Myself, who have major disabilities but otherwise capable of producing something in society. We have a political problem in this country, not an economic problem. That political problem has created a debt, federal debt, approaching 20 trillion because of the wars primarily. We have a problem in this city with the hospital industry, deciding if they want to throw out the people that are too ill to be taken care of unless its 24hour care and they dont want to pay for that. And this hospital industry is making millions of dollars, though they claim theyre not for profit. As it was told at the last health Board Hearing at this issue, the no, this was in the supervisors chambers. Sutter healthcare has 14 billion in the bank. 44 executives making over 1 million a year. The last i saw, kaiser had 9 billion in the bank and they have milliondollar executives. So they want to kick this problem out to the city and let us take care of it. I worked for the presidio and the army, thats where i started. And when the army gave up, i advocated it be turned into a home for seniors. We paid for this many generations have paid for the presidio. Now its a playground for the rich. Who created that . Lexus liberal pelosi. Thats who created it. Thats somebody you can put some pressure on, cant you . Shes running for reelection. She turned it over to, what, lucas to have his film studio there . There was a nice hospital there. It could have been the center of the senior community. And all those houses could be turned over to seniors. Oh. They made market rate housing, high market rate housing. And turned it over to various corporate, what do you call them . I forget trusts. Trusts, yes. They collect money and give money to the community, quote, unquote. So we have a political problem in this country, not an economic problem. And we should do something politically to change the situation, because were not going to go anywhere, as it is now. Thank you very much. Any other comments or questions from the public . Hearing none. Any further comments or questions, commission, before we vote . I did have one question. In light of maries Public Comment, i wanted to see if it would be possible to get a rundown of the employmentrelated programs that we do fund. Were certainly aware of reserve and a few of the others that we were able to approve within the last year or so on the commission. It would be great to see them in one place. Sure. I can get that. Sure. All in favor of the budget as all in favor of the fiscal year budget presented by dan kaplan. Motion to approve . Motion. Second . Second. All in favor, aye. Any opposed . None. Motion carries. Thank you to the staff for providing very, very good, useful information, and bringing clarity to a process that is frequently opaque. Okay. Back to the rest of the agenda. Item a, review and approval of the medicare improvements for patients and providers act, contract mi171806, associated budget and subsequent amendments. Welcome back, michael. Hello, again, commissioners. The item before you today, the department of aging announced they made funding available for area agencies for the mippa program. We have to enter into a contract with California Department of aging to access the fund. That contact has been added to your packets. Part of the execution of that contract requires it coming before the commission for e approval. Again, mippa sounds for medicare improvements for patients and providers act. There are two main things, increase lowincome subsidy, and thats subsidizing part d plans for drug copays and premiums. And also to sign people up for medicare Savings Programs. It happens to cover the cost of Medicare Part a and part b premiums. We passed these dollars through to our high cap, selfhelp for the elderly. Theyre uniquely positioned with their expertise and infrastructure to administer this program. The Social Security administration estimates that the the extra help provided by the programs can be worth up to 4,000 a year in savings for participants. We have had this program for a couple of years now. Last year selfhelp had over 166 folks they helped with one of these either the lowincome subsidy or medical Savings Program applications. Its a small amount of money, but one that has a great impact. Happen to answer any questions the commission has. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions, commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none. Call the question. May i have a motion to approve . So moved. A second . Second. All in favor . Any opposed. Thank you. Motion carries. Item b. Requesting authorization to sent enter into a Grant Agreement with Curry Senior Center through the period of january 1, 2018, to june 30, 2020. In the amount of 631,608, plus 10 contingency for a total not to exceed 694,769. Tiffany will present. Thank you, tiffany. