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This is R T International coming to you live from the russian capital this thursday afternoon welcome to the program. The belorussian foreign minister has conceded that his country needs to change but he insists that revolution the is not the way forward is now into a 12th day of protests and strikes some demonstrators are taking to the streets with flowers and their hands. These are scenes from central on thursday passing drivers honk their horns in support of the opposition activists people are showing both support for and rejection of across the country on wednesday bad weather didnt hold any of them back. Yeah youre. Right we have stability theres no war thank god we leave peacefully and calmly in our beautiful cant quit are not like that for an ace interfere in the affairs of our republic. Im in solidarity with those who think there is no place for this kind of lawlessness we saw in august the 9th 10th and 11th. Was stationed ubiquitous were here because we want to stop the choices that have been taking place in this country for a long time our men space correspondent went to a pro rally and filed this report i did but just some people are protesting while others are protesting against the protests i happened to meet my University Friends here i asked them did anyone make you come out here they said no we are the organizers and i asked the same question to other people at the rally they said they wanted to be heard because those red and white flags are being shown everywhere and theres so much anger at the rallies in support of look for happening very spontaneously to get approval from local officials literally the day before gatherings like this are not so much for a look at but in support of stability in belarus and maintaining good relations with russia. The who has confirmed its drawing up sanctions against fellow russian officials who are suspected of Election Fraud and violence against protesters the bloc hasnt disclosed yet whether or not Alexander Lukashenko is on that list though in fact brussels lifted penalties on him 4 years ago meanwhile lithuania has banned the question go and 31 other belorussian officials from entering the country the new has stressed that there should be no foreign meddling in the belorussian crisis moscow points out though that realist is doing precisely that with its sanctions on the shank oh on wednesday evening the European Union held an emergency Video Conference on the belarus crisis a bloc unanimously rejected the results of the disputed election and expressed its full support for the opposition parties on quarter looks at how that sits with the e. U. s self declared neutrality. For the west bank it was always europes last dictator the European Union never liked the guy but they did try to play nice not anymore we stand by the people of belarus because the European Union student in chile didnt reach it was a piece of research most better issued on its own choose brain dependent cost of the country will follow there should be no outside interference in the situation there just off things could no longer continue as they are in belarus now its about when a dictator has come to the end of the road its best to find a way for. The violence to suspicious in the western powers throw around words like dictator and regime usually it doesnt and well no wonder it sounds pretty alarming to moscow but hes going to be a little just as we are deeply concerned about whats going on right now in better roofs we are concerned by the attempt to exploit the internal challenges facing bellaver to interfere in them from a brutal it goes without saying bella russian president Alexander Lukashenko is also concerned that in the. Western countries openly without it. Raising funds and sending them to belive we cannot treat all of this as much if it is in cash but we see it we know whats going on and we will focus on this issue. The European Union isnt just paying lip service to the belorussian opposition either the millions of euros in aid it promised to the belorussian governments are now being redirected to socalled Civil Society an independent media and the European Commission will mobilize now an additional 53000000. 00 euros to support the belorussian people are in these challenging times we cant forget the e. U. States neighboring bella reuss which seem to have their own agendas for one the polish Prime Minister seems to think belarus is close ties with russia make it incapable of democracy and theres a plan to change that an economic plan should be prepared for the ruse because now it is highly dependent economically on russia poland is already presented to plan for intensive course. In the areas of independent media the Economy Investment and International Trains polands plan involves spending a levon 1000000 euros on scholarships for media and academics that it deems to be independent warsaw is also generously offering to open its doors to belorussian workers just think what the loss of bellerose to skilled workers would do to help democracy. Actions would not interfere with our neighbors in tone and the fact is we can and should extend a helping hand to the russians its a similar story in lithuania where the Opposition Leader svetlana to kind of sky is in selfimposed exile and other belorussian antigovernment n. G. O. S are operating from its also where a Fund Raising Initiative called freedom 1st to go bella roots is being organized intended to encourage the creation of a Democratic State aside from the fact that its