Transcripts For SFGTV LAFCo Local Agency Formation Commissio

Transcripts For SFGTV LAFCo Local Agency Formation Commission 20240713

That household changes accordingly with those household changes. Another part of the counseling that i dont think we had anticipated or envisioned, well, i think we anticipated it somewhat, but what is really been driven through the conversations is theres a need to engage with households as theyre making longterm plans for themselves about retirement or other things that could affect their ability to qualify for an Affordable Housing unit. Someone may be in a position today where they might not be eligible for an Affordable Housing unit but if they make a decision to cut back on their hours or to retire, that they might fall no a category where they would qualify. So its a very dynamic picture and theres a level of on going consultation with households as they continue to value wait these choices. Just to answer that question, we reached 189 pre dda and well look to work with around 150 postdda so really, you know, its the effort is going to be just about the same that weve done in addition to the additional effort that is going to take, as bob mentioned, to do the contract indications certify for the elections process. Theres a lot of work to be done in this effort. Its always that things come up that we havent thought about just by the nature of this program and so theres many, many tasks orders to be done in the future and just to satisfy you on that, we get to focus on a quarterly basis what needs to be done and we discuss the deliver ables and the groups cost estimates on that so that is how were approaching the spend down on this. One other thing that bob did mention that we do have lots of costs associated with translations and meetings and Contact Person that makes our materials look lease ente pleast our meetings organized in a way that makes sense for the community. There is a lot of groundwork done by them and launched by associate rightofway services. Thank you, very much. So, i guess if we didnt pass this today, lets look back at november at our meeting that were all there that there were quite a number of people who felt this was extremely important we move forward. If we didnt pass and thats what someone is suggesting, nobody has suggested that, but would that be damaging . If we didnt get started tomorrow, the opportunity to participate in pre marketing opportunities, bob, discussed earlier, that will be launching for marketing, will be starting to Market Opportunities and this group of people 150 will end up have the ability to participate in this pre marketing opportunity. So we would like to get started weve been satisfied with the work thats been delivered and linda and director richardson, we have been providing this group with monthly reports on deliverables and theyre part of your package. We put it in there so you see the work that being done by associates right away on a regular basis. And so, were comfortable that this amendment will help us not only meet the goals, the initial goals we set fourth for the program but also this new opportunity for postdda people to participate in the programs immediately. Thank you. I think the question here for people that are listening, tida is not abandoning this work. Weve been working on that. Weve been working with the staff and asking questions, asking for time lines, asking for all kinds of stuff. Nothing has changed. What were talking about here is we are going. We have fiscal responsibilities here. Forward for us to be able to help you help us help them there are questions that we still have to ask here because this is an ongoing process. They can do that. Its not stopping you because weve had this contract for when, for all this time. And in fact, waiting until the end of so the justification now for this amount is it because we are just post dda. Based on that, how much is that add to go what were having when we, according to your statistics here, you started with 19 and the budget was 250k, right. Ok. Thats what we have now. But now, you are adding post dda, 150 and the budget is throw and a halthrowand athreeand a h. People have to be done right so we are asking all the questions is that this project has been on going for some time now and even how you are going to be a session the 150k and all of this. We have not even seen the work plan. That is the question. I cannot just even if the amount is a million for three to adjust throw and a half million. Please, let me finish. For someone out here, you be responsible, not just asking how you are going to get to that. Next time you come here its us supporting this thing before and there might be things i like to see in the plan that the commission has going to see. I can speak to the fact that your commissioners are asking these questions, not just to me that we need to resolve those questions for us to move forward. Thats what were doing. One more information piece, bob. If you want. We are always planning to bring a Budget Amendment to this body at this time. In deed, we are at our billing rate of the million 250 so with this months payment. We had always intended to bring the amendment to the body at this time. And it just so happens that in addition to bringing just an amendment for what we needed on our original contract we needed to add what the additional work would be done for the post dda. Thank you. You have additional questions. Thank you. Perhaps mixed in with a comment here to address miriams feedback. So, i think at the strong urging of this board, the performance has certainly improved a lot. When im doing the path o math , were two years into the three year contract. Our current burn is at a million right now. Basically it means weve been spending about 42,000 a month on this service. And were currently proposing in the next three years to increase that spending to 118,000 a month. So my reques question is to undd why were increasing the spending two and a half times and i feel like i dont have the information to get there. Im not opposed to providing the service and as mark already pointed out, we definitely need this budget increase in order to accommodate the post dda work that we have just voted on that we are unanimously supporting here. But i think fiscal responsibility is also important here and i dont know that we have enough information to really approve a very significant budget increase in the magnitude of 4 million here. I hear what you are saying. It seems like maybe weve already burned through our 1. 