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Will cross the why real spot in the world . Why for most go, this is on the international. Its always going to kick off this out without breaking news right now. Coming from the ecuadorian capital of kito were an opposition candidates and the upcoming president ial election has been shot dead during a campaign. Riley on wednesday morning. I should warn you, you may very well find the following images disturbing for the job showing for the non the vin of asencion leaving the event as hes entering his car gun shots ring out. I wouldnt as a saying, he was hit 3 times. He died later of his injuries in the hospital as we understand that these 9 other people in the event will also include including 2 police officers. A, one of the government was killed by security staff with report saying there was 3 shooters. Equity was pro, to those expressions, condolences vowing the crime words go unpunished. You suggested organized crime was behind the shooting and 6 people who reportedly being detained in connection with this incident. Now for the relief essentially, it was matter that it just comes days before the 1st round of voting and the president ial election was a member of a Coalition Movement party and focused on pulling out corruption and organized crime. It was also a member of the National Assembly before it was dissolved in may and in response to the assassination too. While the president ial candidates have now announced they are spending that can pay. A bill of asencion revealed last week is campaign had received 2 death threats, and less than 48 hours, a link to one of the most powerful Drug Trafficking groups in ecuador. The 1st threat was against his Campaign Director and mentor for the city where the mayor was assassinated late last month. Separately, a year ago relapse asencion claim there had been a previous attempt on his life. When his house came on the gun fire. The funds has firmly rejected claims by need. Yeah. That it violated the countries as space and conducted in the attack on local military forces. Nevertheless, the west african nations such as the incidents enabled, quote, terrorist prisoners to escape from a detention facility. These have been imagine the site, 3 really serious events on the way and yeah, as a result of the behavior of the French Forces. So now territory on the 9th of august 2023 at around 6 30 am. That is, jerry and National Guards position came under attack. The number of casualties has not yet been established. However, through direct communication was less than part. Most of the behavior of the French Forces was criticized for hammons. You knew that certainly released capture terrorist prison. This all right, time to get more details. Now of course in life, you know, jerry and john, lets timothy of the guys who are very good morning to you. Timothy says it, why would friends attack a military units in the jet . I mean, do to, we have any i, there is anyone saying anything i the power so well the new crew government, what window on the issue is upfront, has immediately, you know, refuted those claims saying that they are in fact on true background that they did not attack the military installations, a Major Military uh, facilities that button these that went to alicia is saying that um you know, that friends released around 16, you know, uh, streaming or towers and that from so its also, you know, in shaded it, spare space. Ive taught and these are put a bond on the as far on, on its best place on wednesdays. So this is the announcement coming from the spokesperson jenner of duran main. She and i need what files is rejecting these claims. Im saying it did not, you know, uh, an inmate at the major s place and they did not, you know, attack, im so address in these are and just call me just hours now i had or from, you know, the, the meeting here in a blue job where an quest lead us would have to get a break, a way forward on this issue. Now that you know, its been for the students that deadlines that they have class that issued for for the so just to refund patuto mohammed presume. So typically we know that as you say, fonts has denied the accusations by new jab. What else do we know about the french position . Because i noticed that thing in the past 48 hours powers was saying it fully supports any kind of military intervention in need yet. What else do we know about the french position now . Yes, indeed, the french position remains that, you know, from supports. Um, uh you know, a military intervention or a i and the action or any dialogue, you know, that would lead to mohammed pursuing. But so im returning to power as the democratically elected president , a fragile fish all for what for the air the same. But in fact stopped the, the military aircraft in question, you know, was, was upgrades at, and it came into the shop with the calibration, of these as the military and our security forces. So what we know is that france, you know, also in the days ago said its with not recognized um, you know, orders from the home test saying that date or protest by the people of leisure are saying that they do not. They do not want to see french troops, you know, on the ground in these are products actually said, unless, you know, these 4 guys are coming from. Um, id like you to meet on friday about the country has recognized as you know, priced in pursuit or any members of his cabinet as we know, for example of the what we know the wes position on this essentially im and you also have Victoria Newton from washington, now i guess you might go to the my don midwife a, she flew into an age or a couple of days ago, essentially just telling people to restore the democratic order. Is it about restoring the democratic order to meet the or is it more to do with the amount of welf . I mean, for example, that the uranium indeed you add, the fronts relies on. So. Busy heavily, frances is mostly mostly Nuclear Energy. It has to get this, you radium for its Nuclear Power plants. Of course, america has a vested interest as well in the mentor reality of africa. So, so is it, is it, i mean, honestly, is it about economy and these kinds of things, or is it about restoring the democratic order on the west side of allies for need . Just say it is about restoring Democratic Court at the us, france. These are countries that we know, you know, for the opposition in a, when it comes