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Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class. After last months murder of a french teacher, r. T. Talked with one of them. After the murder of i decided not to show them at all because i felt i felt my profession was attacked. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here in moscow. Thanks for joining us this hour. Now we have some news just coming in in this last hour from france, parliament has suspended a bill that would have severely restricted the filming of Police Officers after 2 weeks of nationwide unrest. Opponents say the measure named article 24 would have violated press freedom and allowed the police to cover up acts of brutality. And we can cross live now to our ts Charlotte Dubin ski, whos in paris to charlotte . This is sounding like quite a u. Turn, coming from the ruling party and france. Bring us the latest. Yes, thats right. Its not parliament thats actually suspended this. Whats happened is that there was an emergency meeting today that was chaired by president. The french Prime Minister was that, as was the interior minister, and they met with the leaders of the parliamentary groups of the majority. That is the groups that come together to support on march in the national assembly. And its following that meeting that they have announced that article 24. 00, that controversial element of the Global Security law, has now been suspended. They say it will be rewritten, which means that this rule will either go forward as it was without that article to the senate where it was due to go in january or the law itself may be held back. Thats not quite clear yet. But this follows that emergency meeting after what we have seen of protests over the last 10 days, particularly those protests that turned violent on saturday, when more than a 133000, people in france came out to say that they didnt want this article to remain as part of the law my well the anger over the idea of criminalizing publishing images of the police that could be used to cause harm to them with a physically or psychologically was really torn into focus in the last few days that followed a week ago on monday evening when a migrant camp was cleared from a republic in paris. There were video images that showed brute force being used by the police, with one journalist saying hed been attacked 3 times during the evening and migrants being tossed out of that tents that led many people to question, well, how can you have an investigation into an incident this alleged incident that the interior minister himself said was shocking if it wasnt for images being circulated and being published like this. And then just before the weekend, new video emerged of a black music producer here in paris was being violently beaten by officers that took place last week that was filmed by a video security camera. Since the officers involved in that said that they had been no reason to carry out that attack on the individual, all 4 have since been suspended, and 2 are now in custody and incident described by president mccall as being shameful. Lets just remind you of what happened that they did and more diffuse. It was very hard when they fired tear gas that was at the back. I tried to call my lawyer. I tried to call a lot of people. Even a neighbor heard my screams. He called me and asked whats going on. I explain and been attacked and he wanted to call the police, but it was the police. He was outrageous. I cant even tell you what im waiting for. I wish, of course, that this never happens again to anyone. Whether there are cameras or not. It should never happen. Here to protect us. Well journalists and unions and the n. G. O. S, such as our misty, had said that if this article 24. 00 would be allowed to stay within the Global Security law, it essentially gave the green light for police to stop journalists from doing their work. The government had until today been backing it saying it was necessary to protect the peace police and Police Unions that said, it didnt go quite far enough. What we know now is from the former interior minister, who is one of the parliamentary leaders in the national assembly. This is christopher castor. He said that fundamental freedoms must be protected. So this is the freedom of expression and the freedom of the press and he was one of those leaders announced that this would be written, but of course as its being rewritten and when its published after its be read, you can guarantee that that article as controversial as it has been, is going to be dissected by everyone here in france, and perhaps also the International Press too across the latest for us and france. Thank you. And we can now bring in political analyst nicole, whos also in paris as we were saying there among your microns own party with through this bill. Is this a significant defeat for them . Yes, if it is, i mean, this is one of the major side effects of the political class, your apprentice, talking about these past weeks. Dont forget that. We are in a situation of confining it knocked down in france. Today were french. People have to just say they have to fill in certificates every time they want to get out of their homes, their police thrown rocks, asking people where theyre going with is going on. So there is, this is from, this is a police state and all of a sudden macro and drunk aspects come out with this law saying that it would be no longer possible. Its a feeling of police of Police Officers, especially when these are undergoing acts of violence against protesters. So this is making a lot of people who have cited for that even to some parts of the right. Very mad and wondering what is this all about . Why is also decided it was necessary to stop the free speech and stop people who are filming from his the child in this prince and are there were police everywhere and you have to fill in the paper to get out of your home. So of this is a major setback for us. Thanks and fundamental medical people and friends are likely not going to see this as a victory, as microns party has said that theyre going to amend the bill. Its just been suspended and will be written. They expect they measures to come back simply in a softer form. Whoa, that there probably will try. And however, now not everybody is going to be rocking at this quite closely. Drawn who says, of course, a lot of the opposition, even people within the party and his allies, they definitely dont want to be the center of attention. Now france is going through a very dire situation