Transcripts For RUSSIA1 Vesti 20240703 :

RUSSIA1 Vesti July 3, 2024

Tolstoy was here. In the dmitrovsky district , a unique 16thcentury estate is being destroyed; this is how it will look after the planned restoration. The Investigative Committee is clarifying the circumstances of the terrible incident in the village of savelelyeva, dmitrovsky district, Moscow Region, an eightyearold boy with severe injuries. Injured in the hospital after a neighbors alabai attacked him. A huge dog, he often walks alone without a muzzle and is kept in fear throughout the entire area. Anastasia makina found out what punishment his owners now face. Hello sasha has been in the hospital for a week now, a scalped wound, numerous bites and nightmares, all this is the result of an ordinary walk with his brother. The dog followed us. Sasha ran towards the tree and she attacked sasha. I climbed into the field and began screaming for help, sasha screamed, he was wheezing, my heart was beating very strongly, and i was afraid for sasha, i was driving, a boy was standing on the field and waving his arms, but i thought he was playing, and when caught up with the field, he he says, help, screams, the boy points into the bushes, so i looked the dog, the other boy, they were dragging him like a rag , the neighbors called an ambulance, father sasha, still cannot believe what happened, he was conscious, in principle he understood everything, he reacted to everything, even tried to joke so that my mother would not worry. The wounds were so serious that stitches had to be applied for three hours under general anesthesia; a lung was bitten on this side, two ribs were broken. If the lung does not recover, another operation will be required. And this is the same dog, named alabai. That day he was walking alone without a muzzle leash. The house is surrounded by a fence more than 2 m high. The dog is simply not able to jump over it. We also did not find any tunnels around the perimeter. One can only guess how the kai leaves the territory of the site. The huge dog, as local residents told us, very often runs around the streets unattended. During the summer we walked every day, every day she ran and walked here, woofwoofwoof came up from behind and bit me. She tore the dog. Then here on another neighbor, she rushed, he chased her. After the attack on sasha, the owner of alabai behaved strangely, to put it mildly. This woman went to wash the dogs face of blood, invited everyone to her yard to see that the dog was in the enclosure, with a clean face, and that there were no traces of blood. And this is the first conversation with the boys parents, instead of apologies and explanations, only complaints. Yes, you dont want to talk to me . I want to talk to you. To the police because you are creating where you were when your young child was walking on a city road without a sidewalk, we also didnt have a dialogue with the dogs owners, hey, i broke your camera, can you introduce yourself, whats your name . A criminal case has been opened for causing grievous bodily harm through negligence; in the near future, the investigator will interrogate the owner of the dog, and the parents of the child will also be interrogated and recognized as victims. Village residents also wrote collective statements to the police, except for allabai, irresponsible owners keep two more large dogs, there is a list of dogs that are dangerous the corresponding governments, yes, there are 12 of them, alabai is not included in this list, however, as experts say, these dogs have a complex character, they definitely need to be trained, and under the control of dog handlers. Already in childhood, he began to show aggression, his owner teased him, set him on, so to speak , did things to him. And provoked him to attack, right from childhood, this is already a broken psyche, eightyearold sasha steadfastly endures numerous painful procedures every day. What will you do after the hospital . Lets go celebrate my birthday. Now he has two birthdays both in september. The maximum punishment that the owners of malobay may face is 3 years in prison. Anastasia makhina, alexander smytchik, ramilel batyrov, anastasia roif, vesti. A construction worker at the mytishchi Railway Station saw the elevated Pedestrian Crossing stop working. It was installed just a week ago and almost immediately the mechanism broke down. Even those who managed to take advantage of the innovation complain of serious inconvenience. Maxim oparin understood the situation. The video is almost like horror film with a terrible grinding sound, a platform with a mother and child is going down. Well, i pressed the button, the dispatcher answered, came out, sat us down, closed the door, and of course we didnt go the first time, but we still went. The builder installed the lifting mechanism at the station a week ago and worked on it for a couple of hours. Stood up for the elderly and mothers with children this is a real disaster. Valentina is pushing a stroller with her oneyearold son along the ramp; the eldest, who is only three, is scrambling nearby. Its just that this is additional physical activity, in principle, this is with one on the other hand, physical activity is good, on the other hand, it is twice a day every day. The yaroslavl railway divides the microdistrict into two parts on one side there are residential buildings, on the other there are hospitals, schools