Pledge. Present member brookter is late. Vice president carrion. Present. Member nguyen. Present. Member palmer. Present. Member hsu. Present. President week ter. Present. Congratulations to member palmer on his reappointment. Said recognized that since our last meeting i remember afuhaamango and carrion for another 4 year term. And we are moving agenda item 4 to come after agenda item 9. Can you call the first item. One, general Public Comment. Public is welcome to address the board for items not on the agendaful comments or opportunity to speak are available for members ever public present in person by approaching president podium. Those yoining remote call the next which is on the screen 4155540001. And entering access code 2599 300 5252. When Public Comment is announced follow the prompts to be added to the queue. When you hear, good upon afternoon, you have 2 minute this is is your opportunity to make Public Commentful you have 2 minutes to provide your upon comments once they vended you will be moved out of the queue and back in listening as a participate in the meeting unless you disconnect. Members may stay on had listen for noorth item called to make Public Comment by pressing star three to be add back to the queue. One Public Comment in the room. Good afternoon. Good afternoon will the second time you seen me. I say, hi. Im jerry. I think that time i said i think if we keep going with action it will not be good. I think. I dont know what the sheriff is doing. I mean we are no matter you are all friends you want to work with parties. I think something is not happening. Upon i think it showed will the more and more obvious that there has to be a step forward to make something happen we be in trouble. I mean. Thanks. I know you understand had im saying. We were under pressure of [inaudible]. You know. Pollics it. Obviously. It is technology which is more than everything it is like we need to fight against ai will it am awful. It is coming. It is now. Not have to understand focus use Critical Thinking and do our fwoeft u night our energies and Work Together. Okay. Have i good afternoon i will see you again. Bye. Thank you. I was up trying it peek yesterday i i was not visible to the guy in 416 the hearing room. I was up there peeking and sat back down and whoa, Something Weird i dont know. I thought one of you i thought defense dufty i dont know who it is why they are doing that. Heard to understand i wonder i will go back to the seat and will i feel the same. Way. I dont know. What i know is i tweet im a tweet are i have a twitter aupon count and i started a thread today about an officer who stopped me on the bay bridge in 2011. Took my car you know. Never got it back. Got a 900 dollars. California is making money off that car. Upon there is weird stuff going of big crimes going of our rights i dont have rights you know what im saying. It is all for the money theyll give you a bunch money. All of them. Billions and billions a lot of money. Money im wondering like is it twoing work out . I dont know. Tell pan out in the endism was in here a lady was talking and talking and talking in here sitting down trying to get up and talk. Kwleen they i dont know had they are talking b. This happens every day. Cant process anything. It is relationship hard. Thank you thank you. Item 2 adoption of minutes action item. Im sorry. My apologies. Hello . This evening im andrew jabs write. I had a disconnected stay in whatever loop i stay in and trying to reestablish myself stability in the mainstream society. I dealt with a bit of oigcoc stuff down in l. A. I moved here 5 years ago on 7318. 5 years state of 7723. Am i had communicated came up here through off the streets back in the workforce and whatever people deal with govern, whatever happens. You know out there the cruelties are hanging or what not im trying to understands what is going on here. If tough to do when you are in the streets. And your voice is diluted. You get better at t. Okay thats what i had correspondence with waltons office. Moved around a bit. I have taken the sheriffs to court once. I dont talk much about temperature i dont have to talk about it. I took them to court for a good reason you get better communicating and stuff and thats what im striving to do myself and trying to understand what this panel designed for and what is going on with the next steps. Okay. I communicated this to waltons office. We get there im taking classes and training and a bit like everybody sdchlt that is when im doing. Reading the statement incompatible activities i come through san diego and lawyers tinsel town to the golden gaechlt doing whatever. Labeled as whatever. Okay. You know im a nonparty preference person you look at my voter registration. You will see [inaudible] this is who they are i dont want to get into it. I dont like politics in the courtroom. I dont know what type of room this is. I need to find out. Im saying still dealing with things and thats it i dont have anything else. Thank you, thank you, thank you. No callers online. Dwrom adoption of minutes action item. Rerue and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on june sect of 2023. Do we have discussion or motion . Regarding the minutes . Motion to approve. Second. And members of public who would like to comment for item 2, lineup otherwise call 4155540001 and access code 2599 300 5252. There does not a pore to be Public Comment. Take the role for item 2. Member afuhaamango aye. Member brookter. Aye Vice President carrion. Aye. Member nguyen. Aye. Member palmer. Aye. Member hsu. Aye. President wechter. Aye. Minutes are adopted. Calling item 3 recruitment of Inspector General discussion and possible action. Update from dhr on the applications. Hello members of the board im bench min rich consultant with Human Resources. Providing a brief update on the recruitment for ig. The announcement period closed side june 24 open for 3 