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But a National Figure was forced to make an Emergency Landing after takeoff after rakova was accused of embezzling 50 million rubles. She was involved in the creation of childrens technology parks, actively introduced digitalization into russian schools. We are creating an environment where thinking is formed in such a way that we generate deciders, inventors, thinkers, in a word , those people who will build that new country. Which you and i cant even visualize now, then it really sounded like a grandiose plan, however, at the same time, as they say, rakova fully mastered the budget; according to the investigation, rakova and her accomplices stole a multimilliondollar sum in 2019. Nothing changes. The money went to federal project teacher of the future, which implied a largescale reform of the Education System in russia. Rakova was the ideological inspirer, and she achieved it. Taking into account the fact that the state prosecutor insisted on eight years in prison. The main defendant, Marina Rakova, was sentenced to 5 years in a general regime colony with a fine of almost a million rubles. But she did not leave the courtroom in handcuffs; before the verdict came into force, the former deputy minister was left under a ban on certain actions. Ekaterina likhomanova, lead, duty department. In perm, the head of correctional colony number 29, dmitry, was detained. Now we will show how the Security Forces descended on the Lieutenant Colonel right at his workplace. In the video, special forces officers enter the building, a few minutes later the head of the Security Institution is taken out of there, judging by. The footage of the detention took place during the day, despite this, the Lieutenant Colonel of the internal service was dressed in civilian clothes, it can be assumed that he knew that they would come for him , since a day earlier his colleague, the head of ik37, ilya aslamov, was detained. Criminal cases have been opened for attempted bribery on a large scale, attempted mediation in largescale bribery and receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. Oslamov has already been arrested, so what . As for the Lieutenant Colonel arrested today, it is known that he acted through an intermediary, searches were carried out in the colony, and firsttime offenders are serving their sentences in this correctional facility. Employees of the internal Security Department of the gufsin of russia for the perm territory, together with representatives Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of russia for the perm territory, and the state ministry of internal affairs of russia for the perm territory, the head of correctional colony number 29 was detained. Investigative actions are being carried out in correctional colony number 29 of the russian gufsin for the perm territory. A preventive measure will be chosen for osanov and his intermediary in the near future. In a highprofile arrest in the irkutsk region, right in her office, employees of the Investigative Committee handcuffed the vicemayor of the city of tulun, elena abramova, and took her away for interrogation. The official is suspected of fraud. By abramova wrote out versions of the investigation and translated them to her subordinates. Increased bonuses, and then demanded that part of this money be returned to her. Report by galina hungureeva. Behind the door sign of the office of the vicemayor of tulun, in the irkutsk region, there is a special reception. Unlike ordinary citizens, these people will not shyly stand in line. They will also check your documents, and the handcuffs will be clasped on your wrists like a master. The face of the detainee in the operational footage is retouched, but the name, like the identity, is difficult to hide in highprofile bureaucratic scandals. It is known that. Elena abramova, the chief of staff of the City Administration, was charged under two articles. According to investigators, the official wrote out inflated bonuses to her employees, but did not do this for good work or out of the kindness of her heart. The excess allowance allegedly ended up in kickbacks in her pockets. Abramova was charged with fraud and abuse of power. She has perseverance and optimism, says the citys official website about elena abramova, a leader with experience in the past as a teacher. On service for the good. People joined in 2010 as assistant to the mayor for work with the population. He has held the position of vice mayor and chief of staff of the City Administration since october 2018. They clearly demonstrate not only their optimism, but also their Creative Potential in this video. The officials costume was unexpectedly replaced by the image of a german rocker. Together with his colleagues, to the tune of the immortal hit, bonjove congratulated the then head of the city, yuri karikh, on his anniversary. However, the open roads of superman karikh led to a crossroads in the fall 2023 and it seems that all prospects have been closed, then the former mayor was detained on suspicion of fraud in relocating people from emergency housing, now he is under arrest. I walked, i sought, asked for help, i didnt know who to go, who to go to, in the summer of 2019 a devastating flood destroyed tulun. Part of the city, 30 people died, hundreds found themselves without a roof over their heads, stormy streams literally tore down houses, and the current carried them for many kilometers, to eliminate the consequences the Federal Center allocated billions. Investigators allege that officials under the leadership of the mayor illegally registered people in dilapidated buildings and then resettled them, thus