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Trials. This morning i got a call from. I am an ideal candidate here this is your vaccine theres not much in there looks like a couple of jobs im ready. This is from moscow thanks for tuning in this hour 1st then there have been another turn out of hundreds on the streets of minsk for a protest against the russian president 20 people have reportedly been arrested earlier Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in for a 6 term theyve also been counter rallies in support of. Past each other on the streets carrying the opposition red white flag official red and green the numbers now appear to be dwindling but in the past few hours they do appear to have been some confrontations with riot police. As in meant. Very tense now police have just fired water cannon behind us theyre still firing what the cabin theres a line of police been now trying to remove the demonstrators from a Central Square here and hundreds of people 2 perhaps a few 1000 gathered just behind me and literally a few minutes ago police began pressing in on them we saw number of people detained at this shes an unsanctioned rally the government had ruled that this isnt an unsanctioned rally they had cooled on the demonstrators to disperse but passions are high here theres theres theres a lot of anger among the protesters many of them refused to leave and now theyre being chased by police again they just fired would take out an ad to protest this earlier today of course what sparked it all was the surprise no gration of the better russian president. There was no rated for a 6 president ial cut they came as a complete surprise there was a new warning this new hint that it would happen people only learned that he had been inaugurated as he was giving this speech as he as he was giving a speech thanking his supporters saying that the the revolution in ukraine colored revolution in ukraine had failed and that better russians by electing him as their president again that protected their freedoms their independence and peace their year. Dear fellow by the russians on the solemn day of the presidency whereas i know this state and the people with special feeling with a lot of pride for both the russians who have passed with the owner the test of strength in their beliefs in the inauguration is the day of our victory convincing is significant we didnt just elect the president of the country we defended our values our peace our sovereignty and our independence and we still have a lot to do. Theres been a very strong reaction both here in bell. Many of the protesters wearing crowns paper crowds to. Integration of president many people very unhappy that this has happened they had called for and wanted fresh elections including the opposition which formed the council of council to oversee a new elections and to make sure that president who is the post many of their members ended up fleeing belarus for europe the European Union which has taken a much more proactive stance with regards to what is happening in belarus we heard senior officials in the in the European Union say that they arent meddling or interfering what theyre doing cant be construed as foreign interference into the Domestic Affairs of better us rather that theyre doing the right thing by supporting the opposition supporting the protesters obviously the government has different ideas calling this calling this meddling but weve also seen condemnation today especially several European Countries are a host of them coming out and saying that they wont recognize the integration of president you shake of that it was a farce and that hes no longer a legitimate president. There was new Free Democratic president. There is no democratic legitimacy for the ceremony that took place to. Such a farce forged elections food integration the former president of bellews does not become less forma quite the contrary his illegitimacy is a fact with all the consequences that this entails. Inaugurated today has no legitimacy to lead his country he is responsible for president ial elections in both groups we should neither free nor slovakias stairs was said to those of bill roos. In fact look at shanghai just retired that means his orders to state power structures are no longer legitimate and cannot be executor i said client housecat and the only leader elected by the belarusian people and our task now is to build a new belarus together. Mentioned a little earlier several 100 perhaps a few 1000 demonstrators gathered in the square behind me within 10 minutes they were they were blogging away they were running away they were being charged by police with battens the police had warned them that they should disperse this this was an unsanctioned protest but many of the demonstrators didnt move they chanted for president to leave police began deploying war to get into trucks spraying water protesters and now most of them have fled theres the square barneys empty for all but police well it this way the European Union failed to agree on sanctions against a list of 40 below russian officials accused of Election Fraud and violence against protesters journalist and Eastern Europe specialist martin summers believes the western pressure will continue though and could push a closer to russia. So much is our only question could we probably be agreed at some point the that it would change his position or more of probably do is push him more towards. The Russian Federation because of course in many ways he was trying to steer a course of tween the needs of the Russian Federation on the demands of the west and curse and of course the local poland Baltic States ukraine very hostile to lukashenko in butler us you could say youve gotten a holdover from the from the soviet era were lots of the soviet world for states has essentially been preserved and that is the reason wally he says hes gotten the election this election and the previous 5 elections and of. Position but wouldnt be prepared to stand down just because a minority thinks that he of got to go and of course that minorities being heavily funded and supported from the west as part of a general attack on the Russian Federation which we saw in ukraine we seen all sorts of the provocations going all. Right