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To double standards passed on to the senate backs a bill to jail sports except in the u. S. Itself. Donald trump rushes to carry out election promises including getting troops out of afghanistan and iraq, as he continues to question the us president ial election result. And russias president says, care about bloodshed could have been stopped, weeks ago, before the armenian is there. A conflict took so many towns and cities. Our correspondent reports from a russian peacekeeper observation post. One of the benefits of the true god, russian. Shes far more has room stations that have been called the car bomb is a very warm welcome to you. Its 11 and 12 oclock here. Watching r C International with me are processed turned violent in france, following a draft security bill to ban the publication of images of police with intent to cause them harm. The interior minister insists the bill will protect the officers, but it sparked outrage from rights campaigners. Takeouts and water cannon have been fired in the french capital to disperse crowds, angry at the hold on. As you can see, Police Vehicles are moving down and pushing the protesters down that the street protesters whove come, im going to Global Security lure to draw from real thats being discussed in the National Assembly on tuesday evening. This is a rule which includes an element which if cost could make it illegal for people to disseminate to record and publish images over police offices. If there is intent to harm criminalize, a mission of could lead to mourning amphoras who are in 845000 euro. We have seen police battening and flacking protesters trying to move them from the streets behind us. You can see that there is a row of Police Vehicles here that water cannon as well. Thats being used tonight as has ample tear gas. Thank you. Thank you. Ive seen women having their hay young to being abused to be grabbed by the head to be thrown to the floor by Police Officers, medics being hit by police battens. And in fact, as we were just at the metro station, 2, making some of that violence against the protest as we ourselves were forcibly chucked out by the police, my cameraman, who robbed by offices while he was filming, while we were trying to do an interview. And it checked, and from that crowd that you know, i dont think that this protest is proved by journalists who knows. The law has been criticised by the un dressing terms of its democratic consequences. The bill could lead to significant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in particular, the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression. Intent is a concept that is open to interpretation and hard to determine any photos or video showing a dent a fireball. Police officers that are published or broadcast by critical media outlets, or are accompanied by critical comments, could find themselves being accused of seeking to harm these Police Officers. For journalists, the legal risk exists, and the possibility of conviction would be real images over the police are protests, have been used time and time again. Show the violence thats been used that this is law, would essentially stop. Thats what unions say, they say that it is censorship. However, the government says this new is needed to protect Police Officers from the violence. Because while im talking about the police hitting protesters trying to move them around, we have also seen violence towards the police this evening. Weve seen bottles thrown into woods and far as being lit. We have seen destruction here on the streets of paris with the bus shelters being smashed in. So there is violence on both sides. And the government says this noor is needed to protect the police. Police unions say it doesnt go far enough and if it is a choice between freedom of the press and liberty, when it comes to showing these images of the security of their offices, they will side with the security of their offices. Every time anybody who would be found guilty of if this law passed would find themselves one year behind jail with a fine of 45000 you is that is a severe punishment. But let you tell me this. A severe punishment is being on the frontlines in an evening like this when the tensions are so high. And there is that attack from the police. Possibly because theyre also afraid over the protestors. But the reality is it is been a brutal like with violence from both sides. But from where we have stood, the violence has been mainly coming from the police to wards protesters who for the most part, we havent witnessed them doing anything to deserve some of the violence this evening. Political analysts, nickel america, vets, believes Police Officers now should expect to be captured on camera because there is something going on with reorganization of the French Police and Law Enforcement agencies. The tip of the iceberg that were talking about today, and its getting everybody really nervous, is the fact that you would not be able to morrow to film a police van. And i think its important to state that people are not showing policemen today, or Law Enforcement agents who are law abiding, who are respecting the law, who are just doing their job and try to make sure that demonstrations are going as normal. But people are feeling today because weve seen in france and these past years, extreme violence. If you lot of demonstrators there, only defense is to film the policeman showing that this is my security, my insurance, that you wont be up. And if you do, im going to make sure that your face is on is an internet. I think it is extremely important. d that when people are in the streets that people be able to film this is extremely important. Thats part of the job Police Officer 2020. Thats the way it is. If you dont want to be filmed or become a Police Officer, i think this is something which is which is important. Well, donte doping agency has blasted the u. S. For a bill to