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A revolution happening . The Automotive Industry in russia has recovered and is showing good growth, deputy Prime Minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade Denis Mantorov spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin. Another big topic of conversation was the situation in the woodworking industry. In the government predicts growth in this area at 7 . By the end of this year. How are things going now . An important indicator is the Business Activity index, it. Was already more than 54 at the end of september, this indicates that the workload of enterprises is growing, in order to fully satisfy all the demands of the manufacturing industries, we have restored the competencies of the machine tool industry, in the nineties in the 2000s, unfortunately, the products of the machine tool industry were in little demand, mainly imported products were purchased, but during this period of time, over the last 8 years, we have developed new modifications, a new nomenclature, which today is becoming extremely in demand, with the help of five ministries, yes, organize this work, in total, yes, that is, everything including ministry education, i have a ministry of education and science. Personnel training, everyone is involved in this and this is a very important aspect in order to further move forward in development, we must necessarily train personnel using, firstly, modern technology and to meet the requirements that today is presented by the customer and manufacturers , if we talk about the future, then the main emphasis in the updated federal project. We are placing not only on traditional metalworking and metalcutting machines, but the main emphasis is on modern equipment for Additive Technologies and robotics. The russian government is developing a strategy to reduce dependence on foreign supplies. The initiative was discussed today at a strategic session with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Lets find out how this will affect the economy from our correspondent maria filipova. Maria, greetings, what is proposed to reduce sanctions pressure . Good evening, one of our priorities is working to create technological sovereignty. The government is launching Large Industrial projects to create technological sovereignty, each of which will receive at least 10 billion rubles. Prime minister Mikhail Mishustin announced this at a strategic session. We are talking about new enterprises completely under national control. Their task is to reduce. Approved a list of ten advanced ones, they concern production of diesel engines, machine tools, medicines and medical products, as well as chemical, electronic and radioelectronic products including equipment, critical information infrastructure, as well as without pilot aircraft systems, production of liquefied natural gas, there are those that will accelerate the production. Project financing will receive from the state budget, as well as from investors, already this year they will develop a set of measures to attract 2 trillion rubles, and in 6 years the amount should exceed 10 trillion. In general, despite the sanctions pressure , industry in the country is gradually recovering, the Prime Minister emphasized , so the Manufacturing Industry today is ahead of the gdp rate, Production Growth over 8 months exceeded 6. 5 . It is important to continue to provide this area. Last week, an additional 5 billion rubles were allocated for research and Development Work for enterprises that produce important innovative products; revenue from these projects, according to preliminary estimates, will exceed 300 billion rubles already in the next 4 years. Industry experts have developed a special methodology for determining the level of technological sovereignty in the tanktool industry and have provided 130 billion rubles for this in the draft budget for 3 years. As for new production facilities, their successful launch will have an interindustry effect. The customer for the products will be not only industry, but also socially significant sectors of the economy, such as healthcare, fuel and Energy Transport complexes, which are planned to be submitted to the state duma by the end of the year bill on Russian Technology policy, we submitted, as part of the extradition, a proposal to introduce publicprivate partnerships, precisely in the format of megaprojects, especially in those areas that require increased attention from the state and the use of those state support measures that ultimately provide operational profitability and bringing these areas to economically effective results. There are four megaprojects in total that the authorities especially highlight this is production diesel engines of medium or. Speed, the dependence on imports will also be reduced in the chemical industry, here the emphasis is on Plant Protection products, as well as raw materials, additives and pharmaceutical composite materials. Two more projects are designed to localize the production of the most popular medical products and medicines, primarily vital and strategically important. How much the level of technological sovereignty of the country will increase with the development of priority projects, experts