Been resistant to coming indoors. Nothing is off the table in terms of what we need to do to address the problem. But some of the things you brought up are addressed in the budget. We all agree were not doing as as well as we could be. Our department was not set up frankly and this was maybe on a error when the department was formed, but we were not set up to respond to people on the streets. And what were trying to create with this budget is to give us the space to be able to do that. As you notice, the departments who are asking for funding are not the police, theyre not public works, its primarily d. P. H. Asking for another person to have someone there fulltime, which is critical. Our Public HealthDepartment Needs to be there all the time. Same thing for us, to make sure somebody is there, seven days a week, 16 hours, as well as a more senior person to oversee what is happening there. And then d. E. M. To coordinate this in some ways, i dont want to say a neutral party, but theyre not providing frontline services, so making sure that the frontline staff, the hot team, the police, Public Health and public works employees are being coordinated by a Single Person in a single department. And were all frankly grateful to director carole and her leadership, but i know she doesnt have the resources to do this and shes been doing her best. Although its appreciated, they dont have the resources to manage coordinating quite a few departments. It can be like herding cats im sure for the folks who are there every day because we all have other work we need to do. I believe that all of the concerns that you brought up, were in agreement with them and we tried to address those with the budget we presented to you. Thank you. Im just going to do a quick time check. I know there is something you have to leave to go to at 11 00, is that correct . Director carl had to go to disaster council, so she just took off. So president yee . President yee appreciate this. Im beginning to grasp what is attempted to be done. To be truthful, i dont think ive had a really good briefing on this at all. Departments come to us and say i need a parttime this, and parttime that. And the next Department Says i need a parttime to do this. So i was never in my head able to figure out how the pieces work. And the line of questioning from my colleagues is helpful. I might be asking a duplicate question. Currently, these are new Staff Members that you want. The two the two million in the budget . Primarily, yeah. President yee in the past when there was an attempt to get different departments working together, it was done by staffing was there additional staffing to the departments in the past . Or was it it seems to be like you wanted to do some better coordination and trying to do something with the existing staff . What is the case here . I just want to fully understand. Id be happy to speak to that. I think you nailed it on the head, president yee. They started in january of 2018, so fiscal year 1718 and that was pulling together existing staff and existing resources to ensure better coordination among the frontline staff at the director said. There has not been affirmative additional management staffing or service staffing specifically for hsoc, it has been utilizing existing resources. Thats why answering the question that chair fewer outlined, that the resources allocated to this coordination effort have been utilizing existing resources. I will say that the Police Department, fiscal year, as part of the hiring plan, additional officers, a portion of those were planned to go to supporting hsoc, this is the first ask. But happy if members of the committee would like to have a more wholistic briefing about what resources the department is allocating toward that, but it was resourcing. President yee i wish i had the briefing before this. The question related to staff that has been used since january 2018, is it are these Staff Members that are pulling overtime, or is it just this pulling it from their existing services and taking away from that . Well, i can only speak for our department with that question. I will say that one of our senior managers who does not get paid overtime is essentially probably working 1215 hours a day because she is spending a significant amount of time at hsoc, because we dont have dedicated staff there and were making sure that theyre leading the services and were able to do the the hot team and d. P. H. Are able to coordinate our responses. So we have been really, frankly, relying on the committee of hsh staff who care deeply about the people on the streets and our colleagues and other departments, is putting in extra hours, but were not paying overtime. The other thing were doing, however, as i said earlier, were utilizing members of the hot team to respond to requests that are coming out of hsoc and theyre often engaged in other activities and taking away from important work they need to be doing around folks developing relationships and assessing them and getting them into our data system and what were proposing again is a team of, you know, trained outreach staff whose focus is delivering services, but dedicated to hsoc to were not cannibalized our other programs. President yee so i mean, its hard because there are different departments involved. If there is any department that is actually using a lot of overtime to help staff this, raise your hand. Not using overtime. Just curious. Any of the departments using a lot of overtime . Just to help with the situation . P. D. . Im sorry, who . Who else . Department of Emergency Management and police dispatchers. President yee if we were to support this ask, would it mean that there is probably going to be reduction of overtime . Im also looking where we can save money, too. Supervisor from the Police Departments standpoint, we increased our staffing over the past 18 months to make adjustments. So we believe that with we would love to see the other departments support it. We went all in from the start. We didnt ask for additional funds for this