and kindergartens, but still a small child, you try to walk with him by the hand all the time, but well , you dont have enough hands to drag the stroller behind him. Raise the hand of the second, once upon a time, instead of a crossing, there was an ordinary wooden flooring, and pedestrian bridges were built on it for safety reasons. Then in 2017 we were told that in this transition according to at the request of us, as active residents, our needs will definitely be taken into account and an elevator will be built, please note, an elevator. And further correspondence, when the facility was being built, for some reason this elevator gradually began to be replaced by the concept of lifting mechanisms, which actually. Were built in the end. A lifting platform differs from an elevator in that it is serviced by an operator and a passenger cannot ride in it independently; moreover , it does not operate around the clock. The first problem is that the kindergarten works from seven, the platform works from eight. Im running they say we didnt turn it on, wait, in the end the lift stopped completely, the argument is not the closers, like electromagnets, in my opinion , they didnt install electromagnets there, that is, here it goes, but the door at the top remains open. As the local administration explained to us, this structure is on the Balance Sheet of russian railways, and mechanical damage was discovered on the very first day of work. To restore it, it is necessary to carry out an inspection of this platform by a Specialized Organization that installed this elevator equipment. After carrying out the necessary repair work, which is planned for the coming days, its work will continue, and we apologize to local residents for the inconvenience caused. How quickly the lifting mechanism will be repaired is unknown. For now, people have to climb onto the bridge, as before on foot. Maxim aparin, boris agapov, Egor Litvinov and dari sitnova, vesti. The Moscow Regional Clinical Institute named after vladimirsky offers residents of the Capital Region a free examination to detect cancer on early stage. According to statistics, in 95 of cases, this makes it possible to recover completely. Report by alexander sanzheev. Hello, doctor, come in and sit down. Rakhael georgievich lived on pins and needles all these last days. A strange chewing sensation in my mouth caused alarming thoughts. At a doctors appointment, i asked for an oncology test. Now this is done simply, this device with a special glow helps. Healthy mucous membranes normally have a green glow. Areas with altered cellular structure, oral cavity are not highlighted, are visualized as dark spots. The examination fortunately showed that there was no cancer. The device revealed a slight inflammation. The procedure is as simple and effective as possible in order to detect a cancer threat at an early stage. I am already over 80 years old, i want to be tested in order to live longer. Another patient came for a scheduled appointment with a dentist, having learned that she could undergo Cancer Screening, she also immediately decided to undergo an unfamiliar procedure. The doctor is pleasant, generally painless, answered all the questions, everything is quite clear, normal, good, for me liked. Such examinations of patients take place as part of the european week of early diagnosis of head and neck cancer. The oral cavity, because sometimes there are foci of malignant neoplasms, isolated dental ones, and sometimes these are already metastases, as a manifestation of a general disease, and the cancerous tumor is located somewhere inside, to detect cancer at an early stage, now everyone is taught. Which, even with proper treatment , mean a decisive revolution in the patients life. Of course , this patient is already disabled if she is eliminated. The onological tumor that she has, she will not have half of her face. Such an exchange of experience is invaluable for any beginner doctor, especially. Of course, it is important, yes, to have an idea of ​​some primary formations in the oral cavity, that is, we as doctors can see it, examine it, yes, already pass on all this information to other specialists, for that same oncological awareness. According to statistics, a malignant tumor that is detected at the first stage can be completely cured. In 95 of cases, so the benefits of such checks are completely obvious, and all residents of moscow and the region can undergo Cancer Screening in manikhki for free. Alexander sanzhiev, alexander merkuriev, anton odarchenko and georgy statnik. News. 10 film schools from the cis countries took part in the First International festival of student films ascension. The screenings will take place as part of a largescale project dedicated to film education. It is currently taking place at the site in gika, filmmakers can take part in the dmitrovsky district, the Moscow Region requires urgent restoration of the nikolskaya estate of the century obolyanino. A monument of federal significance has been empty for several decades and may very soon turn into ruins, and yet this place has the richest. Tchaikovsky bach rachmanin in the sound of the music that leo tolstoy loved, the Chamber Orchestra was located on the threshold of the main house of the nikolskaya obolyanin estate, the russian classic himself climbed these centuriesold steps more than once , balls and festive dinners were