will be able to predict, for this to the end 2023 will prepare the necessary for this morning at the perm big savina airport there was an emergency situation; the smart air company plane, flying first to st. Petersburg during landing, rolled off the runway. The plane was towed for takeoff to the Landing Strip and then to the parking lot, where technicians began to inspect it. Can. I should also say that the airline has sent a reserve plane from st. Petersburg to perm and is doing Everything Possible to minimize disruptions to the schedule. There were 186 people on board who were injured. No, due to the incident , several flights were delayed, and planes flying to perm were redirected to other cities. Now the airport is already operating as usual, the investigative authorities will look into the reasons for the incident, so far the main reason is said to be bad weather snowfall in perm did not stop at night and early in the morning. Investigators are clarifying the circumstances of the aviation incident with a passenger plane in perm. There were no casualties as a result of the incident. The aircraft did not receive any damage. Preliminary reason incidents are due to unfavorable weather conditions in the region. The central interregional Investigation Department for transport, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is conducting a preinvestigation check on this fact. As a result of which all the causes and circumstances of this incident will be clarified and a procedural decision will be made. This is the third time in a year that aircraft have ended up off the runway at savino airport due to bad weather. The first occurred in january 2023, then the perm moscow victory plane flew into snowdrift during takeoff. Also in september of this year, a Turkish Airline board was unable to brake during landing and went beyond the takeoff onto the landing floor. At 50 m. There were 174 people on board. Fortunately, in all these cases there were no casualties. And now its news time. The bank of russia set the official Dollar Exchange rate at 93. 5 rubles on october 25. The euro is a little over 99. Today the ruble continued to strengthen. The Exchange Rate supports an increase in foreign currency supply from exporters. The preservation of the Central Banks tight Monetary Policy also has an impact. The end. This week investors are waiting for another rate hike. Another factor is the approaching tax season. Russias external debt to gdp fell below 15 for the first time. Such calculations based on data from the cdc provide renovation news. The indicator has been steadily decreasing over the past few years; if at the end of 2020 it was at the level of 31 , then by the end of the twenty second it was already about 16. 5. In monetary terms , the external debt dropped by july. This is 30 trillion rubles. The volume of purchases by stateowned companies from small mediumsized businesses reached a record value of 3,800. Rub, this is Corporation Data sme for 9 months. The share of such business in the total volume of purchases exceeded 50 . The largest customers of smes were russian railways, aeroflot and rosseti. Most of the goods were purchased in the moscow and sverdlovsk regions, as well as in tatarstan. Russia and opec will occupy 45 of the oil market by the end of the decade. By 2050, the share will increase to 50 . This is the forecast. International energy agency. As for oil imports, most of them will come from developing countries in asia. By midcentury they will account for 60 procurement they also noted that by 2030 , the demand for oil in the world will reach its peak, consumption will exceed 100 Million Barrels per day. Later, the need for oil will decrease. It was economic news, briefly. In the draft federal budget. For the next 3 years, russia has provided all the necessary funds for the transition to russian standards of living and restoration work in new regions. This was stated by safed speaker valentina matvienko. She also noted that today the integration of new regions into the system of interbudgetary relations in russia, which will allow, quote, to move on to more systematic work on financing government projects and programs. Our common task is not only to restore everything that is necessary for the normal peaceful life of citizens, but to create the foundation for the development of these regions for years to come. The potential of the new subjects of the federation is objectively high, there are good conditions for farming, there is an Industrial Scientific base, favorable climate, and of course, the main thing, the main thing is that they are definitely very hardworking, talented and motivated residents, there is everything. Opportunities so that in the near future, and so it will be, we will see prosperous economic selfsufficient subjects of the federation. Speaker safeda spoke about the structure of power in the new regions ; according to matvienko, in the donetsk and lugansk peoples republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, a legitimate system of government bodies was formed as a result of the elections. All four regions have elected heads and deputies. Minutes of meetings. Senators from these regions are vested with powers and started work. At the same time, matvienko