here in germany are continuing to trade accusations and there are answers over how alexina valmy fell ill the opposition activist has now been discharged from hospital in berlin after his alleged poisoning and germanys refusal to hand over evidence to russia has sparked an angry exchange between the 2. Theres not the responsibility of the German Authorities to conduct this to get the crime was committed in russia and thats why urgent appeal to russian side used to comment on the matter. With germany refusing to share samples or in the familys treatment details or later russian investigator talked to him there is no way the russian prosecutors can complete a preliminary proclaimers clearly berlin is a no hurry to share all this information although theyre demanding that russia take a needed action to get the impression the germans are still in free time in finding various pretexts to avoid sharing their data with russia we believe this is all being done to sit for the idea being spread in the media that russia does not want to clarify and the balinese illness any such claims are lies meanwhile the doctors who have been treating the valley at the Charity Hospital in berlin say his condition is rapidly improving atis peter all of us got the details. Well while the diplomatic spat between moscow in berlin seems to continue to rumble on alexei novelli has improved dramatically well his condition has anyway hes been posting on social media a picture of himself in what seems to be a burden park and which he says in the post that he will continue to work with physio therapist so it follows on from a statement earlier on wednesday in which the shot at a hospital which had been treating the volley said that he was now well enough to be discharged from the care of the patients seat of house has improved to such an extent that acute medical treatment can be ended lexan him and he was treated at charity for a total of 32 days 24 days away she was in an intensive care unit physicians considered for recovery possible base and treatment and the current condition and the long term consequences of the severe poisoning can only be assessed later well it comes as the ministry of justice here in berlin of confirmed that theyve received a 2nd official request from the russian senior prosecutors for information. Relating to tests carried out on Alexei Navalny those tests that berlin says showed that he was poisoned with a nerve agent from the novacek group well weve also heard from the Foreign Ministry here in berlin as well that say that theyve still to receive any further information from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and did share the information from the valley tests with them waiting for their findings the Foreign Ministry in miscoded though is far from happy with what it sees as burlingtons refusal to share information and preference to let this play out in the media System Society to women were seeing how the west has launched a massive distant from pain surrounding the Alexander Family situation there is no evidence of russian involvement in what happened there can be no such evidence once again the u. S. And its european allies are consciously ask awaiting tensions with russia preferring systematic confrontation to meaningful constructive cop aeration when it comes to whats next for alexina valley well they German Government spokesman was asked just that on the web and state he said that he had no further information on the whereabouts of alexei in the valley or what his plans were of geopolitical analyst rana rothfuss believes that some in the west using the divel the case as a pretext to the rail the nord stream to gas supply project. We look into what really is a military nerve agent which is highly highly poisonous and dangerous. If it had been applied never only what has died within several minutes after being in contact with that substance so its not really likely that novacek really was in the play but not in charge of course plays a great role in the narratives in the media narrative for me its more important to look at the geopolitical backgrounds of the anglosaxon and the u. S. American powers are in panic about the fact that the nostri 2 pipeline is about being finished quite soon so they need to give some pretext to the public to oppose the finishing of this major pipeline project because it would bring germany and russia closer together it was it would strengthen both countries economical each year politically and therefore there are great great political or geo strategic economic interests to stop this pipeline project. Russian president s call for a joint global effort to develop vaccines against covert 19 and his video speech to the Un General Assembly for simi uprooted singled out Russia Sputnik the jap the 1st of its kind to be registered and he even offered free doses to u. N. Workers. But we didnt. Put it on we already its a sure experience and continues to cooperate with all countries and International Organizations this includes the distribution of the russians vaccine to other countries which is proved its reliability safety and efficiency its not sure its ready to provide the un with top notch assistance particularly we offer of the axing free of charge for voluntary vaccination as u. N. Personnel and entities like we have received requests for more u. N. Colleagues and we wont remain indifferent. The 3rd phase of the sputnik v. Vaccine trials is currently underway in russia here in the capital about 40000 people are expected to take part or correspondent for national is one of them. Is the next nation day for me and finally this morning i got a call from the queen mothers day and i am going to deal candidate before that i have chorus took a number of tests and went through a thorough screening. Now its time for a final check with the doctor before getting the shot its good afternoon. And the lifestyle is a pregnancy tatter that was due to make sure its safe for me to receive a vaccination. Right now i am ready the vaccine doses are stored in the freezer they take out each of those immediately before the injection he tracks and is individually allocated ever beijing has a specific code and it has this card i marked on it mean in is assigned to a particular