months. We received 37 applicants during the posting p. Ed and we conducted screening. Reviewing the qualifications so far. We have 5 applicant who is believe meet qualification in all areas and qualified to move forward. We will be sending an update e mail to all applicants letting them know we are reviewing application and moving forward. We sent reminder to all Board Members to complete the fairness in hiring training. Several of you very close thank you for that. And as out lined in our time line we presented to the board the next steps are to appropriate for the interviews. I believe we discussed questions for written is up elemental and in person questions. What role did the eccollusion of Law Enforcement experience or any hiring because it is so broad. Play in having only 5 applicants from the 37 . It was significant. We had a number of candidates excluded based on the largest thing that disqualified candidates would you estimate that numberism understand if you dont have an exact number. Like 5, 10, more than 10. Do you have a break down of how people were disqualified based on the qualification requirement and 5 years of Management Experience . So for the prequalifications the bachelors degree. Educational requirements. 5 years of Management Experience. And then the no employment in Law Enforcement agency. Nobody was disqualifyod education all met that. There were about hesitate to get this specifics about candaceidates we are in open session. But i would generally say that we had about half of them in the educational questions of law sxifkz out of that we have 5 who met all 3 qualifications. At this point will we be prohibited from looking at candidates who had lets than 5 years of Management Experience . So the posted announcement the job requirements in it if the board wushgs to change those that would be up to the board to take a vote on that. Dhr recommend repost figure we make a change to qualifications. Come who did not and meet may have chosen not to apply if they meet the new ones they may apply. Gi think in response we have a thorough discussion and i think the board had voted and determined that 3 years was insufficient given we were in a long covid period and i think with the agency like this, it really commands on hands experience and people skills and managerial skills im in favor keeping the 5 years i think it is really important. Given that we have 5 candidates who cleared the hurdles what were the next step in terms of time and the role of Board Members given that looks like we may be going on recess in august and therefore the next meetingly would be the first week in september . What would you need from the board what decisions need to be made . Next steps would be to develop the questions for the questionnaire and in person interviews. We would recommend. Closed session for this to have an open discussion and developing the selections that is next step to move forward. And would you create those questions . All of us have an opportunity to suggest questions . We would look to the Board Members to suggest questions. I think if i may suggest mr. Richie that, perhaps we ask all the Board Members to submit questions to mr. Brown and i can act as a liaison and asemble those questions for to you refine and then we may if we are at recess have a zoom meeting discussion of the questions would be closed session, anyway. And you would have the written questions at your disposal that will be a save and if there is a lag time for the oral questions that the interviews would not happen until september, anyway. Does that sound like a good plan . Yes, that would work. Is assessment the earliest we could conduct interviews with the 5 candidates . That happened be up to the board. As to the time line. Time line we have is advisory but up to the board if you choose to meet sooner or schedule interviews we work on your schedule. Im concerned any decisions about what questions used made by the entire board. We should all have input. I think that is the purpose of people submitting questions and weave have a closed session via zoom in light of the brick in august we would still have an entire board discussion. Regarding the applicants were total there are upon 37 that applies. Do you find 37 is common. Where it has been posted. Out of curiosity that if we are not satisfied with the 5 do we need to open up recruitment and exhausted all of our options. Po sfigz posted on dhrs jobs website. And it was highlighted on the main page and in addition it was posted on a number of external cites the job board. They were all the boards suggested by members. There was a lives 20 ish place somewhere free and some were paid. The 37 do they meet requirements for alternate hire if the initial hyper does not make it through . There are 5 applicants that meet the qualifications im not sure. How to answer. Did the other applicants meet qualifications or all disqualified. There were 5 total that met the qualifications. Mr. Richie back to the time line was something written in the post that was shared. For me im all about quality versus quantity f. We have 5 quality candidates that check the box in terms of qualifications, great. There was anything written in the application that suggested to twhem a time line might be or electric like that we need to make sure we are upholding our end or needing to share the time line will be pushed out because of x, y and z. Only time line was the closing date for the announcement. This is post on the bonjoureds website in the meeting minutes. For you were absent in the left meeting we had a closed session we discussed the exclusion part of the charter this says no one employed by a Law Enforcement agency, which is broad. Employment at the agency and not categorizing by jobs. Wlp a social worker or a sworn officer television is immaterial it is Law Enforcement agency. That i think caused a lot of the applicants to be disqualified. Having