noted that it is no coincidence that the concept of reunited regions is used, because these lands are not new to us, they have been an integral part of the russian state, russian civilization, and part of our people for centuries. Of course, there are initial differences between the donetsk and lugansk peoples republics and the zaporozhye and kherson regions, but we must follow common parameters for both the final and transitional period and come to a common uniform decision, in the donetsk peoples republic by the Peoples Council a plan for legislative work has already been adopted; it can be taken as a basis for discussion; if necessary, of course, it can be expanded; we are ready to share our experience and developments with colleagues; of course, we are ready to learn ourselves. About what changes are taking place in the region. When it officially becomes part of russia , chairman of the state council of crimea Vladimir Konstantinov said on our air. The development of crimea, which has happened over the past 10 years , is fantastic, you cant find another word for it, its, im just the person who can, i have the right to say it, its fantastic, we have changed crimea to such an extent that people who have not lived for 10 years cannot recognize it, physically recognize it, and this picture, it irritates from. The west and ukraine, so they are trying to interfere with ours with all sorts of nasty things, according to our dynamic development. The close connection between the state and the clergy, in the best traditions , is manifested on the battlefields as part of a special military operation, this was stated in a formidable manner at the consecration ceremony of the new temple of the russian guard, said the head of the department, viktor zolotov. He noted that more than 300 orthodox, muslim, buddhist and jewish clergy travel monthly to the ied zone. With your assistance, with your help that you provided, the great help that you provided in the establishment of the construction of this temple and its opening, thank you very much for that. Russia will firmly and consistently defend it. Her contribution to the victory, this is stated in Vladimir Putins greeting to a participant in an International Forum without a statute of limitations, it opened today so that this practice does not happen again nazi crimes, it is necessary, first of all, to tell the Younger Generation about what happened, it is necessary to document all this, give it an assessment, including a legal assessment and the decisions of the judiciary have taken place in a number of regions with the prospect of bringing it to the international level, in order to officially recognize all these evils of genocide against the civilian population of the peoples of the soviet union. Gosnak today presented its Software Solution for atms that will be able to accept new and updated russian bills. This problem arose after foreign suppliers stopped Technical Support for devices in russia. Difficulties began with updating their software and adding new banknote samples. After all tests and checks are completed, mass implementation of the software will begin in the first half of next year. Unfortunately, as you know, a number of atm manufacturers have left our country and stopped servicing existing devices. In this regard, we decided that this problem must be solved, the country must if possible, there should be your own training center. In tula, everything is ready for the opening of a new oncology center, construction is being completed ahead of schedule, modern equipment has already been installed in the clinic, it will allow doctors to perform complex bone Marrow Transplant operations, as well as diagnose oncological diseases in the wounds. Details from vitaly matorin. Examination of one sample in a Cytology Laboratory takes only about 4 minutes. It is performed under a microscope, but not by a person, and artificial intelligence. As a result, specialists can literally see cancer. There is a whole cluster of cancer cells here, the system speeds up the diagnostic process. Secondly, it increases the accuracy of diagnosis. Tula. The center consists of four modern buildings, a whole park with recreation areas next to them, inside a laboratory, a diagnostic center , a hospital clinic, the operating unit contains equipment that provides unique opportunities, surgeons see images on monitors in real time from this microscope, for example, it wont even hide the smallest tumor, it is intended to perform operations on the brain and bone marrow, such complex interventions in the region before. They couldnt do it, you see, what a wonderful zoom it has, it allows you to see the greatest details, various structures, vessels are clearly visible, more precise operations, lowtraffic, will allow you to maintain the patients quality of life. One of the most modern medical institutions in the country appeared in the turs region thanks to the National Healthcare project and with the support of russian president vladimir putin. Onology the second group of diseases in the region in terms of the number of deaths, so the emergence of such a center means not even hundreds, but thousands of lives saved per year. Great attention was paid to the selection of personnel, specialists