now because of the cold, the 19, and thats the new member of my philosophy, was some attention on such a law regarding a Police Officer regarding fielding to Police Brutality and efficient. This is this true situation. So they have to review the law in such a way where i dont know how they can come back and say it wont be possible to film Police Officers if they are doing something wrong against the people in the streets and demonstrators. So theyll probably try to make it a little bit just lighter, but they have found some of the elements they have to be right. Thanks. Because that definitely is that the part of the hour, which people in france have defeated said no to you yourself are currently and paris. Could you tell us more about why this bill . That restricting the idea of restricting the filming of Police Officers has caused so much anger. Weve been showing pictures on the screen of these demonstrations, and some of them are quite shocking. Dont forget what the situation has been in france these past years, and im remarkable has been the president of one of the most violent societies prances known in these past decades. If you can remember, there was ration of the us with extreme violence. We had Police Officers that were people resenting the law of shooting demonstrators in the face with, with plastic. But this means people were losing their, their eyes for the violence at large. Who did not say that the people there were strangers were altar boys. But if it was extreme violence, now the situation would have to fill in the certificates. There are curfews where im sort of a marshal state purposes of a police state. And then i will sit in this coming out saying that you cant even feel the Police Officer, which is you can retaliate. So you, we cant even film such a situation. People dont like these people already. The global context is that people dont trust a lot of people dont trust the French Police anymore. And you, futurity this, this will be something we hear only from the, from the left that its a couple decades ago. Now people who for the right are students and what is the situation that the pressure that the french polish is going through sort of the other best weve seen in demonstrations against even same sex marriage the responses are worked out. And thats not a typical leftist view. Anyhow, in these did it, is that restrictions are out also of code videos that were extreme brutality of some Police Officer. So i think that the french dont want this an uncertain situation. Theyre afraid. I mean, whos why, why it is where it is that whats the mississippi over this . And theres been a current situation. I think my lot of people in france were opposed to doing to drop arabian Police Officers. Theyre going to encourage people, dont have anything to be afraid of if theyve been through. But theyre fully fransisco. Dont trust there. Are the police so much so many more. Weve been speaking with political analysts, nicolette medical veteran, have to leave it there. Thank you for your time and your comments. If you a Human Rights Group has accused europe of creating its own guantanamo by allowing its citizens to be subjected to human rights abuses at camps in syria. According to rights and Security International report, there are 640 European Children and 230. 00 european women being held illegally, and without charge at kurdish run camps for terror suspects in the north east of syria. And the report contains eyewitness accounts of inhumane and degrading treatment, are to go as more just look at this sea of tents enormous dubbed in the report as a new, get mo, europes kuantan, a mole because of the citizenship or the origin of many of the families there, but heres why this place could outdo the infamous prison in reputation for the horrors happening inside. And pretty much every tent. There are kids since the start of 2019, more than 400 children have died in the main camp. Long after i saw was wiped out in this part of syria. Families of suspected terrorists are paying the price some die because of gruesome conditions. It can be anything from bad food to 10 fires. Last winter, 3 and children were burnt alive. We saw the bodies so the babies. If someone dares to speak out against the conditions, the guards, as its been reported, resort to gunfire. We never feel safe here. My main worry is that my children are injured will die from gunshot wounds. One day a bullet landed between my neighbors tents. Im afraid of the bullet enters my tanned and wounds of one of us. When children especially boys grow older, they could end up being forcibly removed, just in case 2 men in military uniforms who had their faces covered with these cards and carrying kalashnikovs very fast. My son who is asleep, i screamed, they said, dont scream. Local authorities have admitted they are removing troublemakers, which could be justified by the detainees all violent behavior. At times, imagine scuffles between those who reject eisel ideology and those who remain brainwashed. Its an explosive mix. The question is whether the threat from these clashes is an excuse for any humane treatment bordering on torture, or the Syrian Democratic forces that are running the camp say such practices are banned, but they are admitting mistakes and keep complaining about the resources they have or lack to keep the whole mess under control. Well soley responsible for the safety and security of thousands of families of militants in a whole camps. Something for beyond a modest capabilities due to the failure of the International Community to cooperate with us and their refusal to repatriate this its. So where do these families belong . Who bears the ultimate responsibility for the woman and children . Many of whom never chose to be an Islamic State bud, and it up in its jaws. E. U. Members dont want the families back flying them as a security threat, revoking citizenships. It is more than turning a blind eye. These states are actively engaging in a policy that is leaving these people in these dire conditions outside of the law. Theyre actively doing it because theyve said that the security approach is to leave them, that this is a Strategic Policy. It is a moral aberration to have a Strategic Policy which is leaving mostly children in a Detention Camp to die. There is no easy solution and maybe there is no way out europe with its own eye. So sleeper cells and unprecedented numbers of terrorist attacks in recent years isnt looking forward to any extra fuel on the fire decision was that the dutch government