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners and executive director. The plan for 17 18 included funding for Wellness Program that blends socialization, technology and health. Older adults and adults with disability have circumstances that can place them at higher risk for isolation and evidencebased Research Links isolation to poor health and unfavorable health outcomes. Research suggests that Human Connection can be a meaningful factor, contributing to a persons wellbeing. R. P. F. 773, technology and connections at home, was issued to precure communitybased program that uses Technology Devices in combination with concentrated programming intended to reduce isolation and encourage social engagement. Curry Senior Center will provide consumers with Technology Devices on loan, coupled with teaching and coaching for an enrollment term of one year. Curry will help consumers who complete the oneyear program and desire their own device to obtain one through Fundraising Efforts. Consumers who have completed the program are also invited to participate in monthly classes and to be peer mentors. The postprogramming option helps consumers to maintain their skills and supports ongoing socialization. During the 2 1 2 year grant period, curry will reach 150 consumers and provide 2,800 hours of Technical Support and consumer training and Health Coaching on an annual basis. Curry Senior Center will begin its outreach by targeting older daughters and adults with disability living in the civic center south of market and western neighborhoods and older adults and adults with disabilities living in these neighborhoods have a High Percentage of one or more isolating risk factors and during the term of the enrollment term, the following will be ergs valiateed to assess impact. Acquire technology skills, level of loneliness and the health care ethicity and the changes in physical activity, the number of steps and the degree of success with selfdirected health goals. And were anticipating very positive result and looking forward to working with Curry Senior Center and im happy to answer any questions that the commissioners may have at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commissioner. How many do you have to try to get on. Two. Who is the other one, you remember . I want to say that i can double check it was little brothers, yeah. Because they have a track record of doing this . No, they were picked because they had the highest score. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Tiffany, you mentioned that at the end of the year that th the equipment is returned to curry and those working with ipads will be helped in obtaining th that. Is any thought given to working with organizations that repurpose ipads and iphones so individuals that dont need the latest ipad and iphone trade them in or sell them or whatever and theyre repurposed and reusable and cleaned up of any previous information and they become much more affordable for people who dont need the latest, is curry working with any organizations like that . I think so but theyre here as well and they can probably speak more to that about the repurposing, but that is definitely something that im sure that they would be doing. Go ahead. Hi, good afternoon, commissioners and director, im angela demartino, from Curry Senior Center. With equipment well start off with refurbished ipads which are a lot more affordable than the ones newly out in the market and working with a Technology Company that is going to be in charge of repurposing them at the end of the year, a shift of the program, and then turning them and cleaning them up for the next cohort. Were also working with our Technology Partners in the civic center, central city area, for Fundraising Efforts for after the year programs that we can find sources to help to support the people who want to keep using the equipment but cant afford to buy it on their own. Thank you very much. Thanks. Any comments or questions from the public . Can i have a motion to approve . So moved. A second . Second. Thank you. All in favor . Aye. Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. And finally requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with shanti project for the time period beginning july 1, 2017, and ending june 30th,2018, in the additional amount of 75,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 412,500. Thank you. Rick applebee. Good afternoon, commissioners and director and bridget. Before Getting Started i wanted to point out a small correction on the face sheet of the Commission Packet memo, very small point about the Contingency Fund and in one spot it says 375 and underneath that its 275, 337,500 is the corret figure so if anyone had noticed that and wanted to point that out. Thank you. Sure. Im here to request authorization for that 75,000 modification to the grant to shanti. The moneys are being provided by the Community Living fund and will increase animal Bonding Services to isolated gay, lesbian and bisexual and trans seniors, especially those at risk for institutionalization. With the moneys the Community Living fund expresses its support of the programs that address isolation in the lgbt older adult and disabled community. As part of the growing awareness of isolation and loneliness for seniors and people with disabilities in the Lgbt Community and given the 2014 recommendations of the aging policy task force, shanti developed two programs targeting the unmet needs of senior Lgbt Community. In this case the animal Bonding Program or paws as it has historically been known is for isolated and lgbt seniors and shanti and the rest of us believe that the healing impact of the human animal bond is one of the most valuable supports available for vulnerable individuals and that that bond can yield valuable outcomes for wellbeing, health and socialization. Its even more important because of a lack of family and social discrimination or ostracization and the distrust of social systems as many lgbt older adults and people with disabilities experience. Sorry. And it should be noted that this animal Bonding