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Is now active, their former employees to different clubs. Ilya gerkus won the countrys championship title with the locomotive. Pavel pivovarov, as the general director of dynamo, made dynamo probably the most fashionable and most discussed club in the capital. And here you are, yes. Here are the third stories, are these stories onevector or is it just a coincidence that zenit gave so many leaders to premier league clubs. Well, i must say that i would not limit myself to this list, because now there is quite a lot. People from zenit of that period ended up in the rfu, in other clubs, and actually in zenit itself there are a number of others my former colleagues are working now and are in very good hands. Its hard to say, i thought a lot about it, why then all the paths of these people converged, but the fact that it was a fantastic school is a fact, again, maybe you can even draw. Some kind of parallel with the current baltic, but then, it seems to me, then the club also gathered young, ambitious people who wanted to take the club to a new level with their work, well, what actually turned out to be successful, and it seems to me that, talking now with all my former colleagues, including the people you named, and i understand that the foundation that was laid then is still used today its clear that now some new experience is layered on top of him, some new trends, but the basic principles of work, the basic, uh, principles of Club Building in general, they were laid down then, in fact, i repeat, they are still successfully applied, now its as if a certain fashion has arisen in russian clubs, in those, including number that enter the premier league, relying on young leaders, this is the torch that roman askhabadze took on in the state of the team, which for several years in a row was supposed to be relegated to the second league, for various reasons remained first, this is both paris and novgorod, this is the baltic , thats what you connect it with, what do you think, so you come to football, they trust you, why, yes, thats why now the emphasis is on people who are about forty, well, it seems to me that time itself is dictating these changes, football is changing all over the world, yes, in my opinion it is changing for the better, towards more commercialization, maybe some people dont really like it, but on the other hand, this commercialization brings more entertainment to the matches, more quantity of everything whats going on around the match, yeah, uh, that is the match becomes interesting not only as a sporting event, but also as a general time for leisure, Family Leisure , including, of course, in order to implement these ideas, in order to make this more and more brighter, of course, it seems to me that we need somewhat different thinking, yes, somewhat different , again apply principles, in my opinion these principles are more typical for young leaders, but as for kaliningrad, one cannot say that we have area , in principle, this seems to me to be a trend, starting from governor, and, in fact, further at almost all levels of government in the region. Quite young, the employees are working, quite young specialists, and it is clear that the region, including, i think, due to this , due to a fresher view of some kind, yes, due to this, more modern, modern methods used, again, the region is blooming, the region is developing, we see by the number of tourists who come there from year to year, more and more, in the summer it is extremely difficult, both from st. Petersburg and from moscow in general, to even get to kaliningrad , due to the number of. Tourists, in fact, by the way, we faced this problem, some clubs that came to us at the beginning of the season also faced this problem, but for now, in my opinion, these steps bring result, it means they are correct, you, as the general director of baltika, worked with two very colorful coaches, well , you worked with one, work with the second, we are talking about evgeniy koleshin, who now heads akron, about sergei ignashevich, who brought baltika from the best league in the world to the premier league, what an experience it was, because you are faced with strong personalities who are trying to convince that their point of view is both a priority and correct, yes, these are the decisions. You made when you just encountered them, how easy was it to work with one now to work with the other . Well, first of all, i want to say that they are of course completely different, what unites them may be that they are both infinitely in love with football and endlessly want to win, but in Everything Else they are different they are completely specialists, but both of them have done a lot, now maybe not even touching on the sporting result, but have done a lot for the development and formation of the entire Club Structure in general. Evgeniy igorevich, being a person very passionate about football, he has the feeling that he devotes all his free time only to football, even studying materials in some unfamiliar languages, in particular there are some articles from coaches from south america, because that he doesnt speak spanish, but he translates because hes interested, he uh, it seems to him which, in fact, not without reason, it seems that new football trends are appearing there, that is, he is really , well, truly fanatical about football, this is certainly very cool, and when he came to the club, he began to pay a lot of attention to the rehabilitation of Football Players, the requirements for nutrition of Football Players, in general to the whole life outside the training process of Football Players, and at that time in the baltic, all this was not set at the proper level, not at the current level, so to speak, and he began to demand, demand these changes, which are now being brought to that among his fruits, he paid a lot of attention to the interaction of the club, the first team and the clubs academy, but he constantly interacted with coaches from the academy, that is, uh, from a Development Point of view, he is very collaborative, and we are very grateful to him for that, of course, and Sergei Nikolaevich is also devoted to football, but he is still uh, he , i think he appeared in the baltic when the baltic needed it, when we moved from a certain stage to a higher level, and Sergei Nikolaevich, taking into account his enormous experience of playing in top clubs, well cska, in particular, he came from the position of coach of a top club, yes, at that time he was not a coach of a top club, but nevertheless in his head. He already felt like one, and he became presenting the club with the highest possible demands is also, it is clear that we are not always able to fulfill these requirements yet, but nevertheless, we see