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Of Industrial Production in the country from january to august was 3 . For those who impose aggressive sanctions against us, the indicators may not be very happy, but for the russian industry that lives, its even nothing, but according to experts, the indicators could be. After all, demand exceeds supply, so we need to decide issues of supplying raw materials, and, accordingly , producing more products, how companies do this, we will now tell you. With the help of such submersible installations, made in perm, a quarter of russian oil is produced, with the departure of foreign competitors, demand has increased significantly, and the lions share is still exported, but now we will find out how the company solves the problem so that there is enough, so to speak, and to myself and to people abroad. This is a loading installation, it looks like this. The installation is a complicated thing, it includes an engine, a pump, a telemetry unit, cables, the production of which, by the way, the company has also mastered. There are a huge number of pump configurations, more than 400 pieces, we have now already developed them, and according to some characteristics, with some models, we, our characteristics, our. The efficiency is higher than that of competitors. Full cycle production, starting with design and creation of molds for parts. There is something culinary in creating a mold for parts, it needs to be dipped in a solution and then sprinkled with sand, and so on six to ten times, it is important that there is consistent quality, only tireless robots can handle this. Then everything goes to the drying chambers, its development. Why did you have to do it for yourself . No, there are no such things on the market at all, or that there was only a foreign version, we bought one of the prototypes, but it arrived after we had produced the entire line of this sushi. Next, the molds will be filled with hot metal, here it is a part of the future installation. By the way, they learned to print forms on a 3d printer. The development is completely our own program. The software was completely written by its own programmers; demand has grown greatly due to the departure of competitors. Our technologies, which we have been involved in for more than 30 years, allows us to replace those imported technologies that are leaving the russian market. We now produce about 500 complete units every month. The company is expanding its product range. A new direction is industrial pumps for pumping oil and refining. Here the parts are made of super duplex alloy, which allow you to obtain very high operating hours on particularly difficult liquids; this design can provide up to 80,000 hours of operating time in aggressive environments. It is interesting that many products are even now supplied abroad, these are countries south america, that is, those that belong to friendly countries, the russian federation, but we also. Supply the middle east, and the countries of the far east indonesia, malaysia and so on. When entering new foreign markets and expanding supplies. Do not refuse support, we try to use different tools offered by the Russian Export Center and the ministry of potomy and trade. In particular, the company participated in a business mission, when manufacturers show their products abroad, well in general, there is a serious list of support measures, from training to compensation for part of the costs of delivering products, and often support is provided jointly with partners, we are now with russian railways. by analogy with the agroexpress logistics project, we are forming another project, this is the formation of groupage cargo for sme. Another very reliable, effective partner of ours is russian post, with which we also provide joint services for sending russian goods by post for export through ecommerce channels. Charging partners of russia in the field of education of exporters, the Moscow Region in the integration of information platforms, and cooperation in general. Our Oil Service Companies are expanding their presence on the Arabian Peninsula and on african projects in general and south america, we contribute to this, support it, in the near future we will be visiting india again, in march of this year we have already visited there, as well as in turkey, well, yes, in terms of exports, there is also cooperation here, probably with the Russian Export Center russian an export center, of course, with subsidizing half of the cost of logistics for export destinations, this is also a support measure in the region, there are about 25 measures to support business in the perm territory, generally spelled out in legislation. By the way, about refining oil and new products, lets go to the irkutsk region. Petroleum products, petrochemicals, bitumen, lubricants, more than 280 items, in terms of Production Volume and processing, the Angarsk Petrochemical Company of rosneft is the largest enterprise in eastern siberia, actively replaces imports, for example, new oils for aircraft engines, which reduce wear of parts, simplify starting in cold weather, for diesel engines capable of operating in aggressive environments, for transformers and electrical equipment, which in terms of its insulating properties has no analogues in the world and will last for 40 years 50. Oil additives are also being replaced, there is a new lowsulfur type of fuel for ships, and the production of russian catalysts has been launched, removing impurities and heavy metals from raw materials. All this, of course, is a huge scientific work, but specialists are now worth their weight in gold. Its certainly not the time to train personnel, as they say, business, together with universities, is developing programs, providing equipment and practice to cover the deficit, in particular in the irkutsk region in the city of usol sibirskaya, many specialists will be needed. Today we are forming an agenda for the Federal Center of chemistry on this site to create production of lowvolume, mediumvolume chemicals; previously we received everything from abroad, taking into account. Several years there to quickly get all this increase, because it is needed in all types of production, and here science, the scientific and Educational Center acts as experts, analysts, probably those forecasters who will say that today it is necessary for this production to be further created and further developed, in general, in any the development of the enterprise will stall if the personnel problem is not solved. Returning to the enterprise in perm, they actively preach mentoring; machines are named after veterans and drummers; for example, two people are currently working at the plant alexey shmilev, in 2013, when i was the head of the Production Department of the service, we had, lets say, a record shipment of finished products. As for automation and production efficiency management, there is an interesting example from the krasnodar territory. If you have a country