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Completely abandoned. As a by john alleges Armenian Forces have bombed its territories find the main conflict zone something found denies we hear from azarias who are resorting to taking shelter in the basement. Of the home of the are many unsearched shelling constantly theyre shelling us now with different weapons. One week ago i shall file and my upstairs neighbors home was completely burned down. Wont help organizations director countries not to pursue you heard immunity calling the approach dangerous and unethical how do we get. Through a vaccine. Through and through. A lot of the information thats coming from governments and. Organizations and agencies are really confusing for most people we dont really know a lot of. Thanks it was very warm welcome you watching r. T. International broadcasting to you live from moscow. The Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has given a live interview to Russian Media heads including arties editor in chief Margarita Simonyan he fielded questions on a number of topics including the nagornokarabakh conflicts turkeys involvement in that and russias strained relations with the e. U. Going so far as to question whether it was possible to do business with the bloc given what he called its condescending attitude towards russia arties south here taylor brings us the highlights. We had a very lengthy and really comprehensive conversation between foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and editors in chief of a number of media organizations that was so much to unpack that such an array of topics but one that was given considerable attention was russias increasingly difficult relationship with the European Union now love prof notes that of course the 2 have mutual interests especially economic ones lets think of course just off the north stream to a gas pipeline but that all of this was made very difficult by what the fire foreign minister described as a condescending attitude from the blog and this constant to mons being put on moscow this is what he said about the impact of that after 2 years almost that there was no go through approvals. The question is not just where the business as usual is possible but with the any business with the European Union is possible a tool the e. U. Behaves arrogantly towards us and looks condescendingly down at russia demanding answers from us for all the crimes it imagines we have committed i think we are under no obligation to respond to that. Also add to that a versa phobic minority within the European Union was only father undermining the relationship now of course this all comes against the backdrop of wosm diplomatic ties between moscow and brussels as a result of the alleged poisoning of russian opposition that might explain a follow me now one of the significant part of what lavrov said talked about double standards and he said that often the puts much more pressure on moscow than it would on itself and he said especially when it comes to the idea of interference in Foreign Affairs as this is something that people few very subjectively but i wouldnt go to. In 2017 during the election in france marine le pens a legitimate politician came to moscow to meet with president putin then French Foreign minister publicly claimed that this was an attempt at foreign interference in the electoral process in france. Now look at who Macro Holding meetings with said manatee cannot. No one pays any attention to the fact that this could also be considered as foreign interference in. Such a lot from laid out his few on what the end goal was from these verbal assaults from un fact competition for calls for sanctions and for causing tellme oil russias borders. The west will always try to hold us back to undermine our political and economic capacities this is all part of the same old they want to throw russia of violence not just with direct assaults like dirty competition and illegitimate sanctions creating instability on our borders. Now one out of russias key relationships on the International Stage that was touched upon was of course with washington and quite frankly he said with less than a month to go to the election whoever wins in november whether its trump or biden probably very little would change he reiterated that all moscow has ever wanted was good cooperation but im an equal footing and that sometimes washingtons Foreign Policy made that very difficult other topics such as the protests in batteries or indeed a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the border i care about were also discussed quite extensively but certainly the lions share from todays conversation was dedicated to the current status of russias relationship with Key International players and the future of it the message today seemed very uncompromising things cannot continue as they are business cannot go on as usual whether that serves as a trigger for more compromise or want to stand will have to be seen. Where we earlier spoke to independent journalist and a member of the e. U. Parliament for the alternative for Germany Party maximillian crummy of them to comment on the Russian Foreign ministers statements they believe that despite the anti moscow rhetoric in the blog the latter still considers the ties importance. I think it will last for some time and then of course the quote continue to measure the most Important Mission that germany and europe could take would be to stop the. Pipeline between russia and germany nord stream to it of course to german still want to do that because that would get them and do it up very badly we need russian gas and so they dont put them on the sanction list so the sanctions are not really sanctions since its you know wagging the