director provided direct support to the ukrainian uprising in 2014 little is now. And about who is involved or where the money is coming from combined question surrounding the oppositions shady sources of funding with the e. U. Is Cold Shoulder to lucas sankoh and you have to ask yourself who is going to really come out on top from the on rest and valorous and stamp or to russia everything that we hear in the western media coming out of the e. U. Institutions because it is interference when that america speaks about foreign powers one should mean shes looking to east direction so the 2 sides are really pointing fingers of one another in the case of the e. U. Theyve made the 1st steps because lately just periods in internal there was that theres the russians and so far. Theyve been very patient and liberals who are in charge of the e. U. If you can believe that we all are 111 trading that in one direction so what is the view thats been done with a lot of western thinking ever since. Mr. History. Between. The military and mali say they will pave the way for new elections in the country and insists they will set up a civilian Transitional Government in the meantime as after soldiers stationed kuta else present he became book archita who stepped out on tuesday while his former colonial power and key ally france has condemned the coup but as the reports persons track record in the region and quelling violence and unrest is open to scrutiny. Forced to step down the president of mali has been detained by the military after months of protest. But. The former leader has been accused of mismanaging the economy corruption and worsening the situation when it came to the fight with jihad just groups in the north however he did enjoy the backing of france somalis former colonizer and french troops have been in mali since 2013 to keep terrorists at bay the results in the country has been rather modest the security situation in mali has recently deteriorated. The security situation in the sexual countries has deteriorated considerably in recent months conflicts prevailing in the region are have an unprecedented humanitarian consequences on civilian populations face an insecurity and displacement. French president emanuel mark actually believes that the operations are successful live on a 1000000 little tiff with improve their effectiveness in Information Exchange in the fight against terrorism and succeeded with their unique Information Center in niamey we have achieved strong results especially in recent weeks. France recently raised the number of troops in the region to 5000 but locals say they want them out and. The reason we are protesting is that france has been here in our country for 7 years but people die if we had 10 difficulties when france arrives we dont have 90 france came to help us to fight terrorism but now each of us is questioning if it has indeed been for. Our impression is daily suffering it is us who called traitors to help we called it to help us fight terrorism thing got friends keen that they came to help but they came to destroy us not on your motives our leaders do not dare tell them to leave we will tell them we want them out of the country. Many analysts dont point the finger at france for the situation but actually point to nato as intervention in nearby libya which are least a torrent of terrorism in the region if you want to look at the us it. Did one it is fair you will all work in africa and 2 is the fact that you bomb ministration a friend precipitated levenstein. Against president gadhafi and then in 2012 and 12 raids. Or so jiri war shipments of on syria hard in. Mali and this led to the collapse of the government 2012 and now its never been covered so this invasion which was precipitated by people new stations hours susan rice. To get me. President. How many observers are wondering if the situation will deteriorate even further if toppling the president of mali region further terrorism and violence well if france is record seems to be. Point to anything its that the presence of foreign troops doesnt really help the situation. Artsy new york. Lebannon is set to enter a 2 week lockdown starting on friday as it struggles to cope with the sharp rise and coping 1000 cases a countrys Health Care System has been pushed to breaking point after a catastrophic explosion in beirut with 3 hospitals and half the capitals clinics out of operation new video has emerged showing the destruction of some of those facilities a warning though he might find the following scenes upsetting. According to the red cross the tragedy left at least 200 people dead and over 6000 were injured in addition to that 300000 people also lost their homes its believed that a fire any warehouse at the port calls the detonation of a huge amount of Ammonium Nitrate the chemical compound had reportedly been stored in unsafe conditions for years its estimated that it could cost up to 15000000000. 