to demo crazy around the world. So they are saying that this is the reason that demo crazy you know, is the reason why they are, you know, are taking the position that they are taking. We know that victor, a new land who was that days ago said she was there to make the position of the us very try to the news as someones as saying that, you know, lots would be a steak in terms of economy benefits. And in terms of, you know, benefits of the mit, a military that the us has thousands of. So just the and it has been, you know, helping these are in the 5 big games. Im go and Counter Terrorism operations. You know, and i was old, basically, this is the, the, what the western allies of leisure are saying, you know, are, are seen as the reason for the, some are positioned up. Theyre taking part the, its also important to note that, you know, no country you would want, you know, supplies that in the face. So, you know, heavily depend on, to be cut off just like that. France depends a lot on uranium from, from the share. So a want is i want to also think that, you know, the countries um, interest would be part of why france wants democracy to continue in. These are because the military going to bad are not, you know, right now cooperation with the friends of parties, life from a bu jeff local journalist that timothy ill be as soon thanks for that report is good to see. So just a quick reminder now as they are rapidly evolving events in each ad, a qu almost 2 weeks ago. So the military deposed the president and take control of the country. The military leadership in the army has since appointed a brand new Prime Minister. Since the uprising, the nations being hit with all sorts of sanctions from his neighbors to europe and america. But now for my heads of state of appeal to the echo boss, west africans belong to lift this restrictions claiming that just putting in us and due to their immediacy scale. In effect, these sanctions are unprecedented in the history of our Common Organization and of the level of our continent there unbearable and effective and inappropriate and will have unimaginable catastrophic consequences on this year. And especially on its hard working population already sorely tired by it. And these areas off the 1st country of itself, the Economic Force of echo was it the purpose of his targeted molly but to gain a fast. So im getting e with a buy raja of financial and economic sanctions following military codes there as well. But we spoke to the locals about the impact fees, restrictions have on my everyday life the because the sanctions always have harmful consequences in the especially way on and countries most since sanctions were imposed in mali, the countries accounts have been frozen. This has had an impact on food prices. We have seen prices go up from what was sold at a 100 francs is now double that price. So the sanctions were really negative for the country. No federal gun. I support the people of news here because it is the people who always suffer in such situations. Whether with a democratically elected president or with the president who merge from a cruise to people suffer. I call him nicholas to reconsider its approach because sanctions do not affect the leaders, the always affect the population. As is the case in molly, i cause should directly target the leaders of my wells far in the population. Otherwise, only the people are being affected to them. In my opinion, what valley has done as good as it is defending africa. I can say that i support that cool. The new year, the way echo was decided to intervene is not good for me. It is necessary to engage in negotiations instead of pressing on the chair with military interventions that would make coup looters. Seat bowers, echo what should negotiate. When we say to a full months senior a, tonight, jerrys and terry administer, whos all of the view the from says interest and 8. And he just simply boils down to, well, the wealth. Thats that to potentially exploit. Yeah. Action was because of the people got tendencies or friends that has special interest in new get friends. Interest is no more than exploitation of the people of new jersey, as well as continuous position on use each of proceeds of the uranium for each one benefit. And youve got 4 easterns, weve the, the french and government d. I is this port of new jersey. You rodney, on george, to be the best in the worlds most single, that tricity is provided by the french government for the new jet people. As most of the villages, a major 1000 new jet gets a lot of electricity from that g d i. We told not to be the cost for post military action was born, act of the selfish interest continues to be next. A new colonized need. You accept people, i know that in new jersey and people of, i work in the bid for us because for the board from the citizens of major admitted to dont to do a quality below of for us. And given the technician, what is by as pauses, almost defeats and continuous exploitation of need your resources, i need you to people to get the tournament. Another key factor to notice as we were talking about earlier in the chair, is among the biggest produces of uranium in the world. Uranium is vital for Nuclear Energy is key to powering economies and peoples homes. The bulk of the new jerry, i know uranium goes straight to the you, but specifically from since one of the reasons many analysts say as to why power is remains so interested in maintaining its links with the west african nation. The since the military take all the French Company around, always exploits the uranium in the share in the region of aga, this specifies that the employees continue to do their work. However, the opinion of the population on this exploitation is mounting, the favor, riotous, and the streets have called for this French Company to stop and leave these. Yeah, the for decades of the exploitation of uranium in these. Yeah, nothing has changed in the day we live here. People of these yeah, face factors such as fan and unemployment. So like a floor to and like i felt like tricity and all this for these different reasons. So the people want to break with fonts on the exploitation of uranium, the people of these, yeah, all scheme that old ties with frogs should be cut off on life for you right now. A former advice of tunisia is also the president as want of the potential of an old out more on that comes on different feed echo was launches military action against the country, details on line from out on it are women and a 4 year old girl. Theyre being killed off of the city of dont yet skins on bass came under ukrainian shilling. 