Right. We have a quorum. Obviously, these are unique times, as we could say. Given the Public Health recommendations issued by the department of Public Health and Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the attendance of Board Members by telephone, directors rubke and torres will be participating by phone at my request. Caroline and others in the room here to assist with our City Attorney deputy City Attorney, susan cleavelandknowles. We will say, at the end, get through this together. I will ask Board Members to mute their phones. It sounds great right now, but if you want to speak, unmute the phones and let us know. For this meeting, we would like public to participate remotely about writing a question and contacting us electronically. Thank you for honoring this request. Going forward, we urge the public to write the board at mtaboard sfmta. Gov or calling 4154464470. That information is also on our website if you need that. We usually ask for speaker cards, but today, we are not going to use the cards to minimize the risk of contamination. Today, although there are relatively few people in the room, we would ask you to continue to practice social distancing rules that weve all heard. We will for you that the microphone for us and for you have been sanitized, and if you need assistance using the microphone, let us know. Lastly, there is a Hand Sanitizer dispenser over there, and we will proceed in these odd times to get through this as quickly as we can. We have asked staff not to schedule any critical items for the board, especially those that may require Public Participation because we want to make sure that people have a chance to comment publicly on things that may affect them. We know these are challenging times, so we want to thank everyone thats here. I particularly want to thank director tumlin, and with that, ill just say were grateful on behalf of the board for everyones cooperation and by cooperating with the mayors order to shelter in place. With that, we can proceed to the requirement of silencing the cell phones or other sound producing electronic devices. The next item is the march 3, 2020 regular minutes. Is there any Public Comment on these minutes . Okay. Seeing none, Public Comment on that item is closed. I will pause a little bit more on Public Comment for any obvious reasons, but i dont think we have any indication of Public Comment on that. So would the Board Members who are present all entertain a motion on approving the minutes . Move to approve. Second. Chairman heinicke okay. And ill call for a roll call vote because we have some directors on the phone. Clerk okay. [roll call] chairman heinicke okay. That item approved, we will go to communications. The board will not be discussing the anticipated litigation in closed session. Thats the only communications that i have. Chairman heinicke very good. That takes us to item 6, introduction of new or unfinished business. Okay. Board members, i will say in the order of new business, something thats never done, i drove here. I talked about this with director tumlin, so for those of you listening at home, if you are leaving your homes to go to an essential appointment or like, a doctors appointment or going to get groceries or taking some of the few essential tasks allowed under the order, please use it. This is the rare time were going toen courage that. By having fewer to encourage that. By having fewer passengers on Public Transportation, youll make it safer for fellow citizens who need to use Public Transit to use it more, enabling social distancing. So you wont hear this often from me, but if you have a car to get to Public Places that you need to get to, please use it to keep our fellow Public Transit passengers safe. Very good. Stay healthy, folks, and exercise. Director eaken has just told you two wonderful ways to do that in this wonderful city. Okay. Clerk directors report. Chairman heinicke director tumlin . Director tumlin the order that has ordered bay area residents to shelter in place specifically excludes transportation in part because our nurses and doctors and firefighters and First Responders still need to get to work and our residents need to get to Grocery Stores and pharmacies and doctors offices in our districts. Our operator availability was on average this week, and today, its almost normal, and our Incident Command Team is working nearly full stop. And despite the intensity of these last weeks, i really couldnt wish for a better team or a better job, frankly. Im incredibly proud to serve this agency in these times. So i want to give you an update on some of the key activities that weve been doing to respond to the covid19 disaster. Give a couple of additional updates before we move onto our full agenda. For muni, our priority is shifting service around to allow for social distancing among our passengers and also protecting our operators. So as many of you know, we have cancelled service on cable cars, the e and the f and replaced the services with bus lines. This is largely to protect our operators. On our regular buses and regular light rail trains, all of our operator cabins have a protective barrier to protect operators at this time. Weve had a dramatic drop off in ridership to the financial districts but the neighborhood district remains strong. Of course were continuing to clean all of our buses and trains nightly, were continuing to scrub down all the high touch areas in our stations four times a day. Were increasing midday cleaning of the vehicles at the end of lines, and were accessing all of the usual Health Protocols about not riding while sick and sneezing into your elbow and so on. On the parking side, were also adjusting all of our parking rules in order to focus on measures that maintain Public Health, Public Safety, and the accessibility of services. So this means any parking regulation having to do with health, safety, and responsibility is enforced. It also means continuing to enforce parking