Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

Devices of meeting. Be advised that pagers and similar soundproducing devices are prohibited and please be advised the chair may order the removal of any person responsible for the use of a cell phone, pager or soundproducing device. Announcement of time allotment. Any member of the public has up to three minutes to make Public Comments on each agenda item unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any item. It is strongly recommended members ha wis who wish to addre commission, fill out a speaker card. Report on actions at a previously close session and there are to reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of Unfinished Business and no matters of Unfinished Business. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished excuse me, the next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consistenting of consent and regular agenda. First a consent agenda, 5a, approval of minutes from september 17th, 2019. Mr. Chair . Madam secretary, any speaker cards. No speaker cards. Anybody wishing to speak and seeing none ill close Public Comment and close to fellow commissioners for any comments or if anyone would like to move this item. No questions. I make a motion to adopt minutes of september 17th, 2019. I second it. Commissioner scott. We have a first and second and madam secretary, please take roll. Please announce your vote comment i announce your name. roll call . Mr. Chair, the vote is for ayes. Thank you. Please call the next item. The next is a regular agenda, agenda itemss 5b through 5d for Candlestick Point will be presented and acted on together. 5b, including mitigation measures, pursuant to the california to the quality act of the 2019 modified project variance for phase two of the shipyard including findings, the implementation of a threshold of significance for evaluating impacts on miles travels, the Redevelopment Area and bayview Hunters Point. Discussion 252019, 5c, adopting findings pursuant to the Environment Quality act and, the candlestick development and discussion and action resolution number 262019. 5d, adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental quality act and approving a major phase amendment for major phase one, including associated revisions to the infrastructure plan and Candlestick Point, conversion of nonresidential uses within the Hunters Point area skph transfe and office use reDevelopment Plan area to the bayview plan area and approving a modification and Hunters Point project and Bayview Project area. Discussion and action, resolution 272019. Madam director . Thank you, madam secretary, through the chair. The item before you, as you recall, two weeks ago, at a last meeting, our Team Presented the work plan in front of you today, so today were asking for an approval of what was presented and staff is going to incorporate some of the recommendations we heard from the commission. Just a few highlights, converting rcmp na regional to , makinmaking adjustments, as wels Community Facilities and so on and then, of course, this workforce component and as you know, this is the framework and sets the framework for continued work that needs to be done over the implementation of th this p. With that, i will turn it to lyla so i dont repeat what she will be presenting on and we have the entire team here, as well as development partners, as well, t. Im the senior project manager for Hunters Point ship shipyard. Just as the director noticed, two weeks ago, in a detailed presentation on the vision and goals related to the proposed amendments for the major phase, which needs to be implemented through a series of amendments to regulatory documents governing the development of Candlestick Point. Today, you will give a quick overview of some of the plans that you saw previously and then get into the details of which amendments are tied to which regulatory documents. Also, sally, deputy director, will give a quick overview for Candlestick Point and ill come back to the podium. Here is a broad overview, probably essentially lists out what i just spoke about and then, the Commission Secretary read the one before you. The first for findings for addendum 6 and the third resolution covers the adoption, the major phase as well as changes to the infrastructure plan, transportation plan, conversion of Square Footage that is allowed for the bayview reDevelopment Plan and transfer some Square Footage for the shipyard to Candlestick Point. This sha look familiar from the last meeting. This is an overview and mostly well be talking about Candlestick Point. I have several images to context usecontextualize where we are, showing neighborhoods in Candlestick Point and you have the center in grey here and we probably wont have these names for the future neighborhoods but this is just to orient you of the whole candlestick air and griff is to the west and to the east is candle park south. And now zooming in, into the major phase, another Aerial Overview with the major phase of the subphases within the major phase talking about, a cpo one which includes the first phases of alison that have been built and the other major phases weve been talking about today. And just a quick overview. This is the hir hierarchy of documents many of you are familiar with, the order