jail. Anyone involved in sport started paying accepting the us itself was added to it, stunned by the double standards, especially as america has a disturbingly widespread problem with the and you do bring agency wishes to understand why this legislation excludes vast areas of u. S. Support. In particular, the professional leagues, and all college sport. It is not good enough for american sports. Why is it fine for the rest of the world . Washingtons rolled out its latest offensive in the war on performance enhancing drugs. Its called the rod chank of act, the right of anti doping act of 2019 which strengthen the integrity of International Sports competitions by imposing criminal sanctions on certain persons involved in International Doping fraud conspiracy. The act would green light washington for legal action against doping conspirators in games involving american players and it outlines some have penalties, fines of up to 1000000. 00 as well as prison sentences of up to 10 years. A dream come true for the usa today. It is a monumental day in the fight for clean sport worldwide, and we look forward to seeing the act soon become law and help change the game for clean athletes for the good. Considering how the u. S. Has treated domestic doping in the past, the lawbook could probably use of updates take Julian Edelman, the patriots shining star and super bowl m. V. P. His career seen some great achievements with a little help from dope, its wide receiver Julian Edelman is facing a 4 game suspension for performance enhancing substances. A 4 game suspension is quite a long leap away from 10 years in the can for edelman, though the cushy treatment didnt end there. He was still showered with awards at the years and even sealed advertisement deals. There are no rules in basketball. Its a similar story. Last year basketball, prodigy deon, dreyer, 8, and was caught doping up his punishment jail. Just kidding. He was suspended for 25. 00 games and then showed up on the jimmy kimmel show. Hes a member of the n. B. A. All rookie team from the phoenix suns. Say hello to deion 38 and hello to you. All right, ok. And heres the best part. Hes now the face of a Protein Health shake commercial eyes on the prize. Thats how you know washingtons long made it clear, they take doping in sports very seriously when of course, the suits their agenda. Sports want to town, broadcast on and more once the u. S. Bill has a completely different agenda to the state one, this has nothing to do with Police Welfare or looking after teens. If they did it to be told 3 different stuff, im going to go for the firearms. Its not going to close in either for the sponsors of the sport. Its simply looking out for the breeding money, interest. The hollanders, media, and government is not in to do with r. C. , whether because it was obscene welfare, they would have brought it in across the board to all the Major League Sports in america would sign of the beast into water. But they wont do that because the owners of the big major sports teams, immediate networks to cover them. But the huge be massive is yours and investors in the sports want them so does, has nothing to do actually, whether this is simply of those greed and the dollar letting up it is often a behind the scenes look at talks to end the nagornokarabakh conflict, the russian president explained a peace deal between our media and i was up and down could have been reached weeks ago. But one of the nations was reluctant to concede, contrary to popular opinion that they would not stay on october 19th and 20th, i had a series of phone conversations with president lee, evan Prime Minister, passion, yen. At that time, the armed forces of azerbaijan had regained control over an insignificant southern part of karabakh. In general, i managed to convince president aliyev that it was possible to stop the hostilities, but his obligatory condition was the return of refugees, including to shusha. Then unexpectedly, for me, the position of our armenian partners was formulated in such a way that it was unacceptable for them, but the Prime Minister told me back then. No, we cannot agree to this. We will fight. Therefore, accusations against him, of some kind of betrayal have no basis. The truce is widely seen as capitulation, in armenia triggering protests and demands. The Prime Minister quits. As a different mood in azerbaijan, barca keeps its military gains, and this month will receive 3 other districts in the disputed karabakh region. But flooding a pit in ses ending the bloodshed makes it a win win summer glau. The most important thing thats been done is to stop the bloodshed. Over 4000 people died according to official data. In reality, i think there are more tens of thousands have been injured and maimed. This is not a movie. This is a tragedy that is taking place in real life with real people affecting real families. Therefore, stopping the bloodshed is the key thing. Author and historian gerald horne told us how the armenian premiers you turn on a truce, cost him national support. Keep in mind that when the Prime Minister or media went into this war, this conflict with deserved that is left to the deaths of thousands to the maiming and injuries of tunes of thousands to the creation of displaced persons and refugees. A significant percentage or a 1000000 population. Not to mention, there were many aspirants in the Prime Ministers corner. But as is often said, victory has a 1000 parents. And defeat is an orphan. And so now you see, there are a number of there were millions who were cheering on the Prime Minister when he wanted this conflict, or when he entered into this conflict. Now were ready to see him take the nearest and close this refugees, meanwhile, continue to return to care about come to the protection of russian peacekeepers. On tuesday, 500 armenians travel back to their homes. Having fled the fighting on 1700, people have now gone back to the key city after panic