house, or, for example, a factory and you still want to see more than just looking out the window, then this one. Are these Video Surveillance systems russian . Well, now well find out. It turns out that, well, the hardware itself, probably, but this is the electronics, thats probably after all foreign, because after all, we dont, in fact, these solutions were developed by us, we work with russian manufacturers of printed circuit boards, this is in zelenograd, this is in samara, if you dont take the commercial component for now, producing russian, this is a security issue, after all, such systems. Are installed at nuclear facilities, refineries, metallurgical plants, and it is not for nothing that it is forbidden to use Foreign Software in the cells there. We use our own russian firmware, and the use of hardware, also russian, naturally, it makes the camera as unbreakable as possible, but as reliable as possible, and so on. In addition, we have a solution there that allows you to additionally use a cryptographic protection board in the device. Now there are about 40 types of products in the arsenal. All kinds of cameras, lenses, capable of working in hellish heat or bitter cold at the request of the customer, everything is tested, there are direct organizations that can only enter into contracts with completely domestic products, accordingly, they also have their own specific requirements, and we can in the same way implement something to meet their specific requirements, the company is trying to bring to the market a comprehensive solution, for example, an intelligent pass office, for example, we are currently developing a system for inspecting the underside of cars, that is, this is a complex built on our cameras, on our software and so on. At the start , they produced about 10,000 units of equipment per month, now there are 60, and the market demand is about 4 million per year, so we need to grow, outperforming competitors in the mass segment from china, that is, if we carry out a technical comparison there, the comparison is definitely not inferior to our chinese counterparts; in some parameters, including, by the way, commercial ones , we win; in some places we can be objectively cheaper, objectively more accessible, in some then we win technically, plus potentially there is also export, we participated in international exhibitions, there in uzbekistan in belarus, it arouses a certain interest, of course, companies that are going to foreign markets often break. But how to even do this and how to protect your intellectual property, for this there are support measures, together with rospotent, compensation for the costs of protecting intellectual property in institutions committed abroad, and thus we increase the motivation of a foreign buyer to purchase russian products due to the fact that they security has been confirmed. Speaking of helping businesses, in particular in the krasnodar region. Our Regional Industry support fund this year amounted to 5 billion rubles. 5 billion is of course money for the modernization of existing existing production, so that they do not lag behind, in some places, even our already russian competitors, similar competitors. Production, which is located in other regions, about support, production of products important for the country and our next story, there were times when no one doubted that the country had heavy engineering, and then there were. times when many were surprised that it had survived at all, many areas were occupied by foreigners and russians it was very difficult for manufacturers, but what now, lets ask, for example, at this irkutsk plant, can we say that the plant has moved from the stage of survival to the stage of. Development . Yes, of course, of course, over the last few years we have had a fairly serious increase in the volume of orders , a fairly serious increase in production, with the support of the Industrial Development fund of the irkutsk region, we are purchasing new equipment, we have bought and are planning to buy more russian made equipment, in particular machines for plasma cutting of metal. You have to cut a lot of it, because the main products are brutal equipment for mining and Mineral Processing factories. These gray pipes are. For the lebedinsky distillation plant for a thickener with a vat diameter of 100 m. That is, they ordered us a large Investment Program of about 900 million rubles. There are many different products, a machine for casting cast iron, here are carts that transport hose and we make 16 of them, here is the novolipelsky plant, i order a magnet and nizhny tagil. The structures are much more complex than they seem at first glance, the seams are even coated with such a, well, wearresistant material, which we ourselves, our chemists, sort of drew up a recipe, we checked, it really costs, with the departure of competitors, the portfolio of orders has grown significantly, for a long time , the plants volume of orders was probably somewhere in the region of 1 billion rubles. For the current year, our volume of orders has already exceeded 2 billion. In general , the plant is 116 years old, almost all the dredges in russia were built here. Firstly, tradition succeeded preserve, and secondly, it is possible to increase exports. Despite the fact that now orders are within the country, they can be said to. Even exceed our capabilities, we have to develop, we have customers from neighboring countries kazakhstan, uzbekistan, belarus, and tajikistan, and traditionally iztm e supplies its equipment to mongolia, this is the gold mining industry, to india, to vietnam, intending to increase capacity, launches new products, for example, luation machines, the plant is introducing a second shift, together with institutes they are preparing confident personnel, the demand in their own country, and in foreign markets will still grow, there is potential, for export within the brand it is made in russia, together with the ministry of industry and trade new measures for promoting products are being worked out so that they better understand that russian goods are not only oil and gas, recognition through the brand is made in russia by the entire. Set of goods that, having these signs, can be presented to a foreign buyer, this is a factor that, in our opinion, will additionally attract attention to the russian products at all the events that we hold, from exhibitions under the made in russia brand within our stands to various other business activities. And another example of russian equipment. In the episode about Oil Production technology there were robotic arms. It turned out that their specialists were able to do this. When unfriendly countries are trying to impose all sorts of sanctions against our economy , it is certainly not the time to give up. This perm company decided to take the matter into its own hands. Robotized, now well tell you what it can do, when the company was founded in 1919, the first was a robot that could stack wooden pallets, and this brick