who must meet all requirements, federal support measures were strengthened for regional components, the doctors we attracted, this was also a separate work, carried out, will perform completely unique hightech operations, such as bone Marrow Transplants , we have had this before there was no such thing in the region, the measure of support for doctors in the region is one of the best in the country , these include Cash Payments and housing for specialists with academic degrees in medicine, and Work Experience of more than 10 years, all represented by separate houses in a specially built cottage village, the formation of the staff of the tula oncology center, and this is more than 240 doctors and about 400 mid Level Medical workers, completed even before its opening. Every year, about 6,000 new cases of cancer and type are detected in the tula region. Now the region is ready to fight for life of even the most difficult patients; the tula onology center is ready to accept the first of them this year. Vitali motorin and sergei kurenkov, lead. In russia , coronavirus cases have increased over the past week, and the number of hospitalizations across the country has also increased. This was reported at the federal operational headquarters. To combat infection, in addition, the existing version of the domestic vaccine sputnik v no longer protects, well, lets talk about everything in more detail. So, from october 16 to october 22, the number of russians infected with covid19 increased compared to the previous one. Week by 20 , and the number of hospitalizations increased by 14 . An increase in covid incidence was recorded in 72 regions. According to the operational headquarters, almost 20,000 cases of infection have been identified in russia over the past week. More than 3,000 people were hospitalized with coronavirus infection, and over 15,700 patients recovered within a week. In the fall there is a slight increase in incidence, all respiratory infections increase, usually during this period in september, in october, along with other respiratory diseases, we see a slight increase in coronavirus infections, both old and new, the mortality rate is now reduced, in russia people are dying now, well , there are approximately 3, 5, 10 people, maximum per day, this is much less than it was during the epidemic, it will be so blurry, some small rise, relatively low mortality. The leader in the number of covid19 cases per week is moscow. More than four new cases were detected in the capital. 545 people were hospitalized. In second place in the antirating is st. Petersburg. In the Northern Capital it was revealed more than 1,600 cases of infection. The samara region closes the top three with 872 new cases. The top ten regions with a high incidence of covid19 include krasnodar, stavropol, and perm. Territories of the republic of bashkatastan, yakutia, Moscow Region and khantamantsi autonomous okrug. Now we are seeing the usual rise in seasonal respiratory viral infections, including covid, although of course it is too early to say that covid19 is already a seasonal infection, but it seems to be becoming more and more like a seasonal one infection, but we should not forget about the usual means that we are accustomed to during the covid19 pandemic, this is Wearing Masks in Public Places where there are many people, hand washing, leather antiseptics, as reported at the gomaleya center in russia they are carrying out Clinical Trials of the updated sputnik v. The drug is based on the antigen of the new krakin coronavirus strain. According to the head of the center, alexander gensbourg, testing will end on december 10. But in civilian. An updated vaccine may not arrive until next year. Scientist noted that the original version of sputnik v, which protected during the first two years, is no longer effective today. The original satellite b protected you and me from covid19 for the first two years, that is, from the moment of registration in august 2020, until about july 2022, starting in midsummer 2022, when variants appeared. The efficiency of the satellite fell eight times, and when amicron 4. 5 appeared, the efficiency dropped already 20 times. After the appearance of the omicron kraken variant, this was in january 2023, the satellite stopped its simply completely protective, so it was necessary to change the antigenic composition of the vaccine last summer. According to Alexander Ginsburg, covid adapts very well, the virus is constant. And changes its antigenic structure, so he noted that it is important to create new drugs that would be effective against new strains, as Alexander Ginsburg said, there is nothing to vaccinate with now, only canvasela, novosibirsk epiva corona remain, these vaccines have registration certificates. On other topics, users of the popular computer game world of tanks will have the opportunity to switch to a domestic analogue, this has been agreed upon. Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies and the Russian Company is the copyright holder. More than a year ago, the once belarusian developer of a set of famous military simulators officially left the markets of russia and belarus. At the same time, players could transfer their profiles from a foreign game to the now separately developing world of tanks, but probably not all did this, and now they may face charges of financing the armed forces of ukraine. I understand those players, the european segment of russian players, who would like to leave the global platform, the european platform, and move to the russian division, to the russian game world of tanks. After our discussions, we agreed that such an opportunity would be provided, but on an individual basis, each. Citizen, player, and not only russian citizen, any citizen who would not want his money to be supported by the armed forces of ukraine, but can apply individually in support of lesta games to get good conditions for transition. Seafood from the sakhalin region and krasnodar region, berries from siberia and koreli, altai honey and kaluga milk. Treats from all regions of the country will be presented in moscow at the International Exhibition russia. The forum will open at vdnkh on november 4, National Unity day. Guests, and there are millions of them, will be introduced to the history, culture and culinary achievements of a huge country. Anna sorokina, more details. The vdnkh pavilions are preparing for a largescale exhibition, on one side there is a hut with a wild beast, on the other modern stands. Soon all regions here will represent russia in all its glory, cultural, historical and culinary. The International Exhibition forum russia is a journey, where from yuzhnosakhalinsk to the black sea coast are just a few steps. Our country is very big, and sometimes its impossible to reach some corner in your entire life. Century, and when guys from our most distant regions come here with their products, they bring not only delicious products, they bring a piece of their soul, a piece of their region. International the forum of russia exhibition will open on National Unity day on november 4, and now the regions are preparing to look at others and show themselves. Russian regions will present their best at the exhibition. Krasnodar region will introduce visitors to its wines. Each bottle contains these beautiful landscapes, bright sun and sea breeze. Kuban winemakers have their own vineyards. Only the koberernaifran variety, an active participant in premium wines, arrived from the vine at the plant. Kuban wines are worthy not only of family dinners, but also of special receptions the highest level. The krasnodar region is preparing an unusual treat for wine; this is the main threat to grapes, the snail, but here it has no opportunity to raid the vineyards. This dish is very unique, but i think its worth trying. The sakhalin region will present the main gold of the region at the exhibition. Game, as well as fish products. There is pride in our enterprise that we can present our product, which is in demand not only in russia and abroad. The largest garden in the tomsk region zhimlasti in russia and the harvest from this garden will go to the exhibition. Various berries are used to produce juices, nectars, fillings, sauces and other products marked made in siberia. The republic of karelia is preparing for the exhibition its famous sweets, jams and marmalade with low sugar content. They do not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors and are not needed at all for such and such a berry. The finished product contains up to 70 berries, the cooperative grows part of the crop itself, part of the special team is collected in the forest, the altai region will bring its own to the exhibition famous honey and bee products. Honey from all different geographical zones, that is, mountain, foothill, taiga, steppe, forest, from the kurgan region , gifts will be sent to the exhibition from the dalmatovsky monastery, this is a monument of federal significance, one of the oldest. Monasteries in the urals, within the walls of the monastery the monks cook cheese according to unique technology. Burenki from the kaluga region will also donate Dairy Products to the exhibition. Farming here covers the entire production cycle, from growing feed and keeping cows to creating cheeses and Dairy Products. Products. The International Exhibition forum russia will bring together all the best, according to the organizers forecasts, and will welcome 20 million guests. A third of whom are foreigners. Anyone can visit the exhibition, its business, educational and cultural programs. Anna sorokino, valery pyatov, mikhail kertoki, dmitry belyshev and anna nekos, lead. Russia is a country of great achievements. Right now we are making discoveries in science, our children are opening the doors of modern classrooms, we are creating new cultural spaces. We are opening. Routes and points of attraction, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. Israeli sources report shelling of cities from the gaza strip. Videos of missile interceptions over the Central Regions are posted on social networks. Earlier , french president emmanul macron arrived in the country for a visit. He expressed his belief that israels security cannot be secure without a decisive restart of the political process with the palestinians. At the same time, alarming messages are coming from the gas sector. According to the local ministry of health, the number

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