of how we get from very broad documents like the reDevelopment Plan, the dda, then down to other project documents that regulate the development and major phases and then subphases and then to the vertical designs you have seen before you. And then to recap, theres been many prior aprojects bu approvae amended it and ill you turn it over to sally to talk about the overall Housing Program. Good afternoon. Again, we thought it was important to revisit the Housing Program within the project and highlight a few things not changing, as well as cant points that are changing. So a key point today is that the bmr housing plan within the dda is not changing. So now are the number of total units, the required range of inclusionary housing, nor the senior inclusionary project are changed to the actions today. What youll hear about later from lyla is the proposal to rearrange the market rate and inclusionary hous housing withie cp center, as well as the inclusionary housing from later phasing into cpo2. As a quick refresher in major phase one, the first housing completed was Alice Griffith, phase 4 founded by ocii and the developer. Here is an overview of the Housing Units delivered, the full buildout of shipyard phase two where you see over 10,000 total units, over 3300bmr units and the projectachieves 32 of afforability. In candlestick, the total amount is 3,000 Housing Units which is an increase of 400 units, thanks again to the developer advancing some of the housing into cpo26789. 2. Major phase one will achieve 39 affordable. Affordability. This is looking at candlestick as a whole and so here is a visual of the bmr housing map from the dda and the colored blocks represent the Alice Griffith lots, ocii lots and Workforce Housing lots and these are not changed through the actions today. Now ouour standalone blocks ala full spectrum of housing and opportunities for deep affordability. Youre familiar with the Public Housing replacement units in alice gruff fifth serving zero to 60 of area medi medium inc. There will be Homeless Housing and rental Housing Units and whats changing today is just rearranging of the grey blocks in that triangels in the cp center. Of course, one of the most important aspects of the bmr program are the people who live there and so there is a robust set of occupancy projects that will govern the housing projects. There are additional phases for any previous householding that left and want to come back. So oci staff is working hard to think of ways to increase our outreach to certificate of preference holders and well be coming back before you in a month for our annual cop Program Report but ill give you a sneak preview of some of the things looking at are ways to continue to improve and increase our outreach range, including ways to use social media. Were looking into trying to create an inner active map to allow potential cop holders to see more easily if they resided in an address that is eligible to receive a certificate of reference and, of course, we are going to continue to implement our recent practise of income tiering through properties, proe projects are spread across multiple levels to maximize opportunities for cop holders. You know, of course, the most immediate way to serve cop holders is ensuring we have Housing Units to move into which is why seeing progress is so critical to ocis mission. So with that, ill turn it back to lyla to continue the presentation but im happy to answer any housing questions after the Commission Takes Public Comment. And so here on this slide is a summary of Community Benefits, none of which are changing. We are essentially the developers and compliance, a lot of these Community Benefits were triggered when the first major phase was approved and later ill be talking about the lots moving but in teres o terms of e actual compliance, the developer is compliant and nothing is proposed related to the dda body of the Community Benefits. So again, if you look at the map, the tan, the beige area is major phase one, cp, which is what we are talking about. If you look at the map, cpo3 and 4, man seven of the blocks havee before the commissioner for vertical, Schematic Design review and you have seen those and you have cp center which we refer to as cpo2. And so now, im going to drill down deeper into the proposed amendments here. Im skipping ahead. So this is an overview of the major phase application amendments that you heard two weeks ago but broadly, its about adding more housing to the cp center area. Its about reducing the regional retail, removal of the tower site and pane o many other itemd hear thahere that we will get ie next slides here. Theres phoufbgss t phoufbgs toe schedule performance where the developer will deliver parks and the horizonal infrastructure and were shifting those one to three years because we spent the last couple of years retooling this plan and needing to go out and do the actual approvals, the Community Process and now after this step, we will have to go seek permits and that whole time has shuted the schedule performance and weve updated the performance. The Alison Griffin neighborhood is moving the facility lot from where it was previously in cpo3 to the Alice Griffin neighborhood area and then the retention of the frendalda childcare play area. So this map should look