some kind of guideline, yes, we understand what we need to go to, and Sergei Nikolaevich is in this sense, of course plays, uh, a colossal role for us, uh, well, i think that if we dont talk about football, football components, then these are the main key changes that. They brought to our club, but i am sure that after a year they will both occupy a very important place in the history of the baltic, please tell us why leonid kachenko appeared in the baltic, whose is it there was an idea, a coach who worked a lot with the kaliningrad club, a coach who, well, i dont know if you can say, is an icon of kaliningrad football, but at least he is the person who has his opinion, yes, when he says, why he says who it is. Doesnt ask what his role is, because when vadim goranin appeared in the baltic youth team, someone at first thought that this was option b, if ignashevich suddenly didnt work out, but it turned out that it didnt , yes, this is also a necessity so that vadim can get a coaching license by working, and by giving away some of his knowledge in return, thats what concerns tkachenko, what is this story about, tkachenko, leonidovich is a legend for our entire club, and for the entire region, and in recent years he has been is close to the club, but certainly did not take such a direct part as what is happening now in the life of the team , i would like to say, in general, that this entry into the premier league, the result of last season, but you cant talk about it, like, uh, you cant single it out just one, yes, you cant say that this is a victory for ignashevich alone, you cant say that this is a victory for the players, for management there, no, this is everything, a link in one big chain, yes, everyone, everything came together a little, yes, you can say like a puzzle, thats all finally uh for many, many years in history in the baltics, everything came together as it should, and lenind ivanovich also played an Important Role , because. Well, its no secret to anyone that he has vast experience in coaching, football, life, and Sergei Nikolaevich, given that he is, after all, despite his excellent football career, as a coach he is still still a novice specialist, yes, he doesnt work that much yet, in my opinion there are still some dark spots for him in this profession, naturally, yes, and just in order to receive. Some information from taking into account the colossal coaching experience, leonit ivanovich was invited, and its worth saying separately that lonit ivanovich took his role absolutely correctly from the very beginning, he said that i know what its like when a more experienced coach is introduced to a coach, yes, i understand that its very important here not to go too far, its very important not to impose any of your opinions, but its important to speak up when youre asked, when the coach needs your advice, and in my opinion he coped with this role brilliantly, uh, hes always been with the team, he was always ready to answer any question, as i once said, he s like you know, a kind grandfather who has an answer to everything, that is, any Football Player could and does approach him, a coach can approach him at any time. Moment i could talk to him, consult, and on any topic , this applies to tactics and preparation of the team and the details of the departure, everything, any facets of the teams life, he had an answer to everything, i think he brought such calmness and confidence , in general in the life of the team, for which of course we very grateful, by the way, they say his 70th birthday is in a few days , we congratulate him, boy the club, which is now arousing a lot of interest for various reasons, and the person of the head coach and ambitious statements, suggests that starting from this season. The team does not receive money from the state from the budget and the team sets itself the task, i dont know if this is in the kpi or its just a goal, to become completely selfsufficiency in the near future, so the baltic and selfsufficiency, the baltic and the budget, as far as it is now, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, a sore, not sore topic, of course, we would all like to eventually achieve selfsufficiency, and of course, balttika, with all its activities in recent years, is trying to increase income from its own commercial activities as much as possible, the premier league in this sense is a very good help for any club, since this is access to the federal level, this is access to the federal channel, and of course, it is much more interesting for potential sponsors, partners, and it is much more interesting to work with us now, given that we are showing ourselves how, i repeat, as a bright club, we know how to work with sponsors, we, despite the fact that we continue to learn, but we already have quite a lot of mechanisms, and interaction with sponsors has been mastered, we have something to offer, and i i understand that over time the activity will only develop, i think that, well, answering a possible question, can the baltic region live without government funding . I think that now at the moment, if we play in the premier league, because no one has canceled this money from tv broadcasts, which is enough play an Important Role for us, i think that baltika could exist, it is clear that it would be completely different, completely different expenses, probably different players, but the club would not close, now is the time in our football when we go very often on thin ice, i mean from the point of view of all information. It is being discussed whether an active Football Player, like dziuba, has the right to be one of the heroes, participants in such a show in which he plays an Important Role, is it possible to make videos with a direct reference to films about some gangster stories, times, here someone thinks that there is nothing wrong with this, someone thinks on the contrary that there is some kind of taboo, but for the baltika in the matter of positioning itself, including through club media, where the red line is probably not only ours question yes. The last loud european scandal napol and ossinchen, when the club had to veiledly apologize for the fact that, well, they, i dont know , released such a video, such a joke, which the player was offended by, well, we naturally take everything very seriously, what comes out on club channels, in club channels, on club resources, its difficult for me to say now whether there is some kind of red line, as you say, but certainly we have questions that we do not want to appear. Certainly, but it seems to me that at the moment we have not been seen in any outof theordinary content, that is, nearby yes. Therefore, we do everything privately, so to speak, that is, everyone, everything that comes out to us is controlled, scrutinized, and , accordingly, released or not released, if in one of the interviews you said that today it is very true the way to be strengthened by legionnaires from south america, in the baltic, if im not mistaken, there are now three such players, two from chile, one from bolivia, and this is the necessary set, no more is needed yet, im just talking about the ratio. Its about the ratio of players who can give something, not only in terms of development, but give in a very short term, because if you look at the composition of the baltic, then besides foreigners, the players there are Young Players who will grow and there are no those who are well would already have some kind of large share in the russian football, well, this is one of such a part of the concept of our club, we are absolutely sure that young Football Players can play, they need to be given time, they need to be given a chance, and we also analyzed a lot during our work in the first league and actually reaching the premier league. League, and even the first match, despite the results that we are showing so far, i am sure that they will improve, i am sure that we should take our place in the middle of the table, after all, but even these matches showed that the young guys can play at this level there is no need to be afraid, its all, its all in the heads, everything is in the heads of. The Football Players , that is, the young guys, as well as, strictly speaking, the young foreigners too in the first match, by the way, it was very noticeable, they they dont have any kind of closedmindedness in their heads, they are not afraid of anything, for them its just another match, like uh, i really liked it, in my opinion, before the match, before the first match with sochi this season, yes, i talked with tamerlan musaev , i say, well, how worried are you, what is your impression, this is jitters, he says, no, but what . Worry, its just football, its just another. Match, he, he didnt, no, it wasnt his nose in the air, no, in no case, he absolutely sincerely said that yes, these are the same people with which you just need to play football, this mentality, which in my opinion is characteristic of so many young Football Players, they have no fear, well, anyway, you are now at the bottom of the standings, which is probably logical for a debutant, but if you look at who is next with you to look at the situation in the season as a whole, the situation is complicated, because in the last. Championship there were clearly outsiders torpedoes and khimki, from some point it became clear that they would be the ones leaving the premier league, now there is no such team, there is a torch nearby, which probably has a minimum budget and enough meager staffing, but the torch still already has experience of fighting for survival, successful experience, yes, next to orenburg, in which there is an excellent selection of players , the coachs task is simply so that the team does not play below its capabilities, nearby is a not entirely clear sot. And sochi is probably the most unstable now team, but still, if you look around, you find yourself in the company of those who know how to survive, these are different tasks and different psychology to survive and think about a place in the middle of the table, when everything is still going, well , probably not like i wanted, yes, this is exactly what we didnt want, that we had players with a survivor mentality, lets see where this leads, but we at the club believe that this is. The right path, we are just they didnt want to invite Football Players for whom the premier league is exclusively a fight for survival, for which there is nothing but these last four places, and from which we need to move away, no, we want us to have players who look higher, who want to rise higher, develop, perhaps move to stronger clubs, perhaps as part of the baltika and to achieve greater success, in my opinion. Within the framework of this transfer company we managed to gather such Football Players, foreigners, who, by the way, most of them are also very, at such a young age is located, and the guys, these are guys who will still develop, will still become stronger, and i think that in the future they will bring benefits on the football field in terms of subsequent resale, and from the point of view of the commercial activities of the club, again, why we, too. At the same time, it cannot be said that we have experienced guys, we have zhirov, who has already played in a lot of places , and who has told a lot, we have aslanzhanayev, and indeed one of the key roles, in this convey your experience reassure a little younger colleagues in such key matches, because it is clear, despite the fact that i said that the guys are not afraid of anything, but of course, when you come for the first time in your life to play with spartak or zenit, you find yourself in this situation these crazy arenas, even though the fan sections are empty now, you can still feel the atmosphere. Of course, our knees may tremble a little, but we have guys who can support our young colleagues at this moment, and i repeat, i think that now having gotten used to it a little, but already having been beaten a little, and having made some bumps, i think that we will begin to gain points, the last question, kiril, are there any, well, not just unresolved complex problems in the baltic now, complex tasks that need to be solved in the near future which requires maximum concentration, maximum effort, with the exception of the tournament position, well, in fact, now i would say that this is the main task, one way or another, all other directions still depend on the sport, i really want it to in the long term, uh, the club was not as dependent as many clubs in europe are, it was not so dependent on the sporting result that the fans would just come to root for their guys. For your club, regardless of how the team plays, but at the moment, the role of sports results is still extremely high, so i really want in the coming matches we have already begun to gain our strength, to show not only a good game, but also it was in the first matches of the season, but also to rise up in the standings, so we are putting all our efforts into this now, and with Everything Else i am sure that we will figure it out, thank you, good luck to the baltic for this project, i hope the word doesnt offend in any way, this project is really interesting to watch, it was russian football, it was kiril volzhenkin , we dont say goodbye, well see you in a week, its infectious, it tears at your voice and nerves, you cant count the beats per minute, it brings you to wheezing, to goosebumps, to fever, to tears, sick with football, cheer for football at the stadium, get a fan card at gosuslu. 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