and expressed thanks for russian support. We feel that we arent alone anymore. Were supported, weve been given our lives back. Im happy that russia has with me. I have nothing to do is respected russia and i have nothing to lose. I feel happy and proud that we have friends like this that help us and dont leave us in trouble. Russian peacekeepers have reopened the only road link between armenia on the region to ensure the safe return of civilians. The mission is also help to improve cooperation between armenian undesired troops and care about r. T. S. Mark gasnier of sends us this report on the peacekeeping. Work just north of shushi, the site of some of the bloodiest and most merciless fighting of this war is a russian peacekeeper outpost. They arrived to a scene from a nightmare routes lined with bodies and bombs burned and blasted vehicles after weeks of failure. As shes filed was eventually reached on the 10th of november. It was full of compromise where armenia agreed to hand over various territories. It controlled to a 0 by john. The latter agreed to let Ethnic Armenian refugees return to their homes. But signing papers is one thing, making sure things actually happen is another one of the benefits of the 2 dozen or so. Russian seized monitoring stations that have been set up here in the go in the code above is that they are neutral territories. They areas where as their buddy troops just a few 100 meters away from us, can come as well as armenian forces. And they can resolve their disputes with the help of russian peacekeepers. As mediators, there are also areas where the red cross can come. For example, to do its own work such as organize the exchange of prisoners, the exchange of the remains the fall in troops to coordinate the mining operations. Its all about trust peacekeepers serve an important function. Sure. They discourage cease fire violations that really gets you so far, but they shine that is getting those who waged war to build peace, to that end, humanitarian groups of flux to care about the red cross being at the forefront. Now roods and passes once littered with bodies and traps and mines a safe again. But what breeds even more optimism is the tommy and that is that by john these can gather at the same place and talk if through russian peacekeepers more, i guess dia of the golden, a kind of makes ironical Foreign Policy shifts, knowing it may soon be reversed. By president elect, joe biden will reveal all after the break results of the us election cycle, no surprise many there was no blue wave, and the g. O. P. Witnessed games all across the board. Both parties have deep internal divisions and the court is in both parties based copy was challenged. So, is this the perfect recipe for a political deal like welcome back. The u. S. Has announced the withdrawal of 500 troops from iraq and thousands from afghanistan is set to take place in january just before projected president elect joe biden is expected to take office of potentially oppose that decision. And a further complication donald trump made the announcement while still disputing the election results. The pentagon has announced that it is reducing the number of u. S. Troops in both iraq and afghanistan between now and mid january. U. S. Troops will be drawing down their presence at roughly 2500. 00 remaining in both countries. I celebrate this day as we continue the president s consistent progress in completing the mission we began nearly 2 decades ago. Viewers will recall that donald trump has recently fired a number of pentagon staff, including mark asper, the secretary of defense. At this point, donald trump is still contesting the u. S. President ial election. Though most u. S. Media outlets have declared joe biden to be the winner. Now donald trump campaigned on a promise of withdrawing u. S. Troops from around the world, putting america 1st and drawing back the u. S. Military presence in countries overseas. And it appears that with this movie is partially fulfilling that promise. The u. S. Public overwhelmingly shows in polls. They do favor a reduction of the u. S. Presence overseas. However, it seems that the chief of nato was not thrilled with this recent move by trump. We went into afghanistan together, and when the time is right we should leave together in a coordinated and orderly way. Will this change with a joe biden in ministration in the white house . Joe biden has also indicated that he favors drawing back the u. S. Military presence overseas. However, joe biden has continued to emphasize that he will not withdraw u. S. Troops from afghanistan. Americans are rightly weary of the longest war on him too, but we must end the war responsibly in a manner that ensures we both go against threats to our homeland and never have to go back at the time of the u. S. Intervention. Joe biden was a big supporter of the u. S. Invasion of afghanistan. And joe biden has been very outspoken about the need for a continued mission there. And a continued u. S. Military presence. Pistor is going to judges very harshly. I believe if we allow the hope of a liberator to evaporate, because we are fearful of the phrase nation building, or we do not stay the course. Now Joe Bidens Administration looks like it might be more pro war at this point. Folks will recall that joe biden not only supported the u. S. Invasion of afghanistan, but he was a big supporter of the u. S. Invasion of iraq and actually drafted legislation that helped to make that war happen. Joe biden furthermore indicated that he is likely to appoint susan rice as his secretary of state. Now susan rice is a big supporter of u. S. Military interventionism, and she served in the obama administration. In addition to that, weve got michelle floor in a was being pointed to as potentially the secretary of defense for the biden administration. She was a big advocate of u. S. Military intervention in syria and u. S. Military intervention in libya. Does this mean