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Even pierce an iron cabinet. Tell us about the role of snipers in this confrontation, there were snipers near the white house, yes there were, but near ostankino, but there were no snipers near ostankino, there were not some random snipers, there were special forces there, they had military personnel who had just they came from chechnya, everything else, and so they shot, near the white house, there of course. Its not clear who shot, but at least in the materials of the criminal case not a single sniper has been identified, and why did this happen, because many witnesses say that they did exist, there were snipers, they were just unrecovered, there was an opinion, and i think this is my opinion too, that it is possible that a command was given for snipers to be installed, but specifically even. One of the snipers should not be named, well , for example, many people said, from the shots, it was somewhat similar that they could shoot from the roof us embassy, ​​but please tell me, yeltsin would have sent someone on the roof of the us embassy, ​​unlikely, unlikely, but then again. That means they said a lot that the snipers were from israel, pentalginel, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation, pentalgen extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, but my business works without your it stuff, it works soso , mom, you can do better, youre so smart, you manage my salon, its easy, so one fine day i got into the world of business, technology will help in any unclear situation, we open a savings account and connect services, let clients choose a convenient time themselves, and so that no one is late, reminders in instant messengers, Financial Analysis by masters and general throughout the salon, its that simple. It stuff . 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These are the snipers who were in ukraine, i personally saw one of them on the roof of the american embassy, ​​maybe it was just a frightened Security Guard who suddenly decided to join the shooters. I dont dare to judge, but it was not investigated. What kind of bullets were in the bodies of those killed near the white house . Were they ours or foreign . You know, well, firstly, all this went through examination, everything was ours, i can tell you, almost 99 , no matter what bullets were fired, as a rule, the bullets, the bullets themselves, when it passed through the threaded barrel. Then it hit a persons body and then they took it out of there , its impossible to establish what and whose bullet it is, its amazing, in those days crowds of onlookers gather near the white house to observe with their own eyes the power confrontation, the whole the embankment area is crowded with people. The most curious and desperate ones take places on the roofs, the white house is here in full view, for them everything that is happening is a political performance, where the ending will be bloody and terrible. The worst thing is that there were a huge number of people standing on the bridge who applauded after each shot, but what were they applauding . Democracy over a conservative parliament. Many onlookers, the most desperate, ran to the white house, on the ground floor, through broken glass, windows, they entered, on the right side there was a room management of the affairs of the Supreme Council and there was a storeroom where gifts were kept that deputies, the Supreme Council, gave during official meetings and delegations. And these people, who can almost be called looters, penetrated, despite the shots, despite the fire starting there, which means they dragged these boxes from there. Towards evening, the entire top of the white house. Rudskoy behaved confidently, apparently due to his rich military experience. Did you have the opportunity to leave the white house and avoid arrest . Avoid, but its the same thing escape. Well, how would they treat me after that, that is, you dont have such thoughts at all. No, this is not in my rules, firstly, im still, uh, a military man, and i clearly and clearly understand what betrayal is, so im not capable of doing this, leaving people to run away, as i was going through, so, when the alfovites left, we went out, as they ordered, and we are waiting, then korzhakov appears shouting, khazbulatov, rudskoy, so go there and he was with the alfovets, and he answered the questions of the deputies, he said, thats what they said comrades, and says this way not a single hair will fall from the head of the khazbulats, we go out, heres an interesting thing, and theres such a black crowd, hes in front, everyone there said that snipers can shoot at me, theres a chip there, suddenly he goes down this interest officer, who was walking ahead of me , was supposedly tying a shoelace, and then i thought that he had lowered himself down on purpose, maybe so that someone would shoot, and why werent handcuffs put on the russian woman . What, why, are they criminals, or what . Didnt makashov swear . Well , as far as i remember, he was in the fay, he was silent, he when he got on the bus, he started talking a little, well, he was talking about betrayal, they betrayed their homeland, the country, well , they told him that such defenders were better not needed for the country, and he fell silent, detained them. In white house and took them with an escort, they were each placed, given an office, and i had to interrogate albert mikhailovich makashov, and what did makashov say, why did he still side with krutsky and khazbullatov, when this whole situation happened, he came to moscow and appeared to krutsky and was appointed deputy minister defense, he at least. spoke about the need to save the Russian Federation , russia, that is, for the sake of saving the country, he joined, naturally, what did you do in prison, how they treated you