obtaining possession of real estate purchased with federal money. This is fraud committed using ones official position on an especially large scale. Local media called bramova karikhs fighting friend, even the criminal articles in the filed cases are the same. The Investigation Department of the porikut region has opened a criminal case against the vicemayor of the city of tuun, who is suspected of committing crimes under part one of article 286 and part three of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation. The Security Forces will also check abramovas activities during the period of joint work with yuri karikh. Investigators have already questioned the official. A preventive measure will be chosen for her in the near future. Galina khungureeva, mikhail shirin, vasily yurchuk and vadim chetvertkov, conduct the duty department. Vladimir putin took part in the annual meeting of the fsb board. In his speech, the head of state touched upon priority tasks, who stand before the federal security service. The president instructed the fsb, together with other Intelligence Services and Law Enforcement agencies, to strengthen, first of all, antiterrorist work in all areas. About what other statements were made, sultan zeganov. Protecting sovereignty and strengthening state institutions. The opening speech of the russian president at the annual fsb board was devoted to these main topics. Vladimir putin makes his speech traditionally. Began with words of gratitude, he noted heroism and courage personnel of the federal security service. Taking into account the difficult external political situation , the antiterrorism activities of the department were touched upon, and the president demanded that work be strengthened in this direction. Let me remind you of the recent, frankly, provocative statements of a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. All this resembles outright blackmail intent. Constitutional system. We are talking about neutralizing the intelligence and subversive activities of foreign Intelligence Services, about protecting confidential information of a strategic nature, including about systems of state and military control, advanced technologies and promising developments in the military and other fields. The head of state emphasized that it is important to strengthen the fight against corruption, especially with regard to the implementation of state defense orders, as well as national and regional programs. It is necessary promptly. Would be an industrialist in the far east, the defendant announced the death of the socalled crab king, billionaire oleg kan, who is accused of billions of dollars in live smuggling crab evasion of taxes and customs duties of almost 3 billion rubles, allegedly died on february 14 last year, but the Prosecutors Office doubted this fact, because there is no documentary evidence of this, by the way, they have been talking about the death of the crab king for a long time, but the businessmans sister and a year ago did not confirm this news. Let me remind you that kan is hiding from the investigation; according to some sources, he could have moved to london. Dogs bite, the man answers. Another case of attack by stray dogs was recorded this time in krasnoyarsk edge. A tenyearold boy was attacked by a stray animal right near the school, almost depriving the child of his eye. A criminal case has been opened. The head of the Investigative Committee, alexander bastrykin, has long been paying close attention to such cases. So, only this year there were trials. Several highprofile cases of attacks by stray dogs on people have been brought to light, so who is responsible for such articles and what measures should officials take to avoid repetition of terrible stories, reporting by alexandra mostova. These terrible photographs show the result of a meeting between a child and a stray dog, a schoolboy from the village of filimonova, in the krasnoyarsk territory, who almost lost his right eye. The aggressive dog had a death grip on his face. 10 meters away a dog attacked me, it was bigger than my waist and tore my eye. Lower tear of the lower eyelid, damage to the tear duct, that is, quite serious. The story of a blatant attack took place right outside the school. The parents of the injured boy said they had repeatedly complained to local authorities about the pack. Stray dogs. They have kept children in fear for many years. Investigators are now looking into why they did not respond to the appeal. During the investigation. These images from the irkutsk region resemble a scene from a horror movie. An aggressive dog, clinging to a child, drags him through the snow. The boy was then saved by a passerby; investigators, having studied the video, opened a criminal case. Shocking cases of attack are almost commonplace in the irkutsk region. In the city of ustkut, a pack of dogs attacked a passerby. Schoolchildren helped him fight them off. And in shelikhov its aggressive the pack bit fiveyearold kirill. The boy tried to break free, but the dogs. They knocked him down and threw him to the ground, the childs screams were heard by the mother, he stood up naked, that is, completely covered in snow, without a hat, without a jacket, his pants were all torn and without shoes, that is, he screamed when i grabbed him in my arms, they were already running with him, they tried to rush at me , thats it, we ran home, thats all, he cried to me , my mother shouted, im going to die, these were his words, in khabarovsk stray dogs killed a man, traces of his personal belongings remained at the scene of the attack blood after this incident the head of a local employee of the khabarovsk City Administration