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Scientists reconstruct face of a 2,000-year-old ancient Egyp
Scientists reconstruct face of a 2,000-year-old ancient Egyp
Scientists reconstruct face of a 2,000-year-old ancient Egyptian mummy who died 28 weeks pregnant
Forensic experts in Poland have used the mummy's skull and other remains to produce two images showing what she may have looked like when alive in the first century BC.
Related Keywords
Poland ,
Italy ,
Egypt ,
Upper Egypt ,
Egypt General ,
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Polish ,
Italian ,
Egyptians ,
Egyptian ,
Palaeopathologist Marzena ,
Dorota Ignatowicz ,
Marzena Ozarek Szlike ,
Chantal Milani ,
Wojciech Ejsmond ,
Lady Chantal Milani ,
National Museum ,
Academy Of Sciences ,
University Of Warsaw ,
Silesia Museum In Katowice On ,
Experts At Warsaw Museum ,
Mysterious Lady ,
Warsaw Mummy Project ,
Warsaw Museum Project ,
Egyptian Valley ,
Hew Morrison ,
Polish Academy ,
Silesia Museum ,
Dorota Ignatowicz Wo ,
Dailymail ,
Sciencetech ,