27 times on wednesday evidence now a potential war crimes been collected on a nearly daily basis. As our correspondent ill explain, or these are just some of the natal needs shell fragments discovered by j. C. C. C, that were used by ukraine against a peaceful civilians here in dunbar. Us. You can see various weapons including a g m, 88 harm, including the high mars multiple launch rocking systems, including it. Search is made the grad, michelle. Now take a look at this one here. Now this is a shell from a high morris multiple launch iraq, a system that was discovered in a residential area now over the last year or so. Ukraine began using cluster ammunition against residential areas as well. Now, these are designed in order to cause maximum damage to enemy manpower. However, these have been used against civilians by the key of regime and their use against civilly as could be described as none other than terrorism experts. And the joint sensor for control and coordination had been identifying and assessing the characteristics of the fragments, craters and damage caused by these deadly ammunition to civilians and civilian infrastructure. All of the analyze data from shedding sites is regularly transmitted to the investigative authorities. And we all just fragments of sub munitions of 165000000 mates across to cyber artillery shells, which do noted states handed over to ukraine in july. You were added to the deadly collection in just a way to print in forces use cluster munitions, mold and 5 times and downs. The Populated Areas considering that this type of munition is intended for mass destruction of and the Mainland Power and is prohibited by the relevant convention. We cannot to go to cranes action as anything other than to rise into civilian population. So so this the jc easy, so you just received another called ukrainian nation is just shows and now the area hands were found out that one person was skilled. This is their car right now, they will put on there and munitions just like they do every single day when they go to document all the war. Crimes committed by the Ukrainian Military and these guys are risk in their lives on a daily basis for food. Nobody knows which a story or whatever on the fundamental and Ukraine Forces have been used as southern tactics recently, is specifically the use of it made would ive gotten multiple launch rockets, systems alone side similar you as high most systems security. But in this month, you create a match. We started using kolowski munitions with 155 minute limits, and kind of bought hillary exclusively to target residential areas in the doe. Next group public, they hit kindergarten schools, hospitals, and public transport. This file structure upon arrival at a scene of yet another tragedy, j. C. C. C, specialist big fruit craters in search of shell fragments. Sometimes they are hard to miss. Not often enough. Theyre very deep on the ground. The shocking discoveries are eventually entered into the unified electronic database of war crimes, which stores old, documented facts on the arm, the aggression of ukraine. Since april of 2014 another. Several show fragments from weapons made by nato countries provided to ukraine will be added to the collection of the joint sensor for control and coordination. Then these fragments will be sent for further analysis. Now once a conclusion is made, once the special military operation is over and ukraine and aggression is history. These will be a part of the tribunal over war criminals that killed civilians here and done boss from on. Call for of hardy done that screwed public. A pack of stones Prime Minister as coals a parliament to be dissolved paving the way for a general election under the constitution elections that should be held for the 19 days of parliaments dissolution. However, the outgoing governments already wall in the polling is likely to be delayed due to security and an ongoing political crisis. The announcement came as an appeal hearing go down to waive the former Prime Minister in ron khan, and he goes slap behind boss last week. Hes been to the honda of political time while since he was ousted as Prime Minister last year. And he remains shoot really popular, but has now been bought the politics for 5 years. I mean, while washington is said, is concerned with any actions and pack a style that could contribute to instability and violence becomes as the intercept news outlet published a cipher between pack of stones, im about to go to america at the time of cons, ousting and state department officials, youre going to want to learn a bit more about this without these caleb bump. The recently revealed diplomatic cable concern. Is that what im wrong con, told his supporters all along was true. Washington did it. The intercept has now published the text of the diplomatic table that shows that the Us State Department made one thing clear to the pakistani officials they met with m. Ron con, must go. I think of the know confidence vote against the Prime Minister succeeds. All of us are given in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister. So what exactly does he mean when he says all will be forgiven over the visit to moscow . Well, apparently, one of the main reasons the United States wanted to get rid of him wrong con is because he went and visited russia. And furthermore, he wasnt lining up with the United States when it came to ukraine. However, washington still insist this does not amount to meddling. Yes, its a, its a record reporting to be a pack, a stand, a document. I cant speak to whether it is an actual pakistani document or not just simply dont know with respect to the comments that were reported. Not gonna speak to private diplomatic exchanges. Other than to say that even if those comments were accurate as recorded, they in no way showed United States taking a position onto the leader of pakistan on a b. Now these revelations shouldnt be a shock or to any of em. Ron con supporters from the moment his allister was in the works, he was raising the alarm cipher was read out in the cabinet. Then i presented at the National Security council where all the Service Chiefs were present. Why did i present that . Because this was a blatant intervention and then done on a for as a focused on a routine judge after him saying that what was now revealed in this cable to be true. And. 4 on con, last not only his power, but his freedom, all of this should be kept in mind. The next time we hear us officials talking about foreign madeline, a k with marvin, all right, see new york among the 72 us military intervention. And since the start of the cold war, one in july and 19 the 70 ultimately paved the way for a cool that 3 years later. And now 5 decades on former top d. C. Official, Henry Kissinger has revealed previously and details and thought hes Rachel Blevins picks up the store of nearly 50 years after a violent government overthrown in chalet. Supported by the United States, newly declassified documents are giving insight into attempts by then president Richard Nixon. To prevent the election of the country socialist liter, before the crew of 1973, there was the attended to of 1970. 