and an individual entrepreneur was detained in a criminal case of negligence and the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. A similar incident occurred in orenburg, where in april last year secondgrader maxim was torn to pieces by dogs. His death shocked the whole country. At the garage, where aggressive animals tore to pieces. People have set up a spontaneous memorial; they bring flowers, toys, and candles here to honor the memory of the deceased boy. After the death of a child the now former head of the housing and Communal Services department , anatoly baykarov, was detained. He was accused of negligence. According to the researchers , they simply saved money on catching animals, thanks to the availability of subsidies from the federal budget. In court for the election of a preventive measure, baykarov could not explain how budget money was spent, why orenburg has been located for many years. In the power of stray dogs, people have already contacted and complained to the local authorities, saying that there are a lot of stray dogs, why didnt the authorities react . After the terrible story in orenburg about the euthanasia of stray dogs was discussed at the federal level; last summer, amendments to the law were adopted, according to which regions received the right to independently resolve the issue of stray animals. As for the schoolboy from the krasnoyarsk territory, he is still coming to his senses. Doctors performed surgery on the boy; the child is now afraid to go to school. Evidence, investigators found traces of the mans dna on the victims personal belongings. Tagirovs sentence was announced on march 21. The state commission requested a life sentence for him term in a special regime colony. We will continue to monitor this case. This weekend, dont miss the premiere on the russia24 tv channel of a new investigation into eduard petrov, who beats him, which means he doesnt love him. Loud scandals between loving people occur regularly. First he beat me, and then i. Once and found out that im better at it, in fact , i killed my husband, i killed him, with a knife , even celebrities turn out to be victims, it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me with my head flying into this corner, sweetie life turned into cotton wool, i open my eyes, i understand that i am lying on the floor in a red puddle, this drool is flying from his mouth, he is drunk, there was no affect, he stabbed his already stunned wife with a knife. Why do victims of family conflicts, as a rule , remain silent, are jealous, which means they love, beat , which means they love, and how to fight back a domestic tyrant and not end up behind bars, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, the debt was taken away by the bullets, meeting of two partners in the oriental restaurant chebrets in st. Petersburg ended in murder, let me remind you that the day before we already talked about how, in the middle of dinner in a teahouse, two businessmen didnt. So what didnt the two entrepreneurs share . From st. Petersburg, reporting by ekaterina fisenko. The restaurant on Moskovsky Prospekt is a fairly respectable place where you can sit for a business lunch or spend time with your family. The meeting between the two men the night before also seemed friendly, but ended in murder. Footage from security cameras. Two people are talking peacefully at the table, when suddenly one of them takes out a gun and shoots the other. The victim jumps up and tries to leave, at which time the waiters are already scattering in different directions. The man with the pistol calmly continues shooting at the already fallen man. The interlocutor is amazing, but after that he doesnt try to run anywhere, returns to the table and even continues to eat. His interlocutor is killed. Eyewitnesses talk about only five shots with a control shot in the head. At the moment , investigations are underway at the restaurant, and the suspect has been detained. Several police cars and the National Guard arrived very quickly. The attacker had a traumatic weapon in his hands gun. The suspect is a fortyyearold native of leningrad, alexey isaakov, who has already served a sentence in a general regime colony. He received 3. 5 years for stealing a safe. Snow and swamp vehicle. According to some reports, the shooter had claims against the murdered man for 7 million rubles. His partner did not agree with this amount. He brought some of the money to meet him, but did not have time to give it back. The main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of russia for st. Petersburg has charged a fortyyearold local resident with committing a crime under part one article 105 of the russian criminal code resolves the issue of choosing a preventive measure for him in the form of detention. Employees. Refuse to comment, a criminal case has been opened under article of murder, the suspect faces up to 15 years in prison. Ekaterina fisenko, alexey sasyrin, dmitry lukashevich, lead the duty department. The entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part, honestly detective, follow along with us. And thats all for us, Tatyana Petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel. Everyone it is clear that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian Digital Solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and whats going on with production in general, raw materials, exports, what is it like . Our product. Investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable . Replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. Russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24

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