meters in order to allow people like director heinicke to drive to get to the Grocery Store or the pharmacy or other essential services and to keep the Parking Spaces available in our neighborhood commercial districts. Parking enforcement is temporarily suspended for residential parking permits, for most peak hour tour way and for parking more than 72 hours in order to accommodate people who are sheltering in place. As you know, this is a constantly evolving situation. We are trying to make adjustments as we learn more information, and you can always go for the latest information at sfmta. Com. I also wanted to update you on central subway. Back in february, when you approved the modification for central subway, we submitted to coming back today to give you an update. Unfortunately, im sorry to report that staff have been otherwise distracted, and our contractors are being impacted by construction worker available issues. We know this is essential information, and we will have an update for you at our next scheduled m. T. A. Board meeting. I also wanted to let you know in addition to the ongoing conversations at these meetings, we are having a public open house that will be entirely online this thursday from 5 00 to 6 30. You can get more information at sfmta. Com budget. We will also be hosting a twitter town hall on april 2. Finally, this is interesting that this is happening at specifically this time, but tomorrow is transit operator appreciation day, and i could not imagine being more appreciative of our transit operators right now than ever before, so we have stickers i guess i should have cut these up beforehand so i didnt actually have to hand them to you. We will give you properly sanitized stickers to show your appreciation. Chairman heinicke that concludes your report . Director tumlin that concludes my report. Chairman heinicke is there any Public Comment on the phone to director tumlins report . Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Vice chair borden . Vice chair borden i would say in my neighborhood, the mission, a lot of people still riding the bus. I see it well into the evening as well as in the day that the buses are quite busy, and the people, this is how they get to work. For a lot of employees, i cannot understate how significant this crisis is for them and their livelihood. Chairman heinicke yes. We will consider that in our decisions moving forward. Jeff, how long have you been on the job . Director tumlin 100 days . Chairman heinicke i think for anything like this to hit anyone else it would be devastating, but working with you, especially over the last couple of weeks, you have hit the ground running. I will thank director eaken, borden, and torres for bringing you to us. Your honor born for this. Next item. Clerk okay. Next item is the mayors report, and i dont see anyone, so today, we will not have the report. Chairman heinicke is there anyone who wants to comment on that today . Great. Next item. Clerk consent calendar. These items are considered routine unless a director wants to sever any items, in which case, it will be treated as a regular agenda item. Chairman heinicke is there anyone that would like to sever any items . That was directed to our secretary. Seeing no motions, i will entertain a motion from one of my fellow Board Members here in the room. Move to approve the consent calendar. Chairman heinicke okay. May we have a roll call vote on this, please. Clerk yet. [roll call] yes. [roll call] chairman heinicke very good. That item passes. Item 11. Clerk item 11, procurement of new light rail vehicles with simmons mobility to enhance the vehicle with comforts and to enhance phase two production and acceleration activities for early fleet replacement for an amount not to exceed 43,414,056, with no increase in price and no increase in the term of the contract. Chairman heinicke all right, miss kirschbaum. Thank you for your time today. I will try to keep it brief, but i am here because weve reached a critical milestone for the lr4 project, and i believe theres a need to proceed with the phase two. We had intended to initially bring this contract modification to you last spring, but we had a series of issues that raised concerns for both staff as well as this board to proceed. Weve learned a lot over the intervening months and i think are back on track to deliver a really great train. I think thats exhibited most strongly in the mean distance between failures which reached 22,000 miles between february. Our expectation is these will meet 25,000 miles and will stay there for at least six months as part of the contract, and we are holding retention on the vehicles until that milestone is achieved, but it is a far cry from our floor, which is Something Like 3,000 miles between failures, so were really seeing strong performance, and as we continue to see bradas break all over the route, this is a big adjustment. The biggest failure was the hydraulic brake adjustment, which was preventing us from moving vehicles. But weve had a series of issues, and almost all have been addressed or are in the process of being addressed. As weve brought on more vehicles and addressed some of these fleet challenges, we have seen more and more of these vehicles in service, particularly on the weekend. Youre probably seeing mostly lrv4s at this time. These are our best vehicles, so when we can use them, we do, and weve doubled their mileage over the last year. We are still only seeing about 48 to 50 vehicles available a day, and we hope to get that up to closer to 55 or 56, and the reason for that is we still have three vehicles that we have not purchased yet. The original two vehicles that have had these testing plus as seen in this photo here, we also have one vehicle that we hadnt purchased yet that siemens borrowed heavily from to keep the vehicles up and running. Plus, we have six vehicles whose wheels have been flattened so much that we can no longer true them up, and we need vehicle