there, in prison they treated me very well, starting with the head of the prison, everyone was just like that, you know, well, with a desire to help in some way, but what did you do . In prison, read books, in prison, wrote, endlessly, wrote, finished my book, conclusion of the world economy, and wrote feverishly from the memories of the great russian tragedies, every day they brought books, books, i read them, wrote them, it means, what did you do, what did you think, what did you feel when you were in liforto, were you not afraid that you would stay there for several years, i was afraid of only one thing in my life , when he served in the army and fought in afghanistan. Look my wives, children, parents in the eyes, if i lose someone, in what conditions were rudskoy, khazbulatov, makashov kept, who was in the cells with them . Makashov told me for a while, im sitting here, i cant even talk, im sitting with a black man, but then we werent particularly interested in who they were sitting with, you werent alone in the cell , at first i was sitting in solitary confinement, then they gave me ducks so that they would knock, what am i saying, then. Again in solitary confinement, just like that moved from place to place, after 4 and a half months in february 94, all participants in those events, without waiting here, will be amnestied, without restrictions on participation in politics. During this time, 58 of the country adopted a new constitution, which, among other things, abolished the post of vice president. I didnt sign the amnesty because signing an amnesty is an admission of guilt, is it really my fault that the president violated the constitution, the fundamental law of the state, no, i didnt sign, everyone signed except me, everyone was released, they kept me for a whole week, then they released me. How fair do you think that all the instigators were eventually given amnesty, all the instigators were not yet punished, kazbulatov and russkaya were also victims, they were amnestied, amnestied, or rehabilitated, there is a difference, that is, i was forgiven, what did you feel when you came out . To freedom, but i didnt feel anything, you know, no relief, some kind of detachment. That is, all these romantic expectations that i shared, i was such a supporter of gorbachev, as were most russian intellectuals, that all faded away, in the end there was hope, okay, they defeated the ussr, lets at least have something in the Russian Federation then we will do it for society, for the people, how fair is it in your opinion, that rutskova and khazbullato were eventually given amnesty, they did the right thing, why were they heroes . You know, i dont really want to do it. To answer this question, when i looked, two teams fought, yeltsin, rudsko and khazbullatov, together they strangled the soviet side, they are together. We worked with these assholes who came to destroy it, they signed all the documents together, because they didnt share something and fled, Boris Nikolaevich categorically did not allow them to be released from prison, kazannik ordered their release, well, i cant even tell you what happened around Boris Nikolaevich, because he was angry to the extreme that they had to be released from there, such a result, in relation to the state committee for the promotion of crimea, is simultaneous, the same resolution, thats my opinion, if you were to involve, then it was necessary to bring to justice both parties, victims of the october revolution of the year ninetythree, exactly this yeltsin will define that event , there will be almost 200 people, at least a thousand wounded, the white facade of the white house will remain for a long time a reminder of what exorbitant ambitions, refusal to compromise and rash decisions that were made without taking into account risks and consequences. But you dont feel responsible for the deaths of people in 1993, and did i give the command to shoot and kill people . Of course, i have it. Lets quietly leave, because its unclear how it will end, of course there is a share of my fault, but the main culprit of what happened is the president of russia, yeltsin and the perpetrators, erin, grachov, firstly, ill tell you honestly, that even after 30 years, i believe that i dont know everything. With the death of the minister of state security barannikov, who died very quickly after those events, but was it still possible to avoid bloodshed . Well, it was necessary to arrest yeltsin, there was no other way, if there was one . You see, i was also afraid of rutskois gang of sbulls, i was very afraid, and rudskoi was a follower, khazbalatov was smart, insidious, strong, and he crushed rudskov, he would have forced rudskoi to shoot the kremlin, everything came to a certain dead end, because of course, no one wanted blood from the side, the president , of course, from the supreme one. The council had military people, tough ones, who wanted, thought that they will be able to overthrow yeltsin, by force, but they simply didnt succeed, it was possible and necessary to avoid bloodshed, but this required yeltsins departure, which he and his team categorically did not want, you know, the fact is that every the side believed that the instigator. Is the other side, i, as the chairman of the house of parliament at that time, i will say that both sides were to blame, and you met with yeltsin after you were released, in the nineties there was a fair in Nizhny Novorod and there i met yelets, they stood with borya nemtsov, and i was friends with boris. Well, i tried to kind of pass by, i heard yeltsins voice, alexander vladimirovich, where are you, come here, i came up , its customary here, i say, i wish you good health, that is, you were the first to offer your hand, no, i wish you good health, he holds out hand, said hello, and nemtsova says we have it, he says, we have it, well , they poured it, you say, forgive me, please, i didnt think that. It would end, thats all, and i didnt see him again. Many of the main characters of these events have already passed away. Yeltsin died in april 2007, khazbullatov in january, fillatov in august of this year, we wrote the last two shortly before their death, and it seems that they were sincere, remembering those tragic days for the entire country. Do you think you and rudskoy made some mistakes in those days, naturally, you did, what would you have done differently, i dont know, they were weak, uncertain, we could have won, but what would have happened if the supporters of russian izbel had won , we would nt be talking here now, the Supreme Council was also very colorful, because only they wanted the return of the ussr, others wanted a more nationally colored state there , i cant tell you what would have happened, what happened after yeltsins victory everyone remembers, the dashing nineties, now a household name, criminal investigations. And a demographic hole, american spies in large enterprises, including defense ones, the war in chechnya, the impoverishment of the army and the people , black tuesday of 94, when the russian ruble fell by almost 40 , and the default of 98, when our wooden ruble fell in price by 3 and a half times, the born country sought its way through shock stress. But it is unknown what would have happened to our homeland if the socalled parliamentary democracy led by khazbullatov, rutsky and their motley supporters had won. Things could have been even worse, chaos and civil war. The consequences are dire for millions of our fellow citizens. Of course, everything that happened in 1993 was a shock and a shock for the whole country. How much did those events influence the course of the history of our country . In our country, of course, it was a turning point, firstly, there was the soviet system, inherited from the 20th century, in general from the soviet era, was destroyed, secondly, i think, well, every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. The coup of 93 put an end to the sovereignty of the national republics. This is another important thing that the winners of 1993 do not want to admit. The kremlins alternative to the congress of peoples deputies consisted of different models of economic reform. Of course, the collapse of the soviet union. And the events of 93 are. A direct continuation of the struggle between the reds and the whites, i think that to this day we are still infected with such a confrontation, so this is a big lesson, a tragic lesson, especially when today i feel with my skin, with my soul, what a dangerous line we crossed then, since october 4, just in ninetythree. There was an impetus for the constitution and administration of the russian state, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, so that russia would move forward , develop, become an advanced power, a superpower in the world, all the troubles that we are experiencing today will grow from there, from ninetyone and ninetythree, because the power of the people stands on four main pillars, the first pillar is a strong centralized power, the second is that we are collectivists, no one can cope in these vast spaces alone, and the russians accomplished a great feat, they gathered 190 peoples under their banners, the third a high spirituality, and another quality is justice, our people cannot exist without justice, when all these four foundations came together in the soviet era, then we became the most victorious and cosmic, a certain. Imbalance was allowed in the constitution in strong president ial power, i myself am a supporter of strong power, of course, especially in our huge country, but parliament should not turn into a club of interests, only now a certain correction has been made, by the way , on the initiative of vladimir putin, parliament has been given certain powers to form the executive branch , in terms of control, not only over the budget, but over the actions of the government, i think that they had a very serious impact, firstly, did everyone see . That our country, all conquests are impossible take it for granted, you have to fight for it, sometimes you have to lay down your life for it in order for it all to happen, this applies to major politicians such as yeltsin, chernomdin, these are people who, of course, put in in general, finally everything is yours. Not only the political future, but also life, russia was worth it to make great sacrifices, this is still relevant today, thats why the year became such a turning point and became very important for the account of the new time, the new russia, its expensive, these october days, ninetythree expensive. The event of 1993 is an inoculation against political adventures. A reminder that you cannot be led by emotions, that you need to protect civil peace , especially in such a large and multinational country as russia, of course, the collapse of the union in ninetyone was difficult and painful, the events of ninetythree again opened up this aching wound, the past did not let go, the future seemed utopian and illusory, and even after 30 years, the witnesses of the participants in those events do not have a note of reconciliation, until now there are still many questions that time will give answers to, and history will judge. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the civilian population of gaza to leave the sector, since the israeli army intends, quote, to turn into ruins the strongholds of the militants who carried out attacks on israel. As netanyahu stressed in his address to the nation, the war against hamas will take time and will be difficult, but the israeli army will use all its might to destroy the terrorists. The death toll of israelis has now risen to 300

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