25 Million Contract and we dont want any interruptions and services. So my suggestion is perhaps we can look at an interim approval. Can we on the fly right now amend some sort of interim approval to allow for a little bit of a leeway so that this next month of work will not be interrupted. I think just as matter of procedures, theres enough concerns and questions raised by the board so i suggest that we not take action on this matter today and it be brought back in january after weve had a chance to get all the information. Of course, we are supportive of the work that is being done and the question is under the current contract and under the current contract amount can they provide services for the next months of work . I believe that we would seek ill ask mariam to comment as well. I believe we would seek some limited increase in the amount. I know that were approaching the limit of the contract. I know that we were intending to send out mailings and do outreach this month. We currently anticipate that the initial pre marketing opportunities for the units on ybi will occur and open in the late january and so we wanted to begin the outreach effort with post dda residents immediately. Mailings. Thats mailing. To 189 predda to 150 i believe we have a question of staff. The board obviously would like to continue this item. We dont want to interrupt any of the services that are needed. And so is there an action required to allow the services to continue . Let me direct the question my hope is there is leeway, given the current contract for there could be work done in the next month. Marion, could you speak on our ability to continue work through january 8th without an amendment . I do believe were at the end of our contract agreement with the spenddown of receiving an invoice in january or december and that will take us to the limit at 1. 250. Weve been discussing it. We have been working on an initial scope or a task from january to june. And the amount of which is 420,000. And so if you did decide on doing a friendly amendment to this, i would hope that we at least get through the next six months without interruption. Is that acceptable to the board . Would the board like to entertain a motion to that effect . We will continue this matter which is the request for an increase to five and a half million that means the further discussed in january. Can we give an interim approval for 420,000 for the scope . And not exercise in the extension in term will come back with Additional Information that we can provide informational updates in furtherance of a february action so that when we do take an action on a larger amendment, the board has confident in what its authorization. Right. I have a procedural question. So, because this item is notified as a regular action item, how do we amend the current notifying you would amend the resolution. There would be a motion to amend the resolution. Eliminating the extension of term but offering an increase in contractment. I move per jobs suggestion making that you are that obviously staff has the ability to continue to approve allowances per the work plan as developed. Second. And just have some clarification here. So this would take the work until june. We can come back in january, provide you an informational update and hopefully to state where were working the 400,000 until june. You can add that commitment in there i would approve that. Ok. So, weve got a resolution to extend the contract until june for 420,000 but the staff will come back to us with the further details and proposals on the 5. 5 million. Yes. And i think i will take the its been moved and seconded and all those if favor. Aye. All those opposed. I think that youve heard the concerns of the fiscal amount is quite significant. We just want to make sure that you have integrity. Absolutely. Ok. So we will have the next item, class. Clerk 9, parks separations and maintenance. Chris from cmg will present this item for us. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Im with cmg Landscape Architecture and weve been working in collaboration with njm Management Group and the tida team to develop the maintenance and Operations Manual for Treasure Island over the past six to eight months. As many of you know, our practice has been engage in the project for a long time now. And given that context in our familiarity with the parks system, we recognize that the importance of this work to the longterm success of the project to tida and to the citys goals. So, one thing ill note about our role in this process is given our intimate knowledge of the parks system, the specific program attic aspects of the open space system, weve been really effectively organizing the process and facilitating the work and they are relying on to bring their expertise in terms of parks operations and management and maintenance processes as well as cost. And so were really helping to facilitate that process over all. To get the contents much what weve been working on. With that id like to touch on a few of the goals of this manual and the set of documents that were working on. The first is really to create a comprehensive systemwide manual along with parkspecific operations and maintenance guidelines. So it will have an over all systemwide framework as well as the detailed requirements for each park. And in order to guide that, were taking a approach that defines level of service for each park based on the location, scale and program of the park. And then looking at each of the major categories of maintenance and operations for those parks and when namely management, engineering, scape and janitorial. To develop operations and maintenance budget that will be detailed for the parks that have been designed to a construction level and the phase 1 stage one area. And then projections for the parks that would come online and phases 2 through 4. Key