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Scientists warn of need to preserve genetics of native horse
Scientists warn of need to preserve genetics of native horse
Scientists warn of need to preserve genetics of native horse breeds
The unique genomic architecture of animal breeds need to be preserved, they say, as they represent monuments of the historical development of mankind.
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Vyatka ,
Kirovskaya Oblast ,
Russia ,
Tuva ,
Tyva ,
Soviet ,
Russian ,
Russian Federation ,
Mikhail Atroshchenko ,
Orlov Trotter ,
Natalia Dementieva ,
Oksana Makhmutova ,
Yuri Shcherbakov ,
Olga Nikolaeva ,
Anastasiia Azovtseva ,
Viktor Zakharov ,
Elena Nikitkina ,
Alexander Zaitsev ,
Andrey Datsyshin ,
Anna Ryabova ,
Russian Research Institute Of Farm Animal Genetics ,
Russian Research Institute Of Horse Breeding ,
Vladimir Heavy Draft ,
Russian Heavy Draft ,
Soviet Heavy Draft ,
All Russian Research Institute ,
Horse Breeding ,
Russian Research Institute ,
Farm Animal Genetics ,
Genetic Diversity ,
Horse Native Breeds ,
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