Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson Fri, Jun 25, 2021 Envy of None project with Andy Curran, Maiah Wynne Fri, Jun 25, 2021@5:25PM | comments Last week Rush's Alex Lifeson surprised fans by releasing two NEW instrumental tracks via his newly-minted official website at, coinciding with the release of his new signature Epiphone Les Paul Standard Axcess guitar. The 2 new tracks are titled Kabul Blues and Spy House, and both are available for listening online via his website here. Andy Curran plays bass guitar on both tracks and David Quinton Steinberg was recruited for the drums on Spy House, but otherwise it's all Lerxst. It turns out these 2 tracks are the first glimpses of a new Alex Lifeson side project collaboration with Curran, guitarist Alfio Annibalini and vocalist Maiah Wynne called