budget. But to have the other departments supported would really get us closer to what this model envisioned anyway, which is to lead with services. Recognizing all the challenges that supervisor mandelman and supervisor fewer and supervisor ronen brought up, we recognize and acknowledge that, but i think the where the Police Department is in a good position, the budget director said, last year we made a conscious effort with our infusion of officers to focus on staffing properly and thats what we did. So we feel like were in a good position. I think we can manage the overtime. I think if this budget is supported, it will probably reduce the overtime, so were very comfortable with that. President yee okay. I really appreciate that the departments are willing to Work Together and coordinate. I mean its something that probably all my colleagues have been asking for instead of working silos. So that is one point. And i think, also, i understand the cost and coordination of working nonprofits, working and trying to get funding for nonprofits for most my life. And its always the Government Agencies that you know, you should really coordinate with these other nonprofits. For instance, the beacon center. Well give you more money, but not to coordinate. And i always had to fight that notion that its actualliey cheaper to coordinate than not. I think when you coordinate, the results should be about who is receiving a product. Our customers, our clients or the people youre trying to serve. And for them it should improve, but it doesnt mean that its cheaper. I get that part. Im glad its too bad we waited so long, because one of the things that my colleagues have raised which makes it a little more difficult for these, yeah, this is what you should get, is that we have no data. But again, i understand when youre trying to cobble together a collaboration, coordination thing, with not necessarily any additional staff to do that, then there is going to be missing piece, which is Data Collection. So i dont know how to resolve that tension of wanting to support better coordination and providing what youre saying are the necessary steps. Which i dont know what is necessary and how impactful that would be. So if you havent collected, then what is the commitment to collect . And what would you collect to prove that this is actually effective . We are collecting 311 data and 911 data. And our ability to respond to those calls. I think the things, that already d. P. H. Will provide that information to you, im sure, today, i dont know the exact number of individuals who are highneed individuals who received assistance as a result of hsoc. We are collecting data. The controller has been participating and been helpful in figuring out the data we should be collecting. They published a report about this that is on their website. Im sure president yee i appreciate that sort of quantitative Data Collection which is sort of one step, but i think supervisor ronens point, you know, what i would like to see more of, a deeper dive into the Data Collection. What is the real impact besides im answering 311. Do you have any thoughts on that . I do in addition to the information the controller is collecting, i think we need to be providing a lot more data on the highneeds individuals were serving. The goal of hsoc is to better respond to 311 calls, to address longterm encampments and vehicle encampments and to serve highneeds individuals. I think one of the problems with our success and our Data Collection on the last goal is that hsoc runs 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. H. S. H. Only has staff there 35 hours a week. D. P. H. , probably less than that. The police and public works have a much bigger presence. And d. E. M. Is there, but they cant have their staff on the floor. So when hsoc is open, there will be someone with a social services lens at the table. Nobody at hsoc wants to see people who are struggling on the streets have to engage with Law Enforcement as their primary first responder, especially when its something with a complex issue and needs assistance from a trained social worker. Making sure that somebody is there, a social services is at hsoc all of the time is going to go a long way, not only letting us collect the data on the services provided, but ensuring that were doing a better job supporting the people who are on the streets and needing our assistance, as well as the other departments who arent necessarily trained for. Its not within their mission to be trying to develop relationships with individuals who are suffering from homelessness and perhaps other medical issues that are complicating their situations. Again, our budget request is primarily to improve Data Collection and to ensure there is a social Services First response that is actually happening at the hsoc site. President yee a question about the twoyear budget. It says 2 million and 2. 5 million, is that correct . The overall request for hsoc i believe. President yee i guess the question i have, if its going to take time to ramp up and hire new positions, then why is it just 500,000 more the second year . Or less for first year. Our request is . 9 million the first year and then 1. 1 the second year accounting for the time its going to take for us to hire individuals. President yee im looking at the whole it says budget investment. Page 4 of the presentation. I believe, president yee, all of the positions that are added per our standard budgeting practice at. 77, meaning they start after the First Quarter of the year. And then the second year of the budget is a higher cost because its a full year worth of supporting those s. T. E. President yee so. 77 of 2. 5 is 2 . That would be a quarter of it. So its about a half million. So we dont budget one quart over the year. We budget three quarters of the year in the first year of the budget. And then so you for fte. President yee yeah, its actually 1. 