindle social question chad love of his yes knock him a generational discourse contest it out there for instance baby boomers are supposed to support conservative authoritarians out South Carolina whereas my hair ation have more liberal back taishan seeking to be friends with their kids the Kids Happiness theyre much more their kids think successful etc how will the generation gap between laugh i added tensions the way it can these the possible that the generation gap will cease to exist again well in some ways though those generation gap sabi improved but you know as you say what will be the characteristic of this generation will lead be molded conservative. Be bought by destruction more free range in their approach what we find in our Generational Research is that the generations tend to be more like a pendulum that swings back and forth then just a pathway that heads end up on in one direction in other words each generation is a reaction to eyesore in the past their response to what has gone before and so we see this generation of alphas the children of the millennial so generation y. As actually being a bit more structured a bit more conservative in their outlook indeed this quote old growth forests and image has shaped a bit more of that conservative value in them they have seemed that jobs can be lost that stock markets and economies go up but they go into recessions that volatility is the new normal and that security measures that savings and money for a rainy day is important that has been shaped in him over these recent loves and of course weve got some ups absi used to go it is a bit like those global issues of wars. Or will the Great Depression what were experiencing at the moment and that does forge in a young generation resilience character fortitude and and the ability to adapt and respond so we see the alphas will end up being fairly conservative unstructured and risk averse savings and job security will match up and they wont be as perhaps focused on the super officiality or the bridge it was in his research you know member around this immunity are only 10 results. Thats true and that means that we cant work out exactly what that would be like by looking at who they are although we do research them and by looking at the context its often being said that people resemble that times more than they resemble their parents and thats really the calyx the age of which were exposed to even a global event the world having through all that determines how imbedded it becomes an ass cycle and so we can learn a lot about who they will be based on what theyre experiencing and also by their parents and we do so by their parents the 30 somethings a lot and so in a something of how theyre being raised. Im also thinking france is a golden generation can they contrast it bore is that confidently data from dallas and history acevedo that he has for ballet and the sixtys they have a generation sat as not much different from generation x. And then generation y. Thats not that much different from the alpha why divide them into different generations of ah. Well thats an important point and you know lets keep in mind that as humans we have more in common than probably divides us and were seeing that at the moment as we look globally it fears insecurities uncertainties you know i mean its i mean its what is impacting us all around the world so so we do need to keep that in mind and it securely in this era we need to try to find the commonalities and not just find the differences but were also aware of the diversity that exists whether it be cultural gender whether the Socio Economic rigid graphic were not all the same and there are differences across the generations as well we find that the generational differences a more robust than even some of our differences we might look at like geography assessor economics because we are who we are generation for 3 reasons firstly as a generation were at the same age as each other and different to the us i mean generation those in that. Childhood he is a clearly at a different lifestyle agent and therefore have 2 priorities to jane a just a 20 something to 50 something a window into who we are because of life stage but also the experience that is shaping us and while weve all been i dont know on a 10 we have an old and i do not know 10 in 2020 and these are unique times to be shocked and said that well leave that to differences and thirdly even so they can experience is that we live through a quite different for a generation inurement you mentioned you know the baby to mr was so she. By the 960 cent rebellion or the jane excess that experienced they have a good sense of the dot com era and indeed their recessions in the 9090s jim political train just the world order is we coming to an indecent mock shifting you know democracy and as an awesome person in these sorts of things she says gen x. Is well the gen alphas of today are all started living through different times so our i last staged the events and experiences the technologies or all of those shy process and do through the defined differences across generations and here ill always wondered at that. Whether this whole generation labeling if they can make marketing scam or not tell you why because i find myself finding it common language barrier easily with someone who is 90 just as much as i find it with a 10 year old. And out of the way that there is no such thing as a generation gap its just different experiences there we can people are people i mean we feel safe humans with our basic human needs what we think if it wasnt for the mass not to help the generation labeling and gas it dont really sense to friends and is there such thing as generation gap or just age difference really yeah well you know thats important to think through and as a said there is but there is and events and social moccasin experiences and technologies that also do. We do a lot of research all those who are dealing with them and that that is teaches you a guy up there who we research and try to recruit so they can best in gauge with students and i tell us to go to those that have been at this profession for a long time this generation of young people different to previous generations you know yes a 10 year old is a 10 year old in terms of Brain Development in terms of the