that if Joe Biden Takes Office in january, he will reverse Donald Trumps recent move to pull out u. S. Troops between now and january. That is unclear, however, on many speculate that the biden ministration will have much more of an interventionist bent than trump. Trump is doing this for political reasons and trying to fulfill a campaign promise. Hes not all of them all. You also got to keep in mind, he may substitute u. S. Troops for private military contractors. The whole notion is for him to have all the troops by next may, but then by then you may be into a, by an administration. And the troop levels could go back up again. Really depends upon commitments by the taliban. And what have you, and youve got to consider that a biden ministration given the lead in neoconservatives may be jumping on board. His Administration May pursue efforts to keep troops there. And even Establishment Republicans are calling for troops to remain in afghanistan and probably even in iraq the u. S. Militarys a 40 firing up location data from apps that specifically targeting muslim people the online magazine behind the report things the news particularly disturbing, given the pentagons history in that region, the u. S. Military, which is infamously used other location data to target drone strikes, is purchasing access to sensitive data. Many of the users of apps involved in the data supply chain are muslim, which is notable, considering that the United States has waged a decades long war on, predominantly muslim terror groups in the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians during its military operations. Motherboard does not know of any specific operations in which this type of at base location data has been used by the u. S. Military. It stated that the u. S. Government obtains data from muslim focused apps like muslim pro, which claims to be the most popular of its kind with almost 100000000 users. Others include muslim, mingle, a dating out with more than 100000 downloads, and some of the apps being targeted focus on specific muslim countries like iran, turkey, and egypt. Now more general ups are on the list who are among them a step counter, a job site, and a weather forecaster. Selling their data brokers is not unusual. In this case, the broker is a Company Called x. Mode. It makes money from selling access to clients, including defense contractors and the u. S. Military. But exploit insists the company has noble and britains x. Mode licenses its data panel to a small number of Technology Companies that may work with Government Military services. But our work with such contractors is international and primarily focused on 3 use cases. Counterterrorism try to secure and predicting future covert 19 and American Military spokes. Persons reacted to the reports, maintaining the pentagon protects the privacy of u. S. Citizens. However, some apps still want to know who the brokers are selling their data, say, since the report was published, the muslim probe has reportedly broken ties with x. Mode, launched a probe International Relations professor jamal wakim says, this is all about u. S. Domestic politics. The United States is perhaps a deep economic social crisis. 1 1 being the crisis, not too late to blame on themselves on the establishment. d who are reaching this ok, who are what we call in public who signs to export prices, which is to blame it on an outside not on an inside i member. Its case of the muslim countries and that was what sort of the Muslim Community inside the United States would serve as a justification for the crisis. And of course, it could also just interventionist policy. Many thanks for joining us here on our t. International this wednesday. Were back at the top of the hour. At the late a new gold rush is underway in ghana. Thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields, hoping to strike it rich. As children are torn between gold, my family was very poor. I thought i was doing my best to get back to school, which side will have the strongest appeal here were going underground. 2 weeks to the day, the usa was supposed to declare a president. And as President Trump continues to allege electoral fraud in the most militarily powerful nation on earth coming up on the show as u. K. Elites scramble to save the union after boris johnson. Comments about local democracy is the lesson of the us election. A rejection of a 2 party system presenting voters with 2 shades of neoliberalism. We asked the green partys health spokesperson, Larry Sanders, brother of Us Democratic socialist president ial candidates. But the sun is about alleged dirty tricks of the d. N. C. In coronavirus catalyzed corruption. And as socalled, Mainstream Media reports emerge of tens of thousands of refugees fleeing from ethiopia, just a dumb, possibly seeking asylum in europe. Do a bombing here appointees from a possible biden presidency that alone the head of the w. H. O. Battling coronavirus. Have to do it to gray in the bombing of eritrea and ethiopia in one of the most strategically important regions on earth. All the small coming up in todays going underground, but 1st, while socalled president elect joe biden continues to claim victory in president , continues to claim fraud. And his coronavirus deaths in the usa approached 250000. Could it be time for the country to consider . Another way of going forward, Larry Sanders is the brother of democratic socialist, senator and former 2020 us president ial candidate, Bernie Sanders and the Green Party Spokesman here on health and social care. He joins me now from oxford. Larry, thanks for coming on. So how far do you think any result whoever wins of the election was more a case of who the u. S. Public didnt want to occupy the white house rather than did want to occupy that house in pennsylvania avenue . Well, they learn 1st thing. I want to see not what, who its president , hes got lots

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