patient. It could be either the real back scene or history the number is 0062 seeks. The number is correct confirmed. Yes question no you know as you know many times you were there im afraid to be vaccinated of course im not afraid to do you see this vaccine contained in the non death corona virus this means i cant get infected with called it rain and of course i wont be able to transmit it to anyone else here look this is your vaccine lone from there is not much in there but looks like a couple of drops. Will it hurt know. I am about to make the injection ok i am ready. What did it feel like like a normal shot which like a mosquito bite as a usual example my daughter so ill get the 2nd half in free weeks. Show but you know how it goes this is also a reporting from from next more covert curves all the way with some areas bearing the brunt more than others were going to walk you through whats planned i was i live with our correspondent in paris after this. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Anyone else seemed wrong why dont we all just dont all. Get to shape our disdain become educated and indeed from an equal trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. New this hour the French Health ministers Just Announced a range of new containment measures against the coronavirus including the complete shutdown of bars and restaurants in 2 areas the country seen case number spiral into the nationwide lockdown ended lets go live to paris now our correspondent there is charlotte n. C. Hi there charlotte or can you tell us about these new measures it depends on where you are in france as to how severe they are i guess. Thats right fresh restrictions announced on wednesday evening by the French Health minister. Who talked about specifically the red zones is the red zones where weve had active transmission of the kovac 900. 00 forests and theyve now been split into subcategories depending on how high or high the transmission rate is in that area well come to that in a moment and discuss what that means for specific departments in france but 1st of all lets have a listen to what the French Health minister had to say because he had this very solemn morning the overall situation continues to deteriorate will support 100. 00 cases per 100000 inhabitants within the next few days and will Health Care System is under enormous strain if we fail to take measures quickly we could reach a critical threshold in some regions. So no department yet is in a state of emergency but there are 2 departments that are in the next category down which is the mark simone alert category these areas include must say and guadalupe now that means in those areas there will be new restrictions that come into force from saturday of this week that will mean the full closure of bars restaurants cafes except in those areas that will take place public spaces where they cant demonstrate the really strictest of hygiene measures will also be closed down as well and we know that this is something thats going to take place initially for 2 weeks though of course that could be extended at the end of the 2 weeks if we come to the category just below that this is where enhanced measures are taking place this is cities such as paris the capital city. To lose in many other places across the country whats happening there is we will see now from monday a band of gatherings of more than 10 individuals. We know that bars and cafes will be closed from 10 pm in the evening we know that demonstrations will Large Group Gatherings that were allowed to be up to 5000 people not be reduced down to 1000 people students have been told their parties have been canceled for the forseeable future and we know that extra stricter measures can be put in place by the local authorities in those cities if they should wish to do so this all comes after weeks of what we have seen of increasing rates of covert 99 france of course is carrying out this massive testing at the moment over a 1000000 tests taking place every week and we know that the positive rates are only about 5. 76 percent of those being tested but whats really worrying or the hospital admissions we know that in the last week they have done. Pulled around a 1000 people had to go into hospital over the last week. 19 and we had the latest stats on wednesday that showed that more than 13000 people in the last 24 hours again tested positive for covert 900 that is the 3rd time in the last week that that number has been breached a daily record for france so the Health Minister kept saying to people you need to stop or reduce your Social Circle dont go out and have dinner with different people every night of the week you need to keep vigilant wash your hands keep the social distancing up wear a mask as requested but of course these restrictions will rub some people up the wrong way we know that delgo whos the mare of paris was really against apparently according to government sources against the idea of limiting the hours of bars restaurants and cafes saying that that would be economically devastating for that sector a sector that was of course already devastated by the prolonged lockdown that france experience earlier this year with the 1st wave so new code restrictions coming into force from saturday in some areas in a monday from others and they will be restrictions that im sure that wont please everyone. Not out of the woods yet so difficult decisions have to be made i guess right for now in parish other dubrovsky thanks for that. The british prime ministers unveiled some tough new coronavirus restrictions after a surge in case numbers there the government expects the measures to be in place for up to 6 months possibly another be a major setback for Boris Johnsons anti pandemic timeline. I do want people to stop to go back to work now if you can and allow a move significant return to normality from november at the earliest possibly in time for christmas and though our doctors and our medical advisors they are unanimous things will be far better by the spring well people are again required to work from home if they can masks are mandatory for taxi drivers and passengers Rule Breakers will be fined 200 pounds for a 1st offense and from thursday all bars and restaurants will have to shut at 10 pm many are already ridiculing what they see as an arbitrary 10 pm deadline with a few means doing the rounds online one bar owner we spoke to says the rules are extremely damaging and make little sense. Everyone knows its a tough time everyones trying to support businesses that they want to see get through this to represent something to their communities you know where wells start is providing jobs for lots of people 80 percent of our trade by estimations that i did not actually happens up to temp thats quite a significant chunk that were taking out of our. Revenue stream im going to need more support to start if they dont want to see mustard on it says im certainly going to need support on rent because we havent been out the last 6 months weve got another month to tomorrow and then god knows whats going to happen for the next 6 months everyone in this country whos in a sort of relatively unaffected age bracket young people 18 up 44550. 