00 to repair the damaged city. Russian opposition figurehead aleksei not only has been urgently hospitalized of all knew it was flying to moscow and fell ill of. On the plane he was taken to hospital after an Emergency Landing in the city of. Press secretary says he may have been poisoned his doctor though says its too early to say whats been happening. We have already excluded a number of diagnoses i think we will be able to confirm his diagnosis later today it is too soon to say whether he was poisoned or not he states could have been caused by a variety of conditions but the same symptoms. Still ahead the only energy plant in the gaza strip shuts down after israel stops fuel supplies and response to cross border fire from hamas on that after this short break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome back a leading u. K. Medical school says the training for doctors and britain is inherently racist university of Bristol Medical School says urgent action needs to be taken to examine why teaching mainly focuses on how illnesses affect white people historically medical education was designed and written by white middle class men and so there is an inherent racism in medicine that means it exists to serve white basins above all others were teaching students how to recognise a life or death clinical sign largely in white people and none of the knowledge in these differences may be dangerous russell medical school notes that doctors are currently trained to be on the lookout for patients turning blue for example but that criterion fails for nonwhite patients the issue has been raised after students complained they were left ill prepared to treat patients from ethnic minority backgrounds now the u. K. Medical School Council says its putting plans in place to improve the situation its working with universities to diversify curricula and improve support for people dealing with racism not everyones persuaded though that the medical treatment can suffer from bias. Ive never read more nonsense in my life i can on the stem the statement the doctors need to have the skills needed to treat ethnic minority patients better but im not sure this is the same thing as decolonized in the medical curriculum i also thought the biggest effect on health was poverty. No good scientist would hold racism as a viable theory medical education may require improvements in terms of approach to racial characteristics but i remain unprecise weighted that the culture of racism is present we heard contrasting views on the issue from former senior nurse Rebecca Butler and Bristol University medical student or a r degree. The issue at hand is the fact that whilst we do have a considerable number of the population turning blue if they are sino we have a very significant portion of the population which will be increasing as we continue with time that will manifest in that same way and cant afford to make mistakes and if it can be rectified earlier in medical education when were given the theory that is the political to everyone as well as white people black people and people of darker skin color as thats great and thats something we should be working towards so that our medical Education System is adequately preparing all doctors across the country for the diverse population of women to suffer oh thats just ridiculous i mean it siah gnosis and actually one of the signs of hypoxia is either the patient appears quite read it or they do go a gray color around the mouth and on their fingertips and in africa caribbean person i was always taught to look at the underside of their palms not at their fingertips because with the dark skin color ration you can see the blue so recently but they would also be breathless they would also be perspiring they would also have a raised helps rate its not the only sign and it is just ridiculous jumping on a racism bandwagon or of this when its a problem that doesnt exist at all the data that patients of different colors and skin types and different races raised in the patient picture of health in traditional medical education and one could argue yes that is underpinning racism because it raises the fact that there are people in this population who want white who will not manifest with illness in the same way and if that theory is consistently left out from the medical School Curriculums it will do a disservice to not only doctors in training but to the patients that they will eventually go into so mere word raises is what you need to look at here nobody is a racing anybody in the British Health service if you. To india or nigeria heights of Subsaharan Africa all the medical schools there will teach sino says i was educated in india half my friends dont have a tweeted about this you know ask them about this over the course of the day of course they learn about new skin color ration everybody i know talks about it nobody is raised in the British Health service. The only power plant in gaza has shut down after israel stop supplying fuel that was in response to cross border fire by hamas according to gaza officials the amount of electricity available to residents has been drastically reduced the population of 2000000 relies on israel for most of its energy needs they currently get about 6 hours of electricity a day this could now go down to half that as heavily affects the Main Services in the gaza strip including health care. Either here why does only gaza have to deal with this problem it could put 75 percent of patients lives at risk patients will die if theres no electricity here treatment times will have to be caught. I could be another one of the machines will not work and staff will be forced to shorten the duration of dialysis this will cause suffering for patients and some could die we need to provide the treatment for 4 hours every 2 or 3 days it will be a disaster and many people will suffer this is totally wrong its put in the health of so many people the trees people might not survive. Well. I feel bad and i cant sleep i used to ask my daughter to help me without electricity there will be no dialysis. Health officials in gaza say that in addition to the patients who need regular procedures surgical operations and