jury levels in terms of felt needs and wants and. You know the disappointment i need to curriculums that they going through you know that doesnt change too much but the world around them is changing and clearly being 10 i means to Global Pandemic being 10 when youve got a device in your hand it could get you with any problem will it is difference being 10 as my generation experienced before the p. C. And and indeed in more country separated times so does does create some differences as for the marketing side you know i think we all need to be wary of that because the last thing that we want is for macas to define and comes. A generation and think that they can sort of sell to them it and a younger i just in fact i think that that will not work at all for companies today because this generation of the most savvy when it comes to marketing to the most aware of the technologies and be agenda globally and certainly not afraid to push back on that if we think that we can do something on the. Ok then tell me who is a very separate generational morasses gentlemen our generation a different something they say there is a war rattles in russia which in their example remember her chains are hungry person they commune her hair can experience her already had say i dont are genders and zat is a man as they are after well. Well more similar than previous generations so you know if we went back to say the 19 fifties and looked at chain ages in georgia or attain ages in america or teenagers in sweden you know there was a lot more differences than teenagers across those same nations today because theyre all connected on the same platforms whether it be youtube or another visual video based or whether it be searching through google or other platforms they are all on the devices it is a Digital World that i share i am more aware of the global issues the gaps that we all know. That separated us internationally have have come to get up there is more Global Awareness there are Global Brands is the opportunity to travel down not at the moment because of code but generally the ability to travel for young people to die has never been. Right up and all of that means that we have brought the world together the other thing that we see in in countries like a struggle we found in the u. S. So you sail into europe is of course were more culturally diverse and this was not the case in the 19th fifties rate in the 1970 s. This is a generation that i growing out in the west alongside people from south america and africa and europe as well there is more of this chronic tyranny globally and culturally diverse connections than ever before so its definitely a new era its a small awoke theres more connection to this generation and that means yes there are still those geographical differences across that generation anyway they live but aftershock closer to geta weatherby brussels by usual ballarat in australia then used to be the case in the past do you think that the fact that life exists and sat and say scrabbling it hell are sorry i dont play i think eric. Having kids larry like i have we have said we have it made and that and a whole generation will change things yeah thats a great insight and that is what is happening you know we are living longer right around the world and wall in the developed countries that moment every continues to rise in the emerging world the Life Expectancy is increasing at an even faster right so wherever we are around the world almost without exception Life Expectancy is increasing and what that means is and it comes along with increasing disposable income wealth that did become more sions in those young be used in the teenage years and the 20 somethings because this guy did study years and there is. A delight in very just people still a bit earnings yes i have more options in terms of opportunities to travel and to experience new things and so its as if the childhood years have been extended now the story to get into the workforce but its as if because they can live longer theyre spiced up those particular last stages and just as weve seen in the breast marriage in the span of a couple of generations move from something that took place in the early twentys to now something thats really not taking place until the early thirtys and family forming at that stage so were seeing it right across the world the pushing back of these last stages as we do more study through more koreas and delay the family years later than previous generations had so it definitely the life stage have changed it what we used to where it was so wonderful to have your insight on whats to how many generation and is there such a thing a generation gap really or is it all marketing salaried asking that very 1st minute that i wait until the end players they say russia was wonderful tom here was she on the best of luck stay safe thank you very much has been a lot to chat with you and appreciate it and along. Really hopeful talk. Shows seem wrong why dont we all just dont know all. The world yet to shape our disdain to come out ahead and indeed from an equal betrayal. Once and many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. The past 3 president ial election cycles demonstrate voters are against Foreign Tourists and foreign nation building nonetheless remain High Priorities for the really elite why is this our voters be denied a say Foreign Policy and exactly why should the us and no one forces stay in afghanistan. That is also. The producer. Goes along with. A no United States core inflation and then america and the sec suspected. She loved this person for 44 years. In minutes sure you guys you are and was are can. Be sure it was you. She did drugs to be. The human when you are going. To get out though i think you know most that you think my look at others are getting me out and i am a well meaning they say i am me asylum here means i am. The only be someone to be someone. That when you know them you love. Me like this. Welcoming obvious from around the world fly from Central London this is r t u k. M ps member governments the u. K. Could be heading for a 2nd wave of changes in personal protective big. If theres a resurgence of covert 19 passes manufacturers criticize the governments 15000000000 pound piece of foam and saying it will mostly be spent abroad and