specialist, how russian is he, russian, all the mechanics are russian, the only electronics, microchi, remains foreign for now , and the program that controls, the software is completely ours, developed by our specialists, now projects are already in 19 regions, they produce ceramic molds, pack expanded clay, dry mixes, bottles, there is an interesting project related to technical vision, where a robot. Replaces a person, feeds sheets of veneer to a repair machine, a technical vision camera identifies defects, classifies them and gives a recipe for repairing this veneer, thereby increasing the quality of the already produced product. Products are not supplied according to the principle heres your hand, the complex is installed, that is, including the necessary gripping tools that the robot uses, plus personnel training. We currently have in development. More a loadlifting robot, these are 500 and 100 kg, this is needed in brick factories, in Large Enterprises that require the movement of large loads, human participation in the future, the introduction of a welding robot to the market, these are installed in automobile factories, and in order to speed up the production of the company we have developed an industrial 3d printer, it prints with sand and resin, its construction area is 2 per meter per meter, that is, we can use it to produce even cylinder blocks, axles, universal joints, well, any kind of product, without investing in equipment, we cheaper. By 30 40 compared to chinese equipment, for example, that is , it takes much less time to create a new product, including in order to replace imported ones. In a day you can get a form measuring one meter by two by one, well, how russian it is is also a question, the electronics of the chip, just not ours, the rest is all ours, everything is russian, of the new products, a smaller printer, because not everyone needs. Huge parts, simply exceeds the application, we have already been loaded for a year , we can say, go ahead, increase the volumes, we are expanding the sites, we are considering the construction of our own production, for the future we are developing a machine that will print directly with metal, no molds, no casting, from the printer, the part is sent straight to the factory. Its not enough to produce various goods, they also need to be delivered to consumers, the lions share of transportation is by water, here we are right at the shipyard of the east siberian river shipping company, it not only delivers all kinds of cargo, but also builds ships, while passenger ships in particular are a new catamaran , whats it about uniqueness, well tell you now. In general , there are two catamarans, twins, for 148 passengers; these have not yet been built in russia. The uniqueness lies in the fact that due to the wings and powerful engines, the vessel becomes gliding, that is, it will lift off from the water and accelerate to a speed of 6465 km h. It cannot be done without difficulties, against the backdrop of aggressive sanctions, some foreign partners in quotes refused to supply components, it doesnt matter, they found russian or from friendly countries, innovation or remotorization of the entire fleet, including cargo fleet, now it has become easier to produce, carry out, why, because there is already such a task, with the support of the state, with the full support of the ministry of trade, we are carrying out it together with according to the plan, next year catamarans will begin to cruise along lake baikal with the breeze. In general , there is an extreme shortage of passenger ships in the region, which is why a cruise ship is also being built at the shipyard. The project is also unique in that, despite its fairly high weight, its draft of 2. 6 m is achieved due to aluminum tuning. A second similar vessel will be built nearby on a neighboring slipway, but there increased comfort. How comfortable will this cruise camp be . This will be the level. In order to build, they converted a floating dog, and in parallel, a new workshop is being built on the shore, and we are talking about the construction of not only passenger ships, i draw a logical conclusion, it turns out, since the company is engaged in a lot of things and cargo transportation, including, perhaps, there will be an order for cargo ships, of course, it is possible, yes, we have experience, sometimes they have already built them, the company transports coal, timber, mail, and in general. A Holding Company that has airplanes, buses, hotels and, accordingly, ships. But new challenges come, just like now, so we build new ships, we acquire new helicopters, we develop infrastructure, we innovate hotels, this is an enterprise that also repairs ships and repairs infrastructure. And the creation of infrastructure is already a joint effort between business and the state. The east siberian transport service in 2001 transported 86,000 passengers in total; today, this is already more than 800,000, so again, the passengers transported must be provided with coastal infrastructure, now the president is setting such a task, and we are working on it, that is, the Port Infrastructure must also be improved, there must be hotels in the ports, everything that is necessary to ensure the existence of the ships, the holding notes that there is more cargo and passengers the tourist flow has generally grown at a hurricane pace, all this is a kind of pulse of the russian economy. And finally, about a thankless task, that is , about forecasts, according to the expectations of the ministry of economic development, industrial growth at the end of the year will be 3. 6 . The figure was just recently revised upward, so whether there will be a further revision of this figure with a plus sign depends on many factors, on solving problems with the supply of raw materials, equipment and, of course, personnel issues. I spent my whole life working on this, we expect to do it in 10 days, this will be a record. Ruby, possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, dont rise higher, youll just fall like a stone, with the speed of the wind, its a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, its like hes chasing you, what do you want it is necessary, master of the wind, we watch to explore the world, Educational Programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. The israeli Army Continues to strike the gazahal sector and announced that it intends to wage a powerful, deadly war to change the situation in the palestinian enclave forever. Hamas also does not stop shelling; there are dead and wounded. Sergey poshkov and Evgeny Poddubny about the situation. A burning car, destroyed houses, broken windows, wounded and dead on the planned day after the evacuation of residents , the longsuffering border gas was again attacked. An air attack was already heard in the skies of tel aviv. The same piercing sounds of sirens drove several residents of the israeli north into a bomb shelter today

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