does not have to pick up these children. And these women from syria right now. What the judge says is that this is a political decision, and that it is not up to the judge to decide whether they should do this or not. I am facades that a National Security threat means a threat of the most serious kind to the public. The resists, serious risk from anyone who is aligned with ours. So so for now, unfortunately, it looks and navigable that more blood will be spilt in the sea of tents. Keith bass, former vice chair of the European Council on refugees, says that if some of the detainees did commit crimes, they should be tried and their own homes. Human rights is something that you just cannot contain in one country or whatever it is universal. And that the laws about human rights should be applied to the diversity and that includes in these counts rather than leaving those even if they. d are accused of crimes or accused of having gone to support an action or a group or terrorist group which is contrary to the laws of the country 2 of which there are citizen. But those people should be brought back to the country. Prosecutors shouldnt try for that offense in their country, of which they are national. I can understand the reluctance of Security Services wanting these people to come, but, but at the end of the day, you have to do with your citizens as you find them roles and just forgot all left to be forgotten about u. S. President elect. Joe biden has announced his pick for White House Press secretary and with as with almost all of his army so far, its a familiar face from the former obama administration. And i want to cross live to our take him up in and new york kaleb. Could you tell us who the White House Press secretary is going to be when Biden Takes Office . Well, the presumptive president elect joe biden. He has achieved what is being hailed as an identity. Arion breakthrough, it will be an all female White House Communications press staff. Now it will be headed by jennifer psaki. Now jennifer psaki. She came out of the obama administration. She was most notorious for the time in which she served as state Department Spokeswoman under john kerry in 2013 to 2014. Now during that time where she was representing the u. S. State department, she made a number of kind of embarrassing blunders in her speech. Lets take a review. There are flows of gas, the natural gas, i should say. They go through from western europe, through the pain train to russia, and we are, im sorry, the other way from russia through ukraine to western europe. And i dont have anything, any specific comment on the case that point to the egyptian government. And i was very due to have a conversation with the department of justice. I dont have any teeth and stage is instead of having things there, and i dont have more details on who are members of refugees, russia and see no evidence to prove who are really to russia. Sorry, i suggested elegy was also highly suspect, with reports of carousel boarding premarked ballots, which are still not true. This is those reading that im not familiar with that term either way. It may be that people werent checking in. Ill check and see what, what our team meant specifically in mind that in the state they were sitting on the issues with the answers. But i dont think its a reference to that not. Now, many other examples can be recalled by our viewers of her rather mind blowing way with words. Now, she did take it upon herself to try and rebuild the trust of the american people. Take a listen. I cant imagine a smarter to say theyre bad, a human to prison with than a karine chen pierre, to build trust of the american people, communicate the biotin harrison chanda, and make the work of the u. S. Government more accessible to the people who go there. Now she is certainly not the only figure in this new Communications Team that came out of the obama administration, the White House Communications director, as well as the 1st lady communications director, also came out of the administration of obama working with biden, when he was Vice President. And when he was a u. S. Senator, the Deputy Press Secretary is someone from the obama cabinet as well. The individual worked with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. There is a Senior Adviser to Vice President camila harris. She will be the Vice President under joe biden, who did work with bernie sanders, but that individual is the real exception. Now another interesting thing to note is that many of these individuals who are working for the White House Communications team and have been named by the upcoming biden administration, have direct ties to american mainstream media. For example, corinne jean pier, she worked as a political analyst for n. B. C. And m s n b c. Weve had psaki herself for a long time. Worked as a c. N. N. Contributor simone sanders. She also has had ties as a c. N. N. Political commentator, and she ended up joining the biden harris campaign. So it seems like the obama days may be back upon us. Were getting a staff of familiar faces that will be running the White House Communications under a future. Biden harris administration. I haint us assassination. Thats how the United Arab Emirates has described. Fridays killing of irans top nuclear scientist, also boasting concerns on deepening tensions in the middle east. The emirates condemns the crime of the assassination. It cozier no sides to practice the greatest possible restraint. So as to avoid dragging the region to new levels of instability and threats to peace. Their attacks sparked uproar in irans capital with rioters burning the flags of israel and its ally the us, as well as torching portraits of donald trump and joe biden. All demanding war with america to iran, immediately blamed the incident on israel, which denies the accusations. Heres what is known about the assault tehran is buying retaliation, which will only aggravate the triangle of tension between the us israel and iran, as it goes on, explains that creates a real headache for a future biden administration. So far its really up to run to make accusations and israel along side with the us quite expected lee are its prime suspects. Warning against any adventurist stick measures by the United States and israel against my country. Particularly during the remaining period of the Current Administration of the United States in office. The Islamic Republic of iran reserves its right to take all necessary measures to defend its people and secure its interests. In response. Israel, the