finger its really not up to standard where your to should be as an International Power and talking with russia which is another all power and the world we have a new wave of russian propaganda as well of anti chinese propaganda coming from the u. S. There is a net group of n. G. O. S of political trained politicians and of the population that is uninformed on russia that its very easy to make such a on tell Russian Company russia is very smart in using soft power so we dont have enough pro russian engines they dont have the. European russian cultural exchange. It would be very helpful if russia could try to be a little bit have a little bit more p. R. That makes an authentic and easier for us. To push the other side like. The ceasefire agreed between armenia and azerbaijan on saturday is repeatedly been violated with combat activity yet again escalating over the disputed enclave of nagornokarabakh the conflicts flared up over 2 weeks ago but has roots going back 3 decades with on and off bouts of fighting the contested region is mostly inhabited by Ethnic Armenians but is legally part of the by john our correspondent dan our reports from its capital. Before the war this street used to be bustling with life neighbors would come visit each other mothers would read bedtime stories to their children well now its almost completely abandoned after and as a by johnny airstrike basically theres a huge Apartment Building here which is no more there are no windows it has partially collapsed its simply unsafe to live here here people as they ran to safety they abandoned their belongings like childrens bicycles they simply had no time to pack everything and i have to admit that since the truce the city of stop on it the capital of nagornokarabakh has it more or less easy been bodman do still happen but they are move rather than they used to be and they are almost entirely almost completely limited to nighttime its more or less the same of it towns of nagornokarabakh like the towns of martini and shushi in fact thing is similar pictures similar very very similar devastation can also be seen from azerbaijan its 2nd largest city of ganja came under shelling just a couple of days ago. And it would be wrong to say that the fighting has ceased elsewhere too as were filming this theres a faint but a very distinctive sound of shelling coming from over the mountains to the south from here that is where the town of adroit is which is viewed as a gateway into nagornokarabakh so it is a very heavily contested area the fighting is also fierce in the north the. Seems bills armenia and azerbaijan are trying to get a firm grip on some key strategic places and heights before real peace negotiations begin as both militaries are fighting for diplomatic leverage. Reporting from. R. T. A belgian cellist has performed at the heavily damaged cathedral in the gorno care about musician has armenian roots and played a piece by an on in. The cathedral in the city of shushan was shelled a week ago. But its regions were being shelled by Armenian Forces both nations denied violating the cease fire agreement the video youre seeing right now is from the a series city of turtle which according to bark has been shelled several times since the conflict escalated as a result people have taken shelter in their basements heres what some of them had to say. The home of the or me and search shelling constantly theyre shelling us now with different weapons with missiles bombs tanks rocket launchers they use it all. One week ago a shell fell and my upstairs need was home was completely burned down it was impossible to take anything from the house our house is also seriously damaged doors windows even the walls everything became useless in general we cannot sleep when they stop shelling for one hour an hour and a half we can close our eyes and map then you sleep and wake up and you sleep and you wake up over and over again. The director of the World Health Organization has urged countries not to pursue a herd immunity strategy against the coronavirus he said deliberately allowing the virus to spread among populations is dangerous and an ethical herd immunity is i cheated by protecting people from a virus not by exposing them to it. Never in the history of probably killed has heard immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak a little more a pandemic its scientifically and ethically problematic. Some scientists have argued that covert 19 should be allowed to circulate freely to our populations to build up a natural resistance to the virus the idea gain some traction early on in the pandemic so even de facto pursued herd immunity while the u. K. Initially considered it as an option early and my colleague ian and oneill discussed the issue with a panel of experts herd immunity is it really such a bad idea i think it is really a bad idea one of the primary reason is that we dont really know a lot about this why this humanity against 4 lives is not long lasting the backs of what we can expect as we year so this means that we have to go through this process over and probably will be very costly probably optical but that is the basic idea that we that we hoping to achieve some level of immunity within the population indeed the herd level of immunity is just how do we get there do we get the through a vaccine or do we get the true through natural infection and whats going to be whats going to cause least to us societys overall the w. H. O. It hasnt been perhaps as clear as it could have been particularly this week it also said that luck. Are bad are they contradicting themselves how do you see this this advice a lot of the information thats coming from governments and from World Health Organizations and agencies are really confusing for