been on a panel to recruit Department Head for the city i think 37 is substantial amount of applicants and especially when it is posted 3 months. I know as a liaison i thank the Board Members for suggesting places where the Job Announcement was posted. Deputy City Attorney clark participating remote . I have comments. First im happy to answer questions. You should not discuss in closed session without a row to disclose. You are voted not disclose. And thats the first thing and the second thing is im not sure i understand the suggestion need to bes clear board cant meet remote. So photocopy the body it has to meet in person even if it is closed session. Thats correct. ; is that correct. That is noted. Thank you. Other questions for deputy City Attorney clark you answered my question. Okay. I had a question. Say that we give off our questions the candaceidates are interviewed. Brought before us. And we still are not satisfied that this person should be were in that position permanent low. My question is this, because of the eleventh time take us to hire someone, would we be able to select out of the 5 temporary person to get office up and raining and staffed because that process will take a long time no matter who or when we hire someone permanent. Is that a possibility . This situation . I dont know the toorns that question. I can look into it and get back. That is a good question for the deputy City Attorney can we select someone as an interim role . I think it would be interesting as an applicant fiapplyd and you know im selected as an interim. Still with in running for permanent. But you know. Give a chance. Jana . I dont know yu couldnt but thats [inaudible] [inaudible] move forward with that. And [inaudible] [echo] if we can look at your point this is your first go around talk to clothe fist there are positions or Department Heads hired upon interim capacity and what that looks like. You know moving forward. There were suggestions from experienced people on Oversight Boards and one suggested that if it took a long time to hire somebody and needed to get things started to consider having someone on contract a retired Inspector General. City attorney clark will you speak to your labor folks and when do you think can you and get become to us on that so this way we have that around. Yes. Okay. I can i will. We see you now. Since our next meet suggest in august im concerned whether we can meet again had july to finalize those and give them to the candidates. And then set a date or date in swhaept we would conduct the interviews which we have to be in closed session. If members have questions submit instead next 2 weeks that at the end of july i dont know what members calendars look like. Schedule a special meeting would that have to be on sfgovtv or recorded as the upon community. There is no requirement you meet on sfgovtv. Okay. You have a public remember meeting we would not need to meet in a room with cameras might give us more flexibility for meeting location. I think the issue issing we had challenges with Community Meetings and thing this is come up because we are human. So i think you know im for meeting again in july i thank you seems like a possible. I do think that in terms of making that decision, we should promptly give our schedule to dan to figure out if this is possible. For july. I can you know. We will be the one coordinating and figure out if we can cothat the last week of july . I have a clarification. I will most likely not make the special meeting. We can submit questions we want i mean i submit to dan and tell be shared. Okay there are question this is dhr has in terms of formal interviews that dhr that you guys impelement. I have been in city interviews there are standard questions as well. Yes. Okay. That would be good and member brookter the training and certification. Yes. Mr. Richie can you tell us how the interview process will go and how the rating process will go . When we have out lined in the schedule is that there would be 2 rounds of first supplemental written questionnaire cent and fill it out and return it. Those question arias rated and then based off that the board can bring any or all in for in person interviews. And those interviews would be rated and the board make a sdichlgz as far as selection or impeleven other Selection Processes they wish to use. Couple of follow ups. Who would be rating the supplemental written applications. Board members. Wield . Yes. And would you give us a rubric to rate those . That would be a discussion we have developing the questions is the rubric we develop. Standard practice we have examples or rubric for suggestions of responses and average and low responses. Would the board member rate those individual low or meet . So. The standards practice the Board Members each do their own ratings and meet to review them. Our are guidance is that the final scores should be within a point of each other we dont have to have the exact scores. We want to avoid wide range of individual questions dont want one rating a 5 and one on the same question if using the same scoring guidelines they should be close. Alternative to the board do we reuse subject Matter Experts or dhr rates the written questions themselves . It is possible to have experts. The board general low considered subject Matter Experts for this process. In the charter board is responsible for the selection. I cant upon i would recommend the board if the board wants to look at alternative i have to check in not sure if this is an option. I agree, also with that statement because you know we do bring as a past prosecutor doing investigations and we all bring different skill sets i think whether we figure out a 1 to 5 and 10, i think we can manage doing that. Together. Dot rating of where i want questions that would not require an additional meeting . That would be a question for attorney clark. I was texting the labor. Can you repeat