one country whose spies might actually know more about iran than iran knows about itself. Has had this to say. I have no clue who did it is not that my lips are sealed because im being responsible. I really have no clue. And the United States, the same United States that kicked off 2020 with an open assassination of irans top general has been completely mute this time. And it would be perfectly fine given the total lack of evidence and nation thousands of miles away from iran had anything to do with the killing except in the past 2 weeks. Several unconfirmed reports claim that donald trump was seeking options to attack iran to further detail its nuclear program. Factories that there would make a perfect target given he was quite a celebrity for israeli intelligence. Remember the name 5 years ago. So heres his director right here. And uses the journalism is to announce the closure of project ahmad. But then he adds special activities. You know, what are those special activities will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments. And in fact, this is exactly what iran proceeded to do. It continued this work in a series of organizations over the years. I know for preside a well he does know how well i know him. If i met him in the street, most likely i would recognize him. He does not have a minute. He did not have immunity, and i dont think he will have immunity by aggravating iran. Trump would also be throwing a spanner in the machinery of joe bidens foreign policy. Given that the president elect has hinted at a friendly, a stance on to iran would offer to iran a credible path back to diplomacy. If iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow on negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the Nuclear Deals provisions while also addressing other issues of concern and europe, whose leaders probably still have a p. T. S. D. Over januarys prospects of world war 3. Have been pointing out that this latest killing creates a tough road ahead for biden, a few weeks before the new u. S. Administration takes office. It is important to preserve the scope for talks with iran, so that the dispute over Irans Nuclear program can be resolved through negotiations. We therefore urge all parties to refrain from any steps that could lead to a further escalation of the situation. During the past 4 years, trump has sent americas relations with iran, back into the pit of hostility, by unilaterally tearing up the nuclear deal, recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. And sending his top diplomat on a Charm Offensive to all of the middle eastern nations that oppose iran. Thats definitely what the israelis were aiming for. I mean, theyre there, theyre sure and hope is that the United States gets involved in a military action against iraq. Thats, thats their ultimate goal. Thats their ultimate objective. You know, void of that. The next best thing is to ensure that the United States doesnt improve relations with iran, by rejoining the Iranian Nuclear agreement. And the way you do that is to sabotage any effort at diplomacy. I mean, when you knock off the number one side just Irans Nuclear program in a suburb of tehran, in a whole daring daylight attack, youre not going to have the iranians go. Thats ok. Lets, lets get on with the plan. See, its going to get the reaction. Its getting right now. The hard line iranian response further restrict the efforts of not only shut down the efforts of International Inspectors in only increased International Concern that iran might be edging toward a military weapon is asian effort. This new high profile death. Even though theres no hard evidence to reveal, the culprits will only once again prove to tehran, that the raw power is hell bent on destroying it, and with the wounds from the assassination of general salim armies still fresh in the mind. No one can be expecting restraint from iran. Most teachers in norway fear personal consequences if they show cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class. A survey has found in the wake of last months murder of a french teacher summer party, who displayed such images to his students. When norwegian teacher says there are now very real dangers to those working in the profession. After the murder of some, well, i decided not to show them at all because i felt its one of all i felt my profession was attacked at the moment and the freedom of speech over expression was attacked, of course. And i wanted to find other ways to express myself and to achieve the same goal with my teaching. Because the characters get your drawings are not the gold. Theyre at just a part of criticism against our religion. And theres other texts we can use as well. According to the poll, most 2 thirds of teachers here showing the images and many worry about even bringing up related issues like concern about scaring students is the main reason. Given the negative reactions from students and parents are also a factor and friends parties, a brutal murder is proving extremely divisive. Present look around and says the cartoons are about freedom of speech, but muslims are outraged. On the answer to one of our competitors was murdered because he taught our compassion was the victim of an islamist terror attack. Was the norwegian teacher we spoke to and set educator should be free to decide how to explain religion to students. Theres the law on the is the law and it one hand and freedoms of speech on the other hand. And we can maneuver in between the limits of those. And i dont want to have anyone telling me which texts to choose in my teaching. I think its really important that teacher, its all around the world is allowed to to, to make those choices by themselves. We have the curriculum and we have these limits. And i think for us its really, really important too, to make choices about these things ourselves. The thing is that the each and curriculum has a very important main topic, thats democracy and citizenship. And we are teaching in with the law on one hand, the law against hate speech and in the right. And we have the human rights on the other hand rights. So we have to maneuver in, in between them and for us. And we will have to find a way to achieve, to develop the students skills and their, and ability to, to read attacks with a critical mind. And i think we can do that even though were not showing the least specific pictures. Thats been your news breakdown for this hour thats for tuning in wherever you may be

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