to this is to create a living document and a framework for a document that can be updated and added to overtime recognizing the phasing of the project over many years and decades. And lastly, to structure it so that it can be used as a guide to procure services and develop rfps for contracting for the work. So those are the key goals here. You are well familiar with the over all plan and its a large system of 300 acres of parks and so being very thoughtful about the diversity of programs, and the types of open spaces well have are key to the development of the manual. I mentioned the phasing again, looking at how this will be realized through time and understanding projections for when the parks will come online. Both from an operational standpoint and also from a budgeting standpoint. Just to reflesh, these are the parks and the phase 1, stage 1 area that have been designed to the point that theyre real ready for construction and scheduled for completion over the next couple of years so these are the areas that weve focused in on details. In terms of how the documents are going to be structured, there are four major chapters. Theres an executive summary which really lays out the intent of the document and theres a chapter on over all system Wide Management and then in turn, the details Park Maintenance sections that will be designed for each space and then theres a lot of supporting documents and ill go through each of these so you can have a sense of the details. The over all executive summary will include the project overview, the document overview and phasing considerations along with the detailed overview of the parks in the first phase. That will be added to overtime as the parks come online. And then in the system Wide Management section, theres an overview of the general procedures and policies that well be guiding the operations and maintenance on the island and so those are general city requirements as well as specific tida related policies, for example, parks rules and regulations and those kinds of things. There will be Environmental Policies and procedures that would be included in the next section really guiding the wark in terms of howorkin terms of rl as sustainability goals for the project. Theres the legal of service which ill talk a little bit more about in a few moments and then in each area of management engineering, landscape and Janitorial Services, a review of the system wide requirements for those. And then lastly, theres guidance for the management and operations of the art program and in concert with the Arts Commission and guidance on the maintenance facilities that will be required on the island to operate the systems. We move to chapter 3 that will take each park and look at them in detail and in terms of the very specific requirements for each one. Those will be based on the levels of service that are identified. They will include detailed all manner of maintenance requirements. As i mentioned the other phases, as theyre developed, it will be included in the document. So what a typical section for each park would look like is to include an over all concept statementing recognize the design intent and program for the space. Detailed requirements for each of the Major Service areas and then the special considerations that would be unique to that park including events, arts and other infrastructural requirements. It will be bound if binders used by field staff as well as in the office. It will be a substantial document and its coming along well and were looking forward to sharing more with you in the new year. On the maintenance levels of service concept, i did want to spend a few moments touching on that idea and breaking it out into these three major categories of service pre vision. What is important to guide how resources are allocated that theyre targeted in the right place. An example of this would be at the Ferry Terminal in building one where theres an incense use of activity. Clearly, the Janitorial Services will be higher level than they would be in the yerba some buena highland areas. The idea is to target the disciplines so theyre appropriately aligned with the needs of each space. Its higher and lower intensities for each of the areas. We have the key responsibilities so theres utility systems, paving, rest room facilities and then the management of the furniture and fixtures and equipment. In the landscape area theres the throw major categories of the irrigation and Water Management and tree and plant maintenance. And in the janitorial area theres a maintenance and cleaning of the furniture, fixtures and equipment, paving, Waste Management including collection and sorting and then graffiti removal and monitoring and then the rest room cleaning services. In terms of the Actual Program and the facility and this is evolving as the scale and type of the open spaces come online and what weve done as a team is to outline what we think the appropriate final maintenance yard for the whole system wants to look like in terms of its scale and what it would include. You can see on the program, theres basically a oneacre yard that were envisioning and we would include an office, warehouse storage, parking composting facility for management of green waste and then in concert with that we have been discussing how that can be aggregated with a public works facilities yard, puc facility and Waste Management area for collection from the waste from the public realm and its sorting on island. Thats the overview on that. Its roughly what that would look like as a diagram of the area. Roughly 140 by 300 feet with a preliminary layout of the facilities. A few locations where this might be placed in the longterm plan, mostly within the ag park area recognizing the potential for integration with those programs, and in the face for open space. So, looking forward, were wrapping up the system wide chapter this month. We are going to be delivering a draft budget also bit end of the month and coming back with refinement based on comments from tida in january and then well be presenting the draft manual and budget at the february board meeting. Well then refine that based on your c

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