9. But 2 million here. In regards to the type of data that you want to collect, youre talking about as were asking, is it possible to give us a report of exactly what Data Collection you would like to collect within three months . Yes. We can definitely do that. I think where it gets complex, you know, hsocs role is to help get around this particular issue were talking about, is high needs clients is to get them into a place of safety. And once that happens, hsoc role is essentially done. Weve done our job. Weve gotten a person from the streets to the nav center or the stabilization bed. The outcomes are more dependent on the individual department. If someone ends up in the nav center, we need to be able to track that person through the nav center. President yee thats okay. You dont have to justify. I think what im asking for is what are you collecting so in three months we can respond and say, this is not good enough or its good enough . Currently what were collecting is, was that individual who we were trying to assist, did they make their way to a place of safety . Were you able to get a person from the corner into a Navigation Center or into and really thats when hsoc does not need to continue collecting the data. Our departments do and we can track people through the individual systems, but the goal of hsoc is to get the individuals who are desperately in need of assistance to a place of safety in a coordinated manner. We do have that information we can provide to you hopefully by the end of the day today. As far as additional data, you know for us, our outcome, is that person sheltered or housed . And did they get through the Treatment Program . We can provide you topline, you know, outcomes that were seeking to achieve, but it also depends on that individual and what their specific needs are. Mr. Controller. Good morning. As a department that is often called to look over the shoulder of other departments and assess and comment on Data Collection, what is being counted, is it the right things, is it achieving results . Just my perspective on some of the conversation here today, if we review where we were lets say 18 months ago, before this initiative started, the amount of Key Information being collected in a coordinated way and forms that are usable by operational staff, is dramatically improved, especially at that front end of the system. But really i think its the focus of h sock. There is plans in place to put a metric in place and we can give you a sense of that as well. As the director said, i think hsock is a lot about the front doors of the system and coordination of initial response. But simply, my perspective on where Performance Management and measurement is in this function. President yee okay. So ill just summarize where i am with this. As i said, i like the fact that the departments are trying to Work Together and solve a problem. I dont know, it does take more resources to do that. And whether its this amount or not, im not clear. The other piece is that if its going to also free up some of the Department Staff that has been working on this to go back to the stuff that they need to work on, thats a positive for me. So the amount, i guess, you know there will be a debate for that. But in general, im appreciative that were trying to coordinate rather than do everything in silos. Thank you very much. Director, i think you heard from this committee that were looking for more data and certain data points. I also just wanted to frame sort of my conversation earlier, is i actually colleagues, i actually had this moment where i said, oh, my god, we just sort of gave a nod to 4 million worth of new ftes to hsoc and i havent seen a metric on impact and what its been doing and how well its been operating and how many people are in hsoc. So i take this responsibility of actually allocating public dollars very seriously, because i know our public depends on us. I had a moment of panic that i didnt have enough data to support whether or not this initiative warrants another 4 million out of the budget. So im just going to say that i think that we called this hearing on a very late notice. It did not give you time to prepare, other departments to prepare with a full request for data as we do with other hearings. Quite frankly, we have a lot of time, departments push back on us and say we cant get the data, can you make it two months in advance and you did not have that opportunity. I want to say for you coming today and for me to insinuate that you are unprepared and somehow that is your fault, i just want to also put the blame on us, that we called this hearing at short notice without ample time to give you a list of data points that we would have expected at a hearing like this. So having said that, colleagues, what i would like to do is work with this controller to actually look at metrics that were looking at. This is a frustrating situation for all san franciscans, and especially for the director who works on it every day. I will say that i think we should probably have a separate hearing on this that actually can go into the knjoe nieuwendk that we dont have today. I think that the board is concerned. After we have a complete investment in, a financial investment, but then i also think that weve invested, you know, a lot of thought and time and im hoping that this investment actually, when we see the data, will show us that were headed in the right direction and were making a breakthrough. So having said that, i want to thank you for coming and well continue this conversation. Were not i think prepared today because of the lack of data to actually maybe change some things in the budget, but well have discussions about it. But i wanted to say thank you for coming. I think that what weve learned here is that there is much more that we need to know about the efficacy. And so well work with the Controllers Office to set up those metrics. But we do appreciate the coordination. We do appreciate that there are more departments looking at the same thing at the same time, versus all of us doing their own little thing. Were going to tackle this issue of homelessness, it takes a coordinated effort on b