Program introduces services to many isolated seniors and people with disabilities who arent currently accessing those services. Its another important aspect. The additional moneys will go to lgbt consumers enrolled in the shanty program that meet eligibility for the Community Living fund. That criteria primarily is risk of institutionalization, though in the packet it shows the full eligibility criteria. Shanty will have purchases to support these clients to stay in the community. Clients determined to be c. L. F. Eligible may be referred to the full c. L. F. Program if theyre in need of the more intensive services. The number of clients served will increase from 150 to a projected of 185 and the services will go up from 1,100 to 1,200. Mike and i met with the shanti staff for a contract monitoring visit last may in 2017, there were no significant findings and the shanti Bonding Program exceeded all required contract objectives. Ongoing work with shanti this year shows they will meet or exceed the contract expectations again and another monitoring visit will occur this spring. Thank you so much and any questions . Thank you, any comments yes, you know, requesting 75,000 modification which is 25 of the original budget, okay. And why is it such a great need only for a short period of time . Does that mean that when they submit a budget they underestimated or what . Im just asking a question. The Community Living fund would be noticing their budget and whether they had moneys to help this program and the people who are c. L. F. Eligible within this program so its a budget decision for the Community Living fund. Okay, you mentioned the number of clients will increase very much from 150 to 185 but that does not sound like justified for 25 increase of the budget. Im just asking questions. 25 of the 375,000 total budget yeah, the original budget was 300,000 and 75,000, which is 25 more than the original budget. Its because most of the money is going to the operating expenses of buying the Veterinary Services and the pet related services and boarding, those kind of services. Its not its to reach more people and theres no staff added, etc. And this is a number that we decided with shanti, that its existing clients, were not expecting them to take on new clients with this amount of money. I feel that im answering the question well. No, im just looking at the budget sheet, the last page. The last page of the budget . It seems a lot of money is really kind of added to the other program, the 75,000, because the total is 68,000, okay, so im you mean for 35 additional clients, is that your question is that its 35 additional clients . No, no, my question is im just saying that the 75,000 increase, most of the money already goes to the operating budget. Right. Okay. And so one of the questions that i have asked, im going to ask is, what is the client services, boarding, you mean the owner is taking a vacation or what . Not a vacation, but if the owner perhaps was not getting im sorry, im going to look up the in the scope of service, the appendix a theres a list of the Services Available for folks and i have that here as well somewhere. And so the range of services would be pet food bank, which could include Home Delivery and vet prescribed food and veterinariy services and Emergency Services and diagnostics and exams and vaccinations and including dog walking and homecare and transportation to the vet and emergency foster care. And so if a client, for example, is not going for their medical appointments and they dont have anyone to take care of that, shanti would pay that pet sitter and making sure that the person gets to the medical appointment and back. So its a range of services that someone might get. Due to the increase of the client and the need of the clients . Yes. Thank you. Any other wees or comments or for the public . Hearing none i have a motion to approve. So moved and i would just say that i have the utmost respect for shanti and their history and i have direct knowledge of this program and i think that its a great program. So its with great pleasure that i move this. Thank you. The staff are here so thank you. May i have a second . Second. Call the question, all in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. Motion carries. [roll call]ies. We do have a quorum. Item number two, general Public Comment. This item is to all members of the public to address the Treasure IslandDevelopment Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comments, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. You will hear a single chime when there are 30 seconds remaining. Prior to making your comments, please state your name and the o you are representing, if any, for the record. Is there anybody in the audience that would like add to dress the board on items that are not on the agenda . Ok. Seeing none. Item number three, report by Treasure Island director. Thank you, chair and members of the board. Id like to begin my report today by asking Sherry Williams come up and make an announcement. Good afternoon, commissioners. For the record, i am Sherry Williams, the executive director of 1 Treasure Island. [applause] whoo hoo [laughter] we after 24 years, the Treasure IslandHomeless Development initiative was an awesome and great name and served us very well. It served thousands of formerly homeless people, hundreds of lowincome people have gotten jobs on the island and so forth. As the island is about to start with major redevelo