should be spent at home ill be joined by one of those manufacturers. The rate of growth of virus transmission in england rises to between north point 8 and one after many long down restrictions were eased on july the 4th but as an app that studies the virus symptoms finds the number of new cases is no longer declining for the 1st time in months as parts of england begin to see spikes in infections. And inquiry is to be launched into Police Across england and wales to find out if the practice of stop and search is based on racial profiling ill be joined by a campaigner. And a legal firm calls for a review of the evidence behind lesters return to look down amid claims the double assertion was unlawful. M. P. s are warning the government that the u. K. Could be heading for a 2nd wave of shortages in personal protective equipment if theres a resurgence of coronavirus the m. P. s claim the issue isnt being treated with sufficient urgency. It was done to expose the various failures in supplying p. P. A. Throughout the pandemic. As a u. K. R. Knocks the lock down it seems many are bracing for a 2nd wave of the corona virus but also a 2nd wave of a shortage of people he is not new news the us throughout the entire pandemic and they stop on the frontline really struggle to get hold of protective gear to adequately safeguard against the virus for months on end it seems like they look to our lessons havent been over the department say hes committed to building the stocks to meet long term demand we are not convinced that it is treating the market with sufficient urgency or that. The government is adamant that the stock of p. P. Has never run out on a National Level but with demand increased by 20000 percent those on the front line would beg to differ in fact 50 percent of and it starts so there was not enough p. P. And although day to run its usage is hard to get hold of a survey of nurses and carers found that nearly 90 percent worried about catching the virus at work while the government stresses that the main challenge it faced was getting the right people to the right place at the right time initially masks were issued and then the statement was made that actually we have tested. And these masks are ok having said that they now say we need to improve this mask so theres a lot of loss of freight and you need to answer this but rather than to say the market has now been resolved with demand spiralling the u. K. Had to look further afield and source people on International Markets but that came with its own set of problems a plane from turkey landed at the peak of the pandemic in april carrying a batch of 400000 much needed p. P. Counts upon arrival it emerged at the equipment didnt meet british Safety Standards in a very embarrassing blunder for the government so the u. K. Is able to produce a fair share of its own people theres no eminent guarantee that it wont need to source from abroad again with experts in the field saying that the quality is the key component of effectiveness in for. Checked against the virus perhaps the government should try before you buy that gov it shows how a consistent and clear position on place compering which is the good quality face coverings that really do filter out all particles essential part of protecting Health Workers and others whose jobs have become in frequent contact with people who have the virus and show wanted to make certain that these very special place marks their cause and 95 or every 3 years are available for Health Workers everywhere because we were really worried that they would be bought up by or stockpiled by people who didnt actually need them the most so that was the reason why w. Werent sure was very particular use that high quality praise protections for Health Workers and theyve been dealing with the shortages by revising their counting tactics why not double the numbers instead of counting each pair of gloves as one why not count each club individually and hey presto youve doubled your stop without even lifting a finger this catalog of areas certainly werent sitting choir surely to get it right the 2nd time around if theres a 2nd time around that is not in line with most of the governments coronavirus responses they say its too soon there will be an inquiry of some all. The cove across is over of course we dont even know when weve reached the halfway because this is of course still rolling but i do not consider at the moment. A full scale nationally is a good use of official time earlier this week the charts are announced a 15000000000 pounds boost to p. P. But will it be a case of too little too late especially as some of those in government say were only halfway through this pandemic charge added stash the artsy london. When we want manufacturers claim the 15000000000 pounds spent on p. P. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic has been a close waste of money. Government has supplied the n. H. S. With protective gear from abroad despite Numerous Office from u. K. Companies and to discuss the shortages and i join by christopher any further the chief executive of clothing firm David Neva Christopher thank you for talking to us will be u. K. Faced a shortage of p. P. A. Cheering the 1st outbreak of coronavirus if you have a 2nd then just it will be for head 100 we dont how 2nd outbreak you will be a great shame all to all weve gone through the last 3 months of the serve i think you cant turn to the government turn to british manufacturers to help meet the 2 moms or whats wrong with sourcing p. P. A. From abroad. Well it seems to me 2 things that the 1st is that most of the p. P. M. Were talking about protective gowns here is brought in from abroad is single use disposable gowns and i dont know exactly how many they use but my estimation is its around 55000000 gallons a year no course a ton perhaps during peak oil rig it might be 2 or 3 times that amount and making that is karens overseas of course burns Greenhouse Gases pantaloon who run the whole site here now if we were to replace all those with reusable laundry washable cows that are made in the u. K. And the ones weve made our way can be washed 100 times and we need a 100 times less and i think that would say at least 10000. 