00 theyre just going to go home and continue to party that we put so many measures in place and spent a fortune on making all of our license and use coded secure the shortie the most sensible place to have people consuming drinks and keeping safe keeping socially distance is within these premises british doctor an academic Professor John ashton says the government has to rebuild the trust thats been lost since the 1st lockdown. Theres a very real sense of deja vu about the last couple of weeks certainly lots of your days it feels like surely over again the beginning of march when the numbers of new cases began to double every 2 or 3 days so the real problem the fundamental problem at the moment is how dovish trust because we finished with drastic measures when we shouldnt have to have drastic measures if we take people on this tough journey from the beginning well what we have to do is get really properly put the local and regional authorities the local governments and local Public Health directors in charge but instead of stirring actually literally billions of patio at these private companies to lloyds and serco and others who have said. A link to deliver the test intray shouldnt people getting results after several days by which time theyve infected are the people who could see. Into the local Public Health teams and rebuilding them very quickly. The leader of a religious sect in siberia is being arrested on charges of abusing his followers the selfproclaimed messiah operated a remote commune for a quarter of a century double cortical the story. Surrogate torah this followers know him best sorry and a former traffic cop claiming to be the 2nd coming of jesus christ the same man accused of allowing psychological and physical violence against his followers child and human rights abuses since 1901 hes led a fanatical calls called the church of the last testament in siberias cross new york but a recent police raid against him and his followers landed him in handcuffs according to the investigation the church of the los testament has used people in order to generate revenue from really just 60 would also accomplices have used psychological violence against its followers resulting can seriously harm the perpetrators in the near future it didnt take long for mr tore up the rest to make International Headlines so whats so remarkable about this cult well in 1905 it established a commune called this Aryan Community and for 2 and a half decades it basically acted as a state within a state in a remote part of siberia there practically existed an independent government on the territory of crossing a young risk known as vissarion nia they lived in several settlements this territory was about 2 thirds the size of belgium and there were checkpoints on mr atory which led past people they wanted and didnt let pass those they didnt want as weve seen from reports local police were afraid to get involved preferring not to intervene and so on the. Did whatever they wanted there back in 2019 the church was also investigated for fraud interrogations and searches followed but came up with no suspects on the outside their eco village looks clean and well kept residents are supposed to refrain from drugs alcohol tobacco even sugar a small price to pay for the man they are convinced is the messiah he just shouldnt always come in the city when its time to Say Something he should be. Doing to fool the coon sions. Yes hes delivers the words for us hes an incarnation of jesus in the ninetys our teachers syrian came across the soviet union and preached his doctrine its not just a religion or faith it should be your life thats why we came here to be a part of the community but theres another darker side to the commune members were forced to give up their property children left with no access to health care or education after their leaders were arrested authorities discovered not everyone was playing by the rules weapons empty liquor bottles and extremist literature were everywhere not to mention the psychological and physical Violence Police claim residents suffered from the sorry in communities lawyers did Neither Police allegations they say nobodys rights were infringed but until a more thorough investigation is conducted into what was going on behind closed doors were left with far more questions than answers thats the news for now ill have your next update off the crosstalk. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see that. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important its accelerate the transition to sustainable prize board sustainability stay in her manner a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely hamas. Does not it does not the Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is Something Else this must be done to anyone and i mean look. This is the moon and you listen we didnt dream and im stunting then the best understood look to what is going in. Hello and welcome across not were all things are considered. Americans are divided theyre not to bite its all the whitening institutions assigned to unite citizens our challenge ideologies become exclusionary and intolerant the Supreme Court is now the realm of partisan politics and worst of all political opponents are the enemy is there a way

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