held here, a home theater was also developed here, and here was the Meeting Place of the alsufiev family and the tolstoys, as their close friends, the estate fell in the 19th century, it was acquired by retired general pyotr obolyaninov, vyazemsky Vasily Pushkin , alexander sergeevichs uncle, was received here, after which the estate was inherited by balyaninovs greatniece in her marriage to alsufiev, this family owned the estate until the revolution, you can Pay Attention to the original stove with tiles , which has been preserved, but unfortunately, time does its work, but , to be honest, its not time that does more than vandalism, the firefighters managed to react in time to put it out. Which someone started here on the ceilings of the echoing halls still have paintings, vines and flowers are dying in leaks, in the 20th century there was a rural school in the estate, the house was looked after, but for several decades now the monument of federal significance has been empty, collapsing before the eyes of those who are trying to protect it, the main problems are in the structures roofs, there were leaks , urgent intervention was needed , almost nothing remained of the galleries connecting the outbuildings with the main house, and the more symbolic is the openair exhibition and wings, the researchers of the Tolstoy Museum collected stories bit by bit of the alsufiev family, opening its unknown pages. Lev nikolaevich came here for 12 years, always taking his daughter, tatyana levna, with him, she was in love with mikhail alsyev and her letters are an invaluable source. Count alsfiev in his library, a landmark place loved by tolstoy, the novel sunday was created here, the writer found images of heroes in the village residents, the alsufievs were close to the writer in spirit. Peasant schools and a hospital operated on the territory of the estate. Family life was not like that accepted in aristocratic circles, in this hall, for example, every year they organized an allclass ball, invited adnozel residents to it, regardless of their position , while the alsufievs did not deny themselves the pleasure of having fun and dancing with everyone among the spectators and villagers and guests, those who have been coming here for decades, who have never been, for the first time here and the greatgrandson of tolstoy on his mothers side in the fourth generation. There is Great Potential here and god forbid thats all. By the bicentenary it will be possible to implement the plans laid down. And there are plans to open a branch of the Tolstoy Museum to create interiors, photographs, there are a lot of documents. On this one, for example, the central flowerbed, the villagers decided not to wait for major work. The people came with their flowers, with their shovels. This flowerbed is a symbol, probably, of the revival of the estate, or, well, its maintenance. The manor church where the last allafyev was buried has been restored. But this is what the estate itself could become after restoration, so far only in Computer Graphics in the conversations of those who drink tea from a samovar, listen to tarantella rossine and dream of gathering here for the opening restored architectural monument. Marina gromova, alexander merkuriev, inati bespalov and olga gribina, lead. The moscow zoo showed how the pallas cat timofey prepares for winter. On the eve of cold weather, the fur of these animals becomes thicker, the color changes, and they also actively search for food and noticeably gain weight. These shots show how wellfed she is. A wild cat is trying to get food from a bag fixed on a tree. Let me add that at the beginning of autumn timofeys weight was just over 4 kg, and by december he will be closer. This september has more than one a record, and at least two, well tell you about it after the advertisement, stay with us, a free credit savings card is beneficial in any situation , surprise, how great it is that we have a dog, how great it is that we have a credit savings card, apply for a credit savings card 120 days without interest, the most profitable in the country, each of us had our own star, some took care of us, gave us bright emotions, helped us take the first step in our destiny, and when we grew up, we gave it to our children. Star, its not our tradition to get sick. 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Open a deposit with the best Interest Rate in a couple of minutes in the banks mobile application. Its more profitable with berez prime. On air news, we continue the release an eighteenyearold resident of the capital was detained in moscow for breaking a turnstile in the metro. The incident on the stationkinskaya, taganskokrasnopresnenskaya line was recorded by a Video Surveillance camera. The young man kicks the doors and walks through the lobby, covering his face. But despite all the tricks, the police managed to quickly establish the identity of this man. It turned out to be him. An eighteenyearold resident of moscow, who a few hours later was detained in the northwest of the capital and taken to the department police. The inquiry has opened a criminal case under the article vandalism, a coercive measure against the suspect, because the obligation to appear. September of this year in moscow will be a record holder in two categories at once for warmth and lack of precipitation, and weath

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