00 tons of waste and 170000 tonnes of Greenhouse Gas emissions just in the manufacture thats impressive figures in the meantime though what was your experience in trying to secure a deal with the governments p. P. A. Portal. Well unfortunately the zone much red tape the new regulator cant decide what the gown should look like with Richard Harden one arm or 2 arms or whatever its very easy again as a very very basic garmans and what we do is we went to a local Hospital Trust and they gave us an existing our car patterns exactly the same as the research invented the Patent Office machine and within a few days 10 dells of the lockdown were already made to get around and we supplied thousands of thousands of pounds to 21 different hospitals in the u. K. And i think thats a great solution because it creates jobs in britain and right now with a chance in wanting to boost printer ships and boost employment this is surely the moment to take the or part of the least of that huge 238000000000 pound Government Procurement fund to spend it on british manufacturers to create british jobs what do you see right as outsiders have at stake given everything that youve just said that why did the government would they want to buy what amounts to overpriced equipment from abroad. It seems to be pointless for me is a gross waste of money paying twice if you buy things who are abroad your painter are made abroad and then youre also paying for those same workers to be furloughed in you cant open for them to not work on universal credit i think now is the man to do that so right i think it would be a simple solution not a simple bit of a practical solution if the government creates a car and you are free in work for procurement that would have perhaps 3 or 4 key or criteria on the 1st is will it create jobs in the u. K. The 2nd is will it further the leveling up agenda contributor and forgotten towns like where we are will it support the green agenda and will support friendships for young people now before their particular match those 4 criteria i think will be a much better plans to press for worse it a safety stand as ever cited and. What was interesting as you talk about we have the chance remake reusing a fabric which has been accredited to e. N. 137 and 5 its approved by every possible regulator you can imagine and its been bought by all of the other European Countries germany and austria theyve got a star or time i dont see why the u. K. Caparas same fabric and used in our office also as we have done in the last 3 months they and i thought that the government could have planned its p. P. A. Provision better clearly from what youre saying but this crisis it wasnt president and it caught everyone off guard didnt it. Yes equal to or not god but were very fortunate to be in a position where we are one of the few manufacturers of closing fashions still operating in this country so of course we have trained sewing machine is to have a fully automated cutting facility and were able to turn our hands during 2 or 3 to support our National Effort and there is another benefit really which is the staff they absolutely love after taking part and doing something useful for frontline doctors and nurses so i think this is one message out of this lets turn to british manufacturers to make British Goods to british hospitals president even thank you very much indeed for talking to us tonight and stuff. Thank you. Well the corona virus infection rate to our number has increased in england to between or point 8 and one according to figures from the governments Scientific Advisory group for emergencies or fridays figures show the our number has slightly risen from the last week when is to between north point 8 to north point 9 if the our number rises above one the covert 19 virus is able to transmit exponentially between people where is the 1st set of figures to arrive since major lockdown restrictions were lifted on saturday when it comes as data released by Public Health england has revealed the number of coded 19 infections has jumped in 8 areas of england since last week the worst affected area is the south coast city of southampton which has seen the highest rise in cases in the past week jumping by 4. 00 per 100000 of the population while other affected areas include bromley in South East London where cases rose to 2. 00 per 100000 the north london bar of islam to cases rose to 2. 00 meanwhile separate Data Collected by the coded symptom study out has found the number of new cases has stopped declining for the 1st time since the law was imposed its figures show there was an average of 1472. 00 cases each day in the 2 weeks leading up to july the 4th well the number was slightly higher than the previous fortnight when data suggests there were 1445 daily cases or 27 fewer or medical professor paul hunter told me earlier that more lot down or more local lock downs seem probable depending on how successful the governments test intray strategy proves in the coming weeks. I think we will see more localized lock downs because thats some point the. It despite what i said about that the next few weeks some point its likely that we will start to see increases again and rather than this be uniform across the country i think what were likely to see is is more localized outbreaks like weve seen in leicester and possibly other places as well and and the point is that if we control those adequately if weve got a very good test track and trace system that really works well with local Public Health teams then we should be able to act soon and suppress those localized outbreaks and keep the instance of the disease nationally at a low level but that does depend on having an effective Surveillance System that communicates well with local Public Health teams of us until the meantime pauls Jim Sports Center there will reopen from july the 25th are we reopening at the right pace. Again it is difficult to be absolutely sure i think we have to be kept we have still got quite a lot of bill in the circulating in the community so i think further relaxations we have to when we implement that we have to be very careful that we keep an eye on what the numbers are doing and stop those relaxations. If that number of cases sustainably start increasing and i suspect at some point during the rest of this year we will actually have to rewind some of these relaxations i think with the summer although the weather is not so good at the moment but with people being outdoors more then we will have some more leeway in how we relax restrictions but that the good weather as we move into autumn will not continue and and i think that will be the time that were really challenged with some of these relaxations coming up after the break. Lawyers. Review all the evidence justifying the governments decision to return the english city of leicester to lockdown. After an investigation said to be launched into whether officers from england to wiles racially discriminate against those from ethnic minority communities has been implementing stopped in such practices ill be joined by criminal interest and a campaign of. The be. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. The isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. When else so small seems wrong why dont we all just dont all. The world believe yet to shape our disdain to become agitated and engagement because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back the independent office for Police Conduct launch an investigation into offices across england and wales to determine whether they use of the stop and search practice is racially motivated well he joins me now with more details on this hi there he says i can you tell us what prompted this inquiry what weve been seeing especially since the coronavirus lockdown has been complaints from a number of black and minority ethnic communities that policing in particular has been quite heavy handed in certain areas with police and foreseeing fire ins for example for people not sticking to lockdown measures will closing down parties and events in those areas and ways that they would affluent areas or areas which are predominantly white and so for those reasons are but a number of complaints about the start of policing with stop and search more likely to impact black and minority ethnic communities 9 times more than White Communities and a b a i mean people being 8 times more likely to be tasered by the police at the p. C. Responded by saying they will be looking into the motivations behind this new form of policing. Evidence of disproportionality in the use of Police Powers has long been a concern which impacts on confidence in policing particularly in black asian and minority ethnic communities but even with the numbers and the statistics particularly from stop and search states we still need to better understand the causes and what can and should be done to address this in the coming months we will be launching a race discrimination as a thematic area of focus to establish the trends and the patterns which might help drive real change in policing practice now weve seen a number of high profile cases of police stopping and searching black people for example the british athlete Bianca Williams and her partner was stopped he was dragged from the car and searched on the police said they were looking for weapons and drugs of course miss williams being a professional athlete none of those were found in the vehicle they did the images of that did go viral and it led to an apology by Christina Dick the metropolitan Police Commissioner and other high profile case involving the father of the rougher wretch 32 being tasered by the police the o. P. C. Are also looking into that case and weve been seeing a number of complaints again since locks on these types of scenes have been repeated again and again with some people complain of having being searched more than once by police on the same day now weve also been hearing from the Deputy Assistant commissioner for local can clean out the mets and the pearson who says that theres also an issue with young black men in particular being the most likely to be victims of Violent Crime particularly in the capital. Stop and search is a tool we can use in order to prevent Violent Crime when we look at the victims and perpetrators of Violent Crime they are over represented by predominantly young black males even just taking one machete off the street might prevent another homicide and therefore that link between what the demographic of those people who are victims and perpetrators of homicide obviously then there is a link between that and those people who may be subject to stop and search given the information and intelligence we have on them now that inquiry is scheduled to begin or of course in particular the case of the metropolitan police was more than 20 years ago when that 1st report dobs the mets institutionally racist and theyll be hoping that perhaps this inquiry can go around to finally winning back some trust within those communities most affected by the policing is thank you very much indeed. Well child out to discrimination campaigner cheryl phoenix told me that stop and search isnt effective when preventing crime. One thing that we have to also look at and take into account is that we have this matrix that the Police Actually have a solid gains matrix and even those objectives of crime are actually quite on there theyre not using correct intelligence when theyre actually stopping and searching people sometimes it can be as rare random so you know there is a bit of animosity between the community and the police and i think that it is to be more intelligence led not just a blanket sweep of anyone just because a young black male would do to the stop and search in itself is an effective tool in preventing crime. No because the statistics are clear with regards to stop the search and anything with regards to stop and stopping crime it actually statistically shows that stop and search does not work with regards to the combat in crime so there needs to be another way there needs to be more investment in our young people and just stopping with generalization that all black males are criminals when theyre not where you work with you so youve been affected by discrimination i mean what are their feelings generally about the police. I want to say not very positive even despite the clubs and doing other initiatives we got a call. For a younger age its ok but as they get older and theyre allowed more freedoms to go on the road they then are going to be sometimes stopped and searched 345 times to be on your way to or from school youre only all 12 or 13 years old and youre