replacements. Our goal is to do about one per month. And then finally i wanted to give you an update on the shear pin issue. What we determined after they outfitted a coupler with very sensitive sensory information is that we found at our intersections where we have half the train on a hill and half the train on a flat intersection, the shear pins are experiencing about ten times the force that the subcontractor anticipated when they designed the vehicle. This is part of being a historic system. We would not design a rail system today with very flat intersections and very steep grade, but siemens committed to meeting our operating environment, and they are on track to get us a solution to this problem. In the short time, they continue to pay for the pin replacement and installation moving forward. And then, one additional issue that i wanted to flag for you and it is related to the new trains has to do with the integrations between the lrv4 and the pantograph. Were seeing excess wear and tear in these locations. We also simultaneously equipped an lrv4 pantograph with a camera and a ruler. And without knowing where the locations are, the locations that they identified where the pantographs were getting compressed actually matched onetoone where we were getting excess wear and tear. Its not unusual to get these types of issues. The bradas pantograph is designed to compress even further than the 122, but it is a system issue that we do need to address. In the contract modification, theres two primary costs. The first, which we discussed in november, when you approve modification six, when you approved the brada replacement to shave off about six months off the timeline, and the second is to invest in the seats to do all of the changes that we reviewed and agreed on. We have essentially completed the track breaks except for a if you remaining vehicles, and then, one issue that is not in this mod seven but that we are making Good Progress on is the monitors. We are using the monitors in place of mirrors that are much larger and have better visibility. We have a product that we all like, and were just in process of doing proof of concept. It wasnt ready for this package yet, but we still need to work through all of the design details. And then, finally, in addition to the brada and the track changes and the seat breaks, there are a couple dozen miscellaneous changes that were doing that is based on feedback from operators, from mechanics, as well as from the public. So if youre starting production, and you want a blue button instead of a red button, those are design changes and have costed associated with them. Costs associated with them. Chairman heinicke julie, can i ask you a question. For the four directors participating by phone, there is a bit of a lag, so if you could indicate which slide youre on, that would be great. So i am on slide 15, indicating the major traffic drivers in slide 7. Chairman heinicke thank you. So we are now on slide 16. Thank you. Slides 16 through 18, im not going to take time to go through each item, but they do describe all of the items included in this change order. They were also outlined in your packet, and then slide 19 includes the overall funding package, which is approximately 1. 1 billion. So with that, the action that were asking today is for approval of the task order. It is critical to maintain our position in the pipeline and to get our phase two vehicles underway, and im happy to answer any questions that you have. Chairman heinicke okay. Is there any Public Comment on this item, item number 10 excuse me, item number 11. Okay. Seeing none, item number 11 is closed. Directors, any questions from miss kirschbaum . Directors on the phone, if you have any, please say so. Caller this is director hemminger. I have a question. Chairman heinicke please, ste steve. Caller this is the cost for all of the vehicles, and i assume were just asking for a portion. Thank you for the clarification. This is the funding for the entire project, and todays action is on just the task order seven, which is, i believe, about a 50 million task order that incorporates all of the changes that we want to make to phase two that you didnt previously approve as part of task order six. Caller and just in the future, julie, it would be helpful to me to show how much of this funding has been secured. For example, the regional measure three money, i know, is held up in litigation, and its sitting in escrow. So its not immediately available, and i dont know how many of these other sums have either been secured or are hoped for, but it would be helpful to see that whole picture when were allocating funds and not knowing whether weve got it all in the bank yet. Absolutely. Wed be happy to provide that. And even where were relying on measures like regional measure thre three, we either have contingency plans or theyre far enough out into the cash flow pipeline that we have some confidence in them, but understand that we will absolutely indicate where theres funding uncertainty. Caller thank you. Chairman heinicke any other callers on the phone have questions . Okay. Thank you. One oh, director eaken. Director eaken i have one question. Regarding the seating arrangement on the two different designs, one which has more sitting space, one which has more standing space, just, like, something to think through, are these going to be scattered throughout the system, or are we going to deploy trains that have more standing space through the higher traffic corridors where more standing space is required or just as they come online . I think thats something well have to look at when we get closer to determining what the route is, but i think well have to look at the different demands, what they are. Chairman heinicke very good. The new trains coming online will have the ability to receive communications from Central Command or elsewhere while deployed in the system. In other words, if we have to make a system announcement, which we