familiar. What is currently the Land Use Plan to your left and what is proposed. If you look at the pink area, it was the outlet mall area in the map and to the right, you see a lot more housing. Again, here is some know many clanomenclatureill be using the presentation, the outfield and infield, keeping in line with references to the old stadium and im just going to zoom in more on whats happening on each partpart of the pie or home pla. And so back in 2017, we had a Retail Center and you see the red representing regional retail and now you see the 2019, office, housing and you see retail lining the area to serve neighborhood uses and you have a certain amount of regional retail in the 2019 plan, as well. So this is the outfield program, the summary the Square Footage of the units and outfield area. If you go up now to the infield, the dark blue area, the film and arts center. That has always been a part of the project. The location has moved from where it was previously located but still a part of the Land Use Program and then you have the Senior Housing at 60 ami and multifamily housing in the infield. So this is a summary from a Square Footage percentage of what has changed between the 2016 approval and currently what is proposed and you see changes in the neighborhood retail and you see the performance and the venue is getting smaller. The hotel, the Square Footage is smaller. Now we will zoom in on Alice Griffith. This map represents the different types of neighborhood. You have workforce and market housing and the first face of pf alice on this map. We want to highlight where the Community Facility lot that is supposed to be used for a Community Used for fire, school or police is being located from what is cp1a to the Alice Griffith neighborhood to serve the residential neighborhood in that area. But you see purple remaining on the righthand side for Community Use and reserved for possible fire station. So now, talking about frandeljia, if you look at ag8 to the housing map that sally covered, ag8 would be a mark rate lodgmarketrate lodge but ag with the te tenants, they need t to function and we are keeping that as a playground area and the market rates will be distributed throughout the other market rate unit s. S. Were not changing the percentage amount but since the Development Plan is shutting froshiftingfrom a retail to lard residential, your defact tow deo reducing the amount for spaces the change you see is the cp center and ill show you this map, these are all of the locations of the Community Facility spaces, most of which have been approved through the vertical designs before this commission. And so you see all of these locations lining as well as ingerson which is the main retail corridor and you have harhaveharney with retail and ye the african marketmace to have. The orange is highlighting 3,000 of Community Facility spaces that would be located in major phase two, part of major phase one and that is the Welcome Center for state parks. Thats part of the requirement. And then this is the end results of all of the changes and this is a land use map essentially, what you end up with and you have the Community Facility lot and west side of the site plan, you have office at cpo2 and then you have a lot more red residenl in cpo2. Another viewpoint, just to look at it differently, amassing that you can see the major phase. So then you want to talk about the design for development, which essentially functions as a zoning code for Candlestick Point containing all of the guidelines to shape the future of the cp center as well as all of candlestick. This is tai tailormade for a Regional Center for the land uses proposed within the cp center. Oci staff, fivepoint and Planning Department worked closely on the changes in the d for d and its in your packet, you have a red line of what all of the changes are and examples, just some of the examples of the starstandards are setbacks, sie coverage and how you activate the ground floor. Theres also more information on some of the other items that are contained within the d for d minutes. We are also proposing a height of course acceptioexception whe allowance to cover mechanical equipment and then also allow for 10 deviation. These are that deviation is consistent with what we approved for the d for d. This we went over at the workshop, as well, the height changes and all of the height changes are happening within the candlestick center part of the project. If you look at the map in 2016, you had a tower before and that is being removed in the candlestick center site. You have increases from 65 to 85 to 120 towards the back part of the site where the mixed use office is and then in the internal part, you have increase from 65 to 85 feet and on the productiveryperiphery, you haveo 85 feet. So the schedule performance changes as i discussed earlier is having shuts between one to three years and then towards the end, th, theres a shut. The major subtpa use subphases t from one to three years. Ill talk about the other documents. The other documents that are very much involved with our city family infrastructure plan. We work with all of the city adoptdepartments so we work wit, public works, mta related to the infrastructure plan and all of these amendment

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