intensive care are also at risk and covert 900 testing labs may have to halt their operations medical services need hundreds of thousands of liters a fuel to provide normal levels of care the ministry of health has called for an urgent resolution to the issue. Of. Cutting off electricity to hospitals will have a dangerous effect on all Health Services provided in the gaza strip we call on all relevant parties to intervene to solve this problem and save the Health Sector in gaza by restarting the power plant again human rights activists say the halt in fuel supplies amounts to collective punishment targeting peoples basic needs. The israeli decision to close the crossings and block shipments and the resulting power cutoff is a dangerous escalation and collective punishment of gaza it violates International Law and basic human decency it is political blackmail. And a surprise move canadian Prime Minister just introduced has suspended the countrys parliament at spite vowing in the past never to make use of that power critics are accusing the canadian leader of trying to dodge scrutiny over his governments role and a growing ethics scandal that also involves his family i have asked the governor general to procurement which must happen before any government can present a throne speech starting a new session of parliament is about creating sustainable ways to support you moving forward that has always been our number one focus and it always will be just introduce you to his right hand to try and save himself with you for skis finance minister to resign now hes shutting down parliament and looking out of position m. P. s to prevent us from holding him accountable and getting answers on his we scandal. Shutting down parliament in the middle of a pandemic and an economic crisis with a plan sitting next week and committees working hard to get answers and solutions for canadians is wrong trudeau has justified the 5 week suspension with the need to reassess the parliaments agenda several of its committees have been investigating the governments actions and valving a Student Grant Program canadas independent ethics wash dog is also separately investigating the Prime Minister trudeau is being probed over alleged breaches of conflict of interest laws for awarding a 690000000. 00 Student Grant Program to charity which has ties to the p. M. s relatives so has dismissed allegations of preferential treatment we charity and the government have since ended their partnership the Prime Minister has been reprimanded by the countrys ethics watchdog twice before last year he was probed for pressuring his former attorney general to help a major Canadian Company settle a Corruption Case out of court journalist pablo bevan co says this latest scandal is unlikely to go away. The number of high ranking liberals including the Prime Minister were connected with the charity his family members as mother and his brother received close over 300000. 00 in paid speaking opportunities with that organization i do think that over the last couple of years his character has as being damaged by his own actions by his own words by his past and how that conflicts with this president by the things hes saying versus the things that hes doing and the recent use of the probation as well as the we scandal are things which are continuing to mount a that i do believe that when there are it when i dont like shit and does little in the near future that the liberal party could perhaps be looking at somebody else to lead. Thats been our rundown of the days top headlines for now thanks for tuning in wherever you may be. Is your media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. To. What is true or is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Seemed wrong. But old rules just. Let me. Get to shape out just become agitated and engagement because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Pain has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patients and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be said to. Price at the. Grocery dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might because they want to. You know i can remember when it would flow one time in the fall and then one time in the spring you know a break up and now i mean already 3 times this year they said you know when people get nervous about the flooding of their houses and needing to stay in school or even getting out of new top because theyre worried about that kind of stuff and just these last 2 storms have taken so much away you know he went measured the last couple storms and theyre like knocked off 1020 feet in 11 week yeah and so theres been marginals i have to do during the students they were out and the kids right in their journals about their worries about the floods i dont think are as a catch on fire but a fire house flooded as the very next thing they all wrote on their own was our out flooded we would grab and they got some of the box of pictures by the door and. Its like theyve saved up your sleeve and stressing about it no matter the. Things hard. Paying for it or you. Have heard no i do not know how. My 1st year here which was good. I thought. These commercials you know about helping other countries and im thinking look at this. And why isnt there commercial to help the people here like theres not Running Water in the houses and and theres you know the so they still have this honey look at system they have to haul their water like this is not america anymore you know not the

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