already seen as some sort of criminal when you havent actually committed a crime. But to discuss again the implications of stop and search practice im now joined by criminologist nina simone media thank you very much indeed for being on here is stop and search then an effective tool in preventing crime. It certainly isnt and im really pleased that the previous speaker sheryl actually spoke out loud and clear that you know the data the evidence and also testimonies from communities themselves have shown the ineffectiveness of this strategy and. I would go on to add that its actually its not the question that we should be answering is stop and search effective that is not a good question to pose to communities because we have to understand our organizations and lisa has to acknowledge that what we have here is actually an unbroken record or a history of all the policing black and minority ethnic communities well that what are the better ways to prevent crime and to stop people carrying weapons. There that its really interesting i mean the way in which information is presented and the young people carrying weapons is usually posed as the problem in fact you know we have to understand the danger and the International Engagement with the young people in a very broad context because these same young people often have also mentioned about them feeling unsafe now why is it that they do feel unsafe if they have been victims of crime then certainly although policing is not going to help in any way so i think its we have to look for different approaches are engaging young people in a way within their own communities where you know Community Led organizations to better address the problem of why there are problems of young people carrying weapons and understanding also why is it in the 1st instance that somebody chooses to carry a weapon well as weve heard theres another inquiry into a letter Racial Discrimination i mean what do you think the outcome will be a. With the independent office of Police Complaints and it turns out as weve heard here it theyre going to be an inquiry into the police themselves the police ability across england and wales to say whether the practice itself of stop and search is based on racial profiling. Absolutely and we at stock watch really welcome that we will be engaging with the independent office of Police Conduct in in kind of better understanding and also getting our information and you know experiences i think theres a problem here which also that i should take into account which we have explored with them previously about the fact that how long it takes for the complaints process you know do to get result and oftentimes why is it that many despite the fact that the complaints actually against. Having increased why is it that very few and a very small proportion say about one percent of young people under 18 actually choose to make a complaint so understanding the complaints record and understanding why you know young people are being targeted and how they are being targeted is something that i really need to look at and its previous going as when it was then abandoned Police Complaints. Commission i can see they dont sell separately as guidance very useful guidance on how to handle complaints you know based allegations of discrimination and i think there is some really Good Practice there rich actually needs to be addressed and should come out in this inquiry again especially have to leave it there thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much. Now the u. K. s defense minister has reportedly heaped praise on saudi arabia a day after saudi individuals are added to the u. K. Sanctions list over human rights abuses twentys that is including aides to crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon face travel bans and asset freezes in the u. K. Over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi according to saadi press ben wallace rang his saudi counterpart on wednesday to reaffirm the u. K. s appreciation over their shared defense and Regional Security cooperation but critics say the call amounted to a private apology for the sanctions adding is sent the wrong message to human rights abuses it comes as International Trade secretary liz truss agreed the resumption of all those exports to saudi arabia despite its controversial war in the ne in neighboring yemen. By the department of health faces a legal threat accusing the government of imposing an unlawful lockdown on the city of leicester the action is calling for the lockdown to be lifted or a judicial review undertaken to see if it was necessary allegations claimed the Scientific Data used by the government to justify the measures were flawed such as positive test being counted twice it also contends that the number of corona virus cases in the city when the lockdown was called at the end of june didnt pose a serious threat to Public Health if the review goes ahead and finds the movers unlawful the government may have breach business rights and becomes open to compensation claims well the department of health says it couldnt comment on the matter at this stage and in the next hour ill be talking to the lawyer behind the action that sophie can. Now amid the coronavirus pandemic the number of britons who work from home has sharply increased according to the office for National Statistics almost half the u. K. s employees work from home in april and experts predict this trend will continue but some are warning of worrying consequences if Remote Workers dont take steps to stay healthy. 2. Right. More news of the top of the hour. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable prize board sustainability stamer manner more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Lovely. And got it into something Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is Something Else this must be done to anyone and i mean look i. Mean listen we didnt dream and then we understood superman in. A low end welcome to crossfire all things are considered on Peter Labelle the past 3 president ial election cycles demonstrate voters are against foreign wars and for a nation building nonetheless both remain high priority for the ruling elite why is this our voters being denied to stay

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