most people its a lockdown is happening or not if its a good thing or not and now about issues of herd immunity and so its coming down to who is communicating the right message and what is the role of the individual trying to protect their family do they think that its a good idea if somebody gets chicken pox or they dont have it later in life do they get coated now and thats a really dangerous position to be putting individuals sent increasingly people are looking at the example of sweden not stockholm hasnt officially adopted a herd immunity strategy but that has been the result essentially in practice. Another dealing death rail its almost 0 how they got it right through one way or another well it includes people the claiming that there is no restrictions or back to level of lockdown that other countries have adopted but the have had all those controlling years that are to quietly minimize the spread of infection on the number of people gathered there were pictures wear and tear of people in restaurants and cafes when essentially the rest of europe wasnt doing that they where in sweden oh yeah absolutely i think sweden is certainly of variable computer abstain just off the phone and out me think it is not your call to move forward because we dont really know whats going to happen tomorrow in the swedish perspective so although certainly the swedish perspective is a very good very able to compare between but i think it is too early to nicole that they have. Adopted right approach as the w. H. O. Has pointed out lock downs are incredibly damaging each other ways and we and one governments are struggling with these balancing the damage from lock downs. With the damage from not look down and they cant win whichever decision they make their price is to be paid and its extremely difficult to know which also the action is the right 1. 00 and we probably only know in retrospect government account to everything if people i suppose are aware of the risk should they be allowed to go on to expose themselves to potential infection and take their chances and perhaps get that immunity level well the real issue is this is the inequality lockdowns are showing at the choices that people have to make you know a person who has to put food on the table leg like all of us. May have to leave the house to to do that so we have to be concerned about not just Emotional Wellbeing but the economic well being of the educational wellbeing and so those are the risks that people are are also balancing out. And was the 2nd time around thats the experience of the fast u. S. Patient confirmed to have been reinfected with 19. Well on that its coming up after the break. As the election approaches we feel its necessary to ask a very simple question why do most potential voters describe themselves as independent or not affiliated with the Political Party on top of this poll after poll revealed voters for more choices between party system limiting. To my. Legs. Welcome back the 1st case of covidien reinfection has been confirmed in the u. S. According to a study published by the Lancet Medical Journal the patients symptoms were far more severe the 2nd time around the 25 year old man from nevada who has no recorded immune disorder 1st tested positive in april he later recovered with 2 negative tests but in june it developed severe symptoms and again tested positive its the 5th case of reinfection registered worldwide and the 2nd case with the symptoms called worse mark pandora the lead author of the study says this shows surviving coronavirus once doesnt make you a new Scientific Data that we have from this case and other cases will indicate that if somebody has had no chain we just dont know whether that person can be reinspected again its possible that they could be reinjected again but its also possible that some people are immune in fact it could be that the vast majority of the or immune and it could be Something Else that could be in our immune system gives us a resistance that makes the 2nd case of a lesser but asymptomatic section. Despite the confirmed cases of reinfection some people seem to think theyre immune among them donald trump who has now recovered after catching covert earlier this month the u. S. President has since even promised his supporters hill very much forget all about social distancing with them. Now they say im im you know i can see i feel so proud walking. Our walk and just everyone knows. Are just the guys and the beautiful women and everybody just give you a big fact is. Mark pandora the lead author of the study again says vaccination is the key to immunity. Our only real hope of achieving the herd immunity comes from that seems that backs and ology and this finding does not speak to that scene mediated of the people that have been infected cant make the assumption that theyre immune because theyre now in several cases that show that it isnt true because you can be reinfected you really have to be treated as if you were never injected and thats not only to protect you but to protect. The prospects of reinfection makes the need for corona virus vaccine all the more Urgent National governments and big pharma are all vying to get the 1st job to markets but Peoples Health appears not to be the only motivation as arties might gansey have explains. Things will never go back to the way they were too many people have died too many people have lost jobs and enterprises livelihoods the damage has been too great but we can still hope for some kind of normality the only way we will get completely back to normal is by having not maybe not the 1st generation vaccines but eventual a vaccine that is super effective the 2nd wave is here new universally accepted treatment still no consensus on herd immunity versus