1 of the event of this year is of that attempt appeared to be none other than pepsi co. C. O donald kendall, whose company was putting up images of peace, love, and happiness. And its as recognize that this is the past with simple pleasures, places to see people and is the one color that belongs with every happy hopeful moment. The pepsi chief was concerned about the election of salvador i ended, and when it might meet for the future of his company. Thats when kendall introduced the Nixon Administration to one of the richest men in chalet, media, mobile, and publisher. Augustin Edwards Edwards visited washington dc in september of 1970 where he and the pepsi cheap had a breakfast. Meeting with the National Security advisor, Henry Kissinger, and attorney general john mitchell. According to the classified documents obtained by the National Security archive. Edwards then met with president nixon in the oval office, a meeting he never publicly acknowledged until his death in 2017 hours later records show that nix. It had a meeting with ben c, a director, richard house, where he gave the order to come up with a game plan which was described in a telegram from the ca. It is firm and continuing policy that will end a b of a thrown by 2. It would be much more preferable to have this trust by prior to the 24th of october, but if its in this regard, will continue vigorously beyond this stage. We ought to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this and utilizing every appropriate results. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the u. S. G and the american hand be well headed. But the commander in chief of the julian army was standing in their way. So the plan was to kidnap him in an effort to force the military takeover, but that also a part when he fought back and was left with fatal injuries. While the general was dying at the hospital in october of 1970 transcripts obtained by the National Security archive show that nixon was on the phone with kissinger lamenting the plan that had just fallen apart. Whats happening in chile theres been a turn for the worse, but it hasnt triggered anything else. The next move should have been a government takeover, but that hasnt happened yet. You mean, if something happened, the people would get so disturbed that they would take over the government . That was necessary, but they were approved incompetent. Bunch, they are out of practice. So they werent able to stop salvador. I end from becoming president in 1970. But the next administration did continue their quest to remove him from office. On september 11th 1973. As he was surrounded by the us back plotters and the military, he can done that for betraying narrows to the chile and people and refused to surrender. Taking his own might not violent too, was made possible by Augustin Edwards who was paid to provide the propaganda any as newspapers and continued to do so. I should like lived under military dictatorship for the next 17 years, during which an estimated 40000 people were tortured, more than 3000 until hundreds more disappeared. And we were discussing the storage stability i with professor of latin american inquiry and studies at new York City University of daniel show 50 years after the anti democratic cool. Inside the i with a chilly against salvador idea ending the democratically elected president. And she lay at the time, kind of a bernie sanders, s social democratic figure. He was always found. Here again, we have this inclusive proof that the c i a, that henry, jason jet at the state department that the president himself, the c o us interior lives. Im Richard Nixon followed blow by blow every detail of these crew the same thing they did in 1953 to make the most the day again to arrive the same thing they did in 1953 to how coble are bins in guatemala city. So here again we see uh the true resumed its uh, the true purpose of this, the i september 11th, the original september 11th, which will have its 50, thats our anniversary. Next months. Whats the date that they choose . They know how to spend on a dime. They have uploaded a budget to this day. So on the 880000000000. 00 publicly through the state departments quote unquote defense budget, which is really offensive budget for the c i, a to wards, any truly participatory democratic governments that they see as being an obstacle to their domination across the world. I mean simmering tensions and them at least the israel takes you to stop wanting to the leader or that has belonged militant group in lebanon. The enemy must understand when it comes to israels security. Were all united anti war and has the secretary general house on the thrall uh not to make a mistake. Youve made mistakes in the past. Youve paid a very high price. If god forbid, an escalation will take place here or events of war. We will send loving on back to the stone age. Dont make mistakes. We dont want war, but we are prepared to protect our citizens are soldiers and sovereignty. Attentions have been increasingly strained as of late on the border between 11 on an israel. And while hostile rhetoric has been a common occurrence from both sides since the israel hezbollah war of 2006 relations funds depot, earlier this year, after a roadside bombing in northern israel in march, which was blamed on the militant group, well, professor of history of the Lebanese University doctor jamal y came believe despite the current

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