social distancing people cant even agree where the mosques work the strategy weld wide seems to be to cross our fingers and hope for the best the vaccine represents a more important factor than the election result for the path of equities well of course it is promises and cabaye in speeches and fiery rhetoric on killing to save lives or reopen businesses the World Economy its all about the vaccine listen to them in the states the election isnt about making america better its about returning life to what it was i want to discuss the historic progress were making to deliver a safe and effective vaccine in record time if the doctors tell us that we should take it ill be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if Donald Trump Tells us i said to him that we should take it im not taking it doesnt that scenes in human trials globally 100 more months is so complex you cant predict what will work and what wont until you tried a new matter how smart thorough or diligent you are luck might just sink you at astra zeneca head pas all in that study is that as it investigates this one event in the u. K. Johnson and johnson had to put its crucial late stage testing inhalants on hold due to an unexplained illness in a study participant john. Anthony johnson is positive its corona virus vaccine trial over an unexplained illness drug maker astra zeneca is hoping its phase 3 trial of a possible coding 1000 vaccine after one purchased the pin came down with an unexplained illness you understand now the stakes year elections go to me its unimaginable fortunes to be made and millions of lives to be saved but how also matches trump doesnt win from a chinese developed vaccine the american or European Pharmaceuticals they dont make billions if its russias vaccine that works better so you do what humanity has done since time immemorial you spike the competition you trip them you malign them and you libel them this is much like the cold war space race but its a vaccine race in fact russia is calling this that seen sputnik 5 but be skeptical Clinical Trials were short they were excel aerated the speed of his developments is being questions proof of its effectiveness has not been presented a vaccine that has not been trying to a vaccine that has not been tested outside of russia americas top researchers say russias cutting corners to develop its corona virus vaccine u. S. Regulators are insistent that we know coolness cut when it comes to testing and for many t. J. That is a key difference between what america is doing and what the russians have Just Announced will need to be very practical and. Trying to each other because he is black its very unhealthy its going to i think go and very unproductive we all remember when the pandemic began european nations snatching supplies mosques and ventilators from each other the u. S. Trying to scientists and buy out of Vaccine Developers among european allies in desperate times its each to themselves and with the stakes these high no one wants to share the glory or the money more i guess dia of istanbul. High School Students in moscow are switching to Remote Learning and so november it comes as coded infections saw in the russian capital moscow has seen a steady rise in its coronavirus caseload since september with the daily infection rate is now edging ever closer to 5000 Remote Learning wont be extended to primary schools as younger children are less susceptible moscows man says the new measure will help contain the spread of the virus. Well you joining us here at all t. International were back at the top of the aisle with over the latest headlines will say about. Me you. Give me my big big couple because he said. Just that hamas. Is not old but im also the most companies you know ive been a good who says you know. When i meet with. The compass you must get almost home pianist even though he goes from didnt you know just to see hes just put to you im sure i called. Him was someone dumbly. You see him a little you a little you kind of the most beautiful. Little kid is he. Always they. Dont look to your list to. Go so no men because he is. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Not going to go see a hard job but the catalyst of all the all this. Week im going to want to make i want to quiet while you know who the hell out of the. Area rico proving but there are here are some friends that the us are skills of but the sole real cool thing to do something to see. The charge for. They have about the possible alibi going by was simple put them on the back you know were going to. L. Look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. I robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification we should be very careful about official intelligence and the point obesity is too great a transfer of the shia. Who claim to take on various shots in with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. The obama must protect its own existence was excessive. This is boom bust for the one business show you cant afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up the year of economic turn the turmoil has seen a slight turn for the better as the International Monetary fund has revised its 2020 Global Outlook straight ahead were going to analyze the new report and what impact its going to have on markets plus one of the major giants in the kobe 1000. 00 vaccine race has hit the brakes probably an unexpected event in trials we bring you up to speed on the slowdown and where the world stands in the sport for a cure and major market for major major Global Regulators have come to an agreement on ground rules for Digital Currency moving forward later on well have indepth in tech and now with this

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